My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 776 Damimi, do you want to cooperate?

\u003c!--go--\u003e After B.H Entertainment established a branch in Shanghai, it actually had no artist resources at the beginning. Some are just contracted anchors, but anchors don’t need agencies to worry about their work at all. Also because the company did not have artist resources, after the establishment of the 'Shanghai Branch', even the office was shared with the live broadcast platform.

After the brokerage company separated from the live broadcast platform office and found their own office independently, Zhang Pingan had never been to the company. Because the company didn't do a lot of business in China at that time, it didn't make sense for him to come over. But it's different now. Recently, the company's reputation has skyrocketed after it produced the most popular TV series "A Thousand Bones of Flowers", and then became the agency for "Girls' Generation" China's events, etc., which has gradually made the "agency" enter the world. In the eyes of the Chinese people.

Now the company has people coming to talk about cooperation every day, and there are also future artists who come to interview after submitting their resumes. Before becoming famous, the company went to film and television schools to scout out artists. After becoming famous, many students who have not yet graduated have already submitted their information to the company.

Seeing the changes in the company, Zhang Ping'an's lips naturally raised. Moreover, Zhang Pingan knows that he holds "IOI" in his hands. While he is creating a music idol, he also holds the rights to adapt many film and television works.

At the beginning, before everyone turned their attention to the "IP drama" aspect, Zhang Pingan won the adaptation rights of well-known works early. Now Zhang Pingan has a lot of inventory in his hands. He knows very well how many traffic stars his scripts and programs will create after they are produced. It can be said that Zhang Pingan's agency can gain a firm foothold in the Chinese continent in the next three years. .

The lady at the front desk has been in the company for a year, and today is the first time in this year that she met the big boss Zhang Pingan. Everyone knows that B.H Entertainment was created by Zhang Pingan, but Zhang Pingan himself focuses his main energy on the competition in the entertainment market in South Korea...

When she saw Zhang Pingan, the lady at the front desk was a little excited. She quickly stood up and said, "Hello, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to the young lady at the front desk: "Hello, Mr. Luo is here, right?" Luo Rui, the general manager in charge of the Huaxia Brokerage Company.

"Yes, do you want me to inform Mr. Luo?" The girl at the front desk was about to pick up the internal phone and dial in. Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "I can go in by myself."

When you enter the company, the first thing you see is the network department, which is mainly responsible for receiving cooperation invitations from all over the country. Because Huaxia has not yet reached the stage of needing fixed network public relations, the network department at this time is mainly the place to contact for business cooperation. After all, the initial cooperation intention is either a phone call or an intention sent through the company email.

The appearance of Zhang Pingan,

Many employees at work stared wide-eyed. After all, most people sitting in this new office location saw Zhang Pingan for the first time. Passing through the network department is a conference room. The conference room is empty at this time because there is nothing that needs to be discussed at the meeting.

Then we walked inside, including the film and television investment review department, music creation department, accounting... The last room was the general manager's office. Outside the office, there was a male secretary sitting in the secretary's room. Why Choose a Men’s Secretary? Because he also works as a driver.

Besides, this is a brokerage company, and the most important thing is beautiful women. On weekdays, when you go out to discuss work, you will always see beautiful women, even celebrities... Therefore, it is best for the secretary to choose a man, so that if he goes out to socialize and drink, he can also take him home safely.

The secretary had already received the news of Zhang Pingan's arrival, so when he saw Zhang Pingan, he immediately stood up from his seat and greeted him: "Hello, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Pingan nodded and responded: "Hello, is Lao Luo in there?"

"Yes." The secretary came to the office door and knocked on the door, then opened the door and let Zhang Pingan enter the office. Lao Luo, who was sitting in his seat deliberately holding the document, stood up with a smile on his face when he saw Zhang Pingan's arrival. He greeted: "Mr. Zhang, I finally have you back." Then he said to the secretary: "Xiao Li, make us two cups of tea."

The two were sitting in the reception area of ​​the office. Zhang Ping'an looked around his general manager's office, and then laughed: "Why are there so many posters hanging on the wall of your office?"

Lao Luo smiled and looked at the variety show produced by Zhang Pingan hanging on the wall and said: "Of course it is to show off the achievements. These are all produced by our company, so they must be displayed to let others know. By the way, Zhang Chenchen has always I asked if the company could produce an album for her. Although she has participated in many activities since the end of "The Voice" last year, she has not had a single standout solo song. I guess she is looking for it. You write songs, but you’re embarrassed to say it.”

