The first song that hidden singer Taeyeon performed was her first song "If", and this song was her first song, and it was also her solo performance that gained a lot of attention.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to Pani beside him: "Taeyeon's pronunciation of each word has a habit of hers. I can know it the moment I hear her singing."

Zhang Ping'an was full of confidence in Taeyeon's voice. Taeyeon entered the bucket and the live music started to play. No. 1, officially started singing. When Zhang Pingan heard the voice of No. 1, he immediately rejected the idea that this person was Taeyeon, because it felt like she was slurring her words when singing. To put it bluntly, it felt like she was drooling too much. , it is an indescribable feeling.

Zhang Pingan smiled and tilted his head to Pani beside him and said: "This is definitely not Taeyeon. Taeyeon's singing voice is quite clean and crisp. Did this person just drink grapefruit tea and sing? There is too much saliva in the mouth." Too much, this is not a good habit.”

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Pani smiled and hit Zhang Pingan twice with her elbows. Because there were cameras on the scene to capture Pani, she didn't dare to go too far. She suppressed a smile and said: "You have too much saliva, you are really Hahaha." In the end, Pani felt that what Zhang Pingan said was quite interesting, and she covered her mouth in embarrassment and laughed. Because it’s true that that person drooled a lot when he sang.

At this time, Zhang Pingan looked down and saw that the dress Pani was wearing was short, and her legs were exposed. So at this time, she was sitting with her legs crossed to prevent exposure, while Seohyun and Yuri were wearing culottes, so there was no issue of exposure. Zhang Pingan took off his suit jacket in a gentlemanly manner and put it on Pani's lap. His small move was noticed by many viewers present, and many female guests felt that Zhang Pingan's move was very considerate.

The song continued to be sung on the stage, and it wasn't until the performance reached number five that Zhang Ping'an laughed: "Yes, Taeyeon, number five is definitely number five." Pani nodded and said, "Well, I also think number five is The number is Taeyeon.”

But when No. 6 started singing, Pani's eyes widened in confusion: "This voice also sounds very much like Taeyeon's. Anyway, it's either No. 5 or No. 6."

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "No. 5, when I heard No. 5's voice, I felt, yes, this is Taeyeon."

After the first round of singing the song was over, Jun Hyun Moo asked the music critic: "What number do you think is not Taeyeon?"

The music critic said: "I think No. 5. Because the highlight of this song is singing a not-so-high scale in falsetto. It is a very clean falsetto, but No. 5 does not give me that clean feeling. ”

Quan Xianwu said: "Are you saying that there are some problems with No. 5's handling of the conversion between true and false sounds?"

The music critic said: "Yes,

There's something wrong with the real and false sounds. "

The host asked again: "Are you sure that No. 5 is not Taeyeon?"

"I hope not?" The music critic is not completely sure whether the person standing in No. 5 is Taeyeon? After all, he wasn't particularly familiar with Taeyeon's voice. He just judged it based on a feeling. How could he be sure?

Quan Xianwu smiled and turned to Zhang Pingan and asked: "Let's listen to other people's opinions? Zhang Pingan, what number do you think is not Taeyeon?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "First of all, I can be 100% sure that No. 1 and No. 3 are definitely not Taeyeon. Because No. 1 doesn't make too many comments, you can hear the big difference if you listen carefully. Taeyeon's voice is clean It's neat, but No. 1 is a little slurred. It can be heard that she has not been professionally trained when breathing, because the breathing sound is a bit floaty."

Jeon Hyun-moo said, "It would be a bit funny if Taeyeon came out of No. 1 and No. 3."

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "If Taeyeon comes out of No.1 and No.3, I will invite everyone in the audience to drink coffee. If Taeyeon does not come out of No.1 or No.3, Quan Xianwu, you have to invite everyone Want some coffee?”

When Zhang Pingan's words fell, the whole audience burst into cheers. There were more than a hundred people present. One cup of coffee costs four thousand. One hundred cups is four hundred thousand won, which is about 2,300 Chinese dollars.

So Quan Xianwu immediately gave up and said: "Forget it, forget it, I really don't know what number Taeyeon is in. So what number do you think Taeyeon is?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "No. 5!"

When Zhang Ping'an confirmed Taeyeon's location, many people were surprised, because many people felt that No. 5 was not Taeyeon. Even the previous music critic said that No. 5 was true or false. There is a problem with the audio conversion. But Zhang Pingan insists that Taeyeon is in No. 5?

"Zhang Pingan, many people think that No. 5 is not Taeyeon. What if she didn't come out of No. 5?" Quan Xianwu said again, and Zhang Pingan's answer was still the same: "What if Taeyeon didn't come out of No. 5?" Come out, what if I invite everyone in the room to drink coffee?”

