My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 911 Pani gets off the bus

It can be said that Zhang Pingan is despicable, because he knew that Li Zhien could not put down his 'work' for the time being, but he threw the question to her and asked her to choose one of two, get married or work. It's obvious that Zhang Pingan has mastered Li Zhien's psychology. Well, it's not considered psychology, right? It's her work situation, which Zhang Ping'an basically understands. That's why he so easily grasped the method of advancing or retreating when Li Zhien brought up the subject of 'marriage'.

Zhang Pingan said goodbye to Li Zhien at the airport. They boarded the plane to South Korea, and Zhang Pingan himself boarded the plane back to Shanghai. Sitting on the plane returning, Zhang Pingan looked at the clouds outside the window. He wondered whether there would be a 'marriage' in his future? The law stipulates that Zhang Pingan can have a legal wife, otherwise it will be 'bigamy'!

So on the way back, Zhang Ping'an asked himself countless times in his mind whether he could make a choice?

If he really had to choose one of them to get married, Zhang Pingan felt that he really couldn't make this choice. We have been together for a long time and are deeply emotionally involved. How can we let go easily? Anyway, he felt that he couldn't make a break. If one of them wanted to give up this relationship one day, Zhang Pingan didn't know if he could accept it.

Maybe outsiders think that a man like Zhang Pingan who is not dedicated is a scumbag, but Zhang Pingan does not think that he is a scumbag because he is sincere to everyone. Because of this sincerity, he couldn't make a choice.

Forget it, don't think about these annoying things for the time being. Zhang Ping'an can only continue with the concept of 'let's talk about it when the time comes', because he can't give up, so that's all he can do.


Li Zhien's China tour has been in China for a month. Starting from Guangzhou, Li Zhien will come to China every weekend. Zhang Pingan went to see two more concerts, and now his variety show is also ready to be filmed, so Zhang Pingan temporarily came to live in Yanjing.

All the preliminary preparations have been completed and the actors have made arrangements. All that is left to wait is the official filming of the show. However, since the house has just been renovated, the room needs to be left open for a while. Now it can be said that everything is ready.

In August, the weather in Yanjing was very hot, and Zhang Pingan had no intention of going out during the day. And he didn't know what to do when he went out alone in Yanjing, so before waiting for work to start, Zhang Pingan stayed in the hotel room every day, enjoying the air conditioning and playing "League of Legends" online.

Zhang Ping'an's account has reached the platinum level. Anyway, at this level, he can't get any higher. Play against the ‘Zunans’ in the game every day. This is a newly purchased account, so no one outside the network knows who he is. Anyway, when this game entered a disadvantageous situation, everyone was in trouble, so they started to blame the jungler in the top lane, the jungler in the middle lane, and the jungler in the bottom lane. Anyway, someone else's jungler will capture all three lanes.

My own jungler kept grinding endlessly, and finally hung up in Zuan in the spring.

Zhang Ping'an had nothing to do so he fought with those Zuan people online for 300 rounds. Anyway, his typing speed had improved a lot recently.

On such a hot day, Zhang Pingan found it quite interesting to play games in the hotel room with the door closed without going out.

In this month, the questions about Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki finally dissipated. There has been no news about him recently, and Zhang Ping'an seems to have disappeared from everyone's sight. But some people also saw Zhang Pingan working out at Yihe Aman in Yanjing. But these news are not what everyone cares about. What the public cares about is whether Zhang Pingan will be accompanied by beautiful women like the principal?

Recently, Zhang Pingan feels that it is quite good to play games without the company of women. That day, he was still staying in the room playing "League of Legends" when suddenly Zhang Pingan received a message from Taeyeon: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Ping'an looked at Taeyeon's text message, temporarily put down the game in his hand and replied: "What are you doing during your break? Then I am the same as you."

Recently, when Taeyeon sent a message asking Zhang Pingan, "What are you doing?", Zhang Pingan took all the game scenes from the same angle. Anyway, Zhang Pingan was playing "League of Legends" when he was free. The domestic servers were boring, so Zhang Pingan went to South Korea to become a Zauner.

After reading Zhang Pingan's message, Taeyeon replied: "Please comfort Pani."

Zhang Ping'an said in confusion: "Why should I comfort her? Isn't she fine?"

Taeyeon responded: "Some time ago, didn't we go to Japan to attend a family concert? When she arrived in Japan, she sent a picture of Japan on INS, and then domestic anti-fans deliberately took advantage of it. Later, all The audience asked her to get off the show, and today the program team called to tell her that she had been kicked off.”

