My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 536 Lin Yuner (Part 1)

At Shanghai Airport, Zhang Pingan returned to the embrace of the motherland from Tokyo in a hurry this time. He is the main promoter of Lin Yuner's trip to China, so Zhang Pingan feels that he must at least give an explanation to the manager in charge of Yuner here. Is this also an explanation to Lin Yuner?

After all, she would definitely understand that someone as busy as Zhang Pingan would not be able to be her exclusive agent and accompany her on all her trips to China. But he had to come to hand over her, because she trusted Zhang Ping'an so she followed him to take over China's trip.

So for her first meeting with a Chinese agent, having Zhang Pingan take her along would make her feel more at ease. This is why Zhang Pingan temporarily put aside his trip to Tokyo and returned to Shanghai. Besides, things in Tokyo have basically been finalized. All that's left is to seize the time to finalize the office location and recruit personnel. These are completed by Liu Hao and are also a test of ability.

After returning home from the airport, he put down his backpack and stood on the balcony, looking at the psychedelic night across the river. The European-style buildings on the Bund are really beautiful under the light. Shanghai is more beautiful and modern at night than Tokyo, but at this time Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "However, there is another place where the night view has not been known to more people, the mountain city! The magical mountain city! The mountain city, A city with mountains and rivers, where there are hot hotpots and hot beauties! ”

But at this time, the mountain city is not important. What is important is that I am hungry. Zhang Ping'an took out his cell phone and hesitated, seeing if he could ask the two of them to come out for a hot pot meal together, because there was nothing that a hot pot meal couldn't solve! As for hot pot, if you go there alone, there are really not many things you can order. Hot pot requires more people to order more dishes, so that it will be comfortable to eat.

Finally, I looked at the contacts on the Huaxia side on my phone. Apart from the anchor, the only one left was Fatty. She is in Hengdian at the moment. It is definitely unrealistic to come back for hot pot. As for the principal... Zhang Pingan has not wanted to contact him yet. Wait a little longer, when the Japanese channel is launched and the company is raising funds, Zhang Pingan will contact the principal again. Maybe he has friends, or someone wants to buy some shares of the platform, and Zhang Pingan can gradually start to sell off the platform in his hand.

After putting away his cell phone, Zhang Pingan finally chose to go out alone to have a casual meal. Of course, his casualness was not casual. When I went out, I ordered a meal in the shopping mall of the International Financial Center next to me. This meal was a bit frustrating because the people dining in the restaurant were either couples or close friends gathering together, and he was... One person, three dishes, two bottles of beer!


At dawn the next day, Zhang Ping'an was the first to arrive at the airport. Yang Fan, who was in charge of Lin Yuner's itinerary, also arrived at the airport twenty minutes before the plane arrived. There was also a translator with him. Yang Fan quickly came to Zhang Pingan and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, the road is a bit busy, I'm late."

"It's okay, hasn't the plane arrived yet? How is the company during this period?" Because of a wave of promotions from the brokerage company, it has now become famous in China, especially the manufacturers here in China know about it. The agency power of "Times" is in the hands of their company, and the company must be in a different situation during this period.

Yang Fan reported to Zhang Pingan at this time: "The wave of publicity at the beginning of the new year has brought a great effect to the company, and many professional students have signed contracts with us. We are going to adopt it as you said Seven plus three mode.”

The contract was signed for seven years, with a three-year extension. In total, it has been almost ten years. This period of time is not long, but it is definitely not short. If he followed the normal path and walked for ten years, he might have reached the point where he had just achieved something. However, Zhang Pingan not only had resources in his hands, but also money! He knows very well how quickly it will be possible to use ‘capital’ to create a traffic star!

As for traffic stars... haha, they come and go quickly. This year we can create a Cai Kun, and next year we can create a Xiao Zhan.

Use capital to extract the commercial value of traffic stars, and in less than ten years, they may disappear into the dust. If they work hard on their acting skills during this period, they may still have a place in ten years' time. If their acting skills are not good and their singing ability is not good, they may change careers and become variety artists in ten years without having any programs!

In ten years, no matter you are a man or a woman, as long as you are in Zhang Ping'an's hands, he will have many ways to squeeze out the commercial value from them. You must know that in South Korea, S.M. adopts the seven plus three model. With the changes in the market, the commercial value of artists in ten years has almost come to an end. The new generation rises and the old generation sinks.

In the past ten years, all the value that Girls’ Generation can create has been created. The rest depends on whether they have sustainable business value personally. If they do, they can renew, if not, or if they want to leave, they can! However, it is difficult for more girl groups in South Korea to survive the ten-year hurdle! Because the generation change is too fast!

