My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 580 Arrangements again?

Zhang Pingan headed for KBS with a takeaway box from the sashimi restaurant that Li Zhien loved to go to. Sashimi is low in calories, so she didn't feel too much pressure eating it. As an actor, you pay great attention to managing your body during the filming period, because the filming time of a TV series spans four or five months. If you manage well in the first two months, but give up in the last two months, it will be bad...

People on the set may not have too many discoveries because they are in contact with it every day. But the audience watching the TV series will find it clearly. When they watched the first few episodes, they thought the leading actors were thin, but suddenly in the next few episodes, they saw that the actors had obviously gained weight. This has happened before. Some actors have apologized for gaining weight during filming.

So Zhang Pingan also chose low-calorie sashimi when choosing food for Li Zhien.

At Yeouido, there are occasionally some tourists who come to travel in front of the KBS TV station. They may come here to try their luck and see if they can meet the idols who are filming the show here?

Today, Zhang Pingan parked his car and walked towards the TV station with his lunch box. But after going up a flight of stairs, he found that there were many fans gathered at the TV station. The fans at the door held up the "EXO" support signs. Zhang Pingan tilted his head and muttered, "Is EXO back?"

Because he really doesn't care about boy bands, he really doesn't know which well-known boy bands have returned. After the contract termination incident last year, "EXO" returned at the end of March after a year. As for what program they came to KBS TV station to shoot today? Zhang Pingan didn't know. Anyway, looking at the fans at the door, he knew that their Oppa was inside.

Looking at the fans waiting at the door, Zhang Pingan raised his eyebrows slightly. At this time, some fans of ‘EXO’ discovered Zhang Pingan’s presence. They watched Zhang Pingan coming from a distance and muttered: “Why did Zhang Pingan come to KBS?”

“Is it strange that he came to KBS? He is a freelance producer. It is normal for him to go to any TV station. Maybe there is some cooperation this time?”

“His BTS...” After seeing Zhang Pingan, they began to talk about things around Zhang Pingan. Zhang Pingan didn’t want to pay attention to this group of student fans. He walked into the TV station with his lunch box in his hand. The security guard at the door saw Zhang Pingan and didn’t stop him.

At this time, some fans saw Zhang Pingan go in without stopping. They wanted to follow Zhang Pingan into the TV station, but were stopped by the security guard. The fans pointed at Zhang Pingan’s back and said dissatisfiedly: “How can he go in?”

Why Zhang Pingan was able to go in, they knew it very well, but they were a little angry that the security guard stopped them.

Some sharp-eyed fans looked at Zhang Pingan holding something and asked curiously: "What is Zhang Pingan holding?"

Another responded: "A lunch box. That's a high-end Japanese restaurant."

From the lunch box in Zhang Pingan's hand, fans began to discuss, "Holding a lunch box, is he here to visit the set?"

"Who else is filming at KBS today?"

"Who else? IU is filming a KBS TV series, don't you know?"

"Zhang Pingan and IU...are they dating? Zhang Pingan broke up with Jessica recently. Now that he is single, is he trying to pursue IU? He was rumored to be dating Lee Ji-eun?"

"Maybe, who knows? He won't tell us."

At this time, someone took out his mobile phone and said with a smile: "I took a photo of Zhang Pingan holding a lunch box. I'll post one later and say that Zhang Pingan brought a lunch box to visit Lee Ji-eun."

This fan actually guessed Zhang Pingan's purpose for coming today by accident. Zhang Pingan did not go to the indoor studio, but came to the waiting room in the basement. He asked the crew about Ji Eun's waiting room and went there with a lunch box.

The scenes built in the studio are usually "home". Zhang Pingan was not interested in whose "home" was being filmed in the studio today, because he was just here to see Lee Ji Eun.

The name "Lee Ji Eun" was posted on the door of the waiting room. Zhang Pingan knocked on the door and pushed it in. The only person sitting in the waiting room was Ji Eun's costume designer, who was sitting on the sofa. At this time, she was swiping her phone. When she saw Zhang Pingan appear, she quickly put away her phone and greeted him with a smile: "Hello, PD Zhang, are you here to visit Ji Eun?"

"Yeah." Zhang Pingan nodded, then pointed outside: "Filming?"

The costume designer nodded and said, "Yeah, it's been less than five minutes. There may be a few more shots next."

"Hey...I should have bought a few cups of coffee if I had known." Zhang Pingan put down the lunch box in his hand and said with a smile. What he wanted to express was that he didn't buy coffee because he was carrying a lunch box. After saying this, he took out his wallet and pulled out ten fifty thousand banknotes: "Please go to the coffee shop upstairs and order some coffee."

