My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 790 Is Pani in a mood?

On weekdays, Pani always faces everything with her smiling eyes, including the expression that Zhang Pingan sees the most on Pani, so Zhang Pingan subconsciously feels that Pani is an extremely cheerful person. . Maybe Zhang Pingan had some misunderstandings? He thinks that ‘laughing people’ and ‘cheerful people’ might all have a big heart? Logically speaking, Taeyeon’s purchase of a house is Taeyeon’s private matter, right? Does it matter whether we talk about this or not?

And from Zhang Pingan’s point of view, it’s not a big deal for Taeyeon to buy a house, right? Now that she has money, her 'consumption' of buying a house is human nature, right? Aren’t people’s whole lives fighting for ‘this family’? Besides, buying a house is not consumption. Should it be regarded as investment or primitive asset management?

Zhang Pingan feels that buying a house is not just buying an object worth showing off. Even if it is a property worth billions of Korean won, it is not affordable for the Bitcoin assets that Pani owns at this time. As long as she wants to buy it, Zhang Ping'an can't afford it. It's okay for Ping An to lend her money in advance, just like Taeyeon did.

And Zhang Pingan knows the 'lifespan' of Girls' Generation. The tenth anniversary of Girls' Generation, that is, next year... they will eventually separate on the path of self-development. After Girls' Generation separates, Pani in Zhang Pingan's consciousness will return. Going to the United States, so does she really need to buy a house in Seoul? The answer is no, and the housing prices in Seoul will not increase too much, unless Pani is so lucky that she buys a house in a subway development area. The combination of various reasons led Zhang Ping'an to think that it didn't matter even if he didn't tell Pani about this matter.

But he didn't expect that Pani was so aggrieved that he wanted to cry after hearing the news?

After Zhang Ping'an heard Taeyeon's words, he was silent for a while, and he roughly understood why Pani was in such a mood. After hanging out together for a long time, the level of 'tacit understanding' between them has gone beyond the scope of friendship. Although Chi Guoguo didn't show such affection on weekdays, today when she heard Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon started to exclude her, she became a little unbalanced.

After silence, Zhang Pingan looked into Taeyeon's eyes, and Taeyeon looked at Zhang Pingan's gaze. She just smiled bitterly at Zhang Pingan and shook her head. Her helpless smile seemed to be telling her that she also understood where Pani's emotional problem was. She could only shake her head and sigh: " this because of the joke I made at the beginning?"

If Zhang Pingan could turn their money into 100 billion, would she even accept Pani as Zhang Pingan's little wife? Yes, it was just such a joke at first, but seems like the joke is a bit too big? Although Taeyeon also expressed last time whether this 'joke' could be cancelled, Pani herself said that she could understand, but now she seems...not to 'understand' it thoroughly.

Zhang Pingan looked at Taeyeon and said, "Isn't it? It's obviously a joke, will she take it seriously?"

Taeyeon curled her lips and hesitated for a while before saying: "Perhaps she has been attracted to her unknowingly? They say that if a man and a woman get along as friends for a long time, feelings will gradually develop..."

How should Zhang Pingan answer Taeyeon's words? Perhaps his 'friendship' with Pani has become more than pure after two years of frequent contact? He could only say lightly: "Maybe,

Shall I go talk to her? "

Taeyeon looked at Zhang Pingan with a 'ridiculous' expression and said, "You don't want me to talk to her, do you?"


Taeyeon stayed alone in her room, and Zhang Pingan came to the living room. He glanced at Pani, who was holding a pillow in the living room. She was facing the back of the sofa, with her back to the outside, as if to hide herself. As if on the sofa.

Zhang Pingan approached and sat on the floor. Pani, who had her back to Zhang Pingan, could definitely tell from her breath and footsteps that it was Zhang Pingan who was sitting behind her. After sitting down, Zhang Pingan leaned his back comfortably on the edge of the sofa, and then said softly: "Taeyeon bought a house not long ago. She didn't want to hide this matter, and buying a house is such a big thing. You can’t hide it, after all, you and she live in the same dormitory. And it’s really Taeyeon who is buying the house this time... I’m not buying the house, I’m just lending it to her temporarily.”

Listening to Zhang Ping'an muttering to himself about Taeyeon's purchase of a house, Pani didn't respond at all, as if she was asleep. And Zhang Ping'an sat here and continued to talk: "Of course, if you also want to buy a house in Seoul, I can also lend you money temporarily. But I was thinking that you didn't buy a house in Los Angeles? In the future, you won't either You will definitely focus your career on Seoul, right?”

