My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 389 The queen is all scum

'Not possessive' love, this is definitely the most bastard rubbish. In fact, it's just that I don't want to have some 'entangled' relationship with her at the moment. Once you are lonely, the so-called non-possession will turn into possession, and it is still a kind of possession without any thought of responsibility. To use a simple and easy-to-understand word to describe it, it is a "spare tire", and it is a spare tire when you are really bored and lonely!

However, Sayuri's rank didn't seem to be that high. Maybe she didn't understand Zhang Pingan's intention, and really thought that the 'like' in his mouth was just a simple liking. But no matter what kind of love it is, having the love is enough for her. Because she thinks that maybe one day this love will be upgraded?

Even though she knew that Zhang Pingan was with her friend Mai Shiraishi, she felt that they were not an official couple. If Shiraishi Mai can do something, then why can't she do it? Moreover, she had witnessed the changes in Mai Shiraishi after getting entangled with Zhang Pingan.

So she has her thoughts, and likewise, he has his.

Soon Zhang Pingan came to the small house rented by Sayuri. The two searched for a parking lot around her residence for a long time before they found one. In Japan, don't park indiscriminately. Here, it is a trivial matter to fine you a small amount of money for indiscriminate parking, but it mainly means deducting points. Moreover, the Japanese driver's license is not China's 12 points, but only 6 points. If you stop randomly and get caught, your 2 points will be gone.

Although Zhang Pingan sent Sayuri back three times, he never went to her home the first two times. Today is the first time Zhang Pingan has come to her rental house. In Chinese terms, it is a single room, and this single room is really pitifully small. There is no sofa in her rental house, and there is no place to put a sofa. A single tatami takes up half of the room.

After entering the room, Sayuri said with a smile: "I don't know where I asked you to sit. You are the first person to come to my house, but I never ask anyone to come. You can figure it out. Otherwise, you can sit down." On the tatami.”

Zhang Ping'an looked at the room, which was hard to get out of. He tilted his head and said, "How much does this room cost?"

Sayuri put the clothes he bought on the floor, hesitating whether to sort them out: "45,000. Because it is close to work, although it is small, the rent is very expensive."

Zhang Ping'an looked at all her clothes hanging on the clothes hanger rod similar to those sold in night markets: "Why don't you buy a simple cabinet? Even if you don't buy a cabinet, you can at least cover it with a piece of cloth? Don't you want to hang your clothes like this? And if you keep them for a long time, the white clothes will turn yellow."

Sayuri looked at his clothes rack and said, "That's it for now. I don't know where to get cloth yet. If it's curtain cloth, it's very expensive."

"The sheets.

Uh..." Zhang Pingan said "uh" immediately after saying this, because she slept on a tatami and didn't use sheets at all. Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Well, I'll give you an interest-free loan. How about paying it back to me when you make money later? "

Sayuri said with a smile: "An interest-free loan? Before it comes out, do you want me to pay with my flesh?"

Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I am very optimistic about you Nogizaka. If you can't make money, then there is no point in doing this idol business."

"Many idols in Japan cannot make money. Perhaps they rely on the support provided by their dreams."

There are indeed many underground idols in Japan who cannot make much money, and even survive is very difficult. However, what supports them is not necessarily their dreams, but maybe a desire to catch a good kid!

After watching Sayuri put away the shopping bags, Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go."


After the two came out of the house, Zhang Ping'an asked Sha Youli to wait on the side of the road. He could just go there and pick up the car, so that she wouldn't have to run with him for a long distance in high heels.

When he went to park the car to pick up the car, he suddenly heard his name being called in Chinese. Zhang Pingan glanced at the Chinese voice. Could it be a Chinese student who came to study in Tokyo? He smiled and nodded, then got in the car and left.

After a while, this Chinese student published an article on his scarf: "I met Zhang Pingan by chance in Tokyo. His car is a super sports car 'Daniu'!!"

Afterwards, Zhang Ping'an published an article on the bib, "Stop staring at what kind of car I drive, okay?" The most expensive car in the world is not my Lamborghini in Tokyo, but Alibaba’s shopping cart! ’

Zhang Pingan's scarf made his followers burst into laughter after it appeared. Of course, this is just a small piece of fun news, but Zhang Pingan's presence in Tokyo has caused countless fans to speculate whether he is dating Sika. broke up? Because Sika was in Seoul at this time, but he was in Tokyo. However, Zhang Ping'an never responded positively to China's online speculation.