Zhang Ping'an took the five hundred thousand, which could buy more than a hundred cups of coffee. She took the money and said, "You don't need so much? There are only more than sixty staff members on the scene today."

"It's okay, let's see what your styling team wants to eat at noon. If it's not enough, I'll get more." Zhang Ping'an said with a smile.

The costume designer smiled and said, "That's enough, that's enough, I'll go upstairs to order coffee first."

Excluding the money for ordering coffee, there may be about 200,000 left, and their entire styling team, including Hunter's staff group, only has six people, so 200,000 can definitely eat a very sumptuous lunch. .

When the costumer went to order coffee, he went out and called Hunter. After receiving the notice, Hunter left his assistant and makeup artist watching him and returned to the waiting room. Entering the waiting room, Hunter smiled at Zhang Ping'an and said, "PD Zhang, Zhi En is still asking when you will come."

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Isn't this coming? How was the filming recently?"

Hunter responded with a smile: "Let's shoot step by step. Fortunately, the weather is quite favorable."

"When will it be completed?"

The TV series has not been aired yet, Zhang Ping'an actually asked when it will be finished, which made Hunter confused for a moment: "Huh? Um... I don't know about this yet, we are currently filming episodes six and seven. content."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, that's it. I remember the production was for 12 episodes, right?"

"Well, 12 episodes. If the weather doesn't affect it, it might be finished in early June. What's wrong?"

"I heard Ha Dongxun talk about planning the "Infinite Challenge" music festival this year. You also know that the "No Challenge" music festival has been bigger in the past two years. So if Ji-eun is free..."

When Hunter heard about the 'No Choice Music Festival', he immediately became excited: "Is it okay? I know about the Music Festival... Just in the last issue, the one in 2013, Quan Zhilong participated again, and it was held well It’s getting bigger and bigger, and if possible, I would also like Zhien to participate.”

The name of "No Choice" is still very popular in the Korean variety show industry. After all, it is an established program. It is also beneficial for Li Zhien to participate in the "Galaxy Festival" because she has recently begun to transform into a music producer. So it would be a good try to practice your skills through such a variety show music program, but I don’t know if Kim Tae-ho will agree to it?

"May I ask for you?" Zhang Ping'an took out the phone and called Liu Zaishi. It was lunch time, and even if Liu Zaishi was filming, he had entered a meal break, so he was free to answer the phone.

Zhang Ping'an pressed the speaker phone to make a call, so that Hunter could hear the conversation. Soon Liu Zaishi picked up: "Oh, peace, why did you remember to call me today?"

Zhang Ping'an began to chat: "When I came to KBS today, I thought of you, Brother Zaishi, so I called and asked."

Yoo Jae Suk smiled and said, "Hahaha, I'm at SBS today. My pilot program "Strange Bedfellows" has become a regular program, so I'm here to film today!"

"SBS, I'll come over to visit you soon. By the way, Brother Shi, can I ask you a favor?"

"Oh? What are you asking me for? Isn't it Lee Hyori's number?" When chatting with Yoo Jae Suk last time, Zhang Pingan casually mentioned "Lee Hyori's B\u0026B" and Yoo Jae Suk still clearly remembers it.

"Haha, it's not Lee Hyori-senpai's business. This year's "No Choice" will prepare for a song festival, right?"

"You got wind quite quickly. Also, your relationship with MBC... tell me, what's the matter?"

"I would like to ask Brother Shi to arrange for someone."

"Who?" Liu Zaishi was very wary of the people recommended by Zhang Ping'an. If there was no effect, he would definitely not agree.

"Iu, Zhienxi."

When he heard it was Li Zhien, Yoo Jae Suk instantly relaxed: "Iu? It would be great if she can participate, but she is filming a TV series."

"She can finish filming in early June, so that should be fine, right?"

Yoo Jae Suk smiled and said, "You have to ask Kim Tae Ho about this. How about I give you Kim Tae Ho's number?"

"Thank you, Brother Shi. I'll ask senior Jin Taehao."

"Okay, I'll send you his number."

When Li Zhien was still filming the TV series, she had no idea that Zhang Pingan had once again become her manager and arranged activities for her. You must know that Zhang Pingan helped her negotiate the TV series "Producer" from the beginning. Han Te, who was sitting next to him, was like an agent's assistant, watching over Zhang Ping'an and watching him help Li Zhien contact the program.

Hunter smiled and said: "PD Zhang, how about asking Zhien to go to "The Mask"?"

Hunter really wanted to repay Zhang Pingan's favor, so he asked Li Zhien to go to "Masked", but Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Her voice is so special that it can't be hidden at all. She and Taeyeon Likewise, fans know their voices very well. Even if they go, they will be guessed as soon as they open their mouths, so there is no point in going!"

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