My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 412: Pei Zhuxuan

ps (Thanks to the book friend 'Attacking Little Idler' for the two rewards!)

In the female idol model in South Korea, there are very few people who join in the middle, especially in the company S, so far there has not been a case of a "girl group" who joined in the middle. The girl groups of this company either fail to disband after their debut, or succeed and make a fortune. Basically, these are the two options. And adding someone in the middle, it was the first case of s appearing on 'Red Beibei'.

Of course, Zhang Ping'an is very clear that when Hong Beibei became known to the public, they were indeed a group of five. However, when the five members formed a group at the beginning, some fans still scolded s. After all, the sudden addition of people must be a little psychologically resistant to Hong Beibei's existing fans and those who have already debuted. So when Kim Ye-rin airborne "Red Beibei", it did cause a lot of background speculation.

Because her surname 'Kim' is the same as the current representative of S, Kim Young Min, some people even say she is Kim Young Min's daughter? or a relative? In the history of S's girl group, there has been a super 'parachute' Lee Soon Kyu before. However, Lee Soon Kyu was parachuted in just before Girls' Generation's debut. She debuted with Girls' Generation and struggled together from the very beginning, so after her identity was exposed, fans didn't say what she was an 'airborne soldier'.

But Jin Yelin is different, she didn't airborne before her debut, but after her debut, this is a bit unfair to the four Hong Beibei who have tried their best to make their debut, and to fans Also a bit unacceptable.

So when Pei Zhuxuan received the notice from her superiors that she wanted to add a member to their group, she would feel a little unwilling. After all, they had worked hard for so long before they made their debut, and the paratroopers from behind suddenly came.

Zhang Pingan didn't give Pei Zhuxuan too much comfort, but said something that hurt her a bit, "At this stage of your group, it doesn't matter if there are four or five, it doesn't matter anyway."

Because at this time, Hongbeibei is only a little bit popular in the market, and there may only be a few hundred members in the official cafe. To describe it in one sentence, they are now walking alone on the street, and no one will call their names, even though they have debuted for half a year. So what Zhang Ping'an said was the real situation, adding people now will not have much impact on their combination.

Originally, Pei Zhuxuan thought that she could get two words of comfort from Zhang Ping'an's mouth. After all, she was in a very bad mood after getting the notice from upstairs, but now after crying for a while, Zhang Ping'an used the most realistic words to "stab a knife". , so at this moment she felt some dissatisfaction with Zhang Ping'an.

Zhang Pingan continued to say to Pei Zhuxuan, "As the captain, what you should do is to take care of the mood of your teammates. Instead of sitting here crying, or questioning the company's decision, do you think s is released after four or five years? Is there no plan for your girl group? Or, does your company not want you 'Red Beibei' to develop? Of course not,

From the perspective of the company, I definitely hope that you can become popular, because only when you are popular can you generate income for them, right? So no matter whether your company adds people midway or makes other arrangements, it is definitely not planned with the idea of ​​disbanding you."

"Of course, I also understand that you may be a little dissatisfied. After all, the four of you have worked hard for half a year. Suddenly, a new member was directly notified to come in without discussing with you? There must be resistance. But after you calm down Think again about what the company’s intention is? If your debut as a group went smoothly, it’s absolutely impossible for such a problem to arise, don’t you think so?”

Zhang Pingan looked at Pei Zhuxuan with a smile and said, "I didn't mean to say that your combination is bad or something. Now take a few deep breaths calmly, and I will help you analyze the intention behind your company."

Pei Zhuxuan is not a businessman, she cannot see the intention behind the company. So when Zhang Pingan helped her analyze, she nodded, took two deep breaths, and then looked at him seriously.

Pei Zhuxuan's beautiful eyes and exquisite facial features made Zhang Ping'an couldn't help saying, "It's really beautiful. Hehe, are you shy? Okay, let me tell you about your company's intentions, of course this is mine. Speculation. Whether your company is really as I speculate, I don’t know.”

Pei Zhuxuan nodded to show that he knew that Zhang Ping'an was not from their company after all, and he certainly could not represent their company's true intentions.

So Zhang Pingan said, "Your company will definitely not announce the news of the new members right away, and when you went upstairs just now, they also told you that you must not disclose any news, right?"

Zhang Pingan's first speculation made Pei Zhuxuan nod. It is true that after going upstairs and being notified that she would join a new member, she was asked to keep it a secret, and told her to inform the members that they must not reveal any rumors about this matter.

