My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 760 Gentle Christmas (2)

\u003c!--go--\u003e The outdoor sunlight shines on the floor through the gaps in the curtains. Because of the biological clock, Zhang Pingan woke up naturally. He quietly turned over and reached out to pick up the mobile phone on the bedside table to read. I looked at the time, seven twenty in the morning. Just when Zhang Pingan was about to get up quietly, as he stirred, Yui, who was sleeping next to him, said in a daze: "An-chan, remember to feed me breakfast later."

"Well, you can sleep a little longer. I'll go for a run on the river embankment and then come back." Zhang Pingan turned over and got out of bed, because the quilt he lifted when he got up exposed Yui's smooth back. He turned around After setting up the quilt for her, I went to the bathroom.

After washing, Zhang Pingan went to the cloakroom to find a set of underwear and put it on the bedside table so that she could put it on when she woke up. Because the two of them had left their underwear downstairs due to the series of exercises they carried out after getting home last night. After finishing their 'work', the two of them went upstairs to take a shower and fell asleep naked. Skin-to-skin contact is the most comfortable.

Zhang Ping'an changed into sportswear. This was the sportswear he bought when he lived at Yui's house last time. After getting dressed, Zhang Pingan called out "" and it came out of his nest, and then followed Zhang Pingan downstairs.

After going downstairs, Zhang Pingan did not feed it, but prepared a bowl of water for it, replenished it with water and tied a chain on it, and the two of them walked slowly towards the river embankment.

The river embankment in the early morning is quiet and comfortable. The warm winter sun shines on the green grass of the river embankment. The soil is also fragrant due to the sunlight. The blue sky is filled with white clouds. Zhang Pingan is jogging leisurely with his dog. . Life turns out to be so simple and ordinary. In the morning, almost no one came to exercise on the river embankment, so Zhang Pingan occupied the entire river embankment very comfortably.

After jogging for more than an hour, my clothes were soaked with sweat, and I was too tired to follow Zhang Pingan. After some exercise, Zhang Ping'an led Youzai leisurely towards home.

When I got home, I hurriedly ran to drink water. After exercising with Zhang Pingan for more than an hour, it was tired. Zhang Ping'an drank a few large gulps of water, gave it the morning food, and then went to take a shower.

Half an hour later, a Western-style breakfast was placed on the table, a sandwich and a cup of coffee. The sandwich is filled with French scrambled eggs, bacon, tomatoes, and lettuce. After setting breakfast, Zhang Ping'an went upstairs. When he came to the bedside, he patted Yui's butt: "Get up and have breakfast. After eating, it's time to set off."

'Lazy Yui' usually sleeps until noon when she doesn't have work, and even doesn't get up until one or two in the afternoon, but today Zhang Pingan woke her up early in the morning. After Yui woke up Her eyes were still closed, but with a smile, she stretched out her arms towards Zhang Pingan for an early hug.

Seeing this, Zhang Ping'an shook his head helplessly and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning over to be picked up by Yui and sitting down.

Then he pulled up the quilt to cover her chest, and then kissed her on the forehead: "It's time to get up."

Yui then slowly opened her eyes and smiled brightly at Zhang Pingan: "I know."

After a while, Yui came downstairs, her hair was tied into a bun on her head, and at this time she came down wearing the same round glasses as Zhang Pingan. Looking at the breakfast on the table, she showed a gentle smile. After sitting down, she took a sip of coffee, then looked at Zhang Pingan and smiled sweetly: "Am I the laziest Japanese woman you know? ?”

In Korea and Japan, it is a tradition for women to get up in the morning and make breakfast for men. Especially in Japan, housewives have more serious thoughts, so Yui said this.

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "In my mind, there is no rule that a woman must make breakfast for me. I think as long as I get up early, it doesn't matter if I make breakfast. If I don't want to do it, we can go out for breakfast after we get up. Yes, it’s just that there are too few breakfast restaurants in Japan, and there are definitely none around where you live.”

Yui nodded and said, "Recently, there are a lot of breakfast restaurants in places like Shinjuku and Shibuya, but there are not yet where I live."

In order to facilitate some salaried workers and white-collar workers, many breakfast shops are already open in the urban area. The area where Yui Aragaki lives is a purely residential area, and it is not a densely populated apartment building, but a number of single-family houses, so basically there are no shops here, and there are even few convenience stores here.

Yui took a bite of the breakfast toast made by Zhang Pingan. It tasted pretty good. She smiled happily at Zhang Pingan with satisfaction: "Living with you, I feel very comfortable inside. Maybe it's because of my courage. It’s a small reason, so I always feel at ease when you are at home.”

Zhang Pingan nodded and smiled: "The most important thing is that someone has prepared breakfast and woke you up. There is also someone to help you take care of it. Xin-chan, can I help you feed it?"