Regarding Pani's matter, Zhang Ping'an read the news. Patriotism has exploded in South Korea recently, and the time Pani sent the picture was during the anniversary. If it were normal times, her picture would be able to explain it, but now I can't even explain it. Pani immediately deleted his photos and then issued his apology, but some anti-fans persisted in asking Pani to get off the show.

After the incident broke out, the program team has not expressed its position, but later, people who specialized in leading the trend on the Internet made this matter more and more serious. It was natural for Pani to be dropped.

After reading the message, Zhang Ping'an replied: "Get off the car, get off the car. Anyway, the show's ratings are not good, and it is planned to end soon. Your recent concert is over, and you are at home every day?"

Taeyeon replied: "What else? It's so hot outside, I don't want to go anywhere."

"Well, since Pani got off the bus here, you might as well come to China with her. Do you want to go to Changbai Mountain? I'll take you there."

Changbai Mountain is very meaningful to the Korean people. They believe that their ethnic group originated from the water of Changbai Mountain, so Zhang Pingan proposed to take the two of them to Changbai Mountain.

Taeyeon listened to Zhang Ping'an's suggestion and said hesitantly: "Go to Changbai Mountain? But I have watched the show. It seems very tiring to climb up, right?"

Zhang Pingan laughed when he heard Taeyeon's tone: "Do you think the most comfortable thing is to enjoy the air conditioning at home?"

Taeyeon responded matter-of-factly: "Of course. Why don't you go out and enjoy the air conditioning at home in the summer? It's too hot. Aren't you the same? I see you have been playing "League of Legends" in the hotel for several days."

"Aren't I waiting for the camera to start? The smell of the decoration in the room that has just been made needs to dissipate for a while before we can start shooting. It will take at least a week. If you don't come, I will have to go back to Shanghai alone. I feel like I'm getting moldy every day when I stay in the hotel." Zhang Ping'an said in a pitiful tone. Although it's not bad to play games alone in the room, life is better when Taeyeon is with you.

Taeyeon said with some dissatisfaction: "Don't lie to me to come to China. You have gone to several Li Zhien concerts recently."

She officially held her own solo concert in early August, but it was held in South Korea, so Zhang Pingan did not go there. After all, the 'boss' over there is gone during this period, which is when everyone's patriotism is bursting, so Zhang Ping'an still stays in China and has no intention of going to South Korea. Even when Yui Aragaki's TV series was launched to pray for blessings, he, the investor, was not present.

Yui turned on the camera because Zhang Ping'an couldn't leave work at the time, and he was directing the introduction of the filming program.

Zhang Ping'an responded to Taeyeon: "I went to Li Zhien's concert in China. If you hold a concert in China, I will definitely go. Didn't Pani get off the car? Come here together as a way to relax. ”

"I'll ask her and contact you later."

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said, "I'd better ask, and comfort her by the way."

After finishing the chat with Taeyeon, Zhang Pingan looked at his game screen. The team had already started to attack Zhang Pingan because he was standing under the defense tower and hung up. Zhang Ping'an looked at the greetings and immediately quit the game. He took his mobile phone and sent a message to Pani: "I heard that you are unemployed?"

As soon as the message passed, Pani's side showed reading, and then her reply came: "Did you send the message just to laugh at me?"

Zhang Ping'an replied to Pani's message: "What is there to miss about a program with poor ratings? Let me tell you, in the editing of the last two episodes, you have very few scenes. Get off the car and let me see it. It's the right choice, and with the ratings of that show, I can't think of any other way to survive other than ending it. To be honest, I only thought the episodes when you formed the group 'Onis' were a little bit interesting."

It is true that only those few episodes of that show received a lot of buzz on the Internet, but after the end of 'Onish', the ratings plummeted.

"I just feel very depressed. I finally had a variety show, but now..."

Seeing the news that Pani was unwilling to accept, Zhang Pingan said: "Don't think so much, come to China with Taeyeon, I will show you the great places in China."

Pani looked at the news about Zhang Pingan, she frowned and said: "Come to China to visit? Such hot weather? I have seen the weather in Yanjing, it is higher than in Seoul."

"Who said you should play in Yanjing? Apart from the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, what else can you think of to do in Yanjing?"

Pani replied: "I have never been to the Forbidden City or the Great Wall. Do you think I have many opportunities to come to China?"

"Then come and play. You are all homeless now anyway. I will take you and Taeyeon around?"

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