My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 833 The modeling industry is men’s ‘favorite’

Emma has always known that there is someone behind Yuko Araki, but she doesn't know who that person is. After all, after a simple understanding, she knows that Yuko Araki's family is not the kind of wealthy family that allows her to do whatever she wants, but at this time, Yuko Araki lives a very chic life.

Let's not talk about her two very expensive cars, just talk about her daily consumption habits, especially when she goes shopping and enters a brand-name store, as long as she sees something she likes, she can buy it without any burden.

Even Emma, ​​who is slightly more famous than Yuko Araki in the modeling circle, hesitates when she sees some luxury brand clothes. After all, these luxury clothes can only be worn for one season for those of them who are doing some related fashion jobs. If you buy niche brands or designer brands, it will save a lot of money on clothing expenses. But when Yuko Araki is shopping, she buys it when she sees something she likes, and doesn't care whether it costs tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands (yen).

After Emma and Araki Yuko met, when they were shopping together, she saw that Araki Yuko's purchases were worth millions of yen, close to 10 million yen, and they had only known each other for a year. 10 million yen a year, this is just for the purchase of clothing and accessories. If you say there is no "person" behind her, it is unbelievable.

Today, Araki Yuko asked her to go out with her... This made Emma very curious, because being able to call Araki Yuko out of the practice room with just one phone call, this energy is not low. Emma thinks it is very likely that it is someone behind Araki Yuko... But Araki Yuko denied it again.

Seeing that they will have a fashion show in two days, going out to play at this time, is it to relax the mood, or... With some curiosity, Emma still followed Araki Yuko out.

After arriving near her home, Araki Yuko put Emma in a nearby cafe and said that she would go back to change clothes and come out. She knew that Zhang Ping'an was waiting at her home, so she didn't let Emma go upstairs with her. When Yuko Araki returned home, she opened the door and saw the sneakers placed at the entrance, and Zhang Pingan did not close the door..

Yuko Araki looked at Zhang Pingan standing in front of the French window looking at the outdoor scenery, and immediately showed her most beautiful smile: "An-chan~!"

Zhang Pingan turned around, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He smiled at Yuko Araki's refreshing smile and said softly: "I'm back."

Yuko Araki took off her shoes and said to Zhang Pingan: "Well. Since you feel bored alone, you should call me earlier, so that I can wait for you at home. . "

Zhang Pingan smiled and walked towards the sofa in the living room, and put down the coffee cup at the same time: "I was thinking that you would perform the day after tomorrow, right? I don't have the heart to disturb your work. I see that your work has been going well recently."

Xinmu Yuko came to Zhang Pingan and put her arms around his neck. After actively kissing him, she looked at him with a dazed look and said, "It's okay. These two days are mainly to practice expressions and get familiar with the feeling. Basically, there is no big preparation. You need to rehearse on the spot in the next two days."

When she was hugging her neck, Zhang Pingan also reached out and hugged her waist. Then he reached out and patted Xinmu Yuko's butt and said, "Go change into jeans or loose pants, and we will go to Fuji Speedway to play later. By the way, didn't you bring your friend? Why didn't you come together?"

Xinmu Yuko smiled and responded, "I asked her to wait in a nearby cafe." After that, she walked towards the cloakroom. This room has two bedrooms and one living room, and one room has been converted into her cloakroom.

Soon, Yuko Araki changed into jeans, showing her straight legs, close-fitting inner clothes, and a jacket with luxury logos on the outside. Zhang Pingan pointed to the shopping paper bag in front of him: "Take this with you, you can handle it on the way out later." Yuko Araki walked to the paper bag and looked inside. There were banknotes with a face value of 10,000 yuan in the bag. Yuko Araki smiled and said: "I'll go get a bag. There is a bank downstairs." ....... Two super luxury sports cars, a bull and a Ferrari, came out of her community and went directly to the nearby bank. Yuko Araki deposited the money into her account first and then put about 200,000 cash on her body. Then she followed Zhang Pingan to pick up Emma. Emma was sitting alone in a cafe drinking coffee. Suddenly, the engine of the sports car exploded. First, Yuko Araki's Ferrari stopped at the door, followed by a car behind her, Lamborghini, a super sports car with a more fierce appearance, stopped behind her car. Emma saw that Araki Yuko not only changed her car, but also brought a supercar? Could it really be the "friend" that Araki Yuko mentioned? If it was a friend, she would have called her out during practice. Who was this friend? While Emma was guessing, Zhang Pingan had already gotten out of the car and came to Araki Yuko's car, and she followed him down, looking at Zhang Pingan with her special smile. Then Araki Yuko pointed to the store, and she came in alone.

