My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 364 Press Conference

At the press conference, a huge photo of "Three Meals a Day" was hung behind the four of them. Zhang Ping'an sat in the first position, followed by Na Yingshi, Li Ruizhen, and Ok Taecyeon. Because Zhang Pingan is the chief planner and investor of the show, he must sit at the front. After a brief introduction of the program, Luo Yingshi smiled and said to reporters: "I personally learned a lot from this cooperation with PD Zhang Pingan. Although PD Zhang Pingan is very young, his portrayal of 'beauty' is really impressive." I’m very impressed.”

At this time, a reporter asked: "PD Zhang, this is your first time working with PD Luo Yingshi, right? What do you think of PD Luo?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "First of all, PD Luo and Writer Li are both seniors that I respect very much. I liked them very much when they used to produce programs at K Club. This time I have the opportunity to work with them on a program. I Personally, I feel that this is a very honorable thing, and during this filming, I really learned a lot from PD Luo and Writer Li about how to respond flexibly on the show, and I also learned from them about variety shows. It’s not a TV series, it doesn’t need a fixed script. This is a real variety show..."

Zhang Ping'an continued: "Each TV series shoot has a fixed scene and characters' lines, and then the actors' performance. Variety shows don't have that, just like what our Taecyeon showed in the show, he doesn't even wash the rice. Just throw it into the pot and want to cook it.”

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's scolding Yu Taeyan, all the reporters present burst into laughter. Didn't you even wash the rice?

After the laughter, another reporter asked: "PD Zhang, what was your original intention in producing this show?"

Zhang Ping'an responded: "The original intention should be to educate and entertain, right? More and more people live in cities nowadays. Many young people don't understand what is going on in the countryside? Maybe it's time to go there during the holidays Go to your hometown to visit the elderly, but when you go there, your grandparents will prepare a sumptuous table of dishes. Maybe they don’t understand the intention contained in a table of dishes. Moreover, modern people are too busy, so takeaways and convenience stores have become the way to go. The first choice for dining. I hope to tell the 'emotion' reflected in every meal through our program "Three Meals at a Time".

When Zhang Pingan briefly talked about the "love" of the dinner table, the reporters present applauded one after another. It is true that people nowadays are so busy that they forget that a table of meals requires careful preparation. And the person who prepares the table for him contains a heart and a feeling! !

The reporter asked: "Li Ruizhenxi, is this the first time you and PD Zhang Ping'an have cooperated? Do you have anything to say to him?"

"I think he is a worse and more cunning producer than Luo Yingshi. Because every time I go to him to complain when I am depressed, he always looks at you with a warm and healing smile, and then speaks to you gently and slowly. Reasonable, and then you were convinced for no reason? Just like you asked him just now, what is the original intention at the beginning of the show? I think he and Luo Yingshi just joined forces to trick me into the countryside, and then just wanted to see me make a fool of myself. , these two people are really bad! Many guests said they were fooled after coming. Please watch the show for yourself. "

The reporters at the scene burst into laughter again: "Hahaha~~ Will you cooperate with PD Zhang Ping'an next time?"

Li Ruizhen glanced at Zhang Pingan with a smile and said to the reporter: " front of him, what do you want me to say? I hope PD Luo Yingshi and PD Zhang Pingan, it is best for us not to meet again. These two people have too many tricks together. I’m really scared.”

"Hahaha~~" The reporters all laughed. It seemed that Li Ruizhen was dealt with badly by the cooperation of the two genius PDs.

The reporter then asked: "Ok Taek Yeon xi, do you have anything to say about the two PDs and senior Lee Seo Jin?"

“I’m honored to be invited by two PDs. Senior Lee Seo-jin also took great care of me during the show.

This is a very valuable experience. "

The interviews about the program have all ended. The press conference only talked about the filming of the program, the composition of the team, etc. As for the content of the program, we will not reveal too much, which requires the audience to watch it in person.

After the program asked, a reporter raised his hand and said: "PD Zhang Pingan, how is your relationship with Jessica recently? A few days ago, a netizen photographed you and a Chinese actress shopping. What is your relationship?"

"Sika and I are very good. As for the Chinese actress, she is my friend in China. She came to Seoul for the first time because of work, and I have lived here for more than four years, so I took her around I've read some reports saying that I'm in love with that Chinese actress, or that I'm having an affair. I really think the reporter who wrote that article is mentally ill, right? Damn, in a place like Lotte, why did you cheat on her in a crowded place? Could you please use your brain when writing an article? Will you remember to take photos of me taking her to the hotel? It’s easier to write a novel with such photos. , I will no longer answer questions that have nothing to do with our program.”

