In the vehicle heading to Incheon Airport, Zhang Ping'an took the plan and told the four "learners" about the trip: "The place we are going to this time is called 'Chang'an,' which is a famous historical city in China. From the Qin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty..."

When Zhang Pingan introduced the city of Chang'an, these guys started talking about it. They imitated Zhang Pingan's Chinese and chanted "Chang'an". But the 'Chang'an' that came out of their mouths had almost no taste... Then they started to show their ignorance.

And doesn’t variety show just need people like them who have no common sense? Listening to their inexplicable debate in front of the camera, Zhang Pingan was a little confused. Are they really ignorant, or are they pretending to be ignorant in front of the camera?

It is understandable if Jiang Hodong does not understand some common sense about "natural" issues, because he has been doing physical exercises every day as an athlete since he was a child, and it is understandable that he has poor performance in daily courses. After all, he is a professional sports student, and many professional sports students in China are also lacking in culture, because their minds are full of knowledge reserves related to sports performance.

But it's a bit surprising that Li Shengji, the president of the student union, has so many blind spots in common sense. Especially when Zhang Pingan stood behind the camera and watched Li Shengji's sincere expressions during the debate, Zhang Pingan really suspected that this guy was really ignorant. Thinking of this, Zhang Ping'an burst into laughter for no apparent reason. He stopped watching this group of people without common sense argue, because even the producer Zhang Pingan felt embarrassed for them.

Zhang Ping'an retreated to the front position, no longer staring at this group of ignorant people. He came to the side of Writer Li Youzhen and asked in a low voice: "Writer Li, are they all pretending to be stupid, or are they really that ignorant? "

Writer Li Youzhen, who came from "Two Days", has been working with them for many years. It can be said that she understands her very well, which is why Zhang Pingan ran to find her to inquire.

Li Youzhen laughed instantly when she heard Zhang Ping'an's question: "Hahaha, Luo Yingshi and I were just as curious as you are now. Did they pretend to be in front of the camera on purpose? Is it true? Later we discovered a fact , these people are really ignorant. Even though Li Shengji carries the name of student union president, he is a big black hole in common sense. Perhaps the most ignorant one is Yin Zhiyuan! In their own words, it was not ignorance, but regret!”

"It's not ignorance, it's regret?" Zhang Ping'an tilted his head, wondering how these two words could be connected together. Li Youzhen smiled and said to Zhang Pingan: "Back then, when we asked some common sense questions, they answered incorrectly for a long time, and they blamed each other for the ignorance of those who answered incorrectly. In the end, they concluded that if you answer incorrectly, you cannot use it. To describe it, I would use regret~~! Wrong answer, hmm~~What a pity~~! Hahaha~~"

Li Youzhen couldn't help laughing when she recalled that they were the 'regret party'. One can imagine how 'regretful' this group of people were.

As for why they are so 'regretful', maybe it has something to do with their career? Including Lee Seung-gi, although he is the president of the student council, he did not have a lot of time to study in school after his debut, let alone the 'first generation' idol Eun Ji-won and the others.

The first generation of Korean idols debuted in the mid-1990s. At that time, the Internet was not so popular, and the first generation of idols had to maintain a sense of mystery as idols to the outside world after their debut. And this sense of mystery is just staying in the dormitory without going anywhere when I don’t have a schedule. In the era before the Internet, I spent every day in the dormitory either watching TV series or variety shows.

As for staying in the dormitory and reading books to supplement knowledge? That's impossible. How could they still be reading books after they left society in the mid-1990s? At that time, in order to 'maintain mystery' in the dormitory and because they were all in their early twenties, they watched TV every day and talked,

This star is very beautiful, that star is very beautiful, next time I see them I will hand them a note or something.

Speaking of handing out notes, Zhang Pingan also heard Taeyeon say that she had received many notes from seniors when they debuted.

Of course, notes are no longer popular in this era, and kakao is the safest way. Moreover, if modern artists want to inquire about their contact information, they can actually do so. After all, it was relatively closed at that time, but in this era there are more exchanges between artists, and they spend more time exchanging contact information. So if you are determined to inquire, you can still find out.


Soon, Zhang Pingan and this group of "regret party" arrived at Incheon Airport. There are countless reporters stationed at the gate of Incheon Airport every day. After arriving in Incheon, the program team stopped filming. On the contrary, the person holding a camera at the airport gate started pressing the shutter on the group of them. Li Xiugen lowered his head in the crowd, not daring to stare at the cameras of the reporters at the gate.

After the show announced the start of filming, when the cast list appeared, the program team left a message under the 'n station', and the abuse was one after another.

