My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 338 Trip to Busan (3)

Distrust, worry, these are all suspicions, and it is impossible for Zhang Ping'an to have these situations. First of all, for such a situation to occur, one party must love to the extreme, and Zhang Pingan's love for Sika has not yet reached such a morbid love.

It is also possible that such a situation is related to the person's character, environment, conditions, etc., right?

And Zhang Ping'an falls under the condition of "having enough food at home to not panic". Because he also knows his own conditions and has no worries about finding a woman. Therefore, the 'distrust and uneasiness' that Li Zhien said would never appear in him. After all, there are still many women who have ambiguous relationships around him. It's not like he can't live without Sika.

So Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said: "I don't think we will be in the situation you mentioned, because we all understand the nature of each other's work. If there was really any concern, we would not have contacted each other in the first place. I think love is a kind of companionship, which is a heart-warming thing, not a scary thing. The suspicion you mentioned is a taboo in love. If you fall in love with someone who is insecure, it is very difficult. It’s a tiring thing. Even if we are together now, we will be separated in the future, because no one can bear such suspicion. "

Zhang Pingan briefly talked about the status of himself and Sika and then asked Li Zhien: "What about you, have you never thought about falling in love? I remember someone once said on the radio, 'Don't fall in love during youth. That’s the biggest waste of youth. I think it makes sense. It’s good to have a few more relationships when you’re young.”

Last time, Zhang Pingan also asked Li Zhien about love. Perhaps she was not too familiar with it at the beginning, so she did not have an in-depth discussion on this topic with Zhang Pingan. This time, the basic friendship between the two has deepened a lot, and maybe they can come up with some tricks.

Li Zhien chewed the scallop meat slowly, and while enjoying the delicious food, he also responded to him: "It's not that I don't want to talk, I recently met a nice person, I should say that we get along well with each other, but I'm a little hesitant..."

When listening to Li Zhien talking about his feelings, Zhang Pingan smiled and kept moving his hands. He took the crab claws and separated the meat from the large claws used for holding Canadian lobsters. After breaking off the claws, he raised his head and looked at Li Zhien with a gentle smile. At the same time, he put the peeled claws in front of her. Kong Panli said: "Is he much older than you?"

Li Zhien enjoyed Zhang Pingan's careful care, but when she heard Zhang Pingan guess her emotional problems with one word, she looked at Zhang Pingan with wide eyes: " do you know?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and continued peeling off Zhien's other tong, and at the same time responded: "When there is a 'hesitation' in relationships, either the conditions of the two parties are too different, or the age gap is too big. And you , whether it’s finances or your appearance, the possibility of ‘conditions’ can be eliminated. Then the only thing left is the age difference.”

Because Lee Ji Eun is a solo artist, and she has a lot of personal advertising endorsements, her level of wealth far exceeds that of anyone else in Girls' Generation. In early 2011, after her "Good Days" broke out, Korean media described Lee Chi-eun as a "mobile money printing machine." This shows how terrifying Lee Chi-eun's personal ability to attract money was at that time.

Over the years since her debut, from the TV series, commercials, her solo albums, concerts, etc., Lee Ji-eun must have earned no less than 50 billion won!

Listening to Zhang Pingan's analysis, Li Zhien smiled and nodded: "It's because the age difference is a bit big, so I'm a little hesitant. At the moment, I just feel a little good about it.

But this good impression did not reach the level of wanting to date him. "

Zhang Ping'an got another tongs and put it into the bowl in front of her and said: "The age has reached a level that makes people hesitate. It seems that he must be at least twelve years older. Well, don't you just date your good friends? Someone so much older?"

Li Zhien smiled bitterly and said, " I also asked her how she overcame this obstacle."

"She said nothing more than: He knows the real her. Understand, understand, sometimes it is easy to confuse people. Suddenly there is a person who understands her in life, which is a kind of luck, but you don't necessarily understand if you know her. Especially. It’s your to say it? I can’t say.”

Because Zhang Pingan knew more information than Li Zhien imagined, those 'people' who seemed to understand them had actually experienced the timeline they were in now years earlier. They have also been artists since they were in their twenties, so whether they are confused or depressed now, they have already overcome it.

Those so-called ‘understandings’ are just things they have experienced before. You say your situation is like this or that, ah~~ I used to be like that. As we chatted, it felt like we were very speculative, and the woman suddenly felt that this man seemed to know her very well?

