My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 804 Men’s Hobbies

Zhang Ping'an has already drank four packs of instant coffee in the office, two packs for one cup. The sweeter instant coffee gives people a sense of pleasure. Sweetness always makes people feel better. For example, iced cola with sweetness in summer is more satisfying than iced mineral water. After two cups of coffee, Zhang Pingan still hadn't finished reading the script in front of him, and everyone in the investment department was already busy with their own affairs. Zhang Pingan was the only one left in the entire conference room.

He raised his watch and looked at the time. One o'clock showed that it was past lunch time. I promised the children to have lunch together earlier. They must be very hungry now, right? Zhang Pingan simply packed up the scripts in front of him, and then came out of the conference room and said to the staff: "Don't collect the things inside or sort them out for now. I'll go out for lunch and then come back."

Arriving from the investment department conference room to the practice room, Zhang Pingan watched the children sit on the floor one by one and stop practicing, as if they had been waiting for his arrival. At this time, Zhang Pingan said to the children with an apologetic smile: "Are you all hungry? I was delayed for a while, let's go, let's eat first."

The maknae smiled brightly and said to Zhang Pingan: "Finally~~Brother, we are all hungry. I wanted to send you a message, but the captain said I can't disturb your work."

Because they practiced a lot before their debut, they became hungry very quickly as they practiced.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "The investment department has some new works coming in, and we are in a meeting, so the meal time is slightly delayed. It's okay. Let's eat more later."

Zhang Pingan took the children out of the company gate. Although there were no fans coming to block the door yet, Zhang Pingan led a group of youthful boys, especially those who were lively and active. They were all excited while walking on the road. It feels like a jumping place, so the group of them still attracts the attention of passers-by.

The news that Zhang Pingan took 'BTS' to eat together quickly spread on the Internet. At this time, Zhang Pingan and the children were already sitting in the restaurant and ordered some barbecue. While waiting for the food to be served, the children smiled and said: "Brother, we have made good use of the bonus you gave us last time. "

Zhang Pingan responded with a smile: "Although the bonus is not particularly large, it is enough for you to buy some needed products."

RM said with a smile: "We used it to buy some private servers and some electronic products."

At this time, 'BTS' did not have much sponsorship. Even when they appeared on the show, they mostly wore their own personal clothes. For them, whose income is not particularly high at this time, purchasing private servers is relatively expensive. Especially RM, who participates in fixed programs, needs to prepare different costumes for each episode of filming, so his personal expenses Sales are more than those of his teammates.

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "When you get good grades, I will give each of you a big gift!"

“What counts as a good grade?”

Zhang Ping'an said: "When I go to Hollywood! And I believe that day is not far away. If everyone works hard, you can approach Hollywood. After all, your reputation in overseas markets is much greater than in South Korea... As overseas Depending on the level of support from your fans, your album will definitely enter the 'Apple Music Chart' and will be easily noticed in the United States. Moreover, the influence of Korean Wave is gradually blooming in Europe and the United States... so I believe that you will get more success in the future. When that day comes, I will give each of you a Rolex! Is this a big enough gift?”

Watches are one of men's favorite products if they can afford it, so when they heard Zhang Pingan promised to give them a Rolex, they all exclaimed: "Wow, a Rolex?"

RM, who likes watches very much, widened his eyes and said: "Brother,

Do you really give us watches? "

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Of course, I keep my word. However, the price is within 20 million. Because it is too expensive to give away, even if you wear it, the haters will make irresponsible remarks."

A 20 million watch is already very high-end, at least that's what they think at this stage. RM nodded and said: "Yeah, 20 million is already very good. Brother, can I wear your current watch?"

"Okay." After saying this, Zhang Ping'an took off his expensive watch. Black gold skull ‘Richard’.

The children took turns wearing Zhang Pingan's watch to satisfy their curiosity. The maknae, who didn't know much about the price of the watch, asked, "Brother, how much does this watch cost?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "More than 800 million won."

