My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 969 Celebrating the holidays in advance

Li Zhien rarely ends practice early, at least it has never happened to the live band during the time they have been in contact with Li Zhien. Anyway, the daily practice time is to go through the concert songs. If he feels that he is not doing well, Li Zhien will practice a few more times. Today, after Li Zhien's phone rang with a special message from 'Kakao', she ended her practice early.

Of course, the live band will not inquire about Li Zhien, but they are still very curious in their hearts. Who can use a text message to make Li Zhien end his practice in a hurry? Some people are guessing whether the letter is from Zhang Pingan? After all, the rumors about Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien did not happen in a day or two.

No matter who can stop Li Zhien from practicing, he must be a very important person in Li Zhien's life.

Sitting in the car on the way back, there were only two people in the car, Li Zhien and Hunter. Hunter certainly knew who could stop Li Zhien from practicing. He said, "PD Zhang is back from filming?"

The news that Zhang Pingan and Luo Yingshi's team left South Korea to film "New Journey to the West" were photographed when the group of 'monsters' appeared at the airport. Therefore, the news about Zhang Pingan's overseas trip is known to many people, including those who watched it. Hunter who came to this news. As for Li Zhien being able to end practice early today, apart from Zhang Ping'an who returned to Seoul, Han Te couldn't think of anyone else who could.

Besides, even if someone else invites Li Zhien to a Christmas Eve dinner, and even if she agrees to go and socialize, she still has to wait until she finishes practicing, or refuse outright.

Zhang Pingan is the only person Li Zhien can't refuse!

Listening to Hunter's inquiry, Li Zhien did not hide anything. Instead, she showed a happy smile and said: "Well, he just sent a message saying that he is waiting for me at home for supper. He may have guessed that I am practicing today. The dance of the title song? And I thought about it, the next concert will have to wait for half a month. Even if it ends early today, it won’t have much impact on the subsequent performances, right?”

Indeed, there is still half a month until the next Taiwan Strait concert at the beginning of the new year. It is simply nonsense to say that ending practice early today will affect the concert half a month later.

Hunter smiled and nodded and said: "You have just finished two concerts here, and you have to pay attention to the dance practice of the title song during this time, so it doesn't matter if you take the time to take a proper rest. This time he "New Was "Journey to the West" filmed on an island? Not long ago, didn't he post a photo of him and Luo Yingshi visiting the island? "

Li Zhien shook his head and responded: "No, he said that the filming this time was in an inland city in China. The last time I went to the island to visit the location was to prepare for a new show. It seems that the new show was also put into filming at the end of the year. Last time Chatting with him, he also mentioned that he had been negotiating with the locals for half a year on the issue of communication and filming for the new program.


After hearing that it was a new collaboration between Zhang Ping'an and Luo Yingshi, Hunter said: "Is it a new show? And it's cooperating with PD Luo? Then this new show must have high ratings, right? He didn't say he invited you. join?"

Because the ratings of "Three Meals a Day" in both rural and fishing villages have reached a new high this year, especially after Sea Ranch moved to a new place, which has a quieter and more comfortable beauty. In addition, many actors and actresses were invited to the island, and idols went to the island as guests, so the ratings of the show skyrocketed when summer came.

And Hunter felt that such a comfortable and peaceful program was very suitable for Li Zhien, because the program did not need to be funny or deliberately do anything. The relaxed and natural environment of the program itself was the best cure. While healing the audience, it also healed the busy Li Zhien.

Li Zhien shook his head and said: "He mentioned something about a new variety show. Then he said forget it, and I didn't ask for more details. But one day he and I were watching "Train to Busan" at home, and we watched him for a while. I called director Na Young-seok and asked if Jung Yu-mi could be invited to participate in this filming. It seems that it has been confirmed. "

"Train to Busan" is a movie that has achieved both box office and word-of-mouth success. Of course Hunter went to see it, and Jung Yu-mi's performance in the movie was also very good. When Zhang Pingan directly invited the most popular actress with a box office of over 10 million yuan, Hunter was also surprised: "Oh? Invited Zheng Yumei? Sure enough, Zhang Pingan and Luo Yingshi have very strong foreign-related skills for actors. , It seems that there is no one they can’t invite. Also, the program the two of them collaborate on is very unique. I’ll ask PD Zhang if I can invite you to appear in his program.”

Li Zhien immediately stopped and said, "No, some time ago he said something on a whim, asking me to give him five minutes of "IU.TV" and let him try it out."

That was Li Zhien's exclusive "reality show" program. Of course, the program was limited to recording her daily work.

Hunter smiled and said, "That's great. What is he going to try?"