When talking about the focus of his career, Pani finally had a response: "If I don't focus my career in Seoul, should I put it in Los Angeles?"

Zhang Pingan said with a faint smile: "Last time Sika and I were chatting about your 'future', we analyzed many issues. If you are rational, how long can 'Girls' Generation' last? For a lifetime?"

When Zhang Pingan talks about the future of Girls’ Generation, especially when looking at the future from a ‘rational’ perspective, the uncertainty becomes even greater. Although they shout the slogan "Forever Girls' Generation" every day, this slogan seems to have more of a spiritual meaning. It doesn’t really mean that they release records under the name Girls’ Generation every year.

Taeyeon has begun to transform into a solo singer, and Yoona and Seohyun have also devoted more time to pondering acting skills.

Idol is, after all, a young profession. Although they are legends in their girlhood, it does not mean that they will always stand on the stage as "nine people together". After all, everyone has a personal career and personal life that they want to develop. Girls' generation...the reasonable, after all, they have to get married!

Pani hesitated for a while before speaking: "I don't know, but there will definitely be no problem in ten years."

Zhang Ping'an said: "It's the tenth anniversary. Six of you have officially entered the thirties. Let's talk about a very practical question, what kind of music carrier will be used for 'Girls' Generation' after the thirties? Tell me about it?" If it's too intense, you'll get tired after just one or two dances. If it's lyrical, then it's better to sing it by yourself. And the songs that express youth seem to be inappropriate for people in their thirties, right? You won’t be performing the song “Kissing You” at the concert, right?”

This song, which Girls' Generation used to perform youthfully with lollipops, has now been completely deleted from their concert playlist. Because it was not suitable for the age group, this song was never performed by them again.

Zhang Pingan's words... seem to have really gotten to the core of the problem. It's really hard for girls in their thirties to dance to dance-style songs. What kind of song should be used to express it at that time, sexy style? You must know that there are too many Sexy girl groups on the market today. In addition, new generation girl groups are constantly emerging on the market. Maybe it’s time for them to aim at their side jobs?

From Taeyeon's purchase of a house, to their personal side jobs, and the future of the group, have the topics gradually deviated from Pani's sad original intention? Because there is nothing more worrying than the reality you are about to face.

When they talked about 'work', Pani felt much less upset. She frowned slightly and said, "What do you think? How long can our girlhood exist?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Girls' Generation will always be in the hearts of fans. In the future, no matter how your group members develop their personal side businesses, they will have fans' support. And you... I don't know what direction your side business should be developed in." "Didn't I tell you this problem last time?"

Pani said: "I want to try solo."

Zhang Ping'an responded with a surprised voice: "Tell me? Shouldn't this be told to your company? You don't want me to write songs for you, right? You know I'm not that good at 'dance music' ”

"Huh~~" Although he expressed his dissatisfaction, Pani thought about it and found that Zhang Pingan was better at lyrical songs. Both Taeyeon's songs and Lee Ji-eun's songs are lyrical carriers.

And since their company has Taeyeon, a person who can sing lyrical songs well, they will naturally not promote another Pani who sings lyrical songs. So in terms of dance music, Pani really can only ask his own company.

At this moment, Zhang Pingan's phone rang. The takeout he had ordered had been delivered. He said, "I'm going to get the takeout."


Zhang Pingan went downstairs to get takeout. Taeyeon heard the sound of Zhang Pingan going out, and she also walked out of the room. Pani had already sat up. She stared at Taeyeon who came out and said, "Why didn't you say anything to me when you bought the house? Do you still think of me as your friend?"

Seeing that Pani's mood had subsided a lot, Taeyeon smiled and said, "Of course I regard you as a very important friend in my life. It's just that the house purchase happened suddenly, and there are so many people on my side." I haven’t taken over the house yet and decided to wait for a while..."

Pani said: "Where did you buy it? I have a good eye for real estate investment."

When Pani heard Taeyeon tell the location of the mansion she bought, she said in surprise: "No, the real estate there is very expensive. How much money did you borrow?"

Taeyeon said: "Six billion won! At this time, the house has not been decorated yet. When it is decorated... the house may be more than 6.5 billion won."

Pani smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "Zhang Pingan is really generous. Six billion, he borrowed it as soon as he asked. Isn't he afraid that you can't repay it?"

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