My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 615 The arrival of summer

The reason why Zhang Pingan specifically reminded ‘aoa’ about the modern history was because Jimin and Seolhyun, who didn’t know much about modern history, actually answered questions about a ‘traitorous bastard’ as a hero in the program, which caused a lot of trouble.

Although the program team also had some problems and did not cut this segment, but broadcast it as a joke, some things cannot be used as jokes. So at that time, ‘aoa’ was really attacked by a lot of words. Of course, there must be interest issues involved behind this. If it is said that there are no other brokerage companies behind this, Zhang Pingan will never believe it. After all, ‘aoa’ is very popular in the music industry. If they fall, then other companies will make money.

It is rare to help in times of trouble in the entertainment industry, but there are many things that happen when the wall falls, especially after the collapse of ‘aoa’, the market share they gave up will be divided up by other companies. So after the incident, there are more people who push the stone behind the back, after all, after they were hit, other companies also benefited.

So Zhang Pingan is here to warn them. As for whether Seolhyun and the others will have problems in the future, it is hard to say. However, Zhang Pingan will also withdraw from FNC at that time, and Seolhyun will not suffer a serious impact on her career because of this incident. Of course, Zhang Pingan is aware of these things, but it would be best if they can be avoided.

Han Shenghao was a little puzzled when listening to Zhang Pingan's reminder. How can modern history during the war be said to be a troublesome thing? It shouldn't be. So he started to ask: "Why do you think that modern history of war is a troublesome thing?"

Zhang Pingan said: "They were not serious when they were studying, and they may only remember some names, but don't know what they did, which is easy to be confused. So when they encounter modern history, it is best not to answer, so as not to confuse heroes with some traitors."

"Well, what you reminded is that in fact, the ** beans spend more time on practice and debut, and the cultural courses are basically almost abandoned, let alone history."

In fact, Zhang Pingan also knew that they dropped a lot of cultural courses in order to debut, but after they became idols, especially well-known idols, they have certain "special recruitment" rights when they are admitted to universities.

Han Shenghao then asked Zhang Pingan about the next arrangement: "Zhang PD, are you planning to focus on that program recently?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and responded: "Almost, the past one or two months have been around the program."

It is around the work of the program, but not only that one, there is also Baek Jong-won's program. So Zhang Pingan will basically stay in Korea for the next period of time..


In mid-June, summer began to show its power, and the temperature in Seoul was around 35 or 36 degrees every day. The topic of "heat" that started last year was once again mentioned by netizens on major websites, and air conditioners once again became a hot-selling item in summer.

The temperature in summer is getting hotter every year. It's only mid-June, and it hasn't reached the peak of summer yet, but Seoul has had sunny and hot weather for more than ten consecutive days from early to mid-June.

After the sun rose, it began to turn white around 10 o'clock in the morning, and the temperature rose sharply. Although the weather forecast broadcast 35 or 36 degrees, the surface temperature outdoors had already exceeded 50. There was even a video shot by a netizen who beat an egg on the hood of a car at noon, and used the sun roasting method for 30 minutes, and the egg was cooked.

Air conditioners, cold drinks, and ice cream have become the hottest products at the moment. Open the "kakao" chat software on the mobile phone, and everyone's conversation starts with "It's so hot."

Zhang Pingan's clothing also changed in the hot summer. He wore beach shorts, T-shirts, sunglasses, canvas shoes when he went to the TV station, and standard flip-flops when he went out privately.

Not only Zhang Pingan's clothing changed,

but everyone's clothing on the streets of Seoul changed. People who work indoors still wear traditional work clothes and suits, but they don't have to wear suit jackets anymore, and white shirts are indispensable. So after the summer, white shirts have better sales performance. After all, there is a lot of sweat in the summer, and the collars are easy to turn yellow and difficult to wash, which promotes sales.

And the beauties on the street, especially the beauties with good figures, are willing to show their white thighs. The pairs of legs in shorts and short skirts are exposed without any concealment, and they are matched with the tight-fitting women's T-shirts in summer.. The "peak scenery" along the way can be said to be "ups and downs".

CJ Entertainment Outdoor Studio, "Baek Jong-won's Home Cooking" was recorded on the set of the sixth episode, and Zhang Pingan came to the scene again to supervise the shooting. The program started filming in mid-May after Baek Jong-won agreed. More than a month has passed, and the sixth episode has just been filmed. Today, Zhang Pingan came to the program venue again. Because the weather was too hot, Zhang Pingan wanted to see if the shooting site had air conditioning installed?

