My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 729 November

Chapter 738 November

Whether it’s collecting shoes or speculating on shoes, China only started slowly after 2015. Before that, people speculating on shoes were basically from overseas. It wasn’t until the launch of the ‘Coconut Shoes’ in 2015 that a pair of sneakers was sold for tens of thousands of yuan, which led many people to see the ‘business opportunities’ in them. Various shoes imitating its appearance appeared on Taotao, and then Chinese OEMs also joined this "shoe speculation" movement.

Manufacturers with no shortage of skills and some unscrupulous villains hit it off and started a round of hype about the collectible value of 'sports shoes'. Then countless trolls started bragging about how much money they made from shoe speculation. After a large number of young people dreamed of making a low-cost investment through shoe speculation, the market became active. In the end, the manufacturer counted the money and smiled. These young people were really cute little guys. The manufacturer discovered that it turned out that he could make more money by speculating on shoes than by processing them for the original factory.

As a result, some so-called "masters" ended up losing their minds. They threw the concept of "shoe speculation" down the drain. The dream of shoe speculation was shattered. Those young people who dreamed of getting rich finally realized that the original society How do you guys cut leeks? And those who are speculating on shoes are young guys who have just left school, have been working for a few years, and have not experienced the dangers of society. They have spent a few years of savings in exchange for a lot of shoes on Taotao, and they bought them at high prices. . This batch of so-called ‘genuine goods’ turns out to come from the same magical place~~! !

The people present were a little dumbfounded after listening to Zhang Pingan's straightforward talk about the issue of 'collecting shoes'. The person from the United States smiled and said: "Actually, shoe collectors in the United States discovered many years ago that there are many shoes in the market. There are sources of goods that suddenly appeared on the Internet, but it is definitely not officially sold in the United States, but everyone did not reveal this fact in order not to affect the market value. Just like PD Zhang said, some products come off the assembly line. Consumables have no value at all when collected. The collections of really rich people are basically 'antiques', 'calligraphy and painting', 'clocks' and 'jewellery'."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "The rich in China like to collect antiques, and middle-class families like to buy gold. You also know that the Chinese are very keen on 'gold jewelry'. Nowadays, when Chinese people get married, they also buy diamond wedding rings, but The jewelry that the mother-in-law gives to the daughter-in-law is definitely gold jewelry, and gold is the most powerful currency in any era, whether in peacetime or in war."

At this time, a foreigner asked Zhang Ping'an: "PD Zhang, what major did you graduate from?"

"I major in finance. However, my studies are not very good, so I never touch that thing." Zhang Ping'an responded to his major with a smile, and at this time, the follow-up people also arrived. Dinner officially started after they arrived.

Although this is a Chinese restaurant, the standard of the state banquet ordered by Zhang Ping'an is that one person is served, cold dishes, hot dishes, hot dishes, snacks are not the traditional type of dishes, everyone shares the food.

In fact, this is not bad,

At least these foreigners are used to sharing meals. Chinese Moutai, when you unscrew the bottle cap and pour it into the cup, the rich aroma spreads throughout the private room. The aroma of the famous wine is completely covered up in front of Moutai.

The aroma of the wine combined with the delicious food, coupled with Zhang Pingan's easy-going and talkative nature, made them all feel Zhang Pingan's charm during this meal. Everyone here knows that Zhang Pingan is very rich. The level of wealth is far beyond the imagination of artists like them. However, Zhang Pingan is very easy-going and good at chatting. Sitting with him for dinner did not make them feel nervous. It's a place where it's as easy as getting along with friends.

This also allowed the three hosts to personally feel for the first time why Zhang Ping'an had so many positive reviews in the circle. It turned out that everyone was not spreading some positive reviews deliberately to please him. But it was really easy to get along with him, and he didn't give them the slightest bit of domineering feeling. We really get along like friends, chatting, and Zhang Pingan has a wide range of knowledge, as if he can pick up any topic.

In a few years, during the time when Internet knowledge exploded, Huaxia's UP masters covered all the knowledge you wanted to know. Naturally, Zhang Ping'an gained a wider range of knowledge. Whether it is the whims of sand sculptures or the prevention of pitfalls and fraud in professional financial knowledge, there are endless things in the world that all have interpretations of the consequences of professionals from all walks of life. All the information you want to know is in one sentence, "Bah, bah, bah, cheers~"! !

After the meal, we came out of the hotel and went home. Those who didn't drive here chose to take a taxi home, and those who drove there were waiting for the driver at the door of the hotel. This time the filming of the variety show also came to an end during this dinner party, and there were a few more people outside who spread praise for Zhang Pingan. Whether it is the host or this group of friends from overseas, they all have very good comments about Zhang Pingan. At least Zhang Pingan does not have the slightest bit of hostility in him.