In fact, it is an illusion. If you have never been exposed to it, how can you possibly understand it? He just went through the same period of confusion.

Does he really understand your personality? That's impossible. Only when people have been in contact with each other for a long time can they understand what kind of person he/she is.

Li Zhien listened to what Zhang Pingan said, and she looked at him in surprise, because he could always get to the root of the problem. Li Zhien said: "Why do you think you know so clearly? Is it because you have experienced many relationships?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said: "Don't you know clearly? Haven't you heard this sentence? Bystanders know better. I analyze it from the perspective of the people next to me, because standing next to me has nothing to do with myself. , this allows us to think clearly and calmly, and naturally we can speak clearly and rationally. Maybe when these things happen to me, I can't be so clear-headed. After all, sometimes emotional issues are very complicated. There are too many things for the parties to worry about.”

Li Zhien nodded, and then said: "Then do you think it is appropriate for me to find someone much older than myself?"

Zhang Ping'an looked at her in surprise and said: "Why are you asking me about this? This is your own business. First of all, you have to ask yourself whether it is because of your heart-beating love, or because you suddenly become afraid of loneliness and want to Looking for a companion? If it's the latter, I don't think it's necessary, because once the relationship is deeply involved, separation will be accompanied by pain. "

Li Zhien lowered his head and said in confusion: "I can't tell whether it's because of my heartbeat or loneliness."

Zhang Ping'an took a piece of crab legs and tasted it slowly: "Once there is a situation that you can't even distinguish, it is not a heartbeat. Because 'heartbeat', as the name suggests, means that the heart beats faster after seeing it, and it means that you want to be there all the time. Even if we just chat together, we will feel very happy.”

When Zhang Ping'an said this, Li Zhien chewed the food in his mouth slowly, looked at him seriously, and listened to his so-called 'heartbeat'. Inexplicably, Li Zhien's cheeks became hot as he listened, because what he said, "You will be happy even if you just chat." Isn't this the state she was in with him at this time?

Because I always feel relaxed and happy when I am with him..

Oops, is this a heart-pounding feeling?

When Zhang Ping'an wasn't paying attention, Li Zhien quickly picked up the vegetable leaves in front of him and put in two pieces of sashimi, then several garlic cloves, two peppers wrapped in them and put them in his mouth. While chewing the sashimi, she began to fan her face with her hands to cool down.

Zhang Ping'an was attracted by her movements. He looked up at Li Zhien's red face and the cute way he fanned his face. He smiled softly.

In Li Zhien's eyes at this time, his smile was very comforting, and only then did she realize that his eyes were as charming as the crescent moon when he smiled.

Zhang Ping'an smiled gently and said to her, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Zhien fanned himself and said defensively: "Chili and garlic, so spicy."

"If it's spicy, don't eat it in a wrap. Just dip it in some vinegar and hot sauce. Drink some water..." Zhang Pingan said calmly and gently, holding the kettle and pouring her a glass of water. For Zhang Pingan, this was a kind of Very casual concern. But for Li Zhien at this time, he portrayed tenderness to the extreme.

He had been helping her peel crab shells and shrimp shells, but every scene of these small actions was remembered in her heart.

He is gentle, considerate, and very kind and heart-warming. No wonder all the sisters in Girls' Generation love being with him so much. This is the second time Li Ji-eun feels this way!

I often see Zhang Pingan and the members of Girls’ Generation on other people’s Instagrams. It turns out that after being with him for a long time, I will be attracted to him invisibly.

Li Zhien took a drink of water from the water cup and said: "Oppa, after eating, let's go to Haeundae together? I have been to Busan so many times, but I have never been to Haeundae."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Okay, would you like to add a coat? The sea breeze is a bit strong in the afternoon."

"Well, I brought a coat in my bag." Li Zhien nodded and said.

When Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien were sitting in the restaurant, the pair of diners who met Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien by chance posted a message on INS.

"After the meal, I came out of the hotel and met Zhang Ping'an and IU. They appeared in Busan without any concealment. Is it because of the film festival? ’

'How can it be? No picture, no truth. ’

‘Li Zhien and Zhang Pingan must have a very close relationship. After all, the first song produced by Zhang Pingan was given to Li Zhien. ’

'Really? Which restaurant to eat at? ’

'The same question is asked, where did the two of them appear? ’

‘There is no picture, everything seems to be made up. Ask for pictures, ask for the truth! ! ’

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