My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 955 Dinner Date

At Taeyeon's house, the three of them gathered together again and drank coffee leisurely, waiting for dinner time to arrive. The three of them leisurely discussed the security issues of Pani's new dormitory. Pani said: "This new dormitory feels like the dormitory we lived in when we debuted as girls. The security is only in the lobby on the first floor. There is an access control at the main door, but the access control does not seem to be working properly. It was fully open. Taeyeon also saw it when she went there.”

The old community that Girls' Generation used in the early days of their debut had a gate, but the gate was almost never used. If you are unfamiliar with someone who comes in, only the lobby on the first floor will ask you a little. In such an old community, there is only one registration person in the lobby on the first floor. If he needs to do other things, there will be an empty situation, and outsiders can walk in without hesitation.

Compared with Taeyeon's community, it is stricter. Only people with owner's cards can enter the gate, and the entrance method is one card at a time. Although the one-card entry method is a little more troublesome, the owners who live there feel more at ease. One card at a time, it is impossible to follow the entrance from the gate. And that's not all. The first floor of Taeyeon's building not only has access control, but also has an exclusive manager.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Now you are very rich, whether you rent or buy a house, I personally think it's pretty good. Three million a month for two bedrooms, I think it's pretty good."

Pani said in a dilemma: "I just don't know whether to buy a house or rent a house. Seeing that the contract period is coming in the second half of next year, I don't have an accurate idea yet whether to renew the contract or not."

Regarding the renewal of the contract next year, Sika has publicly stated in the team that she plans to focus more on her personal brand career in the future, so she does not plan to renew the contract after it expires. After Sika publicly stated that she would not renew her contract, they all began to consider their futures. However, Taeyeon's solo career is developing very well, and the company will definitely negotiate with her to renew her contract.

And Taeyeon herself feels that after ten years of cooperation with the company, she has a very good understanding of the company's model and the staff behind the scenes. Should I switch to another brokerage company? This is something worth considering. But as for Pani, she has negotiated preferential treatment. Even if the company renews her contract, because her solo performance this time is not that good, she will definitely not be given too much in terms of renewal money.

From a businessman's perspective, almost all the dividends from Girls' Generation have been squeezed out. Contract renewal and whether they can continue to make the company profitable is something worth considering.

Zhang Pingan looked at Pani and Taeyeon and said, "How about you two come to my company? I will set up a brokerage company specifically for you two."

Zhang Pingan's words made both Taeyeon and Pani widen their eyes in surprise. Then Pani looked at Zhang Pingan with a smile and said: "Ah, have you planned to put me and Taeyeon... No, you Have you been eyeing our Girls’ Generation for a long time?”

Zhang Pingan immediately shook his head and said: "No, I just saw that you have been struggling with this issue for a long time and still can't make a decision, so I just said it casually. If you really want me to set up another brokerage company, I will still It's really troublesome. As you can see, the two brokerage companies I have acquired are now managed by the original representatives, and I rarely manage the company. So, let's forget about setting up the company. tired."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's response, Taeyeon raised her eyebrows slightly, then looked up at him and said, "I think you are lazy, right?"

Zhang Ping'an snapped his fingers towards Taeyeon: "Lazy? I never think that I am lazy, but my life is limited, and I have to enjoy my life in the limited time. Just like you now have at least one Three million dollars in interest, right? If you don’t take time off for yourself, how will you spend it? So you just look at me superficially,

You say I'm lazy, but I use the "laziness" you say to appreciate a different world. For example, this time the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone Park. In my eyes, what is real laziness is lying on the bed and playing "Music Master". "

Listening to Zhang Pingan's last words directed at her, Taeyeon directly said to Zhang Pingan: "You want to die, don't you?"

You must know that Zhang Pingan and Pani have been fighting each other for more than two years after they met, so when it comes to thorny words, Zhang Pingan beats Kim Taeyeon.

Just when Zhang Pingan was smiling, his cell phone rang. Looking at Yang Yueyue's call, Zhang Pingan answered the phone and said in fluent Chinese: "Is it done?"

Yang Yueyue said: "I've booked a flight ticket for tomorrow at noon. I packed it up and found that it couldn't fit in one box. I'm going to buy a box."

Zhang Pingan said: "Okay, you go buy it. You keep calling me tomorrow morning until you wake me up. Because I just came back from the United States, the time difference is reversed. If I can't come by then, I will definitely Arrange for someone else to send it to you.”

