My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 399 Beauty, I want to share it with you

When Zhang Pingan saw such a beautiful place, he immediately thought of the melancholy Taeyeon. Because the scenery here gives people a relaxing comfort and healing, and what Taeyeon needs most is this comfort and healing. Zhang Pingan knew very well that even if she had so many teammates around her, she still would not tell them the pain she was suffering in her heart, so Zhang Pingan wanted to share the beauty with her even when she came to a beautiful place.

As for his real girlfriend Sika, her personal confidence has become stronger after her side business has developed well. Coupled with the work of the team and her own side job, she was so busy all day long that she had no time to be depressed. After practice every day, she returns home and has to catch up on the design. Sika is strong when she devotes herself to her work.

Li Zhien, because she has a best friend beside her who talks about everything, Yoo In Na. Even if she has a lot of repressed things, she still has a place where she can release them!

Taeyeon is the only one who keeps everything in her heart. Even Pani, who is closest to her, may not necessarily know what she is thinking, so she makes people so heartbroken.

On the avenue where ginkgo trees and red leaves intertwined, Zhang Pingan asked the driver to stop the car temporarily. He stood on the roadside and dialed Taeyeon's video call. The strong music from Girls' Generation's practice room in Seoul covered up the weak vibrations from her phone in the rest area. They were so engrossed in their practice that no one heard her cell phone ringing.

When the phone was connected and no one answered, it hung up naturally. Zhang Ping'an sighed and put away the phone, got in the car and continued towards the hotel.

HOSHINOYA, one of the most famous resorts in Karuizawa, is built along the river and aims to use the tranquil natural environment, light, shadow and architectural aesthetics to create a Zen-like Japan. Because Japan is not a big country, the scenery here lacks the majesty and majesty of Chinese scenic spots. Instead, it is small and exquisite, and it needs to be savored carefully like tea.

Zhang Ping'an asked for two rooms when he arrived at the hotel. He originally planned to get two independent water-wave rooms by the river, but the hotel could only provide a two-story water-wave room, and two floors were two rooms.

When registering, Zhang Ping'an took out a 'VIP' card. The person at the hotel front desk had never seen any VIP cards here, and she had never even heard of them.

When the hotel lobby manager saw the VIP card presented by Zhang Pingan, he was surprised. This card was only released in 2005 when the current president took over as CEO, and only a thousand were released at that time. In nearly ten years, many VIP cards may have been forgotten or lost by the parties involved. Therefore, it is normal for employees who joined later not to know about VIP. After all, the hotel has not had this card for many years.

When the hotel manager saw someone holding a VIP card, he immediately upgraded Zhang Ping'an's room from a water wave room on the second floor to a detached water wave room. He even said that there would be a free detached water wave room tomorrow. When the time comes, they will stay directly with Zhang Pingan.

The manager asked how long Zhang Pingan would stay here. Zhang Pingan said that he didn't know, maybe half a month, maybe a month.

Entering the room, Zhang Pingan put down his backpack. He was very familiar with Hoshinoya Karuizawa. After all, he came here every summer to escape the heat. With everything in the room constructed in his mind, he said to the waiter who sent him over: "Please prepare some Chinese green tea for me."

The room is equipped with tea sets, but the tea provided is Japanese tea, but Zhang Pingan asked for Chinese tea. Because many Chinese tourists come here every year, the hotel is well prepared. Only people who are familiar with hotels know this.

Zhang Ping'an didn't bring any clothes when he came here this time, because there is a huge shopping plaza in Karuizawa with hundreds of shops.

After putting down his luggage, Zhang Ping'an sat on the outdoor terrace and stared at the river here in a daze. The quiet time alone is also very comfortable. Sitting on the terrace, he felt the calm autumn wind, and watched the mountains covered with red and yellow, and the lush Hoshinoya. A little more gorgeous. The hotel is very quiet, so quiet that you can hear your own heartbeat.

The silence gave Zhang Pingan a touch of spiritual emptiness.

This time there was no Li Zhien, Shiraishi Mai or any woman beside him. He was the only one enjoying the tranquility.


In Seoul, Girls' Generation's practice has entered the break time. After each of them came to the rest area, the first thing they picked up was not the water glass, but the mobile phone placed on the table. In this era, mobile phones are always in hand, and they couldn't wait to pick them up during their temporary separation.

Taeyeon picked up her phone and lit up the screen and said "Hey". Pani, who was sitting next to her, turned his head curiously and glanced at Taeyeon's mobile phone screen, which showed 'missed call, Zhang Pingan, FaceTime'

"Oh? How come Zhang Ping'an figured out how to make a video call to you?" After Pani said this, he immediately looked around for Sika, but he didn't see Sika. It seemed that Sika was holding it when he was resting here. The phone left the practice room. And Sika is very busy every day, which they all know.

