My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 953 A lot of things in Seoul (Part 2)

Chapter 962 A lot of things in Seoul (Part 2)

Yang Yueyue took a taxi and arrived at the door of Zhang Pingan's house. On the way there, Zhang Pingan asked the driver to answer the phone and told her her home address. Yang Yueyue came to Zhang Pingan's Qingtandong home for the first time. She looked at the luxury here, as well as the singer's signed albums in the wall-full display closet, as well as some of their official peripheral products, etc., which made Yang Yue Yue smiled softly and said: "Are these given to you by Korean idols? An Ge'er? Do you want to keep them?"

Because Yang Yueyue knew that Zhang Pingan was a very well-known program producer in South Korea, when she saw that Zhang Pingan had a cabinet full of signed albums, she thought these things were normal. After all, Korean singers went to participate in the event after releasing their albums. Programs giving away albums are often broadcast on TV programs.

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "I'll keep these here. I will come here to live occasionally. When I leave Korea completely one day, I will come and take these things away. Help me collect some unwanted clothes. You are here. Have you ever seen a clothing recycling bin not far from the roadside?”

Yang Yueyue shook his head and said, "I didn't pay attention when I came here."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll just take you for a while. Let's go to the cloakroom."

Zhang Pingan took Yang Yueyue to his own cloakroom. For Yang Yueyue, this was the first time in her life that she visited a rich person's cloakroom. After entering the cloakroom, she sighed: "Wow, this is a department store. ?"

Every area in the oversized cloakroom is divided very carefully, from the clothes display racks to the storage compartments and the jewelry collection cabinet placed in the middle. This has a similar style to those high-end stores in Shanghai. From formal wear to casual wear, they are clearly divided, and winter and summer clothes are also organized separately. There are neatly rolled ties in the display cabinet, as well as cuffs and collars that look like accessories. There are also exquisite leather shoes placed in the storage compartment, just like a store, neat and orderly.

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "What a department store? Please help me clean it up. Except for sportswear, sweatshirts, and formal wear series, we don't accept these casual styles. Put away all the casual styles."

lost? Yang Yueyue was completely stunned as she listened to Zhang Pingan's words, because the casual jacket she picked up in her hand clearly had the label 'LV' on it: "These casual clothes are luxury goods."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Luxury goods are not all out-of-season styles from last year and the year before that."

Yang Yueyue looked at Zhang Pingan in surprise and said, "Can these be sold in second-hand shops? Is there no second-hand website in South Korea?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said: "Yes. If you want to sell it, you can sell it yourself??"

Even if these things are outdated,

It may be said that it is out of season, but it is a real luxury product, and you can still sell it for a lot of money. Yang Yue wanted to sell it more and more, and she said depressedly: "But I don't speak Korean."

Zhang Ping'an saw that there were still a lot of luxury clothes in the closet. He turned to look at Yang Yueyue and said, "Don't you know the trainees from China? You can ask them for help. I'm too lazy to deal with these things anyway. "

Yang Yueyue said: "No, I know the trainees in our company, and my communication with them is not so smooth."

Zhang Pingan raised his eyebrows and said, "Then we can only throw it away."

Zhang Pingan can still give away these luxury goods that were a pity to lose in the past. Occasionally, Taeyeon would come and pick some and take them back to her brother to wear. After all, these are very expensive brands and it would be a pity to lose them. But now Taeyeon has become very rich herself, so she doesn't need to pick up clothes for her brother.

Yang Yueyue picked up a green flight jacket at this time. This was the military green color that was popular in 2014. It was almost 17 years ago, so this color must be outdated. Yang Yueyue turned to look at Zhang Pingan and said, "Can I choose some coats to wear for my father? The clothes you are wearing are relatively large. If I take them back to my father, he can definitely wear them."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "Okay, you can choose, including sportswear and shirts. You can choose some of these. Just don't touch the sweatshirts, because some of them were given to me by others."

"Hey, these clothes are good, but the pants are a bit regretful."

Because some of Zhang Pingan's pants are jeans and have holes, so it doesn't matter if they are for young people to wear. But the more Yang Yue wanted to give it to his father, this was obviously inappropriate.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "You can choose some at will. When you choose, just ask international express to transport it back to your father. You can also take some down jackets back. Um, don't take the white one, that was given to me by someone else." bought."

Yang Yueyue nodded excitedly and said, "Is international express delivery expensive?"

