My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 887 Visiting the Set of

Fatty introduced Zhang Pingan to the artists in his company. Every time he introduced one, Zhang Pingan cordially gave them coffee and shook their hands. After introducing everyone from actors to actresses, Zhang Ping'an said with a wry smile: "Your company's investment in this drama accounts for a large proportion, right? How come all the introductions are from your company?"

Li Xirui, Wang Yifei, the first male, and the second male are all from their company, which means that the main characters in this drama are all consumed by their Jiaxing people.

Pang Di took a sip of the coffee Zhang Pingan handed him and said to him with a smile: "Investment ratio? How do we actors know this? Anyway, the company arranges for us to shoot, and we actors are responsible for our own safety." Let’s play the role well.”

It is true that actors only need to do their own jobs well. As for the proportion of investment, there is still a long way to go with them. Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "If you use your own company's artists...will your remuneration be a 'friendship price'? On weekdays, you go out to accept TV series and so on, but your company wants to increase your remuneration infinitely. When you appear in TV series that you have invested in, your salary will be reduced infinitely."

Just after Zhang Pingan said those words in a joking way, Wang Yifei's agent sitting next to him responded to Zhang Pingan's question: "Because this time the actors have the opportunity to all use people from their own company, and they are We can win all the major roles at once, so we definitely have to pay a little less, after all, we need to give an explanation to other investors.”

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Well, actually I was just joking. After all, the films invested by my company must have a 'friendship price'." After responding to the agent, Zhang Pingan turned to look at Fat Di Asked: "When will your filming end?"

Fatty responded with a smile: "It's almost time, it's already the last few episodes."

"How many episodes are there in total for this filming?" After speaking, Zhang Pingan took a sip of his Americano coffee.

"Episode 46." Wang Yifei said to Zhang Pingan.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said: "Sure enough, China's TV dramas are like this. The plot is just like this. This drama was only released in South Korea for 16 episodes, but the adaptation rights were obtained by China for 46 episodes. How much money has been invested? It’s so difficult for the screenwriter! I invested in a TV series in Japan, and it only has ten episodes!”

Pang Di was very surprised when she heard that Zhang Pingan invested in a TV series in Japan. She looked at Zhang Pingan with her big eyes and said, "You also invested in a TV series in Japan?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Well, it's an investment comic adaptation. When I first saw the comic, I thought the content was very novel, so I invested in the TV series adaptation."

Because everyone present is an actor,

So I am very sensitive to the content of the script. So Fatty asked out of curiosity: "What kind of story is this?"

Zhang Pingan said simply: "Both Japan and South Korea have problems with women in the workplace. We have done a good job in gender equality in our country, but companies in Japan and South Korea rarely recruit women when they officially recruit workers. Because these two countries have In the workplace, I feel that after recruiting female employees, during their one-month maternity leave, the work they leave behind will create a workload for the people in the same group. It is obvious that a group of four people will do the work, but only three people will be left to do it during one maternity leave. And the child. When I grow up and enter kindergarten, women also have problems with taking care of their children, so their workplace is not friendly to women. That’s pretty much the story.”

After Zhang Pingan asked this question, they continued to talk: "When Japanese and Korean families have grandchildren, don't the parents at home help take care of the children after the granddaughter?"

Zhang Pingan turned to look at Wang Yifei and said: "In South Korea and Japan, big companies are all in first-tier cities. If you don't want to enter a big company and just stay in your own local development, then your family can help take care of it. But definitely Most young people are looking for opportunities in first-tier cities. Do you want to send your children back to your hometown? So even if your parents want to help, they can’t.”

Li Xirui said: "Then just call the family to help take care of the child."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Working people don't have such good conditions. Especially working people from second- and third-tier cities, they originally rented a house or bought a house with a loan... You brought your family here and lived with your parents-in-law. Are you willing to live together? If you don't want to live together, then you have to solve the accommodation problem for your parents. People in the workplace don't make as much money as you. Even if you are a newcomer, you still have two or three million. ?”

Li Xirui said: "Even if our film salary is two to three hundred thousand, we can only earn it when we have a film contract. Sometimes we don't have a film contract for up to six months."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "We have nothing to discuss about this issue."

"The coffee this time doesn't taste good." I don't know if it was to resolve the embarrassment or something, but Fatty said this.

