My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 947 Camping, Aman (Part 2)

Chapter 956 Camping, Aman (Part 2)

The night in the wilderness is very peaceful. The three of them lived in a relatively noisy city for the past two days, and now they feel a little uncomfortable being dropped into such a quiet place. However, this feeling can only be felt by Zhang Ping'an. Taeyeon and Pani don't have it because they are both idol singers. They may have stood on a big stage with an audience of thousands of people an hour ago, and the atmosphere was aroused by the noise and passion of the fans, but when the song ends, they will return to dullness.

These well-known idols have actually been used to this kind of 'environmental gap' for a long time. Fortunately, there are nine of them in Girls' Generation, so they are okay with such an environmental gap because there are members around them, so they have mutual understanding. rely on. However, for a solo singer like Lee Ji-eun, after getting off the stage and returning to an empty home alone, the feeling of emptiness and gap is stronger.

The three of them extinguished the bonfire and returned to the car to rest. Pani and Taeyeon slept on the bed set up on the sofa below, while Zhang Ping'an slept on the bed at the front of the car. This was the first time that the three of them slept together at the same time. Sleep in a space. Although the three of them are often together on weekdays, there is no scene of the three of them sleeping together.

Zhang Ping'an was sleeping on the upper bunk, leaning sideways on the edge of the bed, looking at the two of them sleeping on the lower bunk: "Why are you two going to bed so early? Let's chat together for a while?"

Their heads were just under Zhang Pingan's bed, so they could see half of their heads sticking out as soon as they raised their eyes. Pani smiled and said, "Aren't you tired after playing all day?"

"Fortunately, I don't feel particularly tired. And it's a very happy thing to travel with you and see different scenery. So, I don't want to go to bed so early now." Zhang Pingan said here. As the two of them turned back to back and prepared to sleep, he immediately changed his words and said: "I was wondering, if I want to come down at night for convenience, will I step on your heads?"

Of course, it is impossible to step on it, because there is a night light in the toilet. With the dim light of the night light, Zhang Pingan could easily distinguish the two of them lying on the bed. Moreover, Zhang Pingan has no habit of getting up at night. He always goes to the bathroom before going to bed, and then sleeps until dawn.

Pani said to Zhang Pingan: "You have to think clearly about the consequences of stepping on our heads."

Who knew that Taeyeon, who was sleeping next to her, said: "Ignore him. I think he just drank coffee and couldn't sleep. He is acting weird right now." Taeyeon and Zhang Ping'an have lived together for a long time. In her time, Taeyeon never noticed that Zhang Pingan got up in the middle of the night and made a fuss, so she knew very well that Zhang Pingan didn't have the habit of getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

Because Zhang Pingan wakes up relatively early in the morning, he usually goes after waking up. The two of them decided not to chat with Zhang Pingan, and he could only lie on the bed boredly and start scrolling through his mobile phone. Clicking on "League of Legends" on his phone, Zhang Ping'an looked at the video of the finals.

The campsite was extremely quiet at night, so Taeyeon and Pani quickly fell asleep while lying down and scrolling through their phones. They woke up in the morning and walked around the city for a whole day without taking a break. On the way here, they were too embarrassed to sleep alone, leaving Zhang Pingan, the driver, to drive alone. It's great that they've managed to hold on until now.

One night passed, Zhang Pingan woke up early and got out of the car alone to grind coffee outdoors. There was no coffee machine, but there was still a way to grind coffee by hand. Zhang Pingan sat patiently on a portable chair outdoors, lazily basking in the morning sun while grinding coffee beans very casually.

For breakfast, Zhang Pingan had already cooked rice on the portable stove. I have been eating Western-style breakfast for several days, so let’s make it with rice this morning. A pot of rice with Korean kimchi tuna (canned) soup. I'm also going to throw some clams into the soup. No more, this clam is really going bad.

Then mix in a bean sprout, fry an egg, and two slices of luncheon meat.

But at this time, Zhang Pingan had to make his own morning coffee first. While shaking the hand grinder, Zhang Pingan suddenly laughed out loud, because last night when he was checking WeChat Moments, he saw that Xiaoxiao had updated a burning message. , with photos about Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai. The things in the photo were probably done by some rich second generation. Quite funny.

First there was Uniqlo, and then there was the Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai. This way of having fun was really unique, and it was actually posted on the Internet. Fortunately, the person in the hotel only had a back view, not a front view, otherwise it would have been a big blow to her life.

After the coffee beans were ground, Zhang Pingan took out the coffee filter and filter paper and started brewing. At this time, the door of the RV opened. Taeyeon came out with misty eyes, wearing pajamas and a coat. After coming out, Taeyeon smiled innocently at Zhang Pingan, and then sat next to him.

