My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 802 Come on, face to face!

When night fell, Zhang Pingan drove the two of them to the teppanyaki cooking area of ​​the Japanese restaurant of the Shilla Hotel. As for their Michelin three-star "Luo Yan", Zhang Pingan didn't think it was surprising. Not as good as the Chinese Eight Immortals and the Japanese Teppanyaki. As for the sushi restaurant in the Shilla Hotel, it is not as exquisite as the specialized sushi restaurants outside.

Top quality Korean beef with dense snowflake pattern. At the same level, the fat is slightly worse than Japanese Kuroge Wagyu beef. Although Koreans have a strong conceited mentality, in terms of 'beef', it is really not as good as Japanese beef. The three of them sat around the iron plate area, watching the chef's cooking performance.

Pani held the red wine glass and gently shook the famous wine that Zhang Pingan ordered for her. Although the three of them looked at the dishes on the iron plate, the topic of their chat was the last post that Zhang Pingan posted on his Instagram. First warning. He once again publicly stated on the Internet that he would sign a contract with a lawyer tomorrow, and at the same time began to investigate the harm caused by the online messages, and reminded netizens to delete the messages, otherwise he would not reconcile when waiting for the police station to meet.

As for whether this warning is useful? Zhang Ping'an didn't know that after this message was sent, many people still deleted the previous message posts. But there are always some people who don't take it seriously. He feels that Zhang Pingan, like the idols, will forgive them for all their mistakes.

Sipping red wine, Zhang Ping'an took out his mobile phone and left another message: "Once again, I advise you not to test my bottom line with the mentality that I will 'forgive'. To scare the monkeys, I have to arrest a group of people as cases to stop it. Those who leave malicious messages behind. So I hope you don’t become the first person! Once again, I will not forgive this statement. I have reminded you again and again: Don’t hug me! A forgiving attitude! Remember, I am not an idol! I have no obligation to forgive you!”

Taeyeon and Pani, because they followed Zhang Pingan's INS, he updated again, and both of them received notifications. Taeyeon turned to look at Zhang Pingan and said, "Are you really going to be tough to the end?"

Zhang Ping'an took a sip of the red wine, nodded with a smile and said, "That's for sure, otherwise those trolls on the Internet would think I was just saying it for fun. Sometimes I think you should protect yourselves."

Pani shook his head and said: "I don't think it's necessary. Internet trolls won't disappear just because of your complaint. We can just ignore it ourselves."

Zhang Ping'an sighed and said: "If you all took up the weapon of law to protect yourselves, I believe there will be a lot less vicious comments on your ins, at least those Internet trolls will not be so unscrupulous. From the beginning. The agency’s over-indulgence of fans has led to their current situation, such online violence... ugh~~!”

Internet violence is becoming more and more serious. Black fans, this group has spread from South Korea to surrounding countries. Even China has a dedicated black fan group on the Internet. In the past, there were no anti-fans in China’s entertainment industry. If I didn’t like it, I would probably not watch or listen to it. You won’t deliberately look for black material or even create black material out of thin air just because you don’t like it.

Most of the Internet users in the fan circle are mindless and can easily be led to the wrong direction. As a result, there are more and more "yin and yang" phenomena on the Internet, and the hostility is getting worse. South Korea was the first country to have black fan culture, and it really spread the influence of black fans. The influence of Hallyu not only brings celebrities to the world, but also brings black fan culture to the world!

Taeyeon thought for a while and said: "The beginning of the anti-fan culture was during the Asian financial crisis, right? When people in all industries were unemployed and many manufacturers were forced to go bankrupt, only celebrities and artists were active on the stage, with stable Make money. Since then, some people who are bankrupt or unable to accept bankruptcy have begun to blame those who are better off than themselves.”

During the Asian financial crisis,

Many industries went bankrupt, and many banks even chose to go bankrupt because their loans could not be recovered. But it happened that during the financial crisis, South Korea's entertainment culture soared. The H.O.T generation of idols all exploded during the financial crisis. Everyone is worried about not being able to find a job, but celebrities and entertainers are making a lot of money...

Red wine, beef, and the Namsan Tower looking out from Shilla Hotel. The three of them were eating and chatting. There is nothing to talk about about Zhang Ping An and his anti-fans, because he has decided to be "face to face" with them, and Taeyeon and the others also support it. Although they still chose to swallow their anger, there will always be people like Zhang Pingan who come out to teach that group of people a lesson.