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Pingan said: "The two trainees from Huaxia are going back."

Zhang Ping'an brought two trainees over from China. This was something both Taeyeon and Pani knew. Now that I heard that they are going back, Taeyeon asked in doubt: "Are you going back? Don't you plan to debut in Korea?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "One is a Chinese girl group that debuted in 'Shanghai 48' and 'AKB48' producer Yasushi Akimoto. She came here just to learn the system. The other one I am planning to arrange for her to join in China Debut. It’s almost time, and she has been here for a year. Before my women’s team is ready, I will let her go back to China to practice.”

Pani thought that Zhang Pingan ignored the artists of his company in South Korea. How could he be in such a good mood to produce a girl group after returning to China? Pani looked at him in wonder and said, "Are you planning to create a girl group in China?"

"I still produced the current national girl group 'I.O.I'. Why can't I produce a girl group?"

Pani said with a smile: "Oh? Are you going to create a talent show girl group, and then insert members of your company into it?"

Zhang Ping'an immediately said to Pani: "Do you think I'm the kind of person who cheats? In this IOI women's team audition, I just wanted to avoid others questioning the fairness of my program. I didn't even sign up for our company's practice Still alive."

Pani immediately gave up and admitted defeat and said: "I know, you are fair and you are powerful. However, are you confident that people in your company will get high votes?"

"Vote, it's easy for me. You all know that 'AKB' has a general election, right?"

Of course Girls' Generation is aware of Japan's AKB general election model. Pani nodded and said: "Of course, they make money every year by voting."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Hey, another trainee under our company is the one from 'Shanghai 48'. She won the first place in the general election this time, and our company directly bought her votes to push her up."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Pani said dissatisfied: "Isn't this tantamount to fraud?"

"This is not fraud, but star-making! The general election is a star-making event, don't you think so? Okay, don't talk about this. I've been dozing off after chatting for a while. Let's go and eat. Eat. After dinner, I have to go back and rest!"

In order to adapt to the time difference in Asia as soon as possible after returning, Zhang Pingan did not sleep long on the plane. Now I'm starting to feel a little tired just sitting there.

The three of them went out together, with Zhang Pingan driving a four-seater Ferrari ‘GTC4LUSSO’. Although it is a Ferrari, its rear seats are not as crowded as other so-called four-seat two-doors.

Taeyeon was slightly smaller than Pani, so she volunteered to sit in the back. She laughed after sitting in the back seat: "Hahaha, the back seat of this car is really comfortable, and it doesn't feel crowded at all."

Pani glanced at the car next to him and said, "I've driven that 'DB11' once and I don't want to drive it a second time. "

Zhang Ping'an said while wearing his seat belt: "Why? Didn't you say that car is easy to drive?"

Pani said: "I raised the seat to the highest position, but the view is still very poor!"

Taeyeon said, "You'll get used to it. So, drive a low-profile car like mine more often."

The four-seater Ferrari comfortably carried the two of them to today's dinner restaurant, a well-known potato spine soup shop. After the sun goes down in Seoul, the weather is only in the early 10s, so a warm pot of chili soup is a good choice.

The three of them went to eat a little early, arriving at 5:30, but the restaurant was already filled with two or three tables of customers. After Pani and Taeyeon entered the store, they asked for a private room, while Zhang Pingan parked at the door. The store was on a small road, so Zhang Pingan had to pull over.

Zhang Pingan just parked his car, and many people around him cast their eyes on the bright red Ferrari. Maybe many people here are seeing people driving Ferraris to eat chiropractic soup for the first time.

Zhang Pingan parked the car and got out of the car. Many people around him recognized him. Some male compatriots even called Zhang Pingan directly: "PD Zhang, the car is very handsome."

Faced with these gentle greetings, Zhang Ping'an would smile and nod at them politely, which was regarded as a response.

After entering the restaurant, Zhang Pingan sat down and waited for the spine soup to be served. Taeyeon had already started arranging the dishes, and Pani smiled and made a drinking gesture towards Zhang Pingan. Zhang Pingan stopped and said, "I won't drink anymore. I will be responsible for sending you back later. By the way, are you staying at Taeyeon's house today?"

Pani smiled and said: "Besides, if I figure it out, it would be a good choice for me to stay in a hotel. I haven't stayed in a hotel in Seoul yet."

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