My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 938 Los Angeles (Part 9)

The ‘rental chaos’ in London that Zhang Pingan mentioned is a real problem. However, the only international students from China who can go to the UK are top students with full scholarships, not to mention top students. Just talking about the average families who go to London, the so-called "average" here are families that are quite wealthy in the eyes of ordinary people. Their families must have tens of millions of assets.

Although these families with tens of millions of Chinese coins are not considered wealthy families in a top financial city like London. However, you should never underestimate the care of Chinese parents for their children. Chinese parents are willing to reduce their own expenses and also let their children studying abroad eat well and live a good life. Of course, many sensible children report good news but not bad news overseas, and insist on working part-time. There are work-study students, and naturally there are also the extravagant lives of the extremely rich second generation.

In short, children from China who go to London to study do not have basic problems in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation. After all, Chinese students have the support and support of their families. Even if ordinary families cannot support them living a luxurious life overseas, their basic life is no problem. Moreover, for students studying in countries such as the UK, at worst they can work as purchasing agents, and it is no problem to earn some pocket money by themselves.

However, it is not only Chinese students who come to study in England, but also people from countless countries around the world. However, when those who may come from the countryside or not so wealthy families come to London, they face a bloody reality!

The school may waive your tuition, but what about your daily expenses? What about accommodation? In the material world of London, you will face the cruelest "reality teaching" before your academic dream has even begun.

Someone has calculated a bill, you rent the worst house in London. The lowest housing cost per month is ‘more than 600 euros’, which only refers to the minimum cost of renting a house. Others include food, transportation, daily necessities, and the biggest expense at the beginning of school is ‘textbooks’!

You read that right, textbooks are not included when studying in Europe and the United States. You need to buy the textbooks yourself! For one academic year, the textbook fee alone is more than 600 euros, and in some majors it is even more! It is equivalent to studying in London at the beginning of the first year, and the minimum cost is more than 10,000 euros! These are not counting other 'social' expenses, just the most basic expenses.

Students in China have families to support them, and they also have purchasing agents to make money. However, students in Europe and the United States do not have the money-making route of purchasing on behalf of others. Moreover, most families in Europe and the United States cannot afford so much money to educate their children, and in European and American countries, after you reach adulthood at the age of 18, adults no longer need to support you. So the only way you can continue studying is to take out a loan! In European and American countries, there are a lot of people who have been paying off their academic loans for five or six years after graduation.

College students with little money can save a lot of money if they can save money on accommodation in London, a city with high consumption. Not to mention college students, there are many young women around who come to London to work and cannot resist such temptation.


After Zhang Pingan said this extremely realistic problem,

Pani smiled and said: "Whether things are true or false, we can't change it. Even the local 'Queen' can't solve this problem, so it can only be used as a talking point here, and you can still do what you want." Let’s eat!”

No matter where you are, there is a strange circle, and it is a strange circle created by money. There are girls in Tokyo who go to the streets for luxury wallets, and there are people in London who put aside their egos to save rent, not to mention there are women in the Netherlands who are legally standing in the "window". All the weird circles are because of money and desire!

In some cities, 3,000 yuan can support a family for a month, while in some cities, 3,000 yuan is only enough for one meal for one person! These are not things that Zhang Pingan and the two of them can change. It's like they have seen the filth in the entertainment industry, but the filth is not only caused by the agency, but also by the trainees or the artists themselves. A matter of desire itself.

No one is right or wrong, and you can't tell the difference between right and wrong.

The simplest example is Song Ji Hyo in the front and Lim Ji Yeon in the back. They both starred in 19 banned movies... and got the opportunity to transform through these movies. Now Song Ji Hyo and Lim Ji Yeon have gained popularity, and they have made a lot of money after becoming famous. Is anyone still criticizing them?

Yes, Internet Keyboard Warrior! But overall, most people don't have too many bad thoughts about them. It can be said that they are very successful artists.

However, their success has inspired countless people to imitate it... Don't think that only Japan is a big country that engages in color. In fact, South Korea is also one! There are quite a lot of movies in Korea. Even for such a 'role', many people want to get the opportunity to play it.

So, I really can’t tell what’s right or wrong!

Zhang Pingan had dinner ready at 4:30 in the afternoon. The three of them sat under the umbrella outdoors and started eating their dinner early. Zhang Ping'an picked up a piece of chicken and put it in Taeyeon's bowl. At the same time, he said softly to her: "After eating, you should go up and rest early. I can hardly keep my eyes open when I look at you."

