My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 984 Year 30 (Part 2)

The streets of Shanghai on New Year's Eve are quite quiet compared to normal days. The usual bustling traffic has become less common on this special day. The streets are no longer congested, which is the most pleasant thing. You want to feel comfortable and drive freely on the roads in the top cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, just for one or two days a year.

Today, Fatty drew eyeliner and put on beautiful makeup. I have to say that after applying makeup, Pang Di looks more like a goddess. This is quite different from Fatty who makes people laugh every day. Especially when she was sitting in the passenger seat and was quiet due to nervousness, she felt like a goddess.

Her dress today is casual, but not that casual, because she chose calm black. She wears close-fitting black casual jeans, a looser off-white sweater inside, and a jacket with a 'sheep fleece' lining. Some of the 'sheep wool' exposed from the clothes can add some cute elements.

Zhang Pingan's outfit today was quite casual. He wore a winter denim jacket with a lambswool lining, a hooded sweatshirt, and a pair of black jeans. He was dressed like this to match Fatty's outfit.

Fatty, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at the address on the navigation screen and saw that there was still one kilometer left. She pulled down the sun visor, opened the mirror above and started to make final arrangements. Fatty has long wavy hair and delicate and charming facial features. Of course, this is related to her Western origin. After the final touch-up and tidying up, when the vehicle arrived at Zhang Ping'an's parents' home, Pang Di adjusted his sitting posture.

Tan Palace is the most prestigious villa complex in Shanghai. The people here are either rich or noble. After the security guard at the door saluted the vehicle driven by Zhang Pingan and let it go, Pang Di became nervous.

Zhang Ping'an turned to look at Fatty's nervous look, and smiled: "Relax, my family is not a dragon's nest. Let's go have a simple lunch and go out for a walk in the afternoon."

The New Year's Eve dinner was the highlight, so after lunch, Zhang Pingan didn't want her to feel uncomfortable sitting at home, so he thought of taking her out for a walk after dinner.

Fatty listened to Zhang Pingan's comfort. She took two deep breaths, exhaled, and then showed a sweet smile to Zhang Pingan: "How is it? I don't have any problems, right?"

"Of course not, it's perfect. We're here, let's go." The vehicle had stopped in front of the very large villa.

Zhang Ping'an casually parked the car at the door without getting out of the underground garage. The two got out of the car together.

When he came to Zhang Ping'an's home for the first time, Pang Di was very nervous. After getting off the car, Zhang Pingan held her hand and entered the door of the house together. Pangdi opened the door and looked at the corner of the living room exposed by the open entrance door at the end of the corridor. She just felt that it was good to have money. Such a long corridor is simply a waste of space.

Pang Di followed Zhang Ping'an into the room. The first thing he saw was the spacious atrium area and the open living room next to it.

Zhang Ping'an led Pang Di towards his parents in the living room. At this time, the two elders also turned to look at their returning son. Both of them looked at Zhang Pingan with gentle smiles, and then turned their eyes from Zhang Pingan to Fat Di.

Mother Zhang smiled and said, "I thought you would come here in the afternoon. At noon, your father and I planned to make some simple dumplings."

Making dumplings is a Chinese New Year tradition in the north. However, for those living in the south, dumplings are not a must-have for New Year’s Eve dinner. So you can eat this thing or not eat it. Maybe Aunt Li in the kitchen will be busy preparing steamed dishes for dinner starting at noon, and these things take up a lot of space on the stove. So Father Zhang and Mother Zhang wanted to have something simple for lunch, and dumplings were also a very simple dish to celebrate the New Year.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Okay.

It’s not bad to have a meal of dumplings for lunch, for Chinese New Year. Mom, dad, this is Dilirela, a native of the Western Regions, currently engaged in acting. "

Zhang Ping'an introduced Pang Di to her parents, and she politely greeted Zhang's father and mother: "Uncle, aunt, hello, it's the first time we meet."

Mother Zhang smiled gently at Fatty and said, "This isn't the first time we've met. We went to Seoul on a business trip last time."

Fatty clenched his fists nervously and responded seriously: "Yes, we were filming in Seoul last time, so I am honored to meet you, aunt, in Seoul."

Mother Zhang smiled when she saw this and said, "Don't be nervous, sit down and be casual. Ping An, why don't you ask your girlfriend what she wants to drink?"

Before Zhang Pingan could sit down, he turned to look at Fatty and said, "I'll get you a soda. You sit down for a while."

When Zhang Ping'an stood up and left, Zhang's mother smiled and said, "If you want to follow him, go ahead, lest you become more embarrassed sitting here."