Manager Yang Fan continued: "There are quite a few newly signed artists. The development of singers is not much at the moment, just Zhang Chenchen and Xiao Ju. Maybe... the manager will think about whether he can join the 'Shanghai Group' again How many to dig?”

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "No need, there is nothing to play in the Chinese music scene. The appearance fee of a popular singer for a commercial performance is only a few hundred million, which is tiring. And there are too few young people who can create their own music. People who know how to create their own music think that it’s too troublesome to create, and it’s better to plagiarize. There will be no salvation for the music industry in at least the next five years, so we shouldn’t waste that time cultivating singers.”

Yang Fan asked: "Then... what should we do with Zhang Chenchen's songs? She doesn't know how to compose. Collecting songs is a very troublesome thing in China..."

Zhang Pingan responded: "She, I'll just write it for her. It's best not to release an album, just wait for our TV series to invest and let her sing the theme song. Use the influence of the TV series to promote the development of her singing career. This will have a better effect. China’s film and television productions will explode in the next few years! If you pay attention to the entertainment industry, you will know this from the film and television revenue from last year, right?”

Yang Fan said: "Does it mean commercializing the film and television market?"

"Haha..." Zhang Ping'an laughed after listening to Yang Fan's words, and then patted him on the shoulder. Yes, he is just an agent. Why do he ask so much: "Do your job well."

Zhang Ping'an's last words really choked Yang Fan. He could only nod with a wry smile: "Well..." It seemed that some things were too far away from him. Although he held the 'Agent Certificate', the film and business were hidden. things he can't understand.

While the two were chatting, Lin Yoona pushed her big suitcase out of the airport, and she was alone. After she came out, she looked around for Zhang Pingan. After seeing Zhang Pingan, she smiled and walked over.

Today, Lin Yoona is wearing a sweater outside and a shirt underneath to set off her youthful look. She has close-fitting jeans and white shoes. She also has a windbreaker jacket hanging on her hand. She is now wearing a mask and sunglasses.

When Zhang Pingan saw this, he also smiled and greeted him. Yang Fan followed Zhang Pingan, approached Lin Yuner and said with a smile: "Let me help you push your luggage." The translator standing next to him immediately translated this sentence, Lin Yuner He smiled and nodded.

Lin Yoona smiled and came to Zhang Pingan's side, showing her crocodile smile: "Hey, Oppa, I'm really troubling you, and I asked you to make a trip from Tokyo."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "What's the trouble? Let's go and find a place to eat first. I'll introduce them to you later."

Soon, the group arrived at the underground parking lot. Lin Yuner was already very familiar with Zhang Pingan's car. She got into Zhang Pingan's car, and when the agent drove over, he and the translator were together. Zhang Pingan told her about a place to eat authentic Xiao Long Bao. The group of people drove towards the Xiao Long Bao store.

Yoona, who was sitting in the passenger seat, took off her mask. Zhang Pingan looked at Yoona, who had not taken off her sunglasses: "There is no sun in Shanghai today, why are you wearing them?"

Lin Yoona smiled and took off her sunglasses. At the same time, she turned to Zhang Ping'an and said, "Don't I have no makeup on?"

Zhang Pingan took a serious look at Yoona's bare face, curled his lips and said, "Is there any difference? It's really..."

This was a compliment, a compliment, so Lin Yoona felt happy after hearing it: "Hahaha..."

"What a silly smile, seat belt, let's go."

The car left the airport and went directly to the store selling steamed buns. Lin Yoona started to ask in very restrained Chinese in the car: "Have you had breakfast?"

Zhang Ping'an also started a Chinese conversation with Lin Yuner with a very slow speaking speed and very clear pronunciation: "No. I just wanted to wait until you come to eat."

"What does the last sentence mean?"

"I mean, when you come, let's go have dinner together."

Along the way, Lin Yoona started chatting with Zhang Pingan using the Chinese words she had learned, and Zhang Pingan responded patiently.

Soon they arrived at the steamed bun shop. The group entered the store and ordered a few steamed buns. While waiting, Zhang Pingan introduced Lin Yuner: "This is the agent who will be responsible for your filming schedule in Huaxia Future. However, he will not If you speak Korean, if you have any requirements or don’t understand, you can ask the translator first.”

Then Zhang Pingan said to Yang Fan: "Lin Yuner, I will leave it to you to take care of me. Don't let those men on the set bully Lin Yuner, especially don't even think about messy things. Who dares to reach out, I Break someone's claws. If there's a problem you can't handle, contact me immediately and I'll come forward, okay?"

Yang Fan nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I will definitely take good care of Lin Yuner."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "By the way, when will the recruited security guards arrive?"

"There are a lot of security guards in Hengdian. I plan to recruit them after I go there. Otherwise, it's not cost-effective to bring them over from Shanghai."

Because the basic salary in Shanghai is higher!

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