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Well, sleepiness has come. Which room should I sleep in later?"

Zhang Pingan said: "You can sleep in the guest room, or you can sleep in my master bedroom. Today we will have one room per person. Didn't I just arrive in Los Angeles? Everyone has a good rest today. If you sleep separately, you won't fall asleep." I woke you up when someone went to bed."

Taeyeon nodded and said: "Okay!" Indeed, it is very annoying to be woken up after falling asleep, so sleeping separately can be easily avoided!

While eating and chatting, Taeyeon's eyes began to look strained. She squinted her eyes from time to time, and then listened to the chat between Zhang Pingan and Pani, and forced herself to open her eyes again. After repeating it several times, Zhang Pingan said to Taeyeon: "Okay, don't stay here to eat with us. Come on, I'll take you up to rest."

Taeyeon smiled and said to Pani: "I'll ask you two to clean up today. I really want to sleep, so I'll go up first."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Let's go." Zhang Pingan put down his beer, got up and took Taeyeon to the guest room on the second floor. He pushed open the door to the room and said softly to Taeyeon: "Go to rest early. Leave the rest to me and Pani."

Taeyeon entered the room and said, "Well, I'll go to bed first."

Taeyeon walked straight to the bed and sat down. She watched Zhang Pingan follow in. As a result, Zhang Pingan went to the window and closed the curtains for her. Because it was only five o'clock after dinner, and the sunset sun happened to be facing the direction of Zhang Ping'an's house. Although it did not shine directly into the room, the sunlight outside was still very strong at this time.

The curtains were closed and the room became dark. Zhang Ping'an walked to Taeyeon, held her cheek and kissed her: "Go to sleep, wash up and wait until you wake up. I'll put all the things in the bathroom." ”

Taeyeon smiled and said, "I'd better rinse my mouth first. Okay, you go down to eat and don't worry about me."

Zhang Pingan nodded, turned around and left the room, closed the door for Taeyeon and went downstairs. Returning to the dining table, he took a big sip from the beer bottle and said, "I'm looking forward to our next self-driving trip."

Pani responded with a smile: "Me too, and this is my first time traveling by car with you. Sometimes the relaxation we feel together makes me not want to go back to South Korea."

Before the contract period is up, it is impossible for Pani not to return to South Korea. And at the end of November, S.M will have a family concert in Tokyo.

Zhang Ping'an thought for a moment and said, "When your contract expires, you won't sign with a brokerage company for the time being."

Pani smiled gently at Zhang Pingan: "I know, I listen to you!"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "You should eat quickly. Let's go to bed early after we eat. We got up so early today and I'm tired too."

"I'm very tired too. If Taeyeon hadn't been there to hold me up, I would have fallen asleep a long time ago." After saying that, Pani raised her head and drank the red wine in her goblet, then pointed to the front of her face. The job of the three people said: "Who will take care of these?"

"You go and have a rest. I'll clean up. I'll have a rest after I clean up here."

Pani jokingly said, "I'll sleep in the master bedroom, and you can sleep in the guest room! This way you can be closer to Taeyeon."

Because the master bedroom and guest bedroom in this 'home' are separate, one is on the left and the other is on the right. Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "You can go if you want."

"You're kidding, I'll sleep in the guest bedroom, otherwise Taeyeon will wake up tomorrow morning and see you sleeping in the guest bedroom, and she won't know how to blame me. Is this really going to be left to you?"

Zhang Ping'an waved towards Pani and said, "Go ahead, I'll put away this bottle after I drink it."

After dinner, Zhang Pingan packed up everything by himself before going upstairs to rest. The next morning, Zhang Pingan woke up slightly later than yesterday, and his biological clock adjusted slightly. He woke up at four o'clock in the morning, and the sky outside was still dark. At this time, Zhang Ping'an put on his swimming trunks and went directly to the outdoor swimming pool for exercise.

Zhang Pingan swam back and forth in the swimming pool alone. After maybe ten minutes, the lights in Taeyeon's room on the second floor came on. It should be said that she opened the curtains and let the light shine through. She stood by the balcony, smiled at Zhang Ping'an who was swimming and said, "Swimming early in the morning?"

Zhang Ping'an stood in the swimming pool and waved to Taeyeon upstairs and said, "Now that you're awake, come down and let's swim two laps together!"

"Wait for me, I'll be down right away, hehe~~"

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