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and came up with a rough figure: "Maybe a few hundred Huaxia coins, it's definitely cheaper than buying it. It's so much."

At a few hundred yuan, wouldn't it mean that Zhang Ping'an could take back all the clothes he didn't want? Even if her father doesn't wear them, she can take them to China to sell them later. She said, "How do I contact international express delivery?"

"Download the software, DHL. I'll ask the property management company to send some cartons for you to pack."

The housekeeping company staff left. When Yang Yueyue helped Zhang Pingan sort out clothes, there were still some girls' clothing on the clothes rack. When Zhang Pingan saw the girls' clothing, he suddenly remembered: "By the way, do you want the clothes that Girls' Generation wore?"

When he first came to Seoul, Zhang Pingan found a lot of clothes that Girls' Generation didn't wear for her and Xiaoju. After all, as idols, they pursue fashion very much, so there are a lot of clothes that are piled up and can't be sent away.

Yang Yueyue stared at Zhang Pingan and said, "Can you still take them?"

"I'll call and ask later. It shouldn't be too much, it's only been a year." Although celebrities have to discard some clothes from time to time, they will not throw away some simple styles that are not outdated, such as hoodies and coats, so they may not be able to collect too many clothes this time.

The two roughly packed Zhang Pingan's unwanted clothes into two large moving boxes, because there were some down jackets and the like, and if this thing is not vacuumed, it will take up a lot of space.

After sorting out two boxes of clothes, Zhang Pingan and Yang Yueyue sat and waited for the courier to pick up the items. Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "There is no water at home, go down and buy some."

There were only some sportswear and some hoodies left at home, and the clothes they bought for Zhang Pingan. Basically, all the clothes he bought were packed up. And now she heard Zhang Pingan say that there was no water at home, and she asked curiously: "Don't you live here?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Occasionally? It should be very rare. Didn't I say that the main focus of next year's work will be in China, so what should be packed here should also be packed up. Go buy some water, aren't you thirsty?"

"Oh, then what do you want to drink, Brother An?"

"Mineral water, I'll give you the money." Zhang Pingan was about to take out his wallet, and Yang Yueyue stopped and said: "I have money, the company provides me with living expenses every month."

When Yang Yueyue went to buy water, Zhang Pingan called Taeyeon. She was already on her way back home. She went to see Hani's new dormitory. The size was okay, but the safety was definitely not as advanced as those in Taeyeon's community. Hani said that she would discuss it again at dinner in the evening. Should she buy or rent?

After a while, Yang Yueyue came back with two bottles of water. The two sat in the living room waiting for the courier to arrive. At this time, Zhang Pingan said, "I still have some things to deal with here. After I finish my work, I will go back to China to prepare for the talent show. It's the show that Zhou Xiaoqiong participated in, but the contestants are all from China. Are you ready?"

Hearing the "talent show", Yang Yueyue instantly became depressed. Although she has been a trainee in Korea for almost a year, she has never participated in the strict assessments here. After practicing for a few months, and after Xiaoju returned to China, she basically gave up on herself. She was completely paid by the company for her living expenses, and she just spent her days in Korea.

And speaking of the talent show, she saw how powerful the "people" in Zhou Xiaoqiong's talent show were. She didn't think she had the ability to be selected!

So at this time, Yang Yueyue felt that she couldn't even drink water. She lowered her head and whispered: "Uh, talent show, I, I..." Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "I knew it was like this. It's okay, just stay yourself, and leave the rest to the company. You should accumulate a little bit of foundation recently, otherwise you will be very hard once the show starts." "I know. Then when will I go back?" I clearly asked her to practice a little, but now she seems to be thinking about "going home" after hearing that she can go home. Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "I'll let the company over there find a house for you first, otherwise you won't even have a place to live after you go back." Yang Yueyue said, "I want to take a leave after I go back this time. I want to go back to my home. I haven't been back for a long time abroad." Zhang Pingan understood her homesickness, he smiled and said, "Don't you chat with your family on WeChat on weekdays?" "Yes, but if I go back to China, I still want to go home to see. If I had known I was going back, I would have brought these things back myself." As she said that, her eyes were focused on these boxes. Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Two boxes this big, can you carry them back? Okay, I'll send them by express."

Speaking of going home, she was extremely excited, so she immediately followed Zhang Pingan's words and said: "Should I also start packing?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "Start packing when you get back. Since you are in a hurry, you might as well go back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

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