My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 915 Travel to Yanjing (3)

When the sun rose, Zhang Pingan's familiar biological clock woke him up. He quietly got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. But just as Zhang Pingan unscrewed the water valve and filled the water to rinse his mouth, he heard the sound of slippers scraping the ground outside Zhang Pingan's open door. After a while, Zhang Ping'an watched Taeyeon, who looked confused, walk to the bathroom door and lean on the door lintel.

Zhang Ping'an stopped what he was doing and looked at Taeyeon: "It's just past six o'clock now, it's just dawn, why don't you take a nap?" Because it's summer, the sun rises relatively early. of. So Zhang Pingan was very confused when he saw Taeyeon standing at the door of the bathroom. Even if it is 'convenient' for her to get up in the morning, there is a bathroom in her room.

Taeyeon shook her head and said: "I won't sleep anymore. I insist on getting up early every day and eating breakfast every day. Last time, didn't you say that I should start exercising? I just plan to start after finishing the trip this time." Take some body shaping classes.”

Women's body shaping classes generally include yoga and Pilates. These courses still have a great health effect on Taeyeon, a "paper figure" who lacks exercise at all. Zhang Ping'an listened to Taeyeon's words and nodded with a smile: "That's a good idea. You, you don't have too much time to exercise. I'm worried about whether there will be any physical problems with you in the future. After all, you guys are very good at it in the early days of your debut. The consumption of my body's functions is huge, and I'm worried about any hidden dangers."

In the early days of Girls' Generation's debut, they were very lucky to get three to five hours of sleep a day. At that time, they were able to digest those horrific itineraries solely by relying on their youth and forcibly 'living'! From a health point of view, the process of liver production in young years causes great damage to the body. But you have to "collect the debt" after you get older.

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Just listening to you talking about 'Paper Man' and so on, I just want to take advantage of the break to take a body shaping course, at least to exercise my body."

"Well, wash up and let's go for a walk in the park later. The park is very quiet in the morning. The park is most beautiful when there are no tourists."

Pani, the lazy little pig, was still sleeping. Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon had already finished washing, and at the same time called the staff to open the small door to the Summer Palace. When entering the Summer Palace, what appeared in front of Taeyeon was the huge artificial lake "Kunming Lake". The morning sunshine was gentle, and the greenery in the garden made the air here much fresher.

Arriving at the Summer Palace, Taeyeon opened her arms to welcome the first morning in China. The Summer Palace, just as Zhang Pingan described last night, looks particularly luxurious and calm, and of course has the style of a royal family. The Buddhist Incense Pavilion on Wanshou Mountain stands in the distance, which is very eye-catching.

After Taeyeon stretched, she smiled and said to Zhang Pingan: "Is this the royal forest garden in the past?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Well,

This is the forest garden of the Chinese emperor's family. How about it, I said that the Joseon Dynasty seems stingy, right? "

Taeyeon looked at the forest garden in front of her, she just smiled and said: "China has been a big country since ancient times. Come on, let's walk around casually."

In the morning, because the Summer Palace has not yet opened, no group tourists can come in. So Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon walked without any cover in the quiet Summer Palace. He held Taeyeon's hand and walked slowly along the lakeside road. Originally, Zhang Pingan wanted to go out for a run to exercise, but because Taeyeon was by his side, his run turned into a walk. After walking briefly for a while, the two sat by the lake and looked at the Seventeen-Arch Bridge in the distance.

Because the distance was a bit far, Taeyeon didn't want to go that far just to walk on the bridge, so the two of them sat casually on the resting bench. At this time, the sky in Yanjing was very blue, there were no clouds in the sky, and the morning breeze came from the lake, soft and comfortable. Taeyeon smiled and said, "It would be great if I could live in such a quiet place every day."

Zhang Ping'an turned to look at Taeyeon's pink side face and said with a smile: "Maybe you like silence today, but after you stay in a quiet environment for a long time, you will find that it was too quiet, and what is left is empty and lonely. . So... people are strange creatures. When they are noisy, they want to find peace, but when they are quiet, they want to have someone around to talk to them. So I am thinking whether we should build one in Jeju Island in the future. House? Just like Lee Hyori, go to Seoul if you have a schedule, and live in Jeju Island if you don’t have a schedule.”

In the past, if Zhang Pingan had mentioned this matter, Taeyeon would have thought that buying so many properties was a waste of money. But now she has become a rich person without knowing it, especially since she still has more than 90 billion won with Zhang Pingan. With such a large sum of money, she didn't know how to spend it except buying a house.

