My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 1,034 Magic City (Part 1)

Chapter 1043 Magic City (Part 1)

During this trip, Li Zhien rarely published a flight photo on his 'ins'. You must know that celebrity idols are not those who fly for the first time and take photos as souvenirs. These well-known idols in Korea have very high flying ‘mileage’.

Li Zhien rarely posts travel photos on weekdays. However, the reason why she suddenly released a photo of leaving for a trip today was certainly not for fans to see. It was for Kim Taeyeon to see, the secret rivalry and secret comparison between the two, which Zhang Pingan was not aware of at this time. In fact, even if he notices it, he still doesn't know what he can do if he stands in the middle?

So, sometimes it's good to be aware of things later. At least at this moment, he doesn't have so many things to worry about.

Chongqing is a very magical city in southwest China. In the second half of 2018, someone uploaded this strange city on TikTok. Chongqing occupies the first place in the ranking of tourist cities during public holidays in China! Perhaps it’s because the city ‘Chongqing’ is not as familiar as ‘Chengdu’ next door.

After all, there is a panda base in Chengdu, and when people say "Chengdu", they think of Emei and Qingcheng, which often appear in martial arts novels, as well as the Leshan Giant Buddha, Jiuzhaigou, etc. around Chengdu. Of course, there is also the starting point of the ‘Sichuan-Tibet 318 National Highway’ that young people in China have definitely heard of. Therefore, the city of 'Chengdu' is famous earlier than the neighboring city of 'Chongqing'.

Chongqing is a city built on a mountain, and because a modern city is built on a mountain, the urban planning is very magical. "You looked at the height and thought I was on the eleventh floor? In fact, I am on the first floor of Pingjie!" These jokes will spread with shaking.

The plane landed in Chongqing. After Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien came out of the airport together, he pushed his suitcase and smiled and said to Li Zhien beside him: "Zhien, I checked the information when I came over. Chongqing is 130 years larger than Seoul. ten times!"

Li Zhien listened to Zhang Pingan's words, and her eyes widened in surprise. She raised her head and looked at Zhang Pingan and said in disbelief: "One hundred and thirty times? How is that possible? A city is Seoul. One hundred and thirty times that? Isn’t that the size of South Korea? (Introduced in the Chongqing chapter of Korean TV series "Qiongyou")

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "It's true. I checked the information specifically for comparison. And do you know how many people there are in this city? Thirty-one million!"

Li Zhien still didn't believe that this city was so big. She shook her head and said, "Huh~~ one hundred and thirty times?"

"Don't believe it? Let's check the information immediately." Of course, Zhang Pingan was just talking and did not touch his phone to check the information. After Li Zhien was released from confinement,

Zhang Ping'an looked at the time and saw that it was already close to one o'clock in the morning. The two quickly got into a taxi and set off towards the Internet celebrity hotel Westin.

Late at night, the city is quiet, and even the people coming out of the airport have become very few. Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien were sitting in the back seat of the taxi, speaking in a language that the master could not understand. The enthusiastic taxi driver will not come to talk to you at this time. The two looked at the quiet street, but Li Zhien felt inexplicably comfortable. She pressed down the car window and breathed in the unfamiliar air outside the window, but a sweet smile filled the corners of her mouth.

Li Zhien smiled against the wind, and then said to Zhang Pingan: "In Seoul, I sometimes go out for a ride with Yoo Inna at night."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said: "I understand. After all, it is inconvenient for you to travel during the day. Well, you are afraid of causing inconvenience to others. So only when the city enters night time can you get a little freedom. My "Living Alone" In the program, aren't there artists who film their own lives? They rest at home as much as possible during the day, and only wait for everyone to fall asleep before they go out and go for a drive. "

Whether it’s Tokyo or Seoul, they are both cities where it’s easy to meet artists. After all, artists are also human beings, and as human beings they have to eat! The entertainment circles in Japan and South Korea are all concentrated in capital cities, and this circle can also be regarded as a 'circle of relationships'. If you have enough connections in this circle, you can get a chance to become famous. In China, you can only enter that circle after you become famous.

After all, Korea and Japan are both predecessors. Whether they are seniors in the community or seniors at the same school, they will support their favorite juniors in the circle. However, the relationship between 'senior and junior' is relatively weak in China. Compared to China, this circle is a bit strange...

When listening to Zhang Pingan's words that were a bit sentimental at night, Li Zhien nodded gently and said: "Sometimes I think of... Senior Lee Hyori's choice is really good. Living in Jeju Island is not so restrictive, and... There’s no need to worry about seeing strange reports about yourself tomorrow, but there’s no way that the name Lee Hyori will be forgotten by everyone.”