Zhang Pingan looked at the Starbucks in his hand and smiled: "Coffee is ground from beans, and soy milk is also ground from beans. Americans like to have a cup of coffee in the morning, and we Chinese like to have a cup of soy milk in the morning. Why is coffee better than Is soy milk dozens of times more expensive? Is this an IQ tax imposed on capital?”

Zhang Pingan suddenly said this, which made the woman next to him laugh: "Pfft~~Hahaha~~! Brother An, your question is a bit tricky."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "This issue is more worthy of our discussion, isn't it? What is IQ tax? The most typical one is a luxury product sought after by people with a little money! The same printed T-shirt, the same workmanship, the same pure It’s made of cotton, and it costs thousands of dollars just to have a luxury logo printed on the chest? There are no famous brands in the world, but capital created the concept of famous products specifically to harvest the money of those who yearn for a noble life!”

Wang Yifei said: "But for you, luxury goods, luxury?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "To me, it's just ordinary products that I wear on weekdays? I don't think these are any luxury, but for ordinary people, they are luxury. So now I have discovered a truth, in fact, the real It’s often the poor who can spend so much money! No matter what the ‘Double Eleven’ discounts are, as long as you don’t buy them, you can save 100% immediately!”

Zhang Pingan's last sentence will be an Internet joke in the future, but it sounded super fresh to them at this time, so all the women present burst into laughter: "Hahaha~~Yes, as long as you don't buy it, you will save 100%!"


Zhang Pingan came to visit the class and made the girls laugh. When they met Zhang Pingan for the first time, they discovered that Zhang Pingan was such a humorous person. Of course, all this is because Zhang Pingan is rich, so what he said about "saving 100%" is a kind of humor. What if you try it with an ordinary person? If you save 100% and say it out loud, you will probably get a blank stare! Those who order directly may even mutter, "If you can't afford it, don't compare!"

Zhang Pingan sat with them in the rest area for ten minutes and then stood up. Pang Di escorted Zhang Pingan out of the set. She accompanied him with a smile: "You were in front of my 'colleagues' just now. Very brilliant performance."

Seeing Fat Di looking a little jealous, Zhang Pingan wanted to reach out and pinch her bun face, but considering that they both wore makeup, if she pinched her, she would have to touch up her makeup when she went back. So Zhang Pingan just patted her back twice to show comfort: "Because I show my brilliance, they will think you are capable. At least they all know one thing now, I am here for you. ”

"Hmph~ Tonight may end early. Do you want to come to our hotel?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "I will go to your hotel to prepare a room in a moment."

Fatty smiled lightly and asked, "Are you coming back this time to wait for the new movie to start filming?"

"No, I won't be in charge of it after the TV series investment is finalized. This time I'm coming back mainly to discuss future cooperation with the network platform. I plan to produce variety shows in China."

"Oh? Aren't you going overseas after coming back this time? You just said you invested in a TV series in Japan."

Zhang Ping'an said: "I can be the general supervisor. For specific shooting, I may lead two episodes... and then hand it over to the on-site director. China needs to train some variety show crews to meet this market."

While chatting, the two of them came to the car. At this time, Fatty turned around and looked at Zhang Ping'an and said, "When the time comes, remember to arrange for me to participate in your program."

"That's for sure. I will definitely take care of our Fatty first. Okay, go back and get ready. I see that you have almost set up the scene. Let's talk again in the evening when we go back to the hotel."

Fatty nodded and said, "Well, I'll go back to work first, and be careful when driving." Although he really wanted to kiss goodbye or hug him or something, who knows if there are gossip reporters squatting around this set. China also has a professional paparazzi team.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and looked at Fatty looking back every three steps. He stood by the car and smiled before opening the door and getting in the car. And it’s not like we’re leaving, we’ll meet tonight.

Zhang Pingan drove directly to a quiet members-only restaurant. Today at noon, Zhang’s mother called Zhang Ping’an to make an appointment for dinner!

On the outskirts of the city, there was a garden-shaped restaurant. Zhang Pingan, led by the waiter, walked through the courtyard with small bridges and flowing water to the restaurant. This is a room located by the pool. When I opened the private room door, I saw Zhang's mother sitting in her seat and looking at the documents in her hands. After Zhang Pingan came in, she looked up at him and then closed her hands. The files in...

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