My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 914 Travel to Yanjing (2)

After the three of them had supper, they returned to the hotel. Knowing that the two of them would come today, Zhang Pingan specially converted his room into a double-bedroom suite in the afternoon.

Carrying the luggage into the accommodation area, while looking at these rooms in the style of Chinese classical architecture along the way, Zhang Pingan told Taeyeon and Tiffany about the hotel's "knowledge": "This Aman Hotel is located next to the Summer Palace, which is a garden for the Qing Dynasty royal family to relax and play. And these rooms in the Aman Hotel are the rooms where the ministers who accompanied the emperors when they were here for leisure and vacation in the past lived. There is a super large artificial lake in it, but we can't go in at night. Wait until tomorrow morning, and we can go in and run or something after we get up. It's pretty good."

In fact, there are traditional houses in South Korea, but these traditional houses have nothing to do with the royal family. But Zhang Pingan told the two of them that this was once the place where the royal family gave ministers to live. This meaning is immediately different from their traditional Korean houses in South Korea, and it is immediately upgraded by several levels. Taeyeon looked at Zhang Pingan and said, "Are these really all the royal buildings from the past?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Yes, this used to be a royal building complex. But the emperor didn't live here, he lived in the Linyuan building inside. Our team is still separated from the emperor's residence by a wall, and this is where the ministers live. Imagine, what level of ministers could be received by the emperor in ancient times? At least they must be at the level of "mayor of a metropolitan city" and "minister", right?" (PS: South Korea's metropolitan city is equivalent to China's municipality.)

Tiffany smiled and said, "It means that we are now enjoying the treatment of mayors and ministers?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "It must be higher than that level. Because this is a hotel, as long as you are willing to spend money, there is everything here."

Who knew that Tiffany rolled his eyes and immediately said, "Can I go to heaven?"

Zhang Pingan responded with a smile "Sure, why not? As long as you have enough money, I will contact a private rocket to send you to the sky."

Chatting and laughing all the way, the three of them quickly came to the room. Pushing the door to enter was the shared public space living room. Zhang Pingan pointed to the two-bedroom suite and said, "The rooms on both sides are the same. They are all suites with a small lounge area. You guys stay over there?"

After Tiffany turned her head to look at the room, she then looked at Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon, and then said, "You two live together?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Okay, don't test us, it's meaningless. Taeyeon, sleep with Tiffany today. Otherwise, she can't sleep alone at night?"

"Can't sleep?" When Tiffany heard this, she was stunned for two seconds, and then she immediately reacted. Everyone lived under the same roof, so would there be some "noises" at night that would keep her awake? Tiffany immediately made a disapproving expression: "I sleep soundly at night, and thunder can't wake me up! Is Taeyeon's voice louder than thunder?"

Before Zhang Pingan said anything, Taeyeon immediately shouted to Tiffany: "Ah~~ Huang Miying!"

Zhang Pingan smiled and pushed the two people's suitcases to the room where they lived, and then said to Taeyeon: "I have a bathroom over there, you two take a shower first. I took a shower after exercising in the afternoon, and I just need to rinse it briefly later."

After Zhang Pingan finished speaking, he accompanied the two people and sat in their room to watch them sort out the items they brought. Fortunately, summer is here, and the things they brought are very light, but the price of lightness is that they can stuff more clothes in. As for shoes, the two did not bring many pairs, because Huaxia's shoes are beautiful and cheap, and they can just go shopping when they need shoes.


After the two packed their luggage, they took out their own pajamas and went to take a shower, and Zhang Pingan returned to the small living room in his room to look at the computer email, which had some investigation reports on it,

which were conducted by Huaxia's agency. Recently, the economy driven by "Internet celebrities" has made many capitals see the effect, so Zhang Pingan plans to enter the "Internet celebrity economy" and let the agency set up a branch to do it specifically.

Zhang Pingan looked at the market research done by the company and found that the "" model has actually attracted the attention of many capitals. To put it bluntly, these are all capital's thousand-layer cake routines. It is true that Internet celebrities drive the economy, but it is still Zhang Pingan's words that capital creates Internet celebrities! Behind the Internet celebrities, if there is no capital, what are you playing? To put it bluntly, today's market has begun to turn to the same "capital controls everything" routine as Europe and the United States.

And now China's capital is really very rich! For example, "Ali" and "Penguin" are all super-large capitals, and they are capitals that do not lack cash. The industrial chain driven by the "Internet celebrity economy" is quite huge. Now China's "Internet celebrities" have just attracted the attention of capital, but currently they are live broadcast Internet celebrities! And Zhang Pingan is thinking about the larger industrial chain in the future, Internet celebrity capital that brings goods. Internet celebrities who can help manufacturers sell goods are the Internet celebrities that capital loves the most!