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Perhaps one day, IU, this name will be a musician that everyone will never forget, at least in my eyes for now. And your music has really grown in the past two years." Soon, the style also opened up a lot, and it was no longer limited to the lyrical genre. This is the real 'IU'."

Li Zhien smiled and said: "Remember when we were in Haeundae, Busan? Didn't you tell me at that time that music should try different styles? So I tried. At least on the road of music, I am very grateful to you. , with your advice, I had the courage to open other doors. Especially when you introduced me to "Infinite Challenge", I was exposed to a style that I had never tried before. "

Li Zhien's change in music style happened after "Infinite Challenge". Before that, she herself was trapped in a kind of confusion about her musical path. Although the album "Flower Bookmark" was very successful, Li Zhien was not so satisfied. She sang covers of old songs because she really couldn't find a song that suited her.

"Even if I didn't give you any advice, I believe you would definitely try it." Zhang Pingan took Li Zhien's hand and said with a smile.

Chatting along the way, the two soon arrived at the hotel. After checking in, the two came to the room. Looking out from the high-rise building, they could see the high-rise buildings surrounding the center of Chongqing. It's just that both of them were tired and had no time to appreciate the night outside. Besides, the lights of the city were not extinguished in the middle of the night, except for the necessary street lights that were not extinguished.

The night passed quietly. After dawn, the two woke up and opened the curtains of the bedroom, revealing the city's high-rise buildings in full view. The tall building that I didn't have time to admire last night was right next to the two beds.

Both of them were lying on their sides and looking at the tall buildings outside without getting up. Li Zhien was in Zhang Pingan's arms, while Zhang Pingan was holding his head behind her and looking at the buildings outside the window.

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Do you think people in the building opposite can see inside our room?"

Listening to Li Zhien's whimsical question, Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "These are privacy glasses. Only we can see out. How can the outside see in?"

Li Zhien looked at the unfamiliar advertising fonts outside, and she finally felt a sense of expectation. She pressed the closing button of the curtains, and when the electric curtains were closing, Li Zhien turned to look at Zhang Pingan with a smile and said, "Why don't you go downstairs for breakfast?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "Then let's go. Now that the city has come to life, we have to start our journey today."

“Is there anything fun in Chongqing?”

Zhang Ping'an got up, put on his bathrobe, and responded at the same time: "Is this strange landform fun? I'll take you to see it later."

Li Zhien took out her phone and checked the temperature. She smiled and said, "The weather here is very good, 26 degrees."

Zhang Ping'an laughed when he heard the temperature revealed by Li Zhien: "Twenty-six, it's only April. Do you know what the temperature is here in July and August?"

"How many?"

"It is said that the heat will reach 40 degrees! So many people can't stand 35 degrees in Seoul. Do you know what 40 degrees is?"

Li Zhien tilted his head and said, "Forty?"

Zhang Ping'an said to Li Zhien: "If you don't turn on the air conditioner, you can't sleep at home. If it's 40 degrees, then the outdoor surface temperature during the day will be at least 50 or 60, and the wind blown by the fan at home will be a heat wave."

Li Zhien said: "Isn't it the same in Seoul last summer? Even if you blow a fan at home, it will be hot."

Speaking of Xia Tian, ​​everyone feels bad... Anyway, Zhang Pingan doesn't like Xia Tian very much, but he likes Xia Tian's water world very much. Ha, man~!

The two simply had breakfast in the hotel and then came out of the hotel. Although the weather forecast was 26 degrees, there were many girls outside wearing short sleeves and denim shorts, with all their legs exposed. After Zhang Pingan came to the Liberation Monument in the center, he looked at many big white legs dangling around him. No wonder people on the Internet are saying that there are many beauties in Chongqing, and it turns out it’s true.

Li Zhien wore a dress today, a piece of clothing to block ultraviolet rays, and she also held up a parasol. Li Zhien looked at the tall buildings around her and the famous brand logos in the pedestrian street. She turned to Zhang Pingan and said, "Is this similar to Cheongdam-dong in Seoul?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, this is the busiest place in the city."

Li Zhien smiled and walked around the central monument, then turned to Zhang Pingan and said, "Let's go, this place is boring."

The bustling areas of the city are indeed not very attractive to Li Zhien. Because she had never thought about shopping in such a place, and the surrounding department stores and high-rise buildings were meaningless to her.

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