My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 840 The last word!

Daikanyama is only a ten-minute walk from Shibuya. Compared with the bustling commercial street of Shibuya, Daikanyama is much quieter. On weekdays, Zhang Pingan likes to walk through the alleys towards Daikanyama after getting off the bus in Shibuya, because the back streets here are very quiet, but they don't look dilapidated. Occasionally, pedestrians here walk along the trails here with a cup of coffee in their hands, talking and laughing, and occasionally you can hear the laughter of the children of the residents here.

If you walk on a leisurely trail like Daikanyama on a sunny day, it will give people an unexpected comfort. There are many fashionable shops and cafes on the streets of Daikanyama. If you are tired of shopping here, you can also choose a stylishly decorated cafe to rest your feet. Today, Zhang Pingan and Baba Fumika agreed to meet here because it is relatively quiet here.

Baba Fumika, when she came to the agreed Starbucks in Tsutaya Bookstore, because she had not seen Zhang Pingan's photo beforehand, she sent a message to Zhang Pingan after she came in. It was not until Zhang Pingan received the message and turned around to see her, smiling and waving at her that Fumika Baba discovered the man who had made an appointment with her today.

At first, Fumika Baba thought that Zhang Pingan might be a man in his thirties wearing a suit. At this time, Zhang Pingan was sitting in front of the French window of the bookstore, with the sunlight dappled on the desk behind him. His smile in the sunlight made Fumika Baba exclaim, so handsome! She really didn't expect Zhang Pingan to be so young. Of course, Fumika Baba was sure that the man driving a sports car could not be an uncle.

Although the president of the uncle level might be really rich, they would never drive a ostentatious super sports car. Fumika Baba guessed that Zhang Pingan might be a young and middle-aged man in his thirties, close to forty, who liked sports cars. After all, a man is just mature at the age of thirty, and between thirty and forty is almost young and middle-aged. Such a man has financial ability and is willing to spend money on herself.

But she didn't expect Zhang Pingan to turn around and be so young and handsome. I didn't expect to have unexpected gains today. She wanted to ask Zhang Pingan, "You look good, why don't you use your own photo as your profile picture? Why do you use a cartoon profile picture that looks like a dead otaku?" But after taking a closer look at Zhang Pingan's appearance, she suddenly realized... this man seemed to have been seen somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a moment. In fact, many people have seen Zhang Pingan, but they only saw photos, so the impression was not so deep. Last year's Christmas, the scandal between Zhang Pingan and Yui Aragaki was a sensation. After all, Yui Aragaki is one of the top female stars in Japan, and she has never been exposed to scandals for many years since her debut, except that she and Zhang Pingan appeared on the news magazine together last Christmas. Maybe Fumika Baba also saw Zhang Pingan's photo at that time, so she had a little impression of Zhang Pingan, but it was just a little impression, and she really couldn't remember where she had seen her. Forget about not being able to remember, she walked towards Zhang Pingan with a smile, and Zhang Pingan stood up and said to Baba Fumika: "Sorry, Fumika-san, I had to notify you so early today. Um, sorry, I just think it's a bit... weird to call you by your last name!" Baba Fumika, last name: Baba. And the pronunciation of this last name in Japanese is 'Baba'. Yes, you read it right, that's the pronunciation! Baba Fumika smiled and nodded: "It's okay, in fact, many staff members who meet for the first time also call me by my first name instead of my last name. Just like you said, it's a bit strange to call only by my last name." "Please sit down, have a drink, I'll go order it for you." Baba Fumika smiled and responded: "Cappuccino, thank you." Zhang Pingan went to buy her coffee, and at this time Baba Fumika looked at Zhang Pingan's back as he left, and she smiled and said: "You're not bad, is he an actor? Or an idol?" Because she had some impression of Zhang Pingan, she thought Zhang Pingan was also in the circle. After a while, Zhang Pingan came over with her cappuccino and bought her a dessert cake, strawberry mousse.

After Zhang Pingan brought the coffee and dessert, Fumika Baba smiled and said "thank you".

In this quiet coffee shop, the two sat side by side on the desk, and Zhang Pingan observed her curves from the side, and her chest looked particularly fierce. And the skirt Fumika Baba was wearing was just above her knees. After she sat down, she revealed her calves, which were very well-proportioned and not strong. Some girls may often run when they were young, so their calf muscles look very strong, which makes them look ugly.

