My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 372 Crystal Detective?

Zhang Ping'an looked at the mess in the living room and bedroom, but he didn't feel particularly disgusted, because this is what life should be like. If you have to keep it as clean as a model room all the time, it is completely unnecessary. Home is a place of life, not a museum for people to visit. So it doesn’t make people feel bad to see such life-like ‘chaos’.

As long as it's not as messy as it is occasionally broadcast on TV shows, it's still acceptable. Because Mai Shiraishi didn't fold the quilts in the living room and bedroom, which is very humane. You can roughly guess her living conditions by seeing these unorganized places. For example, if there is no quilt in the bedroom, it means that you woke up late in the morning and did not have time to fold the quilt. Occasionally, this little confusion is quite cute.

She didn't have a quilt, so Zhang Pingan could just lay it out. The magazines on the table in the living room were also stacked on top of each other, and the blanket on the sofa was also neatly stacked. Looking at this blanket, Zhang Pingan showed a gentle smile, because in Tokyo in October, there is still a temperature difference of more than ten degrees between day and night. If Zhang Pingan was in Tokyo, he would definitely turn on the heating in the living room to keep the room warm. A comfortable temperature of 26 degrees.

But the blankets here indicate that Mai Shiraishi didn't turn on the heater at home. Zhang Pingan took his backpack to the cloakroom. Mai Shiraishi's clothes were hung neatly in the cloakroom. Zhang Pingan brought simple things with him. After tidying up, I returned to the bedroom. In the bedroom, he opened the safe because he left five million yen in cash in the cabinet when he left last time.

It's not that he wanted to check how much money was used, of course he didn't care how much was used. Zhang Ping'an just wanted to see if he should add some more. He opened the cabinet and found four neat stacks of 10,000 banknotes inside. One stack was scattered. There was some left over after that, apparently for management fees and living expenses (water, electricity, coal). Looking at the remaining money in it, Zhang Ping'an knew that Shiraishi Mai basically didn't use the money here, except for the fixed expenses of the house.

At the same time, there is a Lamborghini car key in the safe. Zhang Pingan took out the car keys from the cabinet for daily use, and then returned to the living room. He lay weakly on the sofa in the living room, took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and put it on his chest, looking at the ceiling and talking to himself. : "It's so troublesome. Who should I ask not to come?"

Because the two of them are absolutely not allowed to meet, Zhang Pingan must make a decision quickly. Li Zhien's side is tomorrow. Well, her tomorrow is night here in Tokyo. She will go to the airport to refund her ticket and switch to a flight to Tokyo. The same goes for Crystal. If she doesn't tell her clearly in advance, she might come over tomorrow. By don't have to imagine that scene, your head will already hurt.

Zhang Pingan stared blankly at the ceiling for maybe ten minutes. During these ten minutes, he had no idea, and his mind was completely blank, because he knew very well that there was no answer for them to live in peace.

Finally, Zhang Pingan held the phone and sent a message to Zheng Xiujing: "Xiujing, how about you come to Tokyo next week. Because I still have some work matters to deal with here. If you come over tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will I can’t take care of you at all. If you want to go to a hot spring, you have to go to Hakone or Yamanashi Prefecture where Mount Fuji is located, and I can’t go there during this time in Tokyo.”

After sending this message, Zhang Pingan sat up and rubbed his face with a sigh. If they didn't come together, he would definitely be much more relaxed.

In Seoul, Xiao Jingshu, who was lying at home watching TV, received the news from Zhang Pingan and muttered to herself in confusion: "Sure enough, Zhang Pingan must have some problems in Tokyo. Do you have a career in Tokyo? You My career is either in China or in Korea? Do you think I’m stupid if I have a career in Tokyo?”

After saying this, Xiao Jingshu hesitated for a while and then sent a message to Pani: "Ouni, does Oppa Zhang Ping'an have a career in Tokyo?" She did not ask her own sister this time.

Instead, he asked Pani, who was very close to Zhang Pingan. Because she felt that if she asked Sika, she might not tell her, or she might help Zhang Pingan lie, so she chose to ask Pani.

After a while, Pani replied: "Isn't it? It's not Zhang Ping'an who asked you to join his career in Tokyo, right?"

Pani knew very well what Zhang Pingan's career was in Tokyo, where he had teamed up with a publishing house to develop the idol's "Sexy" photo album. Pani thought that Zhang Pingan wanted Xiao Jingshu to take such photos. If that was the case, then Pani felt that he had to file a complaint with Sika. Perhaps in Japan, swimsuits, underwear, and other extremely ‘Sexy’ photos are a reflection of ‘beauty’.