At this time, the reporter asked: "PD Zhang Ping'an, what are your plans next? There is news that you plan to cooperate with Ment?"

Zhang Ping'an covered his mouth and said with a smile: "Wow... I just went there this morning, and the news came out so quickly in the past two hours? At present, I am indeed discussing the production of the program. At present, we are only in preliminary discussions. Contact, please wait patiently for details.”

“What kind of show would it be if you collaborated with?”

Zhang Pingan responded: "It should be a new model of music program. For details, reporters please wait for announcements from my company and the TV station. I can only reveal so much for the time being."


The press conference is over. The new program produced by Zhang Pingan and Luo Yingshi quickly made the headlines in major entertainment sections. After the photo of the two PDs sitting together was released, many netizens took pictures of Zhang Pingan and Luo Yingshi. In comparison, his appearance was once again praised by netizens as a "genius in appearance".

In Zhang Pingan's photos, there are people frowning, or smiling, or looking serious when listening to PD Luo Yingshi's narration, etc.

A series of photos about Zhang Pingan appeared on the Internet. Many netizens said that Sika had made a profit. Her boyfriend Zhang Pingan was handsome and rich, and his responses on the spot were also humorous. Of course, Li Ruizhen called Zhang Ping'an, "Bad guy, let's not see each other again." ’ and so on.

What was strange after the press conference was that the name of the program did not rank at the top of the hot search list, but instead, "Zhang Ping'an" personally ranked at the top of the hot search list? On the Internet, some people posted photos of Zhang Pingan, some of him wearing formal clothes, some of him wearing sportswear.

Soon 'Adidas, Zhang Pingan's same style. ’ He quickly climbed to the third position. One is: Zhang Pingan, the second is: "Three Meals at Three Hours" by Zhang Pingan and Luo Yingshi, and the third is: Zhang Pingan is of the same style.

Just like that suddenly, the Adidas sports store actually ushered in the peak sales period at night? Are all the sportswear Zhang Pingan wears daily sold out?

After Zhang Pingan returned home after the press conference, he once again put on sportswear and drove to the restaurant Xika ordered. In a Western-style restaurant, Zhang Pingan sat alone on the terrace, waiting for the arrival of Sika and others.

While waiting for boredom, Zhang Pingan picked up his phone and read the messages about EXID again. Hani is really popular. Their official club actually gained 8,000 fans in one day. For the first time, the official announced exid's itinerary on the official website. At this time, they need popularity, so publishing the itinerary on the official website will give more fans the opportunity to get in touch with them.

However, the most bizarre thing happened. There was a song announcement on their official blog? exid, was invited to return to the singing stage? A song that had been released for several months returned to the singing stage once again with Zhang Pingan's video, officially kicking off their counterattack.

Looking at these records, Zhang Pingan had a slight smile on his lips. Although I didn’t buy this counterattack group myself, I was in a good mood. Just one video brought a group back to life? If the video had been released by someone else, I might not have such strong feelings, but this was released by him, and I felt inexplicably happy.

Just then Sika's voice appeared: "Wow...are you planning to endorse Adidas?"

Zhang Ping'an looked up at Sika. When he saw that she was the only one who came to the restaurant, he said in surprise: "Where are they?"

Sika said casually: "They are still filming. There are several new styles of sunglasses, as well as some series designed by Xiuying, including dresses, and some jeans, denim and the like. Have you seen the hot searches? "

"After the press conference, I simply read the reports about the program and stopped paying attention to the news. What's wrong?"

Sika smiled and pulled out his chair and sat across from Zhang Ping'an: "You are on the hot search, and you are the one."

"Me?" Zhang Ping'an pointed at himself in confusion and said.

"Well, I said you are handsome."

"Huh? Isn't it too strange that he is so handsome and so popular?" Although it felt strange to say what he said, Zhang Ping'an was still quite satisfied in his heart.

"The photos I took of you in the past were all taken by chance, but today at the press conference, a lot of photos of you were leaked. There are photos of you from various angles and with various expressions. It can be said that everyone can see your appearance in many aspects. . Many people say you are handsome, so you are on the hot search list. I am thinking about you being my model. By the way, I designed some scarves. Please remember to wear them. Ah. Sellout King, stop advertising Adidas.”

"It's not time to use a scarf yet, right?"

"Sika?" At this moment, a woman's voice came over. Sika heard the sound and looked back at her friend and laughed happily: "Unnie, here you go."

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