Because in today's society, the lines of the legs are straight, and it is okay to have some muscle lines appropriately, but it is not so beautiful if the calf muscles are too strong.

Fumika Baba's body curves and her height are very good. You know, she is 167CM tall, which is definitely taller among Japanese women. The pair of canvas shoes she was wearing at that moment made her look almost 170CM tall, but because the proportions of her body and legs were not so good, she did not look very tall. It was not until the two of them got closer that Zhang Pingan realized that she was still a little tall.

On weekdays, Taeyeon and Lee Ji-eun, although they are not very tall, they know how to visually lengthen their legs through the way they dress. In terms of body proportions, Sika's body proportions are very good. Her height is not high, but her leg length ratio is very good, so visually Sika feels like she is about '167CM', but in fact Only '163CM'.

When Zhang Pingan was looking at her figure, Baba Fumika looked at Zhang Pingan and smiled: "By the way, have we met before? I always feel that you are very familiar."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and responded to the racecourse Fumika: "I can definitely say that we have never met, because I am Chinese!"

When she heard that Zhang Pingan was from China, the lady from the racecourse widened her eyes and looked at Zhang Pingan in surprise: "Hey, are you really from China? Your Japanese is so good? Are you a Chinese in Japan?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I am either Chinese or Chinese. I learned Japanese when I was studying abroad in Tokyo. I came to Tokyo when I was in high school."

When he heard that Zhang Pingan was an international student, Baba Fumika nodded and said, "So that's it. By the way, I don't know what to call you yet."

"Oh, my name is Zhang Pingan."

"Zhang Pingan... Pingan, Pingan..." When Baba Fumika heard the name Zhang Pingan, she frowned slightly, because she felt that she had heard of this name somewhere, and it was 100% true. , because this name is very familiar. Suddenly, she remembered: "Ah, I remembered, last Christmas, you and Yui Aragaki-senpai... I'm sorry."

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "It's okay, Yui and I were classmates in high school, and she was at home alone during the holidays, so some of our classmates made an appointment to celebrate together on Christmas. Originally, I was thinking that Yui would As a public figure, we just wanted to stay away from busy places like Tokyo. However, we didn’t expect to be discovered by netizens traveling there.”

"So that's it." Baba Fumika nodded in response. However, if you want to believe what Zhang Ping'an explained... just believe it.

In response, Baba Fumika cut off a small piece of cake and put it in her mouth. However, because the dessert fork was too small, she did not choose to eat it with the dessert fork inserted. Instead, she used the dessert fork to hold the bottom. As a result, the cake accidentally fell. It landed on her 'super fierce' chest, and then fell to her skirt.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Ping'an immediately handed the tissue to her. She first reached out to grab the cake that had fallen off her skirt and threw it somewhere, and then started wiping her chest with the rest of her hand.

One hand is holding the fallen cake, and the other is wiping it.

Zhang Pingan was sitting in the best viewing position on the side, and he even watched her movements without squinting.

I have to say that people with good figures are very tempting when wiping their chests. Everyone has experienced oil stains while eating. Ordinary people just wipe them clean, but people with good figures are completely different~~

At this time, Baba Fumika saw Zhang Pingan looking at her, and it was still on her chest. She deliberately showed an awkward smile and said apologetically: "I have to go to the bathroom."

"Yeah." Watching Fumika Baba walking towards the bathroom, Zhang Pingan followed her movements and moved his eyes. Zhang Ping'an found that he suddenly seemed to be a little greedy for this "evil" thing.

Sometimes men say, ‘As long as it suits you. ’

In fact, when you see these powerful people, you still can’t help but take a second look. Indeed, this is something that fascinates men! Of course, this thing is just a bonus, not a primary condition. Men are still the most purely visual animals. As long as you are beautiful, yes, of course it is a super bonus. No, it doesn't matter as long as the appearance is beautiful enough.

When Fumika disappeared from sight at the racecourse, Zhang Pingan suddenly felt a little dry in the mouth.

Zhang Ping'an took a sip of the coffee, then took out his mobile phone and started flipping through the photo album of Miss Racecourse. Last year, she published her first photo album, of course in swimsuits. This is a path that all Japanese artists must take. No matter how famous you are, you will shoot one or two swimsuits after your debut.

For 'swimwear', this is also an expression of health and beauty, but men always look at it with a colored eye.

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