Taeyeon smiled and said, "Let's talk about it later. I have a lot of personal solo work arrangements recently. How about we go to Jeju Island in two years?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Okay, I'll write it down for you. By the way, have you ever thought about ending your family's optical shop? Let your parents enjoy their life?"

Taeyeon shook her head and said: "Although I really want my parents to enjoy life. But our family used to rely on optical shops, so the significance of optical shops is very important to our family. And now it doesn't matter whether the store makes money or not. I understand what my father thinks about running the optical shop, so it would be nice if he likes to communicate with my fans. At least he can understand that not all fans are bad people!”

In 2014, the Internet was not very kind to Taeyeon, and even Taeyeon's family suffered a lot. Fortunately, the matter is over now, and those fans who like Taeyeon still visit their store, which makes Taeyeon's father very happy.

Zhang Pingan said: "I originally thought about letting your parents live in Jeju Island, but after thinking about it, Quanzhou is still very good, and Quanzhou has a lot of delicious food."

The consumption in Jeju Island is much higher than that in Jeonju. Although Jeju Island has beautiful sea views, for Taeyeon’s family, Jeonju is the place where they have lived for half their lives. How can they easily leave their homeland? Anyway, they are all in South Korea. For Taeyeon’s family, Jeju Island is really not as good as Jeonju.

Taeyeon smiled and turned to look at Zhang Pingan. She smiled happily and put her arm around Zhang Pingan's shoulders and said, "I know you are interested. I will arrange the things at home."

"Your brother, do you want to work in my company?"

Taeyeon immediately stopped and said: "No, no, just wait until he can help his parents with the store at home. This is what he said himself. He stayed in Jeonju to take care of his parents. It's me Sister, I really want to be a singer..."

"Xia Yan? Didn't I give you advice last time? Let her open a personal channel on YouTube and try singing covers first. In fact, I don't think there is any need to be a singer. There are too many things to bear."

Taeyeon said depressedly: "Don't listen to her advice. If only I could dissuade her. She just said that she likes to sing. I can just sing if I like to sing. There is no need to become a singer."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Take your time and wait and see later. Maybe in two or three years she will no longer have the desire to be an idol."

"Yeah. Let's talk about it later. After we go back, it's almost time to wake up Pani for dinner. Aren't we going to the Great Wall again?" With that said, the two got up from the bench. Zhang Pingan held Taeyeon's hand. The person slowly returned towards the hotel.

On the way, Taeyeon said: "When are you going to tell Pani about the one hundred billion thing?"

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "Let's wait until the Bitcoin in hand is sold. The current upward trend will complete this level by October at the latest."

"Two months earlier or two months later doesn't make any difference. This time she has been depressed since she was dropped off. You might as well tell her this. Make her happy too, so that she won't worry about her future life. You Say yes?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "It's up to you. When he goes to the United States, I will first transfer 10 million US dollars to her account. After returning this time, she can still spend some money in the United States."


The two returned to the hotel, and Taeyeon woke up Pani, who was sleeping soundly. She drank beer last night and drank a few glasses of champagne when she came back. It was the right time for her to sleep soundly. After being woken up suddenly, she directed all her anger towards Zhang Ping'an.

Zhang Ping'an said innocently: "Oh my god, I'm making you unhappy just by sitting here."

Pani was sitting on the bed, combing his hair with his hands, and said to Zhang Pingan, "I felt depressed when I saw your playful smile early in the morning."

Zhang Pingan pressed his face with both hands and made an expression like in "Home Alone": "Is this okay?"

Seeing Zhang Pingan surrendering, Pani let out an angry "Huh~" and turned over and got out of bed. Until Pani went to the bathroom, Zhang Pingan helplessly spread his hands towards Taeyeon to express his innocence. Taeyeon smiled and shook her head towards Zhang Pingan.

Zhang Pingan shrugged and said, "I'm going to change clothes."

At this time, Pani's voice came from the bathroom: "Wait, don't choose your own clothes. Taeyeon and I will change them and come over to match them for you later. Don't put on any more Adidas suits."

Zhang Pingan refuted this and said: "Adidas is a very popular brand in the world, okay?"

Who knew that Pani said: "You have to match your identity! You can't dress too casually."

Zhang Pingan walked towards his room and said: "Actually, I just want to keep a low profile. I wear ordinary clothes and walk among the crowd, so as not to attract the public's attention to me. After all, I am so handsome! ! Hahahaha~~~"

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