My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1033 Li Zhien’s silent counterattack!

It was a bit ironic when Zhang Pingan drove this red-headed Honda on the roads of South Korea. High-end Lexus can be seen occasionally in South Korea, but the price range of Japanese family shopping cars is actually similar to that of their domestic cars, and Korean domestic cars have a "promotional" method such as exemption from purchase tax. From the perspective of daily family driving, Korean domestic cars are okay, so Japanese family cars are rarely seen on the streets.

And if you buy imported cars, even low-power Japanese cars, this purchase tax cannot be exempted. So many ordinary families buy cars, and if they are not short of money, they buy European "BBA" and other cars. Japanese cars are basically rarely considered. After all, those cars with similar prices to Korean cars, but with taxes and transportation costs, they are more expensive.

In addition, the Korean nation has always had a so-called blind national self-confidence, and a mysterious sense of self-confidence. On the one hand, they look down on China, and on the other hand, they are resentful of Japan, so Japanese cars are rarely seen on the streets of South Korea. Even the ‘Uniqlo’ on the streets of Seoul has people standing guard every day holding protest signs, saying “reject Japanese goods”.

Zhang Ping’an even had some doubts at one point…did those people holding the signs get paid? Otherwise, they would stand at the door holding the signs to protest all day long instead of earning their own living expenses? And Koreans are also strange, they really don’t go in after seeing the signs at the door. Originally, when Uniqlo first opened, its business was quite popular in Korea because it was cheap. Now that the group of people holding the signs have blocked the source of customers, now…it’s almost going to close.

When Zhang Ping’an drove the red Honda on the street, and it was in the comfort mode that only this generation has, the car was not aggressive at all, it could be said that it was a manual Civic! Very easy to drive, really easy to drive. Of course, even after driving to the ‘R’ mode, it is not as irritable as European performance cars.

Zhang Ping’an didn’t dare to do anything like ‘7200 fuck him’ on the streets of Seoul in broad daylight, he honestly drove it as a grocery shopping car. Soon, he drove to the outdoor base of the ‘M’ TV station, which was the venue for this “I.O.I” show. After the first shooting, this time was much better, but the only difference was that Zhang Pingan did not over-supervise the shooting.

Some brokerage companies were a little eager to move after hearing about it, after all, the “boy group” they created was a more profitable team. Now I.O.I’s team activities are actually not as long as their individual activities, or the time they spend on activities in their own group. This has made many brokerage companies see the economic effect brought by the “I.O.I” model, so many companies are really tempted.

Although Zhang Pingan is the general director of the program, he is no longer as strict as the first time for shooting. Even during the preparation period, shooting period, and the broadcast period, he has not asked about shooting-related matters once.

You know, when the first show was shot, who had more shots for a few minutes. These are all to be carefully checked by Zhang Pingan, the general director. And this year’s shooting, he did not manage so much. Doesn’t this send a signal to small companies?

If the chief director doesn't care, then the most important person on the scene is the executive director. After the film is shot, how to edit it is up to the executive director. So recently... the executive director has started to receive some invitations for social events.

Just after the executive director went to two social events, there was originally another invitation tonight, but who knew that Zhang Pingan, the chief director, finally came to the show. The executive director was still in the editing room talking with the editor about the editing of the next episode. Zhang Pingan was sitting in the main control room and watching the boys in the boy band appearing on the display screen.

At this time, the youngest PD was making arrangements in the main control room, and Zhang Pingan was sitting on a chair looking at the camera lens,

and he was standing next to Zhang Pingan. Zhang Pingan picked up the intercom and said, "Camera No. 3, zoom out. Who told you to stay here and give a close-up of someone?"

The camera director asked from the other side of camera No. 3, "Aren't you going to give a close-up? Didn't I get assigned to give a close-up of this trainee this morning?"

Hearing this, Zhang Pingan glanced at the youngest member standing next to him, then took the intercom and said, "I, Zhang Pingan. Camera No. 3, stop the camera, come to the main control."


The executive director took about half an hour to rush to the scene from the editing room. The program was temporarily stopped today. The students present continued to practice on their own, but the photographers who were originally shooting indoors were all called to a meeting, so the fixed camera was left on the scene to shoot.

All the teachers can leave today, leaving only the students confused. Suddenly, the staff gathered for a meeting today? And there was no sign in advance. The teachers found out that Zhang Pingan, the general director, came to stop all the photographers.