At this time, Emma finally saw clearly who the person who called out Yuko Araki was, Zhang Pingan, the new young rich man in Asia. There has been talk about 'Zhang Pingan' and their modeling circles, because after Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki were published by the news media last Christmas, their photos were both posted on the 'Entertainment Page' of Japan.

Let’s not talk about Zhang Pingan’s family background that has been exposed by the media, but his appearance alone is not bad. When the models got together at that time, they joked that even if Zhang Pingan was not a rich man, they would still be willing to date him. And if he has both appearance and wealth, wouldn’t he be the man of his dreams?

Emma finally understood why Araki Yuko could be called out of the practice room with just one phone call. If it were her, she would have come out, right? After all, it is a good thing to have access to such top rich people.

She stood up after watching Yuko Araki enter the cafe, and then followed Yuko Araki outdoors. Then Yuko Araki introduced Zhang Pingan to her: "This is my friend Emma, ​​a Japanese-British model. This is..."

"First meeting." "First meeting."

After a simple greeting, the three of them got on the bus. Zhang Pingan rode alone, while Araki Yuko and Emma sat together.

The two of them followed Zhang Pingan's vehicle and drove towards Mount Fuji. In the car, Emma said with a smile: "You actually know Zhang Pingan? "Forbes" writes that he has a fortune of one billion U.S. dollars, and his annual income is Around $30 million.”

Araki Yuko told a white lie: "We met in a magazine a long time ago. At that time, I didn't know he was so rich."

Emma said: "Does he have a regular girlfriend now? Probably not. I remember that he had scandals with Nogizaka, Satomi Ishihara, Yui Aragaki, and even artists in the Korean entertainment industry..."

Araki Yuko said: "I don't know the details. Anyway, I knew before that he had a girlfriend, Jessica from Girls' Generation."


Along the way, the two women discussed Zhang Pingan a lot. Until they drove the car to the ‘Fuji Arena’. After entering the arena, Emma said: "I thought I was going to travel to Mount Fuji, but it turned out that I came here to play racing."

Because the two of them were busy chatting about Zhang Ping'an along the way, they didn't talk much about the destination. But when I arrived at the racing track, I realized that it was such a dangerous place. Emma continued: "I won't play for a while, I will just watch you play."

"I don't dare to play either. I don't dare to drive too fast."

After Zhang Pingan entered the racing track, he simply learned about safety... and Yuko Araki and Emma both accompanied Zhang Pingan to learn together. After learning how to escape, Zhang Pingan rented three racing helmets.

After officially arriving at the racing track, Zhang Ping'an said to the two of them: "You can drive slowly, I will run two laps first."

Fuji Speedway, the people who come here are those who like to play fast. Those modified cars that like to drift go to places with many corners. The people who come to this Fuji Speedway are some of the top sports cars...

There were not many vehicles, so Zhang Pingan drove his big cow and set off... After following the guide car for a lap on such a spacious road, Zhang Pingan's speed also soared rapidly on the straight road section, 140...200. ..230..The strong pushing feeling and the roaring sound caused by the car are completely stimulating the surge of adrenaline.. Damn, you really have to put it on such a track to feel its capabilities.

After two simple laps, Zhang Pingan's vehicle entered the rest stop, and at this time, the two of them also entered the rest stop in their Ferrari. Emma, ​​after sitting in a circle, she patted her chest and exclaimed: "It's so exciting."

The speed was obviously less than 200, but she still exclaimed that it was exciting? Perhaps for women, the feeling of pushing their backs at two hundred speeds in a straight line is already too much for them to bear the impact.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and walked over with the mineral water and handed it to the two of them: "Racing cars are very interesting, whether it's a Ferrari or a Daniel, you can only feel it if you put it in a place like this. On the roads in the city, they are just It can be used to pick up girls or attract attention. "

Zhang Ping'an took the initiative to chat with Emma about this, thinking that he had been a bit bored recently, so why not hang out with people in the modeling circle? Because they are all very attractive~~! !

In fact, everyone says that the entertainment industry is not clean. That is because they have never seen the model industry. People in the model industry are more realistic and "real". After all, there is only so much trouble between men and women~~

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