My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 326 Taeyeon, Sika

If a person suddenly becomes fond of drinking, the only explanation may really be because of loneliness. Especially for people like Kwon Yuli, she has no special hobbies other than practicing yoga during her free time. And it’s impossible to practice yoga all day long, right? So she didn't know what to do in the remaining time after finishing the exercise, because no matter what she did, she had to consider that she still had her girlhood on her head.

If you make a mistake and cause news or something, all your teammates must bear the responsibility. So she simply didn't do anything and went to have dinner and drink with her friends. Who knew that the taste would start to show up as she drank like that? Wine has become her best friend in her spare time. As long as you drink and don't do anything that breaks the law, like driving or something. Even if there are slight mistakes, everyone can understand it. After all, everyone makes mistakes when they are drunk.

After listening to Zhang Ping'an's words, Sika only nodded and smiled: "Maybe, the only way to avoid making mistakes is to do nothing. Just like my side business this time, if I didn't have your help, maybe."

She also knew that if Zhang Pingan hadn't intervened in her affairs, the solution would never have been so satisfactory.

Zhang Ping'an poured out the hot hangover soup with a slight smile. After placing the rice, he clasped his hands and said with a smile: "I'm really grateful to auntie. Every time I drink, she is considerate. Thank you very much. I'm going to start." "

When Zhang Pingan said his words of thanks and was about to pick up the spoon and take a sip of the warm soup, Taeyeon walked out of the bedroom in a daze, swaying from side to side as she walked.

Zhang Ping'an looked at Taeyeon's hangover state, Taeyeon's pure natural state without even having time to comb her hair. He smiled softly and said softly: "Are you awake?"

Taeyeon's expression after the hangover was very uncomfortable. She leaned on the wall and nodded to Zhang Ping'an and responded: "Well, my head hurts. Sika, are you back?"

Sika looked at Taeyeon's haggard look and said caringly: "You're not a good drinker, why are you crazy with them? Go wash up, your hair is a mess. I'll give you hangover soup, wash it out and eat it Something.”

Taeyeon covered her chest and said, "My stomach feels a little uncomfortable, my head feels dizzy, and I don't want to eat anything."

There are different ways to sober up. Some people like to eat spicy food to suppress the discomfort in their stomach. But some people don't want to eat anything because their stomachs feel uncomfortable, and they may have to wait until their stomachs calm down a bit before eating anything, and Taeyeon falls into the latter category.

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "There is freshly brewed coffee. Can I pour you a cup?"

"Thank you, pp." After saying that, Taeyeon sat down opposite Zhang Pingan.

Then she began to use her hands as a comb to straighten her long hair.

Zhang Ping'an's attitude towards Taeyeon is always so gentle, which makes Sika sitting next to her a little annoyed, but she can't show it too obviously, otherwise it will appear that she is too stingy.

Zhang Ping'an personally poured Taeyeon a cup of coffee, then sat down and started eating the hangover soup prepared by Sika's mother. Taeyeon combed her hair and tied it into a ponytail. She took a sip of coffee to warm her stomach.

Taeyeon placed her eyes softly on the coffee cup. After a brief taste, she looked up at Sika with a smile and said, "When did you come back? I'm really sorry for delaying your and Zhang Ping'an's world. "

Are you sorry? I don't know why Sika didn't feel guilty in Taeyeon's words. Instead, she felt that she said her apology very casually, as if she was saying "goodbye" after meeting. Is she being perfunctory, or is it a little thought that she didn't realize?

No matter what Taeyeon was thinking, or whether she was truly sorry, Sika responded with a good face: "Hey, what are you talking about? We two have plenty of time in this world."

Sika's words also have other meanings. They are a declaration of sovereignty to Taeyeon: Zhang Pingan is mine, and we can be together at any time.

Another meaning is: Even if you and Zhang Pingan have a good relationship, he belongs to me when I am here, and it is legitimate!

Taeyeon smiled and said, "I'm going to wake them up. This is not a dormitory after all."

Zhang Pingan, who was eating, stopped and said, "It's okay, let them sleep. We'll tell them when they wake up."

Taeyeon said: "When they wake up, they will probably go in the afternoon."

Zhang Pingan glanced at Yuli and Xiaoyuan, who were still sleeping soundly, and said with a smile: "Let them rest more if they don't have a schedule. Aren't they the same here and in the dormitory? It's okay."