Zhang Ping'an drove to pick up Sayuri. As he drove, he said, "Shayouri, change your house. It's not comfortable to live here. I said I would give you an interest-free loan. I'll wait until you make money. I think it's okay." You can pay me back if you have spare money, it’s never too late.”

Before Sayuri could respond, he continued: "I originally thought about letting you live with me, because I don't have much time in Tokyo, and you and Mai are friends, and they have someone to talk to when they live together. But I also think that everyone’s living habits are different. If there are any conflicts between us because of our different living habits, it might damage our friendship. That’s why I asked you to rent a better house.”

Sayuri said: "I also want to rent a good house, but my current financial income does not allow it. I only have a monthly salary of more than 300,000 yuan. Daily living expenses, rent, and some cosmetics and clothing. I The monthly expenses are very high. Unlike Mai, I don’t have other income from other jobs. Currently, I only have sponsored programs, and I only shoot on Wednesdays. I get a fixed salary for this shooting.”

Zhang Pingan glanced at Sha Youli and said, "Didn't I tell you, I'll lend it to you, interest-free. You can pay it back anytime."

I don’t know if it was out of anger or because she really didn’t want to borrow money, so she said casually: “Then I want 100 million!”

"One hundred million? Okay, I'll lend you 100 million. By the way, the 100 million you said is not US dollars, right?"

Hearing Zhang Pingan's last sentence of "US dollars", Sayuri burst into laughter: "Hahaha, one hundred million US dollars? It's equal to 10 billion yen."

Zhang Pingan said curiously: "Don't you hold a lot of concerts? Doesn't the company give you a share of the ticket money when you attend the concerts?"

Sayuri said: "Ticket share? We only have a small subsidy and no ticket share. Maybe only Korean idols have concert ticket share, right?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Well, Korean idols do get a share of the tickets. But they don't get a lot. The company gets 70%, and the remaining 30% is divided equally among the members. So the most profitable ones are those SOLO singers. If It’s a big-name singer, and there’s even a five-to-five sharing agreement with the company. A top female solo singer in Korea who I’m familiar with probably earns more than 700 million yen a year, right?”

"I don't even have 10 million a year, 100 million? I don't dare to think about it."

Zhang Pingan said: "You will definitely get better and better in the future, so I dare to lend you money without interest. Is it enough to lend you 10 million yen? If you just rent a house, 10 million yen, you rent Is it okay for three years? In three years, I believe your annual income will be more than 10 million. "

Sayuri said: "Are you too idealistic? Nowadays, the income of idols is published by the media. The top idols earn only tens of millions of yen a year. Do you think we are like top actors or top artists? Can anyone earn hundreds of millions a year like that?”

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I remember that 'Mariko Shinoda' used to have a very high income. However, when I saw her brand declare bankruptcy this year, I immediately laughed. It is obvious that she is a person who does not understand what business is. . Look at the Sika brand. Riding on the whirlwind of the Korean wave, it is now booming in China, and it is expected to open 20 stores next year. People who can do design do not mean they know how to operate. To build a brand, you must find a professional manager who knows how to operate. Only professional operators know how to make good use of the celebrity effect. "

"..." Zhang Pingan's words made Sha Youli not sure how to continue, because he suddenly went too far.

Zhang Pingan looked at her silence and said with a smile: "I will transfer 10 million to you tomorrow. When you feel you have more money, you can pay it back. I'm not in a hurry."

Listening to Zhang Pingan keep talking about "borrowing money", Sayuri really didn't know what he wanted to do, so she could only say casually: "Whatever."

Zhang Pingan said: "Actually, we two met first, but I gave Mai a better development opportunity first. Even I would feel weird if I said sorry to you, so all I can do is Improve your basic living conditions. Because we are friends, I will temporarily help you improve your life to the best of my ability, so that you can concentrate on your work. You don’t have to worry about daily life. You don’t think about saving here and there, so your mind will be focused on your work.”

Zhang Ping'an knew that they all had good development and money prospects in the future, so he lent her money so readily. In the future, when she has the ability, she will definitely remember Zhang Ping'an's goodness for the rest of her life. In fact, he was just a favor, and of course there was a bit of "abuse" in it! !

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