My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 893 Cooperation Negotiations

Internet celebrities, especially Internet celebrities who have had a knife on their face, have a very clear purpose. They want to live a good life. Of course, in this materialistic world, it is normal for them to think like this. After all, women's youth is short, and they just need to find someone who can let them live a good life during the time they have beauty. Of course, there are some that are more direct, using their appearance to directly become ‘high-end’.

It’s too tiring to make money at work, so I quickly earn enough money for retirement while my youth and beauty are still there. It doesn’t matter whether these beauties are products of high technology. After all, you can use your beauty to make money that you can’t make at work. Then when the youth is over, even if you can't find a rich second generation, you can easily find a licking dog, and your daily life will still be comfortable.

This is why the principal said that the demands of Internet celebrities are very simple. It is impossible for them to ask for houses or luxury cars. Maybe tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands can be spent. And he just wants to find a few more beautiful and good-looking ones while he is young, and play a few games with them. In the future, his marriage will be discussed again.

Zhang Pingan sent the young lady to Xintiandi and then left. The young lady looked at the vehicle in which Zhang Pingan left and sighed. Originally, she heard from the principal that Zhang Pingan's family was very rich and she still wanted to get close to him. Look at Zhang Ping'an. As a result, Zhang Ping'an didn't catch anything. He might as well have stayed at the singing place just now, because there were other friends of the principal inside!

After Zhang Pingan returned to the hotel, Fatty also came up in the evening. During this period, the two met in the hotel every night. As long as she didn't leave the hotel, she wouldn't be easily discovered, and Fatty wasn't that famous at the time, so she let the paparazzi team follow her.


A few days later, Zhang Pingan came to the company and made an appointment with people from the Mango platform to discuss cooperation. This time when Zhang Pingan returned to China for development, the first thing he engaged with was their platform, because this platform has an official background, and Zhang Pingan also knew that they had long wanted to learn from new variety shows. The first thing to target was the copyright in Zhang Pingan's hands. However, Zhang Pingan once publicly stated on the Internet that if someone "borrowed" his own program, he would fight the lawsuit to the end.

Today, the film purchasing director of the Mango platform came, a middle-aged woman. Zhang Pingan shook hands with the middle-aged woman named Li and entered the conference room. As Zhang Pingan walked, he smiled at the corner of his mouth because he remembered something that a certain screenwriter later exposed in a variety show. At the Chinese TV station, the film purchasing directors were all women, and they were middle-aged woman.

That's why the films starring "Little Fresh Meats" sell well. In the past, when the film purchasing director was a man, the director would even arrange for his own actress to accompany the film purchasing director to dinner. Times have changed now. The crew does not need actresses to accompany them to dinner. All the people present are young freshmen. If the actors can't go, then we can choose male staff members from the crew who look a little more serious to go.

The screenwriter also said that in the past, investors used to sell films to female salespeople. Nowadays, those who sell films are all men, and when production companies recruit film sales people, the first requirement is not academic qualifications.

But it depends on appearance.

It is understood that many managers in the investment circle recently are men who studied finance and have very good appearance. Often these managers who look good can attract more investments.

I have to say, times have changed.


After Zhang Ping'an and the film purchasing director entered the conference room, he smiled and said, "Director Li, I'm so sorry for making you come all the way to Shanghai."

Director Li smiled and gave up and said: "It's okay, Producer Zhang, we all have seen the achievements you have made. Our platform does want to cooperate on some entertainment projects recently, and I'm not afraid of your jokes. We The platform tried to produce some programs on its own, but the results of the programs were not very satisfactory. This time, we heard that producer Zhang was going to return to China to participate in program production, so we came here with full sincerity.”

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Where, wherever, being able to cooperate with Mango Channel is also an opportunity for me to learn. Although I have been a producer in South Korea for two years, there is still a lot that I need to learn at home."

Director Li smiled and said, "By the way, I heard that Producer Zhang studied in Japan?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Well, when I was a child, I didn't like studying very much and I was very playful, so my family sent me to study in Japan. As a result, I didn't learn much after that. Instead, I was influenced by Japanese entertainment programs. Influence. It can be said that Japanese variety shows dare to try any method to make the audience laugh. ”

Director Li said: "In terms of the entertainment market alone, it is true that Japan and South Korea are several years ahead of us. Recently, we have also begun to learn some variety shows that suit our domestic entertainment situation. We have to find our own strengths from learning! Oh, Didn’t your company invest in a TV series recently? Are you interested in having it premiere on our TV station?”