Taeyeon shrugged and said, "I don't know." Then she called back.

Soon Zhang Pingan connected to the video, and he saw two heads on the other side of the video camera, one was Taeyeon's and the other was Pani's.

Zhang Ping'an looked at Pani's head and said with a smile: "Oh? Pani. Hello, long time no see."

Before Taeyeon could speak, Pani immediately said: "What are you doing, why are you making a video call to our Taeyeon?"

Zai Pani's words attracted the surrounding members, and they all ran to look at the screen curiously: "Hey, who did I think it was, Zhang Pingan."

At this time, Lin Yoona's voice came from the receiver: "Taeyeon's phone is ringing. It's either a family member, a teammate, or Zhang Ping'an. Do you need to guess?"

Zhang Ping'an immediately said after hearing her voice: "Lin Yuner, don't think that I won't know it's you if you don't show up. I tell you, you are dead. You will follow me to China next year. I will be slow then." Take care of you slowly.”

Lin Yoona lowered her head from Taeyeon's phone, looked at the camera and said: "Next year, isn't it still early? Maybe you have forgotten. Hahaha~~"

Zhang Ping'an shouted: "Ah, why are you coming here backwards like this, the midnight bell?"

"Hahaha~~" A burst of laughter came from Girls' Generation.

When everyone dispersed and went to the side to laugh, Taeyeon finally had time to talk to Zhang Pingan. She looked at Zhang Pingan on the other end of the phone with a smile on her face: "Why did you call me suddenly? Where are you? ?”

"Japan, look at..." Zhang Ping'an said, turning on the camera behind him, and then slowly moved his phone to show Taeyeon where he was.

When Taeyeon saw such a beautiful place, she was surprised and said, "What, where is this? Kyoto Prefecture?"

"When I'm in Karuizawa, I'll come over to take a rest and sort out the program."

Looking at the scenery over Zhang Pingan, Taeyeon said with envy: "Are you very happy? You called me just to show off, right?"

"I just saw the beautiful scenery and thought of sharing it with you. Don't stay in the dormitory all the time."

Seeing Zhang Pingan's tone was so gentle, Taeyeon also softened. She raised her lips in dissatisfaction and said, "I come to the company to practice every day, how can I stay in the dormitory?"

How could Taeyeon not understand the concern in his words? Even though he was in Tokyo at the moment, he still cared about her. Taeyeon knew and understood.

"Okay, it's okay. I won't disturb your practice, bye~~See you in Tokyo!"

After hanging up the phone, Taeyeon also knew that the reason why he called so suddenly was because she missed him, so Taeyeon was still a little reluctant after hanging up, and she didn't put down the phone for a long time.

Zhang Pingan, who was sitting on the terrace, rubbed his shoulders and returned to the room: "It's much colder here than in Tokyo. I didn't bring a down jacket."

He closed the patio door and took his computer out of his backpack. With cooperation, we should come up with a plan as soon as possible. At this time, the waiter came over with tea. Zhang Ping'an started to write the new variety show "See Your Voice" in the document while brewing Chinese green tea.

At dusk, staff wearing kimonos from the Edo period paddle boats and traditionally light river lanterns floating on the water to pray for happiness. Their appearance also meant that it was time for dinner. Zhang Pingan closed the computer and left the room with the room card. It had been many hours since he had been in the hotel, and this was the first time he had left the room. If other tourists come here and put down their bags, they go out to play.

While he enjoys the quietness in the quiet hotel, it is also very convenient for him to 'create' or something.

When night fell, Zhang Pingan was sitting alone in the corner eating kaiseki cuisine. The sudden change from the big fish and meat in Tokyo to the light kaiseki cuisine is still a bit uncomfortable. The Japanese tourists around him all exclaimed, "It's delicious."

After dinner, Zhang Pingan strolled back to his room. In the quiet night, everything was quiet around him. In the night, the dim street lights and the river lanterns dotted in the water make it look like a dream. Under the hazy moonlight, I was walking leisurely alone, and I didn't feel particularly lonely. Perhaps it was because he was surrounded by company during this period, so it was nice to enjoy some quiet time alone once in a while.

He looked at the meditation hot spring in the distance. He hesitated whether he should go somewhere to experience the so-called meditation? At this moment, the phone in his pocket sent out a notification message.

He took out his phone and looked at it. The letter was from Yuko Araki: "Do you have time to have dinner together?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and replied casually: "I'm in Karuizawa, are you coming?"

Araki Yuko replied without hesitation: "Okay, I'll call you when I get there."

The latest flight from Tokyo to Karuizawa is after 10 o'clock, and it's just before 7 o'clock now, so if she wants to come... Zhang Pingan wouldn't mind spending a romantic night with her in a romantic place here. .

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