Soon Li Zhien returned home. When she entered the room, Zhang Pingan turned off the big lights in the living room, the remaining soft lights in the room, and the candlesticks he had placed for the candlelight dinner. Li Zhien was instantly surrounded by happiness and tenderness. She looked at Zhang Pingan with a smile and said with a gentle smile: "Oppa, when did you come back?"

Zhang Pingan walked towards Li Zhien with a smile, then reached out to take her backpack. At the same time, he responded to Li Zhien: "I came back this afternoon. I thought it would be Christmas soon. And the most we can do when we come back this time I have a week off to go overseas to shoot a new program, so I don’t have time to spend Christmas with you, so I thought we’d spend it early while you’re not particularly busy recently.”

Carrying Li Zhien's backpack, he came to the living room. He temporarily placed the bag on the sofa, then picked up the cosmetics box he bought from the living room table and carried it over. Li Zhien looked at the Christmas-wrapped cosmetics box and said with a smile, "Oh no, I haven't even prepared a Christmas gift for you yet."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and handed the cosmetics to Li Zhien, and said at the same time: "Aren't you the best gift in my life? So having you by your side is more valuable than any other gift."

The sweet words made Li Zhien purse her lips and smile. She said, "Humph, you know how to coax me with nice words. Thank you, I will make good use of your gift."

Li Zhien opened the gift box and smiled with satisfaction when she saw that it was her usual hydrating set. In fact, for the little rich girl Li Zhien, it really doesn't matter whether the 'gift' is expensive or not, as long as these things represent his feelings, it is enough.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I ordered a Chinese style roast chicken and pizza. Christmas seems to be about eating these things, so let's eat some together. This roast chicken will be treated as a turkey, hahaha~~!"

Li Zhien smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's just treat this as turkey."

Amidst the laughter, Zhang Ping'an went to take out the sobered red wine bottle and prepared to add a bit of romance. Although neither of them is that keen on red wine, they can still have a drink in such a scene. Zhang Pingan poured a glass for Li Zhien with a decanter. The two pretended to clink the red wine glasses. When the red wine glasses made a crisp sound, the two took a sip of the wine. After putting down the glasses, the two looked at each other. Happy laughter broke out: "Hahaha~~"

Because Li Zhien knew very well that Zhang Pingan was not the kind of person who liked drinking red wine, so the two of them were just pretending at this time.

After laughing, Zhang Pingan pointed to the candle and said, "Blow it out, we'd better turn on the light and eat."

The two of them are already living together, so these romances are just the beginning of a ceremony. It's really not necessary for the two of them to have a candlelight dinner in the dark.

After the lights were turned on, Li Zhien blew out the candles. She reached for a piece of pizza and started eating: "On the way back, Hunter and I talked about your new show. What format is it?"

Zhang Ping'an put on his gloves and began to tear into the roasted chicken. He broke off a chicken leg and placed it on the plate in front of Li Zhien: "The program is called "Yin's Cafeteria". It is about opening a simple cafeteria overseas. It is not for profit. The purpose is to experience the leisure time on the island, as a New Year's cure for the audience, and at the same time, it can be regarded as promoting Korean cuisine. "

Li Zhien asked in confusion: "Why is it called 'Yin's Cafeteria'? Didn't you say we would invite Zheng Yumei?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Zheng Yumei is just a helper. The chef of our show is senior Yoon Ruzhen, the bar boy and waiter are Li Ruizhen, and there are also members of Grandpas Over Flowers behind us."

When Li Zhien heard that Zhang Pingan actually contacted the super senior Yin Ruzhen to be the chef of the restaurant, her eyes widened instantly, and her face was full of shock: "Really hired senior Yin Ruzhen? This...this..."

Li Zhien's shock made Zhang Ping'an say with a satisfied smile: "Hey, "Yin's Kitchen", of course I invited the senior to take charge of the dishes. I want senior Yin Ruzhen to learn simple cooking in the next few days."

Li Zhien responded with a smile: "Hey, it's Yoon Yeo-jung senior again, and it's Flowery Grandpa again. Why do I suddenly feel that the fate of senior Lee Seo-jin and senior Jung Yu-mi... is a bit miserable."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Zheng Yumei is okay, Li Ruizhen should be a bit more miserable, he has to do a lot of heavy and tiring work. I didn't lie to him at the beginning of the last filming of "Three Meals a Day" Did you say I would give him a beautiful kitchen? Today I gave it to him. The location we chose for this shoot is Indonesia.”

Li Zhien said with a smile: "Indonesia? It's a beautiful place. I've been there before to participate in activities. It's just that my schedule was too busy at the time, so I didn't get to enjoy Bali or anything."

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