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "The investment in this TV series is relatively large, so our company may cooperate with TV and online platforms to premiere it together. Moreover, our company has a good cooperation with Kiwi. Last time they introduced " "Descendants of the Sun", a Korean TV series, offered quite good conditions."

Director Li responded: "Your company's investment in film and television has been quite good."

Zhang Ping'an said: "Because my family is engaged in investing, there must be a genetic relationship in investing."

"Oh? My family is an investor. What investment company?"

"P.A Investment, Zhang Yue is my mother, so I may have inherited some of her investment vision." This was the first time that Zhang Ping'an said his mother's name. Luo Rui from the brokerage company heard the news and felt like It was like a big thunder was set off.

Director Li was shocked by the news that Zhang Pingan said. After two seconds, she smiled and said: "So you are Ms. Zhang's son. No wonder you are so young and promising. I admire Ms. Zhang very much." Yes! She is a legend in our Chinese investment community, and I have never had the chance to meet Ms. Zhang.”

At this time, Director Li now knew that Zhang Ping'an actually hid such a powerful background. No wonder his career was going smoothly. Originally, when discussing cooperation, she wanted to take the initiative as much as possible on her own platform and just let Zhang Pingan be a 'wage earner'. But now this idea is basically impossible. After all, Zhang Ping'an's mother has official resources in her hands. It is extremely simple to deal with her.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Perhaps in the eyes of others she is a very powerful leader of an investment company, but in my eyes she is a very gentle mother. When I started my business, I received a lot of help from my mother. "

"If you have the chance, please give me a recommendation from Producer Zhang. Okay, let's talk about this cooperation."

Zhang Pingan nodded, then looked at Luo Rui, who was sitting next to him, and he took out his cooperation plan and handed it to Director Li: "Director Li, please take a look. This is the program we want to cooperate with your platform."

""The Longing for Life"" Director Li opened the schedule and looked at it. It was actually the program content of "Three Meals at a Time", but some Chinese elements were changed in it.

Director Li smiled and said: "This program is adapted from the content of "Three Meals a Day" that you collaborated with the famous Korean producer Na Young-seok, right?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Yes, this show was completed by Luo Yingshi's team and I, but the copyright of the show is in my hands. I originally created this show and then hired producer Luo Yingshi to discuss working together to film it. , because Na Yingshi’s team had experience filming programs in the countryside of Korea.”

Director Li said: "Well, we have studied your program "Three Meals at a Time". It is very suitable for the current era. The pace of urbanization is getting faster and faster, and such a relaxing program also makes People watching feel comfortable.”

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded: "Well, that's what I think. Relax appropriately. Every issue also invites some celebrities to be guests, and everyone sits together and chats. While relaxing, some interviews are also included in it. , so the show has quite a lot to watch. And your platform has a top host like Mr. He, who is very rhythmic in hosting, and his other main role is to be a guest on the show. It acts as a buffer because Teacher He’s many years of connections will make guests feel comfortable rather than embarrassed.”

Director Li said: "How do you plan to produce the program?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "We will invest in the filming together. Our company will provide 60% of the copyright and program investment costs. I will be responsible for the general guidance of the program. After the program is produced, it will be broadcast separately on your platform, and the program income will be 50%."

If Zhang Pingan had said that he wanted 50% of the profit before he knew Zhang Pingan's background, Director Li would probably have laughed out loud immediately. At this time, the role of Zhang Ping'an's background became apparent. Director Li said very gently: "50%, this precedent has not yet been established on our platform. I have given me the highest authority to make the decision. Investment will continue as usual, and income will be ours." The platform charges at least 60%! This is already a very reasonable price.”

Of course Zhang Pingan knows that the price offered by the platform is really gentle, if he still wants to force half of it. Then there is no point in continuing this negotiation, after all, their platform background is very strong!

"Okay, just follow what Director Li said and sign the contract. We will arrange for someone to go to your platform as soon as possible to complete the contract."

Director Li said: "I said, don't send others. Producer Zhang, come and sign a contract with us in person. This can be regarded as promoting our program in advance. After all, your status as a 'producer' is still very attractive." People pay attention.”

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