For just one watch, you can buy a nice single-family villa in a surrounding city. So the children all exclaimed: "Hi~~~"

After hearing the price of the watch, the maknae quickly took the watch off his hand and gave it to Zhang Pingan. When he didn't know it, there was no burden on his hand, but after he knew the exact value, he felt the "heavy weight" of this watch.

At this time, the meat happened to be served. RM was in charge of the barbecue. Zhang Pingan also put his watch back on his hand. Then he said to them: "A man's collection is a watch. This is similar to the reason why women like to collect jewelry. If you have money in the future and can afford collections, I suggest it be art. Goods, watches. Because these have a stable market, the most important point is that even if they are passed on to your children in the future, they will not be subject to inheritance tax. This is one of the reasons why rich people like to collect some art. !”

Listening to Zhang Pingan's alternative explanation, they all laughed: "Pass it to your children? Isn't this too far away? Brother, generally speaking, what are men's hobbies?"

Zhang Pingan answered without hesitation: "Woman! Beautiful woman!"

The children hesitated for two seconds, forgetting to turn the meat over, and then burst into laughter. Yes, isn’t a man’s biggest hobby women? If men lose interest in women, then... the problem is serious. Especially people like them who temporarily put their careers first, do you think they really don’t desire women? Of course not, it just temporarily suppresses the order of women in the heart, and they are supervising each other's desire for women!

After they laughed, Zhang Pingan continued: "A man's hobbies... have to be considered with his own time and financial ability. And there are many types of hobbies. Sports hobbies, such as mine, I like racing. I Just buy a few nice cars and go to the track during my break. If you ask me about my other hobbies, it would be: traveling! Of course, traveling takes time, so I can only put this hobby aside for the time being. That’s all. The second thing is what my hobbies are for collecting. For me, watches are one of them. I used to collect dolls, but now I still have many out-of-print items in my house in Tokyo..."

Zhang Pingan continued: "As time goes by, hobbies will also change. The hobbies of each age group are different. Maybe you want to wear some handsome clothes now. When you grow up, you will I find that clothes are just like that. Maybe when you get older, you might want to buy a yacht and go fishing, or go camping, watch a bonfire in the mountains with friends, and enjoy a moment of peace. In short, it depends on your own conditions. There is no fixed one, it’s not what I like. You have to choose what suits you, and it must be healthy and legal. It is the best! This includes the women you like in the future. One that suits your own aesthetic.”

RM, after grilling the meat and starting to cut it, everyone started chatting while eating.

Now that Zhang Ping'an talks about women, everyone's topics begin to revolve around love. Men, after they get together to talk about their hobbies, they naturally start talking about women. The captain asked Zhang Pingan: "Brother, what do you think about living together before marriage?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "My personal opinion only represents me. I think it is necessary to live together before marriage. Although many families think it is ridiculous to live together before marriage, I think it is necessary before marriage." It's an indispensable part. Marriage is not about buying a product. If I suddenly feel like I don't like the product after buying it, I can still return it within a few days. However, the cost of 'returning' the product is too high, so I suggest living together before marriage. Because only by living together can we fully understand each other’s living habits.”

The maknae said: "But even if some people live together before marriage, they still hide it well? They will change after marriage!"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "No, if you live together for a little longer, your personal personality will never be hidden. Unless he is determined to lie to you, otherwise, you will basically know what his personality is like when he comes back from a social gathering one day after drinking. So living together before marriage is to adjust the "loss" to a level that is completely acceptable to you. There are many cases of marriage failure among artists. That is because everyone is secretive when they are in love, let alone when they meet. The most ideal side was shown to the other person, but after getting married, I realized that this is what he/she really looks like, and it is the most unacceptable situation for me..."

"But I just got married, what can I do? I'd better stick to it, because I can't bear it anymore and I'll get divorced in the end. So I personally think that living together before marriage is a very necessary thing. It's not about us men being so philandering, but I have to actually try the rhythm of life with you to test whether I have the confidence to spend the rest of my life with you. Instead of saying that men are flirtatious, of course there are also some flirtatious people in the name of love... you know. of!!"

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