Zhang Ping'an really thinks it's okay, isn't he just resting at home? He wouldn't say that he would feel inconvenienced because of their presence. Besides, Zhang Pingan was originally a person who was afraid of loneliness. Now that there are so many people at home, this is not bad for him. Even if they are at home, they will be very uncomfortable. It's noisy, but it's better than being alone at home.

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Well, since you said so, I won't call them. They will leave naturally after they wake up."

Zhang Pingan nodded and looked at Sika: "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Sika said: "I will eat at home tonight, you can come with me."

Because she has been overseas for such a long time and just came back today, Sika also wants to have a meal with her mother. She can't fall in love, and her family doesn't even need to accompany her, right?

Zhang Ping'an hesitated for two seconds and then nodded and said: "Um, I know, let's go buy some things in the afternoon. Although we live upstairs and downstairs, this is the first time we have officially visited."

This is the custom in Korea. You can't go empty-handed when visiting someone's home for the first time, so Zhang Pingan thought about buying something for their home. Although the Sika family certainly lacks everything, this is also Zhang Ping'an's wish.

Sika smiled, and then said to Taeyeon: "I can't eat with you today."

When listening to Sika asking Zhang Pingan to go to her house, Taeyeon didn't know why she felt a little sour in her heart, but she pretended to be calm and said, "It's okay, you go and do your work. We will wait for them to wake up later." Let’s go. We have a trip tomorrow.”

Then Taeyeon smiled and changed the subject: "By the way, Sika, what do you think of the press conference in Europe this time?"

Sika smiled and tilted her head and said: "It's okay, this year's color trend is military green. Green round-neck jackets should become the mainstream style this year. Jeans and so on, there hasn't been much change. This year I mainly The design is still on jeans and shirts.”

Zhang Ping'an said doubtfully: "Isn't winter coming soon? Shirts, jeans, these are not spring and autumn. It seems that the conference is spring and autumn. By the way, isn't Seoul Fashion Week going to be held soon? Sika, is your brand participating in the exhibition? ?”

Sika shook her head and said: "Our brand's current design is too simple, with scarves, sunglasses, and other small fashion accessories. We may have to wait until next year for large-scale launches of clothing, right? Xiuying has already started designing. It’s her personal series. I wonder if Pani will get involved?”

Zhang Ping'an said: "Pani may not have that much time recently. They, Taiti Xu, are still in the promotion period. And once the promotion period is over, aren't you going to Japan?"

Sika thought for a moment and said, "Let's talk about it later and ask her when she wakes up."

Zhang Pingan chatted with Sika while eating. Taeyeon discovered that Zhang Pingan and Sika's chats were all about their careers, which was completely different from the content of their chats. They usually chat with Zhang Pingan about daily life. It feels like Sika has opened a gap with them. Just because of a brand, Sika has become a businessman.

When Zhang Pingan finished his meal, he put down his chopsticks and said to Sika again: "Thank you, Auntie, it's very delicious."

"Wait later, you can tell her yourself. Pack up, let's go?" After Sika said this, she glanced at Taeyeon sitting next to her, meaning, we are leaving, you guys are here to love Just do whatever you want.

Zhang Ping'an nodded, and then said to Taeyeon: "They will get up soon to drink hangover soup, just heat it up. I have cooked the rice. Sika and I will go out first."

"I know, we'll leave after they wake up."

Zhang Ping'an changed clothes and went out with Sika, while Taeyeon was still sitting at the dining table in the living room, looking at the quiet surroundings. The sound of their sleeping breathing vaguely reached her ears.

After Zhang Pingan left inexplicably, Taeyeon felt that her heart became hollow. Even though her teammates were around, Taeyeon's mood was extremely low.

When Sika was not in South Korea, she felt that although the time she spent with Zhang Pingan was short, she had an indescribable sense of happiness. Unfortunately, this happiness did not belong to her.

This was the first time Taeyeon seriously thought about it. If she hadn't been so stupid to fall in love with Zhang Ping'an when she first met, would the two of them have been together?

But what if in the world?

After sitting there for an unknown amount of time, Taeyeon let out a long sigh. This sigh was full of mixed emotions. After this sigh, Pani's voice came from behind Taeyeon: "Why are you sitting here alone and sighing? Where is Zhang Pingan?"

"I went out with Sika. Sika asked him to go to her house for dinner in the evening. He went out to buy souvenirs. Are you awake? I'll tell them to get up too."

Listening to Taeyeon's words, Zhang Pingan and Sika left. Pani approached with a smile, put his arm around Taeyeon's shoulders and said, "Don't you still have me?"

Then Pani also sighed: "Hey, the problem you two have is really serious."

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