Seeing Pei Zhuxuan nodding, Zhang Pingan smiled gently and said, "Not disclosing the news is the first step. The next step is to let the new members join you to prepare the new album. Let's put it this way, during this period of time, your company is letting the new members cultivate a tacit understanding with you. .If the end of the year is coming soon according to my calculations, the preparations for your new album may start at the beginning of next year. The preparations for the album are ready, and when your preparations are ready, it will be time for the new members to be announced. Think about it Let's see if the news announced by you s that 'Red Beibei has added a new member' will be popular after the news is released? So taking advantage of this news, it will be the time for your next official comeback. All the media are curious about the new members, All the audience's eyes are focused on you Hong Beibei, and your comeback this time will definitely gain a lot of attention."

Speaking of which, Zhang Ping'an got up and patted his butt, and then patted her on the shoulder, "Okay, get up, what are you doing sitting here all this time? Vent whatever you need to vent, and you, the captain, should also go back to practice." The room has notified the members, and appeasing the emotions of the members is what you should do. Go, I have always supported you Hong Beibei behind your back, Huai Ting!"

Zhang Ping'an's analysis released Pei Zhuxuan's previous depressed psychology. After she got up from the ground, she bowed to Zhang Ping'an's navel at ninety degrees, "Thank you, Zhang pd."

Zhang Pingan smiled at her gently and said, "Remember to call oppa next time. Don't hide and cry alone if you have any boring things in the future. I will listen to your complaints at any time. Sometimes it is good to vent when you are too stressed. go."

"Yeah." Pei Zhuxuan nodded and left, and when she went out from behind the security gate, her evaluation of Zhang Ping'an increased a lot in her heart. He is really gentle, warm and considerate, and his thoughts are very mature and rational. The inexplicable Pei Zhuxuan thought of Senior Sika who was taken care of by him, he must be very happy.

When Zhang Ping returned to the practice room of Girls' Generation, they started to practice dancing again. Sika took a look at Zhang Pingan who came in from the mirror and continued to practice with his teammates. In this way, another ten minutes passed, and the music in the practice room stopped again. Practice a song three times and then rest, this is their rhythm. Maybe because of their age, after three consecutive songs, they still panted to a certain extent.

Zhang Pingan said with a smile, "Why do you practice with a rhythm of resting after three repetitions?"

Sika responded with a smile, "In the concert, we also sing and dance three songs and enter a greeting time. Otherwise, we will dance all the time, so we will not be exhausted? We must give us a breathing time, right? We are not as young as before. By the way, have you negotiated with Bai Zhongyuan?"

Zhang Pingan said, "I just made an appointment to meet. How can we talk about work over the phone?"

But just when Xika was about to say something again, Zhang Pingan's cell phone rang again, and he saw that the incoming call was a group of strange numbers from Japan. He answered suspiciously, "Moxi Moxi~"

"Hello, Ping'an-san, I am a salesperson at the Mercedes-Benz Automobile Store. The car you ordered has arrived, and you can come to pick it up tomorrow."

Zhang Pingan said in surprise, "Hey, I'm not in Japan now, should I call my friend to pick up the car?"

"Yes, just ask your friend to bring the relevant procedures for the purchased vehicle."

"Understood, then I will notify my friend to pick up the car tomorrow, please."

Zhang Ping'an suddenly switched to fluent Japanese, and the only one present who could understand what he said was Xiuying, who was very good at Japanese. After Zhang Pingan finished talking on the phone, Xiuying said with a smile, "oppa, did you buy a car in Japan?"

"Well, I bought a car because it is inconvenient to travel." Zhang Pingan responded to Xiuying, while flipping through the contacts in the phone and talking to himself, "Who can I ask to pick up the car? Hey"

Because the two people who are familiar with Zhang Ping'an, Mai and Sha Youli, do not have a driver's license, so the matter of picking up the car has become troublesome.

No matter who you ask, Zhang Ping'an has to call Mai, because the car purchase procedures, contracts and other things are all at home. But he took a sneak look at Xika who was sitting next to her, and she seemed to care nothing about his problems while she was holding the phone, but Zhang Pingan knew that she was just pretending not to care.

Zhang Pingan honestly put the phone back into his pocket, and stopped calling to find someone, at least not at this time.

Seeing him put away his phone, Xika really didn't care anymore. At least he can't call other women in front of his teammates, right? Especially Mai Shiraishi!

After resting for a while, they started to practice again. While they were practicing, Zhang Pingan left the practice room alone. In the passage outside, he took out his mobile phone and called Mai.

"Mai, my new Mercedes-Benz has arrived, you can pick up the car tomorrow with the contract."

"But I can't drive, and I have a location shoot in the countryside tomorrow."

"Uh, so, what about Sayori?"

"She's going on location too."

"Then wait until the day after tomorrow. Whoever is free, you or Sha Youli, can pick up the car the day after tomorrow."

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