Zhang Ping'an looked at Taeyeon's innocent face and smiled softly: "It's still early, why don't you want to sleep for a while?"

Taeyeon shook her head softly and said: "Already almost awake, Pani went to the bathroom to make an extra cup. What did you cook?"

Taeyeon said curiously and wanted to reach out and lift the lid of the pot that was on the stove, but Zhang Pingan immediately stopped her: "Rice, let's eat in the morning. I'll make kimchi soup later."

Taeyeon smiled contentedly when she heard that it was Korean breakfast: "Remember to put the leftover pork belly from yesterday in the kimchi soup."

"Okay. Here, take it first, and I'll make her some coffee." Zhang Pingan gave Taeyeon his first cup of coffee, and then continued to prepare the filter paper.

After a while, Pani went to the bathroom and came out. When she came out, she said to Taeyeon: "Taeyeon, go ahead."

Taeyeon put down the coffee cup in her hand and nodded in response: "Well, I also wanted to take a shower. Forget it, I'll take it after I go to the hotel later."

Taeyeon wrapped herself in her clothes and went to wash up in the car. Now it was Pani's turn to sit next to Zhang Ping'an and make coffee: "It's a good leisure time. Grind it by hand."

Zhang Ping'an said dumbfounded: "Didn't you ask me to buy a hand grinding set? I'm really convinced by you. I like drinking coffee and don't like to do it."

Pani responded with a smile: "I got up late, so I can only help you. Okay, thank you."

After a while, Taeyeon came out. The three of them sat here watching the rising sun and leisurely drinking their wake-up coffee. After a cup of warm coffee, Taeyeon also took off her coat and the sleeves of her long-sleeved pajamas. Picked up. When the sun comes up, the temperature starts to rise here.

Zhang Ping'an immediately started making breakfast after drinking coffee. Within half an hour, the Korean breakfast for three people was simply placed on the table. Taeyeon took a spoonful of kimchi soup and took a sip. The chili that she had not finished last night was added to the soup today. The hot and sour kimchi soup made Taeyeon very satisfied and said in a special Korean voice: "ke~~morning It’s so refreshing to have a sip of soup.”

Pani said: "I haven't eaten Korean food for a long time. After I came back, I ate Western food and Chinese food most of the time."

Of course, when Pani talked about eating Chinese cuisine, he really ate it in China with Zhang Pingan. There are many Chinese cuisine restaurants in Los Angeles, and this is something Taeyeon also knows.

After breakfast, Zhang Ping'an took the pots and pans to wash, while Taeyeon and Pani began to pack the camping supplies. After packing up, it was only nine o'clock in the morning. Since check-in at the hotel was at noon, the three of them went for a walk in the forest park.

For lunch, the three of them had a meal at a restaurant outside the park, and then drove towards the Aman Hotel.

Amangiri, a hotel located in the wilderness of the Grand Canyon. Entering the road section in front of the hotel, the journey was extremely desolate, with pure desert and Gobi on both sides of the road. As Zhang Pingan drove on the road, Taeyeon and Pani kept sighing that Aman actually built the hotel in such a desolate place. in the canyon.

Looking at the hotel from a distance, the buildings in this deserted area, Pani said with a smile: "This hotel has the same feeling as when we live in a camping ground."

Zhang Pingan immediately argued: "You are wrong about this. There is a big difference. Because when we live here, we have others to serve us, but when we live in the campground, I am the only one to serve you."

"Hahaha~~" Taeyeon laughed instantly. The three of them quickly came to the hotel front desk to check in. The suites here can only accommodate two people or add a child's bed. There are no two-bedroom rooms here. Zhang Pingan then booked a "four-bedroom villa".

Now that we have come here, Zhang Ping'an is thinking about not living separately. Taeyeon also felt that it would be too much to put Pani in the next room to live alone, because this place is not like a city night in Las Vegas. In such a desolate place, it would be too much to let Pani stay alone in the next room at night. It will definitely make Pani feel uncomfortable. So I might as well spend more money and live in a villa so that everyone is together.

Although the price of living in a villa is very expensive, Taeyeon thinks it is worth it. The three of them took their luggage from the car to the villa. After entering the room, the view of the entire room opened up to face a desert and a canyon wall in the distance. In the middle of the outdoors, there was a desert that belonged only to them. swimming pool. This idea alone attracted Pani and Taeyeon to take out their mobile phones and take pictures.

The swimming pool surrounded by the Gobi desert is simply the finishing touch. The vastness of the surrounding wilderness, yellow sand, and huge canyon walls are really an indescribable feeling.

Although this private swimming pool is not as big as the swimming pool outside the hotel lobby, it is quite shocking in the natural environment. Pani sighed: "Wow, I suddenly feel that the money is well spent. We feel like we are surrounded by the entire canyon." ”

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