My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 381 What does he do?

Li Zhien looked at her grandma who was helping to organize the refrigerator in the kitchen. She showed a helpless smile, because she was mentally anticipating the time when Zhang Pingan would arrive at her home. And she can't possibly drive her grandmother away, right? Just when she was laughing helplessly, her video doorbell rang. Li Zhien quickly looked at the visual display. Zhang Pingan was already standing at the door of her house.

Li Zhien's grandma stuck her head out in confusion and asked: "Who is it?" Li Zhien responded: "Just... a friend. I had an appointment with a friend for dinner today."

After Li Zhien responded, she went to the door and opened it for Zhang Pingan. She whispered: "My grandma is here." When Zhang Pingan heard that Li Zhien's family had arrived, he hesitated for two or three seconds and said, "Well... how about I Are you leaving first?”

Li Zhien smiled and said: "It's okay, I told grandma, you are my friend, come in." Li Zhien greeted Zhang Ping'an and entered the house, while Li Zhien's grandma watched in the kitchen and listened to the two chattering at the door. She also came out of the kitchen curiously. She came to the entrance and took a look. When she saw a young man, she was stunned for a few seconds, and then greeted Zhang Pingan with a smile on her face: "Zhien My friend, come in, come in."

Li Zhien invites a man home? Grandma Li is also very curious. Although she understood that her granddaughter might have some inconvenience in her professional relationship when meeting men outside, she could directly invite people to her home... which meant that this man and Li Zhien already had a very close relationship. As for how intimate it would be, she planned to see.

After watching Zhang Pingan enter the room, the strangest thing is that he is still dragging his suitcase? This made Grandma Li very confused: "Well..." Li Zhien immediately answered: "Aren't all the people in our group taking a break recently? I didn't bother Hunter and asked him to pick me up at the airport, so I I asked my friend. He just sent me to the gate of the community and he said that the car was out of gas, so he went to refuel it when I came up. So..."

Li Zhien's grandma is relatively old and does not know how to access the Internet. She usually gets information about her granddaughter through entertainment news broadcast on TV. So Zhang Pingan, who rarely appeared on TV, she really didn't know what he did.

Zhang Pingan felt like he was on pins and needles after entering Li Zhien's house. Seeing Li Zhien's grandmother busy in the kitchen, he really wanted to say goodbye. Just a few minutes later, Li Zhien's grandma packed up the refrigerator. She walked out with a bottle of mineral water, and then sat next to Zhang Pingan: "Drink water, drink water."

Zhang Pingan nodded with a smile, and respectfully took the mineral water from Grandma Li's hand with both hands. Li Zhien, who was on the side, looked at Zhang Pingan's respectful look, and said with a smile: "Oppa, I feel like you are nervous?"

"No, I'm not nervous." Zhang Ping'an didn't expect that Li Zhien would say this suddenly. In fact, Li Zhien's closeness to her grandma even surpassed her parents, because she had lived with her grandma since she was a child. Her parents because of some family Due to factors, she had to go out to work, so during her childhood, she was surrounded only by her grandmother and her younger brother. In terms of intimacy, she has a closer relationship with her grandmother.

Grandma Li smiled and said: "Young man, how old are you?"

"I was born in 1987." Zhang Pingan answered honestly.

"You are six years older than our Zhien. Yes, yes. By the way, are you also in the entertainment industry?" Grandma Li started a series of cross-examinations. Li Zhien just looked at Zhang Ping'an's response in amusement and did not help.

Zhang Ping'an went through the household registration check again. He said with a smile: "I work behind the scenes in the entertainment industry."

At this time, Li Zhien helped and said: "Grandma, the song "" I published not long ago was written by him. After listening to it, didn't you say it was very nice? The lyrics and music of that song were all written by him. ”

Hearing that Zhang Pingan's career was related to her granddaughter, she nodded and said, "Music composer, you will have to take more care of our family Zhien in the future."

Zhang Pingan glanced at Li Zhien with a smile and said to Grandma Li: "Zhien has always been a very powerful person in my heart. Her level has surpassed that of an idol singer and a musician. I believe in Zhien in the future." You can become a very powerful artist.”

Li Zhien was embarrassed when she heard Zhang Ping'an's praise and said: "Oppa, what kind of artist are you? Don't talk nonsense. I still have a long way to go before I am a musician or an artist. However, I will work hard to become a musician." That goal is moving forward.”