Baoer asked Park Jiaxi in confusion: "Why did Zhang Pingan stop the photographers?"

Park Jiaxi spread his hands and smiled and said: "Who knows? It's the right of the chief director."

Baoer asked: "Did they stop the first season?"

Park Jiaxi shook his head and said: "Of course not, Zhang Pingan was present most of the time during the first season. There must be some problem that stopped the photographer team."

"It's already this period, what problem can there be?"

Someone said with a smile: "For example, who has more scenes? Didn't you notice it when you watched the show?"

In an empty practice room at this time, Zhang Pingan looked at the executive director and photographers: "It seems that you have become very experienced in shooting, and you are starting to play tricks? In the second season, the investment in cameras was increased. It turned out that the person was responsible for the close-up? Can you still do it? If you can’t do it, I’ll ask someone else to do it. I still don’t believe it. Anyone will try to fix it for me.”

Execution PD, listening to Zhang Pingan's words, he lowered his head and said: "I'm sorry, PD Zhang, it was my mistake this time."

"I don't care what benefits you receive, as long as I am in the position of chief PD, then this program will be clean for me. Tell me, have those companies contacted you?"

"PD Zhang, I was really wrong, really, please..."

Before he finished his apology, Zhang Pingan immediately interrupted him: "Tell me, which companies? I really want to talk to their representatives. The one I see so far is Han Chengzhu?"

Zhang Pingan directly named ‘Pledis’ Han Sung-soo, which made the execution impossible to defend. Because there are people in the fixed seats who came from Han Sung-soo's company and were trainees here after their debut.

Zhang Pingan looked at the silent execution and said: "This is my last draft. Do it seriously. I can leave next year's draft to you. How you do it is your own business." After saying that, Zhang Pingan took out his hand. He picked up the phone and dialed directly: "Zhou Xiaoqiong, send me your representative's phone number."

Then Zhang Pingan left these words and left the shooting scene. Zhang Pingan sat in his car and called Han Chengzhu: "I am Zhang Pingan. In my show, don't give me anything. I You look upset. If you don’t want to take pictures, bring your trainees to me and get out~!”

"Oh, PD Zhang, that's such a big deal..." Before Han Chengzhu finished speaking on the phone, Zhang Ping'an had already hung up the phone. Zhang Ping'an called Han Chengzhu and was stunned.

He held the phone: "Who do you think you are? This is South Korea. What are you dancing for?"

Although Han Chengzhu said he couldn't stand Zhang Ping'an, he still quickly dialed the executive director's phone number and inquired about the situation. After learning that Zhang Pingan went to the scene and discovered what they were doing, he stopped the filming immediately. In the later stage, he said that he could not give too many scenes, and would even cut out the scenes of the children in his company as much as possible.

So Han Chengzhu started to inquire about connections. The entertainment industry in Korea is really small. It was originally a circle of selling favors to each other, so he found a connection to have a good talk with Zhang Ping'an. Even if you don’t give special care to the footage, don’t delete the footage. Because once the footage starts to be deleted, the children in his company will have no hope at all.

In the evening, Zhang Pingan received a favor call from Pani. Zhang Ping'an didn't even know how Han Chengzhu found favors and found Pani. He was worthy of being a diplomat of Girls' Generation.


After simply organizing the program team, the program was filmed normally, at least there are no special shots. The only special thing is that the tickets speak for themselves. Whoever has more votes will get more shots.

Two days later, during a night flight at Incheon Airport, Lee Ji-eun posted a photo of the airplane window on his Instagram, with the black airport space outside the window. Her caption read: "Start towards tomorrow~~"

Li Zhien left the country on a flight late at night. Fans had no idea where Li Zhien planned to go? However, Li Zhien has publicly stated that there will be no songs in this album, so she will take a break after the official album production is completed.

Fans started to leave messages under her 'ins': "Zhien, take a good vacation and relax. Thank you for your hard work this year!"

"Zhien, are you going out for work or traveling?" "It must be traveling. If you are working, most people choose flights during the day. Traveling at night is to prevent others from knowing your whereabouts."

Many people received the news that Lee Ji-eun was going on vacation, and Taeyeon also saw the news that Lee Ji-eun was leaving for vacation. After reading the message, she muttered: "No wonder Zhang Pingan said he was leaving today."

While Taeyeon is preparing for her solo concert in May, she is also cooperating with her team to prepare this 10th anniversary album. She definitely doesn't have much time to spend with Zhang Pingan.

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