My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1021: Daily Ditty

Yui's home was still clean and tidy. Zhang Ping'an naturally took out his slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them on before entering the room with the things he bought. 'COCO', who had been at home all day, couldn't wait to run to the door when she heard the sound of the door to welcome Yui home. Yui didn't have time to change her shoes, but squatted in the entrance and rubbed her shoes. Its dog head.

Zhang Ping'an, who was putting things in the room, heard Yui's voice praising his pet from the entrance. He first put down the things in his hands and then turned back to the entrance again to take in the remaining things. Then he said to Yui Aragaki: "What, do you two plan to keep making out like this at the door? Okay, come in."

When Zhang Pingan turned around and walked into the house with his things, Yui smiled sweetly, "Hehe" and quickly changed her slippers and chased after him. She hugged Zhang Pingan from behind. His hands were wrapped around Zhang Pingan's waist, and his whole body was pressed against his junior. 'COCO', who ran in after him, also imitated Yui's appearance. It screamed happily and then pounced on Zhang Pingan's calf for a hug.

Zhang Ping'an held the shopping bags in both hands, scolded COCO twice and said: "Oh, you little guy can't learn to be like your sister. You can only take two steps, do you still need to hug me? Let's go, let's go~~"

Zhang Pingan was pressed tightly by Yui, and the two walked into the living room simultaneously. Only then did Yui let go of Zhang Pingan, and she went to the living room to sort out the clothes she bought. Zhang Pingan went to the kitchen to sort out the ingredients he bought. Yui, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looked up at Zhang Pingan in the kitchen, feeling so peaceful and comfortable. The whole family felt inexplicably at ease having him by their side. Even though the plastic bags made friction noise when he was sorting the ingredients, Yui still felt that it was a warm feeling.

The afterglow of the setting sun penetrated from the balcony and fell on the floor. The house was peaceful. Yui arranged the newly bought clothes and stacked them in the corner of the sofa. She sat on the floor and played games with her pet COCO.

In the kitchen, after Zhang Ping'an sorted out the ingredients he bought, he started processing dinner. Shredded pork with green pepper, mapo tofu, stir-fried shrimp, tomato and egg soup, these are the most common Chinese home dishes. A simple family banquet for two people does not involve any elaborate presentation, just food to go with the meal.

Yui, who was sitting on the floor playing with the dog, looked up from time to time at Zhang Pingan who was busy in the kitchen. The sweetness on her lips never dissipated. She picked up the mobile phone on the table and pointed it at Zhang Ping'an in the kitchen, clicked and took a picture. Then he sent the photo to his sister again.

And Yui's sister took the photo sent by Yui and beat her husband again. Then the couple did not cook today, but went out to eat at a high-end restaurant.

Yui's sister and her husband were eating food in a high-end sushi restaurant in Tokyo, while chatting with her sister and brother-in-law. The brother-in-law said: "Every time I see the photos Yui sent, I can feel his affection for her. Yui is really nice. I think it’s a great thing for a man to cook for the woman he loves.”

Sister Yui nodded and said: "Well, it's hard to imagine that a person with such a background can live so leisurely at home with Yui. The more I see the two of them, the more suitable they become. Sometimes it's really sad to see them loving each other like this. Envy."

"The two of them are so busy that they barely have time to see each other. What's there to envy? But, speaking of it, does Yui plan to live in China in the future?"

Sister Yui said: "What do you know? Sometimes relationships don't mean being together every day. And the nature of their work is completely different from ours. When Yui is busy, which day doesn't she work overtime until very late? Sometimes I don’t even have much time to rest, so I think Yui can work harder on her career while she’s young. Do you really want Yui to be a full-time wife in that so-called wealthy family?”

A full-time wife in a wealthy family,

It’s not that easy to do. This is something that everyone agrees on, because once a person loses her financial autonomy, her status in the family is the same as that of a nanny. It's not that Yui can't make money, so there's no need to be a full-time housewife.


While Sister Yui was chatting with them, the two of them had a simple dinner and then took COCO for a walk on the river embankment. This is a very simple and warm daily life for Zhang Pingan and Yui. After dinner, they take the dog for a walk, and after the sun completely disappears, they slowly go home.

At this time, the two of them were sitting on the lawn of the river embankment. COCO untied the rope and let it go around. Because the sun has completely set, and as night is about to begin, they are the only two people sitting here on the river embankment, enjoying today's leisure. When there was no one else on the river embankment, Zhang Ping'an let go of COCO and let him run away happily. If there are children playing on the river embankment from nearby residents, it is impossible to let go of the dog leash.