Maybe this is the sadness of celebrity artists? Faced with those nasty and malicious messages, I didn’t even dare to say anything cruel, so I could only choose to swallow it and pretend to ignore it. Yes, those so-called "ignorings" are all just pretense. How can you not read the messages when they are there? Maybe those with a better mentality and stronger self-regulation still think it doesn't matter. But if you have poor self-regulation, these messages are really...

The last piece of Korean beef, rich in fat, was smeared with mustard sauce and put into his mouth. After eating two hundred grams of beef, Zhang Pingan felt that he was bored by the taste of butter in his mouth. He drank the red wine in one gulp, and then said to Taeyeon: "Has the 'Sanduo Shui Manufacturer' asked you to sign a contract?"

Taeyeon shook her head slightly and said, "No, it may take two days, right? Have you really agreed to the filming?"

"Well, if the person signing the contract is you, then it doesn't matter if I come to shoot. But if it's signed by another artist, I definitely won't do the shooting."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Taeyeon smiled sweetly and said "thank you". If this advertisement can be signed by himself, Zhang Pingan will be the decisive factor.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "I'm going to China to film "New Journey to the West" in two days. Maybe the manufacturer will wait for me to sign the contract after I come back?"

The three of them came out of the restaurant after eating. Taeyeon didn't drink, so she took the car keys and got into the driver's seat. Zhang Pingan's Bentley slowly set off towards Girls' Generation's dormitory with Taeyeon driving.


The next day, Zhang Pingan woke up alone. Neither of them rested here last night. Today, Pani had a variety show meeting, and Taeyeon also had an album meeting to attend, so they didn't stay at Zhang Ping'an's place. Because they stayed at his house, Zhang Pingan could only sleep in the living room. After all, Zhang Pingan had many things to do here, so they were not so cruel as to let him sleep on the sofa.

After getting up, Zhang Ping'an put on his sportswear and set off towards the gym. Early in the morning, when he came to the gym, Sun Naen was sitting in the rest area in a daze. Zhang Pingan smiled and walked to Sun Naen, waved and said, "Naenxi, long time no see."

Sun Naen looked at Zhang Ping'an's appearance, she smiled and said: "PD Zhang, hello, so early?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Well, I only have some time in the morning today, why are you sitting here in a daze?"

Son Na-eun smiled and said, "The PT coach (Personal Body Shaping Trainer) hasn't arrived yet, so I'll just sit down for a while."

Zhang Pingan said: "Yeah. Recently I watched your backstage 'V.Live' live broadcast, which was very interesting." Zhang Pingan still holds shares in this software, so of course he will pay more attention to it.

"Thank you." Sun Naen could only answer with this sentence when she didn't know how to respond.

Zhang Pingan nodded and pointed to the locker room, then nodded and left. The encounter and conversation between the two ended here. Zhang Pingan changed his clothes and came out. Sun Naen was gone, and he went to exercise by himself.

After finishing his exercise in the morning, Zhang Pingan went home and changed his clothes. At noon, he updated his 'INS' again. This time he directly disclosed a legal power of attorney, which clearly stated that he would pursue the malicious comments made by those Internet trolls.

He posted the picture with text: "Those who think I'm joking and don't delete the post, then don't run away. We'll see you in court! Come on, let's face each other!"

Now no one thought that Zhang Ping'an was just joking. Within half an hour after the commission came out, he received a private message: 'How could you do this? As a public figure, how can you treat us like this? My family situation is not good, my parents... If you insist on pursuing my legal responsibility, I will die! ’

Zhang Ping'an directly published the private message on his 'ins', with the following sentence: "See you in court!"

Then Zhang Ping'an sent a message on 'ins' again: "If I had known today, why bother in the first place? When you hurt others, you don't necessarily pity others? If everything can be forgiven, what is the use of the law?"

Zhang Pingan's tough statement again sparked discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some people felt that Zhang Pingan had gone too far, but others expressed support for Zhang Pingan's actions. Because Zhang Pingan had warned him countless times on his 'ins' in advance, but some people always thought that he would not take it seriously and would not care about it, so they continued to insult him. Now that people have started to act seriously, you are pretending to be pitiful again. ? What's the point?

If Zhang Ping'an didn't give repeated warnings and he directly filed a lawsuit, it might be a bit too much for him as a public figure. However, Zhang Pingan repeatedly warned those who left malicious messages, and even sent a message yesterday asking them to delete the posts themselves, so that they would not pursue them. But people who always have luck in mind should not blame Zhang Pingan for being ruthless. !

Because all this is the fault of the black fans!

Of course, some people think that people in the entertainment industry are born to be punching bags on the Internet, and netizens have done too much. As a public figure, you should forgive their mistakes.

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