Zhang Pingan and Luo Yingshi were scolded by countless netizens. Why did they use someone like Li Xiugen who had broken the law? There are so many candidates in the Korean entertainment industry, why did you choose this person?

All kinds of accusations were directed at the two program producers Zhang Ping'an and Luo Yingshi. Similarly, Li Xiugen was singled out by countless netizens for another round of abuse. He was told to die, and he should reflect at home after breaking the law. , instead of coming back again, what kind of gambling criminal is qualified to come back.

Anyway, all kinds of unpleasant words are attacking the program team on the Internet, but Luo Yingshi and Zhang Pingan ignored the bad words on the Internet. Despite countless pressures, and even those clamoring that Li Xiuquan would never watch, the two resolutely Chose to use Li Xiu Geun.

As for the airport fashion of their group, the media did not pay much attention. Only the leader, Zhang Pingan, was photographed twice.

Zhang Pingan was wearing a luxury printed T-shirt, a thin Adidas sports coat, trousers, jeans, and Martin boots tied around his waist. The bright red 'Red Devil' watch on his hand also showed his youthfulness. breath. Of course, there are also the essential Sika brand sunglasses and hats!

The program crew entered the airport quietly and no fans came to ask for photos or anything. Maybe they are not idols.

After more than three hours of flight time, the "Chang'an City" program team left some photographers at the airport exit. Most of them went to the inn to set up cameras.

Zhang Pingan then took out the envelope and handed it to them: "This is your travel expenses to the hotel."

Yin Zhiyuan took the toll and looked at it: "Fifty yuan, is this enough money for us to take a taxi?"

"It's only enough for you to take public transportation. Even if you get lost, you can use this fifty yuan to get to the dormitory." Zhang Ping'an smiled and explained to them, then took out the address and started reading it, but they immediately stopped him: "Wait a minute. Wait, wait..." Then they cleverly turned on the recording function of their mobile phones and recorded the address Zhang Pingan said.

After the recording ended, Zhang Pingan handed over the task of watching them to the accompanying translator. The four of them prepared a photographer and an translator for them. Of course, this translator is not for them to use, but it can be used to adjust communication in time when there are any problems during shooting.

After Zhang Pingan and Luo Yingshi explained, they left the airport and went to the scene with the program team. Zhang Pingan asked Luo Yingshi in a low voice: "Is there any problem with leaving them like this?"

On the other hand, Luo Yingshi was very relieved and said: "No problem, they are used to it. They had already learned how to deal with it when they were filming "Two Days". Besides, there are VJs and translators with us, so there is no problem. of."

After hearing what Luo Yingshi said, Zhang Ping'an nodded and said "Yeah". In fact, Zhang Pingan knew in his heart that the Chinese people were still very enthusiastic. And it's broad daylight, so there won't be many problems. At most, it's a little difficult to ask for directions. This is exactly the highlight of the show!

Zhang Pingan and others quickly arrived at the inn where they were filming. He and Luo Yingshi began to direct the camera. At the same time, after arriving here, the drone photographer also began to take off to take panoramic shots. The work went very smoothly.

After they had completed the preparations, Zhang Ping'an said to Luo Yingshi, "Let's find someone to buy coffee first. The weather today is over 30 degrees."

Luo Yingshi looked at Zhang Pingan: "We don't know Chinese, and the translator is with them now. How do we know where to go to buy coffee? Otherwise, thank you for the hard work?"

"Okay, I will serve everyone today and invite everyone to drink coffee." After saying that, Zhang Pingan went out to buy coffee alone. The last time I visited the spot, Zhang Ping'an actually had the location of the cafe already in his mind...

After being out for half an hour, Zhang Ping'an bought coffee and they hadn't arrived yet. He simply asked about the situation. Luo Yingshi had been communicating with the translator Kakao, so he understood their situation. He expressed that the program was going very smoothly, and Zhang Pingan felt relieved.

After he distributed coffee to the staff, he sat at the front desk and waited for their arrival. Luo Yingshi looked at Zhang Pingan and said, "Are you going to make a restaurant reservation?"

Because shooting in a restaurant requires the assistance of the restaurant, this must be communicated in advance. Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "We will go after a break. It's still the same restaurant we ate at last time, right?"

"Well, I think the smell there is good. Our show will be held there in the evening. By the way, there are also games for the show, have you thought about it?"

In fact, Zhang Ping'an knew what kind of show he would be doing. He responded with a smile: "When I book a restaurant and come back to discuss it with Director Li Youzhen, you can keep an eye on it while I go and book a restaurant first."

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