But this is an outdoor shed, not an indoor shed. CJ Entertainment has an indoor shed at the headquarters and a shooting venue at "Ilsan". Although it is also called an outdoor shed, the outdoor here refers to the shed outside the TV station. But the outdoor shed for filming "Home Cooking" this time is a pure outdoor shed. When the program group needed a shed, due to schedule issues, it took more than half a month to get a small indoor shed.

But after Mr. Bai agreed to the invitation to shoot, Zhang Ping'an couldn't tell him that he needed to wait for another half a month, right? After all, when he first invited Bai Zhongyuan, Zhang Ping'an said that everything was ready. So in the end, Zhang Ping'an simply didn't need any shed, and directly rented an outdoor house to transform it, so that the construction period could be completed in a week. So "Home Cooking" became a complete outdoor shed.

The weather has been hot recently, and three air conditioners have been installed in the indoor shooting venue facing the performers. Because they have to pay attention to their clothes when standing in front of the camera, the air conditioner must be prepared for others. The staff are all standing outdoors, and the cameras are also set up outside. Everyone is standing under the scorching sun. Compared with indoor and outdoor, they only have fans and parasols.

At this time, Zhang Pingan was sitting outdoors under a parasol with an iced coffee in his hand. He was watching the close-up shot on the monitor, biting the straw of the iced coffee and said, "OK, the close-up is OK."

After the close-up shot, Zhang Pingan pulled the chest of his T-shirt with his hand to let the wind out. Then he smiled bitterly and said to the writer beside him, "It's so hot today, the soybean paste soup I made today is getting hotter the more I drink it!"

The writer smiled and responded, "There is a Korean saying called 'heating with heat'. I don't know if Zhang PD has heard of it."

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "I have heard of it, but I won't use it this way. It's stupid to suppress the heat in this way. This day is suitable for staying in an air-conditioned room or going to the water world. After today's shooting, discuss with the actors and try to move the next shooting to around 7 am, when it's not so hot. "

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, the writer smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "Can they eat so early in the morning?"

This program is not only about Baek Jong-won teaching them how to cook, but also about "eating". Although it is scheduled to be shot in the morning, the weather is not so hot and the staff are not so hard, but they still have to eat so early.

Zhang Pingan smiled and shook his head while raising his hand and tapping his watch: "It has taken more than four hours to finish it now. The shooting is scheduled at around 7 o'clock. When Teacher Bai is done, it will be almost time for lunch." The executive PD nodded and said, "Yes, the weather is getting hotter day by day. It will be better for everyone to shoot earlier." The writer shrugged and responded, "I think it's okay under the umbrella and with the fan." Zhang Pingan widened his eyes and said, "It's okay? I think the wind is hot. If we weren't all equipped here, I would have almost bought a fan with water spray." Zhang Pingan and others endured the heat of the weather while watching them eat steaming soybean paste soup in the air-conditioned room indoors. Whether it is hot soup or heat waves, it is a torment. After the writer took a sip of iced coffee, he sighed and said, "Oh... In this weather, I really don't know what to eat tonight?" I don't know if it's because they saw Bai Zhongyuan and others start eating, so the staff started talking about dinner. But the hot weather really makes people wonder what to eat! The executive director said: "Cold noodles and cold noodles are both good. Now I'm still thinking about when it will rain. It's too hot. It's not even the dog days yet. I can't stand it if it goes on like this."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "What to eat? It's so hot. The best thing to do is to go to the nightclub of Water World and have some fun."

"We are not as carefree as PD Zhang. We have families."

Zhang Pingan responded: "It's also good to take your family to the nightclub. Don't you all have jobs during the day?"

Words are easy to say. Every family has its own problems to face. Even if you want to go to the nightclub of Water World, you have to consider the actual situation. Zhang Pingan finished shooting here. When he shouted "Call it a day", he clapped his hands and left, but what about the rest of the staff. They still have to collect the equipment, clean up the scene, and send the equipment back to the company. How can it be as easy as Zhang Pingan said?

Seeing that no one answered, Zhang Pingan had to put away what he wanted to say. The exclamations of Baek Jong-won and others while eating the food quickly entered the screen. Those frowns because of the delicious food, etc., all reflected the craftsmanship of Teacher Baek Jong-won.

Just then, Zhang Pingan's phone vibrated, and he took it out and looked at the message from 'Ji Eun'. He clicked on it and read: "My TV series has finished filming, what are you doing?"

Zhang Pingan did not reply with text, but picked up his phone and took a picture of the scene and sent it to Li Zhien. Then he followed the text 'The filming will be finished before dinner, wait for me! '

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