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Yui laughed happily: "Hahaha, isn't this good?"

When you are with him, you will always smile a lot naturally, instead of having to squeeze out your smile to please the audience like in front of the camera.

Saying that, Xinjiang, Zhang Ping'an said: "We will go out in a while, do you want to send it to the pet shop?"

Because most hotels do not accept pets.

Yui shook her head and said, "No, I'll just call my sister and ask her to come over after get off work and pick her up."


After breakfast, Yui simply tidied up, said "I'm at home", and then went out with Zhang Pingan. Driving the car, the two of them drove in the direction of Mount Fuji. It was a rare good weather. Yui sat in the passenger seat and held up her camera to the window and kept clicking the shutter. It had been a long time since she had given herself a holiday. .

So she was a little excited when she and Zhang Ping'an came to the area around Mount Fuji this time. Although this mountain has always stood here, Yui usually doesn't come back here to play when she has nothing to do. After all, there are many tourists around Mount Fuji. place, and she is not someone who likes to join in the fun.

Zhang Pingan said: "Hoshinoya has opened a new store in Lake Kawaguchi. I originally wanted to check it out, but if I am seeking relaxation in the mountains and forests this season, I always feel that something is missing? I think this season, it is still the hot springs in Lake Kawaguchi. The hotel appeals to me more.”

In Lake Kawaguchi, Zhang Ping'an no longer went alone this time. Because it is a place suitable for couples, Zhang Ping'an once came here alone. If you don't like quiet people very much, then being alone at Lake Kawaguchi at night will really make you lonely and escape from this peaceful place. .

Yui smiled and said: "It doesn't matter to me, whether it's Hoshinoya in the mountains or the hot spring hotel by the lake. Anyway, I think as long as I'm in a good mood, it will be beautiful wherever I go, don't you think so? ?”

Zhang Ping'an also followed Yui's words and said something sweet but disgusting: "Indeed, it doesn't matter where I go with you by my side. Whether it's Bali or Lake Kawaguchi, the place with you is beautiful." "

Listening to Zhang Pingan's disgusting words of love, Yui used laughter to cover up the disgusting feeling: "Hahaha~~" After laughing, Yui Aragaki said: "By the way, this time Girls' Generation's Kim Taeyeon's album was produced by you. of?"

"Well, this time her album was all created by me, from the songs, to the MV, to the recording of the entire album. Isn't it amazing?" It seemed like she was answering as calmly as an old dog, but in fact she was listening to Yui talking about Taeyeon. , Zhang Pingan was so panicked~!

Yui nodded and said, "I only knew that you were good at producing programs, but I didn't expect that you could also produce music?"

"I started to learn music when I was playing casually in college. By the way, did you know that there are many people covering a song on YouTube?" Zhang Pingan started humming as he said: "The so-called happiness.."

When Yui heard the song "Moment", which has been covered by many singers on the Internet, her eyes widened: "Huh? This song? Did you write it?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "I wrote it last year. I sang this song when I was singing on the street with a Korean singer. As a result, a passerby recorded it and put it on the Internet. My singing is not as good as that of Internet singers. ..”

"I like this song very much, but there has never been a sound source." Japan is a country that attaches great importance to music copyright. Without contacting the songwriter Zhang Pingan, no singer dared to put this song in Own it on your own album. Therefore, online singers can cover songs, and singers can sing them in their own concerts, but they can never be released in their own albums.

Zhang Pingan said: "Next time, I will find a very powerful singer to record it specifically for you?"

Yui smiled and said: "There's no need for this. Although I like this song very much, I don't want to find a singer to record it. It would be more like that if the singer wants to release this song."

Zhang Ping'an said: "Okay, I will ask Li Zhien one day. I think her voice is suitable for singing this song. Oh, she is the Korean singer who sang with me on the street last time."

After a two-hour drive, the two of them had arrived at Lake Kawaguchi. The car was parked by the beautiful lake. Yui picked up the camera to record Mount Fuji that emerged today. Zhang Ping'an smiled and pointed at the mountain not far away. The convenience store said: "I'm going to buy water."

Just when Zhang Pingan was about to buy water, Zhang Pingan suddenly heard a familiar Chinese voice: "Brother An?"

Following the sound, Zhang Ping'an looked towards the people who were traveling from China. They saw a young couple. The woman was pretty good, and the man was wearing glasses and was polite.

The two of them looked in the direction of Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki. It happened that Zhang Pingan and Yui both turned to look at them at the same time after hearing the sound. The next second, the man immediately covered his mouth. .

Zhang Pingan knew that Yui Aragaki was exposed. Because in China, Yui Aragaki's popularity is really high...


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