My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 983 Year 30!

Zhang Ping'an really had very little time to pay attention to the scarf trends during his two days in China. The last time he spoke about vehicle issues on the scarf, the manufacturer's failure made things meaningless. However, when the news about him, Taeyeon, and Lee Ji-eun entered the hot search list on the scarf... he was completely unaware of it.

The Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, which makes the streets of Shanghai become especially deserted. Now all the students in Shanghai are on vacation, which has reduced the mobility of people by a large part. Moreover, the city's traffic congestion has also slowed down a lot in the morning, because many people have already driven out of the city on the eve of the Spring Festival.

Zhang Pingan was jogging comfortably on Jiangbin Road in the morning. Occasionally he saw some young people exercising on the river bank like him, as well as the old man doing Tai Chi slowly and leisurely. After finishing the exercise, I went to a nearby breakfast shop step by step to buy steamed buns, pancakes and the like and returned home. He didn't ask Fatty to get up when he came in. Instead, he made coffee himself and took a shower before asking her to get up and have breakfast.

The two of them had breakfast around nine o'clock. During this time, Fatty felt that his condition was much better while living here. Because her original work and rest schedule was not that regular, but Zhang Ping'an habitually got up early to exercise, so she went to bed relatively early at night and rarely slept in the early morning. So she lived at his pace, and her mental state really improved a lot after her schedule became regular.

When Zhang Pingan woke up Fatty to wash up, he went to the living room first to prepare breakfast. A cup of coffee, followed by Chinese breakfast, which feels like a fusion of Chinese and Western styles. Before waiting for Fatty to come out, Zhang Pingan picked up the mobile phone on the table and read the news. He felt safe keeping his foreign cell phone at home, because Fatty couldn't understand whether it was Japanese or Korean messages coming in. Of course, it was impossible for Fatty to look through Zhang Ping'an's phone.

Zhang Ping'an took a sip of coffee and at the same time opened his mobile phone to read the news. Because the New Year was approaching, many year-end blessing messages came over. Ha Dong-hoon, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo...

Today, when Zhang Pingan turned on his phone, he saw ‘16’ displayed on Kakao.

Zhang Pingan opened the software in surprise and muttered at the same time: "What, early in the morning?" Even if the year-end blessings were sent, they couldn't all come in at the same time, right? This isn’t New Year’s Eve!

Opening the software, Zhang Pingan saw the message ‘You are on the hot search again. ''Li Zhien said on the Internet that you were hers? ’ ‘Hahaha, that’s so funny. Lee Ji-eun actually publicly shouted at Taeyeon? ’ ‘You are really a hot commodity! ’

Before reading the news, Zhang Pingan immediately logged in to the news station in South Korea. After reading a circle of news, Zhang Pingan logged into his 'ins' to read Li Zhien's message, and her message was not deleted at all. . Then Zhang Pingan went to watch the clips of Taeyeon at the award ceremony.

After seeing the whole process of the matter,

Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but sigh: "Hey~~"

Just when he was sighing helplessly, Pang Di had just entered the living room after washing up. She happened to hear Zhang Pingan's helpless voice: "Why are you sighing here?"

Zhang Ping'an said speechlessly: "I'm on the scarf trending search again."

"Why?" With that said, Fatty sat down. She was holding coffee and drinking it like Zhang Pingan. She took out her mobile phone in her pocket and looked at the hot search list: "Oh, Li Zhien and Kim Taeyeon have both expressed it publicly. ah."

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "Is this a random interpretation by the media? The company has come out to clarify this matter. Did Taeyeon express her gratitude to me at the award ceremony? Because the song she won the award for was composed by me. And Lee Ji-eun and I There are also many collaborations, but Li Zhien has not attended the awards ceremony in the past two years, so the songs I composed for her did not win awards? Anyway, people come and they don’t come? Sorry? Your album sales are not good! So Li Zhien is a little dissatisfied with the organizer. After all, the results are so good? But because she has not participated in the awards for two years, she has not won any awards. "

These Zhang Ping'an's explanations are actually just a way for each other to help each other get off the ground. Does Fatty really not know about his problems with women outside? Of course not? It's just that there are some things she doesn't want to expose. Many times ‘smart’ women ‘choose to turn a blind eye’. She also knows that she can't let Zhang Pingan be devoted to her, so she often needs to adjust her psychology on her own.

Either take it or leave it, that's the simplest option. Fatty has received a lot of care in the Chinese entertainment industry in the past two years, but is this special care because of her special efforts? Pang Di, who is in the entertainment industry, knows one fact very well. There are many people who work hard in the industry, so why don't those who work harder than her get special care?