After the filming, Zhang Pingan's life returned to normal. Taeyeon is still busy with matters related to her first solo. Zhang Pingan also attended the personal meeting (concert) she prepared as an audience. He and Girls' Generation The members sat in the audience and watched Taeyeon's performance. The meeting venue was not big, but after the meeting, Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon discussed a formal solo concert.

Taeyeon said that her solo songs were not enough to last a concert, so Zhang Pingan said, "I will prepare songs for you." Just like that, Zhang Ping'an said directly to Taeyeon's manager to free up Taeyeon's time after the New Year. When Taeyeon heard this, she looked at Zhang Pingan depressedly, but Zhang Pingan smiled and said to Taeyeon: "This album, the New Year's album, don't have any songs. Release a 'Three No Singles' as a gift." to the audience.”

Sanwu, of course, is a very happy thing for fans, because they only need to pay 100 won to download the sound source, and the price of the album is about 156,000 won.

The meeting prepared by the company for Taeyeon is over, but the meeting prepared for Taeyeon by the program is being prepared again.

But on the night of the last day of October, all the reporters went to the entrance of a certain nightclub to wait for S.M's artists to arrive. Today is the Halloween costume party held by Taeyeon and her company, and all the participants are well-known artists.

S.M has done a pretty good job. It is impossible for their company's artists to appear in Korean nightclubs on weekdays, so today the company specially booked a nightclub for the artists to play. The once-a-year craziness and cross-dressing are really fun for artists. So the reporters went to the entrance of the nightclub one after another and waited for the artists to arrive in disguise.

Although their company also sent an invitation letter to Zhang Pingan, Zhang Pingan did not go. Instead, he carried a backpack alone, wearing a round-neck jacket and the hooded sweatshirt Li Zhien bought for him. Zhang Pingan has worn this dress many times.

Today, a photo of him sitting alone in the VIP terminal was posted on the Internet. Netizens felt a little desolate watching him leave alone.

Artists who have a good relationship with Zhang Pingan, and many people on many platforms are happily enjoying the Halloween atmosphere. Especially today, there are many Halloween activities in Itaewon at night, but on such a day when everyone is happy, he alone Sitting alone in the airport scrolling through photos on your phone makes you look particularly lonely.

Zhang Pingan returned to China during a festival where everyone had fun and had fun. The party held by S.M Company not only included artists from their company, but also sent out some invitations, so this Halloween party was quite lively.

The music and alcohol in nightclubs allow artists to return to their identity as ordinary people, enjoying the blur brought by powerful music and alcohol. Gorgeous lights and colors shuttled through the store. The dance floor, which was usually very crowded, became less crowded when the venue was reserved. Some people who like to dance, such as Hyoyeon, Kim Heechul, Shindong, etc., stood on the dance floor and swayed. . There was no unified choreography for this dance, they just followed the rhythm of the music.

The sound of laughter resounded throughout the nightclub, and everyone's face was filled with joy. Pani dressed as 'Little Red Riding Hood' kept walking among the crowd with a glass of wine and doing her own diplomacy. Taeyeon, who was wearing cat makeup, sat in a booth with a drink and listened leisurely to the scene with her teammates. song. Because she had just finished her performance and came to attend the party, her makeup was all done in the car after the performance.

Lin Yoona sat next to Taeyeon and said with a smile: "Unnie, isn't Zhang Ping'an here?"

Taeyeon nodded and said with a smile: "Well, he didn't come, he went back to China."

Yoona pursed her lips and said with some disappointment: "Hey~~ Why doesn't he come? Really, I want to see what kind of cross-dressing he is. Isn't he Prince Charming?"

Taeyeon smiled and responded: "Haha, what kind of prince charming is he? It just so happens that everyone is gathered together today. I also want to ask you, do you want to go out together in the New Year?"

Yuli looked at Taeyeon and said, "Did Zhang Pingan say that?"

Today happened to be a company party, and all the members gathered together, so Taeyeon mentioned this matter by the way and everyone discussed it together.

Taeyeon said: "Well, some time ago, the two of us talked about going out for the New Year. At that time, I was still working on the album and it was still early before the end of the year, so I didn't respond. Now I am busy entering 11 Yue, the New Year is coming. Everyone is here today, so let’s talk about it.”

Youli spread her hands and said, "I don't care. Don't talk about the New Year. Aren't I always on vacation now? Ask the others, Xiaoxian, are you going?"

"What, where are you going?" Because the environment was too noisy, you could only hear what was said in your ears, so Xu Xian, who was sitting a little further away, did not hear the conversation between the sisters.

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