But for South Korea, this kind of "beauty" still breaks the limit. Although Korean fashion magazines have long described some "Sexy beauty," they don't photograph them as nakedly as they do in Japan, and they go straight to bikinis. They may wear shorts, miniskirts, etc., but there are no fashion magazines in Korea to take photos like "swimsuit", unless it is an adult magazine!

But adult magazines in Korea don’t use idols. No, it should be said that the agency does not allow its idols to take photos that are too explicit. Currently, none of the female idols in Korea have taken bikini photos. The swimsuits photographed by Korean idols are all long-sleeved and shorts, which is very different from bikinis.

Of course, except for underwear models, but after all, that is two different things from swimsuit and bikini photos.

When Crystal saw Pani's reply, she looked confused: "Unnie, what on earth is he doing in Tokyo?"

Pani replied: "You don't know? Didn't your sister tell you?"

"No. Aren't I taking a break during this period? Yesterday I heard from my sister that he was going to Tokyo, so I said that I might as well go to Tokyo for two days. He happened to have been living in Japan for many years, right? I thought about it. He works as a tour guide for me. But when I sent him a message, he said that he may be busy with work recently and doesn’t have time to work as a tour guide for me, but I don’t know what kind of career he has in Tokyo.”

"Haha, I thought Zhang Pingan asked you to work in Tokyo. He may be quite busy in Tokyo during this time, and he went to Tokyo this time for matters there."

Not only Pani, everyone in their girlhood knew that Mai Shiraishi's photo album was produced by Zhang Pingan. He spent so much effort to promote her all over the city. Seeing that November was about to enter the harvest period, he was at the end There must be a lot of things to do in your time, and this is inevitable.

Although Xiao Jingjing dismissed Zhang Pingan's busy work schedule, she was even more curious about Zhang Pingan's career in Tokyo. Why did Pani's answer make her feel like Zhang Ping'an was doing some strange business in Tokyo?

Pani couldn't find out what Zhang Pingan was doing in Tokyo, so she turned around and asked Yoona. Although she wasn't sure if Yoona knew it, among the sisters in Girls' Generation, Yoona and Pani were the closest to her. Intimate.

Xiao Jingshuang sent a message to Yoona: "Yoongi, do you know what career Oppa Zhang Pingan has done in Tokyo?"

"Why are you asking this? Zhang Pingan asked you to go over and work with her, right?"

When Crystal saw that Yoona's answer was almost the same as Pani's, it made her even more confused. She said with an idea: "Well, oppa, let me go over and work with him. I didn't know what it was, so I asked Asked you."

As a result, Little Crystal waited for a long time without waiting for Yoona's reply, because at this time Yoona called Sika: "Sika Oni, Little Crystal said that Zhang Pingan asked her to go to Tokyo to take photos with her? Oppa, what the hell? What are you thinking about?"

"No? I don't know about this. I'll ask Zhang Pingan."

After Sika hung up the phone, Yoona immediately called Zhang Pingan in Tokyo. When Zhang Pingan saw Sika's call, he frowned and thought: Sika didn't call to ask me. Take care of the crystal, right?

Zhang Pingan answered Sika's call: "Oh, Sika, what's wrong?"

"Are you looking for crystal to take photos?"

"What? What photo? I don't know."

Sika said: "Jingshu said you asked her to take a photo, and Yoona even called me to ask me what happened."

"I asked her to take a photo shoot? How is this possible? Don't you Korean idols not take 'Sexy' photos? Besides, it's impossible for your company to agree to let her take photos. No...what the hell, I I sent a message to Zheng Xiujing saying that I will be very busy recently and I asked her to come to Tokyo next week because I don’t have time to take care of her these two days.”

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's confused tone, Sika nodded and said, "I know, then let me call Crystal and ask her why she talks nonsense?"

After Zhang Pingan and Sika hung up the phone, they said with confused faces: "What on earth are you doing? When did I let Crystal take a photo?"

Sika immediately called Jing Jing again. Xiao Jing Jing looked at her sister's call and thought, 'There must be something wrong with Zhang Ping'an's career in Tokyo, otherwise Pani wouldn't say it, Yoona wouldn't say it, and they would contact her directly. Sika? ’

"Unnie, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What are you talking about? Why did Zhang Pingan ask you to take a photo?"

Listening to Sika's unkind tone, Little Crystal said in confusion: "I didn't say it? Who said this?"

"You didn't say? Then why did Yoona say you were going to take a photo?"

"I didn't tell you, so I asked sister Yoona, Zhang Pingan, what kind of business Oppa is doing in Tokyo... Ah, Ouni, is Oppa doing publishing business in Tokyo?"

Sika said depressedly: "What kind of publishing house does he have? He just cooperates with artists in the Japanese circle."

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