Not to mention far away? There are not many new actresses in the same company who can compete with her? Of course there are many. It’s just that the power behind them is not as big as hers, so when she appears in some dramas with small investment from the company, she can get the first female lead, while others can only get the second female lead.

Wouldn't Pang Di be so naive as to think that he can get the lead female role in these dramas? It's all the result of his own hard work. In fact, it is more because of Zhang Ping'an's background. And when asked to have dinner with the crew director or something, she can easily refuse. And even if she refused, the director team and investors would not dare to look down on her, not because she had reached the level, but because of Zhang Pingan behind her!

So after Zhang Ping'an explained, Fatty no longer struggled with this matter. As for the hot news, what the hell, isn't he right next to her right now?


Zhang Pingan, Taeyeon, and Li Zhien did not come forward to respond to the news. Although netizens feel that there is some inside story hidden in this, no one can find out the specific information. Netizens who are idle on the Internet are still taking stock of the complicated relationship between the three.

However, Taeyeon's S.M immediately released the pre-sale date. "On February 6th, Taeyeon's regular album will start accepting pre-orders." ’

Among Girls' Generation's huge fan base, many fans saw this "pre-sale news" posted at the top of the news search, and they began to interpret the news rationally.

Why did Taeyeon say "Salanghey" to Zhang Ping'an on "Golden Record" to attract the attention of all netizens and online media? Isn’t the answer now? She wants to focus everyone's attention and do a big promotion for her next regular album.

These messages were all interpreted by fans themselves. Why did Taeyeon say such a thing in such a public occasion? Doesn't Taeyeon herself know that after she said those words, she would definitely attract the attention of the media and netizens again?

Everything is done with the benefit of hindsight, so it is easy for fans to rationalize the issue afterwards.

Taeyeon said something like that that would attract attention. Did she really not know? Judging from Taeyeon's career experience, she has been an 'old artist' for ten years. How could she not know these things?

But the fact is, people are all impulsive, especially when standing on the podium, they easily become excited, so many words are blurted out. If Taeyeon was very calm at that time, she might just say some thanks to Zhang Pingan. Of course, this is what she should do. The song was composed by Zhang Pingan after all. But when her heart got excited, Taeyeon blurted out "I love you" to express her feelings.

But now fans use "reasonableness" to answer the question, instead of thinking about whether Taeyeon was very excited at the time?

And S.M has been around for a long time, and they have firmly seized this opportunity to launch a wave of publicity. Fans interpreted that Taeyeon deliberately said that sentence at the award ceremony, just to talk about the pre-sale when all the media's eyes were focused on her. Focusing the market's attention is a common promotional tool.

Fans interpreted, S.M, the only thing they didn't consider was that Li Zhien suddenly appeared and put the matter on the hot search?

Fans will rationalize themselves anyway. As long as Taeyeon is not photographed in a real relationship photo, then their favorite idol is not in love.

The three people involved continued to remain silent, and Taeyeon's album promotional photos began to be placed on advertising spaces on the streets, and the promotion was in full swing.

But the Spring Festival is getting closer!

It was New Year's Eve in a flash. During breakfast time in the morning, Zhang Pingan took out his mobile phone and showed Fatty the navigation map. The traffic in the entire city was green.

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "The first morning I saw Shanghai city was the green navigation map, right?"

Fatty responded with a smile: "It's normal. First-tier cities have too many migrant populations. Did you read the reports last year? Yanjing, on the afternoon of New Year's Eve, it felt like the whole city was empty. The avenue in front of the Forbidden City was so big Quiet."

After waking up this morning, Pang Di became a little nervous, because today she was going to Zhang Ping'an's house for the festival, and at this time she even became absent-minded about breakfast.

Just as she finished speaking, she spoke again: "I won't eat. I'm going to put on makeup first."

Although Zhang Pingan said to wear casual clothes, makeup is a matter of etiquette for women, and Fatty still has this point.

Seeing her nervousness, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. Look at you, are you so nervous that you don't even eat breakfast?"

After getting up and walking toward the bedroom, Fatty looked back at Zhang Pingan and said, "Can I not be nervous? If I ask you to go to my house to celebrate the New Year, will you be nervous?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and waved to her, indicating that she would put on makeup herself. He didn't want to have to deal with these issues with her. Because Zhang Pingan really has nothing to be nervous about, he has experience meeting parents! !

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