Faced with Zhang's mother directly breaking the awkward atmosphere, Pang Di gave up and said, "No, no." Zhang Ping'an, who had just taken two steps, turned to look at Pang Di, who was suppressed by his mother's aura. , he couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Mother Zhang looked at Pang Di's appearance seriously and said with a smile: "The Western Regions have beautiful mountains and rivers, and the people are even more beautiful! Do you have any customs during the Spring Festival there?"

The Western Regions have been integrated into China for many years. Although they retain their own traditional festivals, they will also celebrate the Spring Festival with China. Fatty responded to Zhang's mother with a smile: "We have a bonfire party over there. In the central square of the city, we like to get together to sing and dance to celebrate the Spring Festival."

Mother Zhang said with a gentle smile: "It's good for everyone to get together to celebrate. But now our New Year has become much more deserted."

At this time, Zhang Pingan came over with soda water and continued what his mother said: "It's not very deserted, right? It's just that I have a small family, so it doesn't make much difference whether I celebrate the New Year or not. On the other hand, other big families ..”

Father Zhang said at this time: "The family is very big, and there are many troubles."

The family is very big, and if the people's hearts are not in order, this 'family' will become a kind of turmoil. Looking back at Zhang Ping'an's home, although it seems a lot deserted compared to other families at the end of the year, it is also a lot warmer.

After saying this, Father Zhang stood up and said, "I'm going to make noodles, and we'll make dumplings later."

Because Aunt Li would definitely be too busy in the kitchen alone, Father Zhang prepared to make the noodles by himself. At this time, Fatty said: "Uncle, can I help you?"

Father Zhang said with a smile: "Sit down and rest. Everyone at home is on holiday during the New Year. Now there is only one aunt left here to celebrate the New Year. She is preparing the New Year's Eve dinner and is too busy right now."

Father Zhang did not ask Fatty to help, but at least Fatty had this attitude.


When Zhang's father went to the kitchen, Zhang's mother said slowly and leisurely: "How is your work situation recently?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and responded: "It's not bad, the situation over there has calmed down, so it's basically back on track."

Mother Zhang raised her eyebrows and said, "What if we don't get back on track? Will money fall from the sky to feed the public? As for people, even if they cry, they still need to eat, so that they can survive."

Zhang Pingan smiled, took a sip of water, and then said to his mother: "That's a bit far."

Zhang's mother smiled, looked at Zhang Pingan and said, "You really don't plan to take over the investment company? I have observed your investment cases several times recently and you are doing pretty well. Have you made a lot of money recently?"

Zhang Pingan told his mother about investing in Bitcoin, and she also told him when he made the move. According to the market prices, Zhang Pingan's mother knew that Zhang Pingan had made a lot of money. Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "I just made a little money, well, small money. Forget about the company, I really don't know how to invest."

Mother Zhang said with a smile: "If you don't want to take over, don't take over. However, there are not many opportunities to make money this year, and this is obviously speculation. Next, how are you going to arrange the funds?"

Zhang Ping'an responded: "There are no special arrangements, just wait and see what good projects come next."

Mother Zhang nodded and said: "The Internet is still worth investing in. You can pay attention to it. Oh, did you read the Didi Synthesis Case?"

"I don't care, and I don't plan to invest. It's okay to play occasionally, but it's not necessary to do research. By the way, what does the company think of the OFO survey?"

Zhang's mother smiled and said: "Haha, I got A+ and I'm going to take action next year. What? You still want to take the exam?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "No, I just think he is better at telling stories. Last time he went to Yanjing, he wanted to fool me. What are you talking about about the sharing economy? Bring your money and I will help you spend it. This is called Sharing? The most ridiculous thing is shared offices. I looked around and I know that this so-called "sharing" is very deceptive. I get the story and you get the money. Is this the so-called shared office? I'm still used to it. Keep the flowers for yourself.”

Mother Zhang said with a smile: "If you can't tell a story in the current market, you won't be able to raise money. People will be fooled only if the story is beautiful. Hey, the current market is just a game of drumming and passing flowers to see who can run faster."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "The story is the beginning, isn't it all about marketing in the end? It used to be repeated advertising bombing, but now we have entered the Internet age. After I produce a product, I spend money to invite 20 celebrities to talk about their experience. Of the twenty, sixteen said it was good, three said it was average, and the remaining one said they didn’t like it. After a lot of hype, the product became popular. Think about it, you still have to wait in line for a cup of milk tea? I really learned a lot. I asked them why they lined up to take two photos? Internet celebrities drive the economy."

"Marketing is actually just a trick of psychological suggestion. How about your young people's favorite health food 'avocado'?"

"I know that it is the most marketed fruit. In fact, the so-called 'efficacy' is just exaggerated."

Mother Zhang said with a smile: "It was originally on the list of prohibited imports. The oil content exceeds that of pork! The most important thing is that its various effects have been touted to the sky. It is like a magic medicine. Such marketing is to the end, Everyone also believes that it is a healthy fruit!”

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