My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 739 Li Zhien Shanghai Concert (3)

As night fell in Shanghai, many Chinese fans of Li Zhien began to gather around the Shanghai Grand Stage. They were holding Li Zhien's support banners and the support lights they made themselves. They exchanged information about Li Zhien that they knew at the entrance of the venue, and praised each other how beautiful their idols were. .

And in this place where fans gathered, Zhang Pingan stood among the crowd like a landscape. He held a cup of coffee in his hand and also prepared a bottle of water. After all, a concert would last two or three hours. Many fans focused their attention on Zhang Pingan, because they were really surprised to see Zhang Pingan outside the venue waiting for the entrance according to the rules like everyone else. It was clear that he could enter from the backstage first.

While Zhang Pingan was standing waiting to enter, a group of people holding a banner that read "IU. Li Zhien. Chinese Station" walked towards Zhang Pingan. When they came to Zhang Pingan, a young girl took the lead and waved to Zhang Pingan. Of course, this was Huaxia. They did not bow, but waved to greet: "PD Zhang, hello. We are Huaxia Zhi En Chinese station.”

These ‘stations’ are actually fan exchange stations that are organized voluntarily by the Chinese people and are somewhat similar to ‘official cafes’.

Zhang Ping'an is very friendly to Li Zhien's fans. He smiled and waved to them: "Hello, how many people are here today?"

The young girl said to Zhang Pingan: "Our station bought tickets collectively, with a total of 1,700 people. I am the deputy station manager."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "There are quite a few. Let me tell you a little bit. Li Zhien has prepared some surprises for fans in the song this time. I can't say what they are. Let's watch the concert later."

Some old fans immediately said the 'surprise': "It's a Chinese song, right? She prepared a Chinese song at the H.K. station, and I even went to the H.K. venue to watch it."

"Oh~~" Zhang Pingan gave a thumbs up, and then said: "I won't tell you the specific song. Let's go listen to it live. Li Zhien has been practicing it for a long time."

This is when the deputy webmaster curiously asked Zhang Ping'an: "PD Zhang, you have spent more time with Li Zhien. What kind of person do you think Zhien is in private?"

Because fans only know one-sidedly about Li Zhien, and those images that are exposed for everyone to see can actually be packaged. Therefore, what fans know about Li Zhien's true character is just some personal speculation, and fans must be speculating in a good direction. What is the actual situation of your idol? You will only know one day when the media exposes it. You must know that there are too many "human faces and beast hearts" in this world.

Zhang Ping'an answered fans' questions with a smile: "Zhi En in my eyes? It's just ordinary.

And the variety show "Heroes" basically showed all of her character. She has a very good personality, has no temper, is very kind, and her thoughts are very mature. She is not the kind of star who just wants to make money. Lee Ji-eun often donates money to charity in South Korea, and she does not do charity in her own name, but in the name of her fan club. She has said before that she wants to become an idol who can protect her fans, so I think she is doing a good job now. Zhien and I have also collaborated and communicated many times. She is gradually moving towards becoming a musician instead of just a singer. "

Fans continued to ask: "Last time, the media photographed the two of you getting off the plane and said that you and Li Zhien were in love. Is this true?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and told fans: "There are two airports near Seoul, just like Shanghai. One is the international airport and the other is the airport for domestic flights. Don't all flights arriving from overseas land at the international airport? If, I said, what if, one day when I came back from overseas, there happened to be a Chinese female star, just... Gu Lina, who also happened to come back from overseas. The reporter at the door photographed us coming out one after another. , are you going to tell me that Gulinana and I are in love?”

Zhang Pingan continued: "Just read the news in gossip magazines. If you really want to be serious, then there will be more people who are in love with me. Korean media has not exposed that I am in love with Kim Seol-hyun, who has a super figure." Haha... Oh, by the way, when I went to New Zealand with Girls' Generation's Kim Taeyeon, didn't some media say that I and Taeyeon were in love? Because the news agency only broke the love news of some celebrities, and you guys are just crazy. You’ll click on it, right? This is how news agencies make money. They make money silently while you watch the news.”

Zhang Pingan's answer was a kind of denial. Perhaps this is the best news for fans, because once their favorite idol falls in love, it is very serious to lose followers.

However, Li Zhien shouldn't have much to do with it, right? She relies on the quality of music. If good music is put on the shelves, fans will naturally download it and listen to it.