The personal solo album Zhang Pingan produced for Girls' Generation's Kim Taeyeon was also talked about by countless Chinese netizens. Netizens said, "I can't tell that Zhang Pingan is still a versatile person who can produce programs and music." ’

"Okay, I'll take some time here... um, by the way, the OST of this TV series, the album will wait for now."

"OST?" There is no such term in China, so when Zhang Pingan said this word, Luo Rui was a little confused. Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "The theme song of the TV series, didn't I ask you to find a screenwriter to revise the novel "Three Lives Three Worlds" this time? Have you got the script?"

"Well, we got it. Recently, many investment companies are talking to us about this TV series cooperation." Because the last film "A Thousand Bones of Flowers" invested by Zhang Ping'an Company was too topical, this time When the TV series was thrown out and revised into a TV series script, many companies got wind of it and wanted to work together to produce it.

Zhang Pingan said: "You should hurry up and find artists to make posters for the TV series. We will promote it on scarves and publish it in the name of the company. This time we will invest 100 million Huaxia coins in "Three Lives Three Worlds", focusing on In terms of costumes, styling, and stunts, let’s not say we like to do ‘three-cent stunts.’”

Listening to Zhang Ping'an's words, Luo Rui looked at him in surprise and said, "Really...really invest 100 million?"

"The construction of the scene is a little better, and the post-production special effects are more refined. These are very expensive things. Cooperation... I'll first ask 'Da Mimi' and their company if they are willing to jointly produce it?" said Zhang Ping'an took out his phone. After Pang Di introduced him last time, Zhang Ping'an left Damimi's prestige signal. Although the two had never chatted on it, they still existed in the friend list.

Zhang Pingan said with authority: "Model worker, model worker, please reply when you receive it."

It's not that Da Mimi is willing to become a 'model worker', but at this time she is the only one in their agency to shoulder the 'gambling agreement'. So she is like clockwork, constantly doing dramas, participating in commercial performances, and even doing endorsements at low prices, etc.

All this is for a gambling agreement. If they win, they will eat meat. If they lose, the company they founded may go bankrupt.

After Zhang Pingan's prestige was sent, Damimi replied within two minutes: "Oh, who is this, Producer Zhang Da? Oh my God, I forgot that your contact information is in the prestige?"

Then Damimi sent another voice message: "Producer Zhang Da, why are you calling me today?"

Zhang Ping'an responded: "Do you want to collaborate on our company's new dramas, ancient costumes, and mythological dramas? This time we plan to invest 100 million to make a sophisticated large-scale production, and I believe that this drama will bring a lot of revenue after it is produced. The popularity of "Flower Thousand Bones".

Of course, Damimi didn't believe that Zhang Pingan said it was no less than "Flower Thousand Bones". She said with a smile: "No, can you really guarantee that this new drama can reach the level of "Flower Thousand Bones"? Is it really that sure? Well, why don’t you invest it yourself? Are you short of money?”

Zhang Pingan said: "I have inquired about your gambling agreement. If you don't make a hit, I don't think you can complete the agreement even if you break your legs. And I can't watch your company go bankrupt. Then I sold my Fatty. If you don’t want to cooperate, what do you think about selling Fatty’s contract to our company?”

"Pang Di, don't think about it. I finally got a chance to catch a ride with producer Zhang Da. How can I get off? I'll ask the company representative to contact you. I can't make the final decision on the investment."

Zhang Ping'an said: "Okay, are you in Hangzhou (filming base)?"

"Gangwon Road."

Zhang Ping'an said in surprise: "Gangwon Province? South Korea? Where are you doing?"

"Filming the movie "Rescue""

Zhang Pingan said: "Okay. Then I won't disturb you. You can ask the representative to come to our company to discuss it carefully."

"Okay, I'll ask them to contact you right away."

Zhang Ping'an put away his mobile phone, and manager Luo Rui said: "They've launched 'Jiaxin'. Recently, many people have been looking at their entertainment section, but their listing section is a bit..."

Zhang Ping'an responded: "Her company mainly uses financing and lottery betting. As for the stock market where she is listed... no investor will buy it. There is no liquidity at all. Of course, it is also possible that investors are being bullied by celebrities and entertainers." There was Xiao Yanzi in the front and Huang Mingming in the back. Both of them deliberately made noises to cut leeks. One was ordered to delist and the other had his stock market earnings confiscated. "

Luo Rui said: "Will our company be listed in the future?"

"Why go public? Our company is not short of money." The most important thing is that the company is currently solely owned by Zhang Ping'an, and the manager only has 5% dividend equity.

Zhang Ping'an really has not thought about listing his company at the moment. Maybe he will make preparations in five years. After all, he has no idea about the entertainment trends at that time. He can also let go of his company's investment by then. Earn more money.


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