My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 533 It’s really Satomi Ishihara!

The golden color of the setting sun dyed the Tokyo sky red. Zhang Pingan stood on the terrace of his home with a cup of coffee and looked at the Imperial Palace under the golden sunshine. While cleaning the room in the afternoon, Zhang Pingan received a "burning message" from Liu Hao. He said that he had made an appointment with Laura Takizawa to have dinner together in the evening and asked Zhang Pingan if he wanted to go. Because she can bring one or two friends out to ‘play’ together.

Faced with such a 'temptation', Zhang Ping'an refused with tears in his eyes, even though he really wanted to accept 'on-site guidance from teachers' in his heart. But Zhang Pingan, who has been in Tokyo since high school, feels that after reading countless "masterpieces", he has learned a lot of "theoretical knowledge" from top teachers. Will the teachers’ on-site guidance be the same? This is worth investigating! !

There is still a certain gap between theory and practice, and not everyone can accept "excessive and unreasonable" demands. Perhaps these unreasonable demands can only be limited to theory. In reality, this is not the case. In other words, if you play this way, you need to pay more?

Zhang Ping'an sighed, hugging his coffee, and drank it down. He was really exhausted from cleaning up the house in the afternoon. It’s not that Zhang Ping’an is mysophobic, but the house is a place that needs to be clean, right? Who wants to come home to a mess? Especially the refrigerator... Zhang Ping'an could only shake his head when he thought about it. He cut half of the apple and ate it, but the remaining half turned black in the refrigerator? How awesome is this?

Today, Zhang Pingan cleaned everything in the refrigerator that needed to be cleaned, and sent the clothes out for washing. At the same time, all the bed sheets and quilt covers were replaced with new ones. At this time, Zhang Ping'an finally understood why Korean agencies would assign aunties who clean dormitories to popular idols. Because sleeping time is very precious for busy artists, it would be really unkind if you have to go back to the dormitory for an hour or two to clean up after finishing your busy schedule.

It's not that they don't want to clean, but they are really tired. They are so tired that after arriving at the dormitory, they just want to sleep and don't want to do anything else.

Moreover, Mai Shiraishi has been working a lot as a model recently. It would be fine if the shooting was indoors, but if she encountered some outdoor shooting, she would get up earlier. Because the sun rises relatively early in Japan, we need to take photos at dawn when no one is disturbing the streets. If daybreak is at five o'clock, then the model may have to get up at three o'clock and before dawn, and be there for makeup at four o'clock, and shoot at five o'clock!

Various schedules are squeezed together. Shiraishi Mai is in a hurry to go out in the morning, and when she comes home at night, she takes all the time to catch up on sleep. This is something Zhang Pingan must understand.

When he was in Korea, Zhang Pingan had seen idols go to beauty salons in the early morning to prepare for their schedule countless times. So although Shiraishi Mai made the house very messy, Zhang Ping'an cleaned it up while getting rid of his anger, and finally became understanding!

As the old saying goes, fans and the public may only see their beauty in front of the camera, but they have no idea how much hard work they have put in to maintain their beauty in front of the camera!

The neon lights on the streets of Tokyo gradually light up.

The city was once again filled with all kinds of lavish nightlife, and Zhang Pingan also put on his Adidas and went out. Because there is no food at home, everything that should be thrown away has been thrown away, and Zhang Pingan does not plan to put food at home. After all, Shiraishi Mai doesn't have time to eat at home, so maybe putting some fruits instead of food is more useful.

He didn't drive when he went out in the evening because he planned to have a few drinks.


A very famous yakitori specialty store in Tokyo. The special thing about this store is that they have chicken from different places. The reason why Zhang Pingan chose this place was not because he could distinguish the difference in chicken taste in detail, but because he wanted to be clean. Because the price of this yakitori restaurant is several times higher than that of the popular yakitori restaurant on the street.

Beer, chicken skin, chicken heart, and neck meat... When Zhang Ping'an was sitting alone in the store, eating skewers and drinking wine, the owner of the bar said "Welcome" to the door. Traditional Japanese-style stores are basically decorated in this style, with a bar facing the door.

The diners present did not turn around because of the boss's "welcome". Everyone was eating skewers and drinking wine. Besides, the bar area is originally prepared for people who come to eat alone, and the boss standing at the bar chats with diners when he has nothing to do, which will not make diners too lonely. So the diners sitting at the bar did not wonder who came and who left.

The boss smiled at the person who came in at the door and said, "One person?"

A female voice came: "Yes."

The boss's hand pointed to the empty seat next to Zhang Pingan: "Is this okay?"

The female voice responded: "Okay."

There is nothing threatening about Zhang Pingan's back. Because he is dressed in sportswear, no one would think he is a weirdo. At most, they think he is just an otaku.