Just like in 'Love Era', they revealed their relationships one by one last year, although some later broke up. But after the love news came out, it didn't have much impact on their music performance. Girls' Generation's album, Tae Di Seo's album, is still selling well.


While waiting at the door to enter, Zhang Pingan chatted with people at the fan station about some news related to Li Zhien. We also talked about various groups in the Korean entertainment industry, and of course Zhang Pingan’s views on music.

For Li Zhien, Zhang Ping'an praised her a lot. Starting from her transformation in "Twenty-Three", Li Zhien started to move towards the road of musician, instead of simply relying on the songs invited from outside to live her life. .

As for other entertainment groups, Zhang Ping'an only made some recommendations of his own, such as Ah Fan, Hong Beibei, and YG's new girl group that is about to debut. These will bring some new things to the music industry. Variety.

When talking about "Fen Mo", Zhang Ping'an laughed because he thought that this group has always had a mysterious style to the outside world after their debut, and they will not participate in other variety shows except for their singing schedule. This situation lasted for almost a year before changing, because the market was still a little curious about 'Mystery' at the beginning. As they stopped singing activities and did not appear on camera, they were gradually forgotten by the market. , which made Fenmo move towards variety shows.

While chatting, everyone began to enter the venue. Zhang Ping'an also followed the large group into the venue to formally enjoy Li Zhien's concert. The tickets for this concert were not for the first few rows, so Zhang Pingan watched the performance from a comfortable position. In the middle of the song, Li Zhien asked the fans for water. An unknown fan threw a bottle of mineral water up, hitting Li Zhien directly in the face.

The scene where Li Zhien was smashed was filmed by fans, and was later used as a joke on the "Little Broken Station".

On the concert stage, the staff did not prepare water in front of the stage. This was a work mistake. And Li Zhien also learned a lesson after being smashed this time, and will put water on the stage in future concerts. After all, after singing and dancing for several hours, your mouth will definitely be dry. How can you not replenish water?

Listening to Li Zhien's live singing in the conference venue was an auditory feast. Li Zhien's singing made every fan feel that the ticket price was worth it. Moreover, when Li Zhien was about to sing a song composed by Zhang Pingan during the concert, he specifically mentioned Zhang Pingan. Although she knew Zhang Pingan had entered the venue, she never knew which area Zhang Pingan was sitting in. It wasn't until she named Zhang Pingan and the fans' eyes were focused on Zhang Pingan that she found his figure. A very back row position!

After singing and interacting with fans at the concert, Li Zhien's solo concert, which lasted nearly three hours, came to an end. Everyone felt that there was something unfinished, and Chinese fans also knew that even after Li Zhien's 'encore', there would be a surprise return event.

So at this time, everyone said that the concert was over, but the fans still did not leave. As expected, half an hour later, Li Zhien changed into loose and comfortable clothes and came up holding his guitar. Looking at the large audience, she waved in the direction of Zhang Pingan: "Oppa, come down and come to the stage."

After Zhang Ping'an was called to the stage by Li Zhien, he listened to her say: "I don't speak Chinese, and the translator is off work. You can act as a temporary translator for a while."

In fact, there are still many Korean students studying in Shanghai. Listening to what Li Zhien said, many people in the audience laughed. Zhang Ping'an held a blue microphone handed to him by Li Zhien and said to the fans: "IU said that for this encore event, because the translator was off work, I temporarily came on stage to translate for everyone. You can apply for it. Songs I want to hear!”

After a burst of laughter from the audience, some fans immediately shouted: "Don't forget!"

After someone took the lead in shouting songs, the fans in the audience began to post the songs they wanted to hear, and in an instant the place became a vegetable market.

Zhang Ping'an immediately said: "Please be patient, let's do this. We let Li Zhien announce the seats at will, and then I will go to the seats and ask the fans to tell them the songs they want to hear. Is this okay?"

After Zhang Pingan told this to Li Zhien, Li Zhien nodded and said: "Central District, row 5, number 16, my birthday."

Zhang Pingan set off towards the fifth row of the central area. When he came to the fans, he was a female fan. When Zhang Pingan handed the microphone to her, she burst out with a strong scream; "Ah~~ Zhien, Salanghey~!”

Li Zhien on the stage also smiled and responded: "I love you too, please tell me the song you want to hear."

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