Jun Hyunwu still didn't dare to accept the move, and he immediately asked the next person: "That's right, let's listen to the opinions of Girls' Generation members first. Hyoyeon, what date do you think Taeyeon is?"

"Number five, or number six."

"Are you sure Taeyeon is on the 5th or 6th?"

Hyoyeon said not so sure: "Anyway, it's either No. 5, No. 6, or No. 4?" She added a number again, which made the audience laugh.

"Oh, there are three Taeyeons! Yuri, what about you?"

Yuli responded: "No. 5, or No. 6, because when the two of them sang at the same time, I wondered what it was? Because they are very similar."

Pani continued what Yuli said: "People have practiced a lot this time, and there are people whose pronunciation really looks like Taeyeon."

"As Taeyeon's closest relative, when do you think Taeyeon is?"

Pani smiled and said: "No. 5! When I heard No. 5's voice, I immediately thought it was Taeyeon! Although No. 6's voice is very similar to Taeyeon, you understand that familiar feeling?"

The guest next to me said, "As soon as I heard it, I knew it was Taeyeon, just like I heard her talking every day."

"Yes, that's what it feels like."

Jeon Hyun Moo said: "Lee Hyojun, Taeyeon's relatives and teammates all think she is on the 5th."

The music critic said with a smile: "For the first time, I feel that sitting in this position is a bit unnatural."

The host said: "Taeyeon." Taeyeon who was in the bucket responded: "Yes."

"Do you have anything to say to the members?"

Taeyeon sighed and said: "Hey"

After Taeyeon sighed, everyone laughed. What number is Taeyeon in? It hasn't been announced yet, and it's time to announce the votes. Number 3, who received the most votes for not being like Taeyeon, left the stage.

Jeon Hyun-wu continued: "Now Taeyeon's teammates and relatives think she is in No. 5. Our sound critics think there is a big problem with the conversion of No. 5's real and false sounds. So what number is Taeyeon in? And? Numbers 4 and 6 received the lowest number of votes in the audience, let’s reveal the real Taeyeon!”

The lights at the scene dimmed, nervous music played loudly, and everyone's eyes were focused on the three positions in the back half area 456.

Door No. 5 slowly opened, and the spotlight from the scene also shined towards Door No. 5. Sure enough, Taeyeon really came out of No. 5, the lights at the venue turned on again, and the music critic bowed his head in embarrassment.

He also mentioned earlier that there was a problem with the conversion of real and false voices in No. 5. Who knew that No. 5 was actually Taeyeon?

After Taeyeon came out, the host smiled and said: "Taeyeon, among your teammates, only Hyoyeon didn't guess it. She thought it was you in Number 6."

Taeyeon responded with a gentle smile: "I was shocked when I heard No. 6's voice, as if I was listening to my own sound source. It seems I need to cheer up."

Quan Xianwu smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, but it's time for you to cheer up. Our musician who has been working as a musician for 17 years said that you have some problems with the conversion between true and false sounds."

The music critic covered her face and was so embarrassed, but Taeyeon smiled and spoke for the music critic: "Actually, my singing state fluctuates a lot. If I don't sing very seriously, I may make some mistakes. Bar?"

The host smiled and said: "It's time to get serious. As the original singer, you have higher votes than No. 4 and No. 6. Taeyeon, Zhang Pingan guessed your voice so definitely, what do you want to say? "?"

Taeyeon looked at Zhang Pingan gently and said: "Didn't he say that as a fan, he may listen to my singing more than my members, such as Hyoyeon? So he can guess it, and I don't think it's strange. . It’s our Hyoyeon!”

Taeyeon sighed again towards Hyoyeon, which made the audience laugh again: "Hahaha!!"

After a brief chat, the program team announced the second song, which was the song that established Girls' Generation as the dominant girl group.

But Zhang Pingan was very worried. He took the microphone and said: "Actually, such team songs are more difficult for those of us present to guess. Because team songs have fixed words and phrases, no one present Have you ever heard Taeyeon sing someone else's lyrics? Maybe the song is familiar to Taeyeon, but the sentences she sings are unfamiliar. Maybe her way of singing is different, especially the patterns in it. There are several singers whose voices are very similar to Taeyeon, so it might really throw everyone into confusion.”

When Zhang Pingan expressed his worries, the audience felt that it made sense. Indeed, none of them had ever heard Taeyeon sing other people's words, so it is very likely that she gave the audience a strange feeling.

Then it's possible that Taeyeon's voice is not Taeyeon's voice as imagined.

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