Yui and Zhang Pingan were sitting on the river embankment. She leaned on Zhang Pingan's shoulder and enjoyed the unfolding of the night. There were not many stars in the sky, only a few extremely bright stars hanging in the sky. COCO, tired from running, came back to the two of them and stuck out his tongue. As expected, the short-legged Dachshund had very poor physical strength.

Yui gently poured water into the water bowl she brought to rehydrate COCO. Seeing COCO drinking water innocently, she turned to Zhang Pingan with a smile and said, "It's almost time for us to go back, it's a bit cold."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and took off the thin down jacket he was wearing and put it on Yui Yui's shoulders: "I asked you to wear an extra layer when going out."

Yui smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder again: "Hehe, isn't this you?"

After the two stood up, Yui patted her buttocks. Zhang Pingan held COCO, and Yui held his arm. They walked home in the night.

At night, outdoor wild cats make calls to attract the opposite sex, and the primitive human nature is being staged in Yui's bedroom...

Spring nights are not quiet, but a bit tiring.

When it was daylight, Zhang Ping'an wore the sportswear he bought and came to the river embankment and started jogging. Lazy Yui has to sleep until about eleven o'clock every day when he has no schedule, so Zhang Pingan spends the morning alone. After the exercise, Zhang Ping'an returned home, took a shower, and went downstairs to feed Coco breakfast. He sat in the living room and drank breakfast coffee while nibbling on the Western breakfast he made simply, toast with jam, bacon, sausage.

Zhang Pingan held an iPad in his hand and looked through the information about the ongoing Geneva Motor Show. The car that attracted Zhang Pingan's most attention was the Farah 5818. Apart from the 8330 Mercedes-Benz GTR, the others were the popular 10th generation Civic. However, the 10th generation Civic Red Head is easily available in Tokyo. The other two... Zhang Ping'an took out the phone and called his mother's secretary, Xiao Zheng. After telling him his intention to buy a car, the other party said he knew.

In the past two years, Zhang Ping'an plans to spend more time on the track, so he doesn't have too many cars.

After reading the news about the auto show, Zhang Pingan lay down on the sofa in the living room and started watching animations to kill time.

Just like that, Zhang Pingan spent his morning watching cartoons. When Yui was about to get up, Zhang Pingan went to make breakfast for her. It was a very simple Japanese cuisine, but Zhang Pingan was not satisfied with Yui. There was barbecue in the breakfast prepared by Yi De. Just because she didn't like fish that much, Zhang Pingan used barbecue as protein.

After preparing breakfast, Zhang Pingan went upstairs to wake her up. As a result, Yui was already up when she went upstairs. She rinsed her mouth in front of the sink and said, "I got up when I smelled the fragrance, hehe."

"It's pretty good. I don't need to call you."

Zhang Pingan went downstairs first, and soon Yui came down wearing glasses and sat at the dining table to dine with Zhang Pingan. She was for brunch, and Zhang Pingan was for lunch.

Yui said: "After dinner, I plan to read the script at home. For dinner, my sister invited us to have dinner at her house."

"Okay, I'll read the script with you at home. Are the crew confirmed?"

Yui shook her head and said: "The crew hasn't called yet, so I don't know."

Once the crew is safe and secure, all participants will have a meeting together. However, the crew has not yet contacted Yui, which means that the crew is still making preparations.

Zhang Pingan said: "After preparations are made, you have to start getting busy?"

Yui said: "Yeah, more or less. After preparations, we will have a meeting for a few days, and everyone will memorize the script together. Sigh... the role of a doctor is really hard, there are many professional words, which is very difficult to memorize."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "I heard from an actor friend that the most difficult roles to play are doctors and lawyers. One is a professional word, and the other is a legal charter. You happened to play both, which one do you think is more difficult? "

Yui thought for a while and then curled her lips and said: "It seems to me that it is difficult. The law is sometimes quite convoluted. I have never heard of doctors' professional vocabulary. But I think the most difficult ones are action movies."

Action movies are more difficult for Yui, who doesn't exercise much, than being given lines, because many of the actions need to be cool and beautiful after being done.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "I watched it. You were very handsome in "S-The Last Police Officer". I saw a different you on the screen."

Yui smiled bitterly and said: "That was the most tiring film for me. After taking that film, I found that I would never be able to take on any more action films in the future. Really, it was too much for me. Difficult."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "For me, a pure spectator, watching your changes is very satisfying. However, thank you for your hard work."

Yui smiled and said, "It'll be fine for a while. You can help me read the script."

"Okay, I don't have to act against you, right? I'll just stand in front of you and watch your performance."

"That's not okay"

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