Grandma Li listened to Zhang Ping'an praising her granddaughter with a kind smile on her face. Then she said: "Hey, I almost forgot that you just came back from the airport. It's already this time... Are you hungry? Let me cook you some food? You two chat, you young people chat."

Zhang Ping'an immediately stood up and said, "Well, Grandma Li, I planned to leave as soon as I saw Zhien back. I still have some work in hand."

"Even if you have a job, you have to eat. I will simply cook two dishes and eat before going to work. Young people, how can you not eat on time? Don't be like Zhien, who got into trouble because of irregular eating. "Forget it, young people must remember to eat on time. I will do it now, I will do it now..." Li Zhien's grandmother was very kind. Because she saw that her granddaughter was now suffering from such a disease because of losing weight, she felt extremely painful. So eating is the biggest thing for her!

When Grandma Li entered the kitchen to cook dinner for Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien, Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't it bad to let your grandma cook?"

Li Zhien looked at the busy grandma with gentle eyes: "It's okay, grandma is a very enthusiastic and kind person."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Yes, I can feel it. To have a proud granddaughter like you, even her smile reveals happiness."

"While happy, there are also worries." Because of her career, her family members are both happy and worried.


Soon Li Zhien's grandma made a simple meal, including fried pork with kimchi, a mixed vegetable, a miso soup, and the small side dishes she brought, and the simple home-cooked meal was served. Li Zhien also changed into home clothes and sat with Zhang Ping'an. Grandma Li did not sit with them at the dinner table and disturb their meal. She sat alone in the living room and watched the two of them eat.

With a kind smile on her face, she felt a little satisfied as she watched her granddaughter dining with this polite and gentle man. Zhang Ping'an didn't eat the meal so smoothly because he was being watched. He ate two bowls of rice in twos and threes and then said he was full.

As for Li Zhien, she always chewed her food carefully. She smiled and said, "How is my grandma's cooking skills? Compared to yours."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Of course it's much better than me. Grandma's craftsmanship has been honed over decades of life. I'm just messing around. I can only cook the dishes well."

Grandma Li looked at Zhang Ping'an with satisfaction and said, "Can you still cook? There are very few young people nowadays who know how to cook."

Li Zhien smiled and said a few words to Zhang Ping'an: "Grandma, his craftsmanship is very good. Last time, he even cooked a lot of delicious dishes for me."

Grandma Li looked at Zhang Ping'an again and nodded with satisfaction: "Really? Someone who knows how to cook is good, really good."

After Li Zhien finished eating, Zhang Pingan said goodbye. She originally wanted to keep Zhang Pingan at home. But today grandma came suddenly, and Li Zhien knew that he could no longer keep Zhang Ping'an. So I sent him to the elevator, and while waiting for the elevator, he said, "Oppa, I won't see you off tomorrow."

"It's okay, I'm not a kid who gets lost. Go ahead, your grandma is waiting for you."

She nodded and watched him get on the elevator before returning home.

After Li Zhien returned home, Grandma Li had already washed the dishes and started peeling fruit for Zhien. At this time, she said: "That man is not bad. At first impression, he is kind and sensible. But people always say I don’t know, but you still have to be careful. Now that you are famous and rich, don’t be fooled.”

Li Zhien laughed immediately: "Puch~~money? He is much richer than me. He earned 10 billion in three months. This was reported by the entertainment news. "The King of Masked Singer" you see Already?"

"Yeah. I watched it. It was a very interesting show."

Li Zhien said with a smile: "That program was jointly invested and produced by him and MBC, and he is also the chief PD of that program!"

"No...did you just say he was a musician?"

"Grandma, that's just a song he composed at random. You know that musicians have to charge creative fees when they compose songs for others, right?" Li Zhien is a musician, so Grandma Li also knows a little about the market. It is natural to charge for creation. After Grandma Li nodded, Li Zhien continued: "And the songs he gave me didn't ask for a penny, not a penny. They were given to me for free. On the contrary, I made a lot of money from the songs he gave me.”

Grandma Li said: "It turns out he is the producer of the program."

"By the way, have you watched his latest show "Three Meals a Day"? It's a tvN show."

"Did he also produce "Three Meals a Day"?"

Li Zhien nodded and said, "Well, that one was also co-invested and produced by him and tvN. And the director he worked with was the same director who previously filmed "Two Days and One Night"."

"So, he is very powerful?"

Li Zhien said with a smile: "He is a very powerful producer."

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