The lady sat next to Zhang Ping'an, and when she sat down, the wind carried a gentle scent of perfume. Zhang Ping'an glanced at the woman after smelling the perfume, because he had smelled this perfume on Sika's body.

When looking at the side profile of this woman, Zhang Pingan frowned in confusion, then tilted his head and whispered: "Ishihara Satomi?"

Why did he call her by her name? Because two days ago he was still joking with Liu Hao about Ishihara Satomi, Ishihara Satomi. Unexpectedly, he actually met her in the kebab shop tonight?

Ishihara Satomi heard Zhang Pingan recognize her voice, and she politely turned her head and nodded to Zhang Pingan. Originally, she really just wanted to nod to show her politeness. But when she nodded, she saw Zhang Pingan's face clearly and hesitated for two seconds.. Although she and Zhang Pingan were not familiar with each other, they also knew that such a person existed through some reports.

"Hello, you are Zhang from South Korea..." Because some reports only wrote about Zhang Pingan's achievements in the Korean entertainment industry, Ishihara Satomi thought Zhang Pingan was Korean.

Before she finished saying Zhang Ping'an's name, Zhang Ping'an interrupted her and said, "Well... I'm not Korean, I'm Chinese! It's just that I'm working in the Korean entertainment industry in investment and production. My name is Zhang Ping'an, Ping'an means peace and safety!"

Listening to Zhang Ping'an introducing himself, Ishihara Satomi nodded and smiled sweetly at him and said, "I'm sorry."

Today, Ishihara Satomi was wearing a very fresh outfit, a light green sweater, a long skirt, long braided hair, middle-parted bangs, and a silk headband woven with her hair, which is also Ishihara Satomi's favorite look.

Green is particularly popular this year, because the green color of the flight jacket makes many products feel that this year is the year of green popularity. It must be said that Ishihara Satomi is a person who attaches great importance to fashion. On the other hand, Zhang Ping'an's dress is... well, it's more casual. He wears his favorite Adidas sportswear! Today's sportswear takes into account sports without losing the sense of fashion! At least Zhang Ping'an thinks so.

After Ishihara Satomi said "I'm sorry", Zhang Ping'an was too embarrassed to talk to her, because out of politeness, Zhang Ping'an must not affect her meal. Calling her name in front is already considered rude in Japan. If she hadn't been mentioned some time ago, Zhang Ping'an might have just made a surprised expression like the diners around him, and would not take the initiative to talk. After all, this is a high-end store, and you can't do anything too rude! Ishihara Satomi, she is a very well-known carnivore in Japan, and her emotional experience is very rich. Of course, because of her fame, she is often followed by various media, but she is a person who doesn't care much about the media. A man who is a little ambiguous with her will naturally be photographed when he goes out with her. Then there was a name on the Internet about Ishihara Satomi being a "carnivore girl", as for whether it is true or not, who knows? But no matter how the Internet spreads, she has always been very popular in the hearts of girls. If you ask Japanese girls who they like more, Ishihara Satomi or Aragaki Yui, 70% will answer that they like Ishihara Satomi! But if you ask men, 60% will choose Yui Aragaki!

Zhang Pingan didn't say anything and continued to eat the skewers in front of him and drink beer. After Ishihara Satomi ordered, the beer was also served. At this time, she actually turned around and said, "Zhang Pingan, are you traveling in Tokyo this time?"

I don't know if she did it on purpose or if she really didn't know? Zhang Pingan was a little confused, and he smiled and responded: "I'm not here to travel, I'm here to work."

Ishihara Satomi immediately used her feminine charm. She lifted her hair and said with a smile: "Oh? Are you planning to enter the Japanese entertainment industry? Are you planning to produce a program in Japan?"

"I haven't thought about producing a program in Japan. Because I can't grasp the scale of variety shows here, I don't have this idea at the moment."

Immediately, she used the language routine that women have used for a long time. She nodded and said: "Is that so~~~Then why are you here this time..."

Zhang Pingan smiled and responded: "Just...cooperate on some things related to the Internet."

She pretended to be surprised and said: "Ah~~Internet, are you still doing Internet business?"

Zhang Pingan was a little confused. Was she playing dumb with him? Regarding the live broadcast he did, he bought a news page on Yahoo. If she paid attention to the news, she would definitely know that he was doing things related to the Internet.

At this time, Ishihara Satomi's high level made Zhang Pingan confused about her routine. He nodded and responded: "Yes, I am working in the Internet-related industry."

"I saw some programs introducing that China's Internet industry is developing very well now."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "It's pretty good, because people in our country have a strong acceptance of new things, so there are many businesses extending from the Internet, such as mobile payment."

"I heard about it on the program, but it's a pity that Japan still uses cash. Your Internet industry is doing pretty well, right?"

Zhang Pingan really couldn't guess what this high-level person wanted to talk to him about, he nodded and agreed: "It's okay. But the competition in China's Internet industry is also very fierce, just like the entertainment industry!"

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