However, what Zhang Pingan needed to do was to enter the market first and grow with them. At this time, China's "Internet celebrity economy" was not as strong as that on YouTube. There were already many Internet celebrities on YouTube who began to use their subscription numbers to negotiate with manufacturers about bringing goods, but China had not yet taken off. So Zhang Pingan had to get into this industry first.

While Zhang Pingan was looking at the investigation report seriously, Taeyeon came out after taking a shower. She wiped her freshly washed hair with a towel. Zhang Pingan listened to the sound of her opening the door and turned to look at Taeyeon. He smiled and pointed to the dressing table in his room and said, "Sit down and I'll blow dry your hair."

The tenderness shown by Zhang Pingan in some small things made Taeyeon feel sweet in her heart. She smiled softly and said, "If you want to play games, I'll just ask Pani to help me later."

Zhang Ping'an had already stood up from his seat. He shook his head and said: "Playing games is for killing time when you are bored, and you are here, how can I spend my precious time on games? I I’m reading the investigation reports sent by some companies.”

Taeyeon nodded and sat in front of the dressing table. Then he picked up the hair dryer in the drawer and started blowing Taeyeon's hair. The fragrance of Taeyeon's shampoo smells very good. Zhang Pingan turned on the hair dryer and fiddled with Taeyeon's shoulder-length hair: "This fragrance is good."

As he spoke, Zhang Pingan began to sing: "In the swaying flowers, I can feel the fragrance of your shampoo..." Zhang Pingan had simply sung this song by Li Zhien, but this song has never been popularized. After publishing it, because the lyrics were not suitable for girls to sing, Li Zhien just kept it in mind after listening to it.

When Taeyeon was listening to the song, she turned to look at Zhang Ping'an and said, "This song is very good, but it sounds a bit like IU singing while holding a guitar. This is what you gave me." Song written by Zhien?”

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "No, it's just that when I talked about music with Li Zhien last time, I played and sang this song. She felt that the lyrics were not suitable for female singing, so she has not found a suitable publisher until now."

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and said, "Really? It sounds like you wrote this song specifically for Li Zhien."

Zhang Ping'an was so full of desire for survival that he immediately opened his mouth and said: "Specially written? Except for the song "I", I wrote it specifically for my purpose. All other music is just a whim. In fact, this song is I wrote this when I was drying your hair last time. After we came back from shooting the MV together in New Zealand, you said your hair was badly damaged, so I told you to just cut it short! That’s all. After playing with the guitar a few times, it was almost finished, because I couldn’t find the right person to publish it.”

Taeyeon didn't believe Zhang Ping'an's words anyway, but since Li Zhien didn't ask for the song, she wanted it. So she said: "Then finish this song and give it to me. Next time I release an album, I will randomly put this song in my album. It won't be the main feature anyway. This melody will be released in autumn and winter. It’s pretty good. And female voices can also sing ‘male lyrics’.”

Zhang Ping'an didn't expect Taeyeon to want this song? However, Zhang Ping'an really didn't prepare this song for Li Zhien. Because Li Zhien has started to compose his own music and lyrics, Taeyeon asked, and Zhang Pingan immediately agreed: "Okay, I don't know why I keep it anyway, I'll leave this song for you next time In the regular album.”

However, Pani also came over after taking a shower at this time. Because of the noise of the hair dryer, Pani did not hear what the two were talking about. But she saw Zhang Pingan gently standing behind Taeyeon, blowing and arranging her hair. Although this thing... was a very common thing, what Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon showed was the warmth of their love. meaning. Looking at the backs of the two of them, she felt very envious.

"Ahem~~" Pani coughed twice deliberately to indicate that he had entered. Taeyeon turned to Pani and smiled, while Zhang Pingan found an angle and looked at Pani in the mirror: "There is beer and champagne in the refrigerator. If you want to drink it, take it yourself."

Pani looked at the sweet performance of the two, and she could only use alcohol to anesthetize herself, so she walked towards the refrigerator: "Then I'm not polite. I want to drink some champagne before resting today. You two can continue. ”

Zhang Ping'an glanced at Pani and said, "You have control over yourself. We will get up very early tomorrow."

Pani gave up and said: "Don't worry. When we have a schedule, we have more time to go to bed late and get up early. How can I not get up because of a glass of wine?"

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