My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 677 Taeyeon’s mother’s interrogation

In the VIP terminal, Zhang Ping'an briefly greeted Taeyeon's family and chatted for a few words. After all, this is the VIP waiting room of Seoul Airport. Although it is not as crowded as the public waiting room outside, there are still many Koreans here. With so many eyes staring at it, Zhang Pingan will naturally not show it in front of the public. too much.

So after chatting with Taeyeon's mother, he turned around and sat with the work team to wait for the flight. Of course, all this was done for the people around him to see.

Although they maintained a certain distance in the airport, the photos of Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon arriving at Incheon Airport together were taken by reporters standing at the door. The two appeared at Incheon Airport, and Zhang Ping'an came here in Taeyeon's nanny car. As soon as the two got out of the car, they attracted countless reporters' shots. No one, whether it was the fashion reporters at the door or the gossip reporters, came up to ask why.

Because what the reporter needs is not the answers from the two of them, but the traffic of "looking at pictures and making sentences". So soon the photo of Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan standing together at the airport appeared on the entertainment pages, and all kinds of 'love theories' broke out again. However, S.M officials had already made preparations, and they responded immediately. Zhang Pingan, as the producer and director of Taeyeon's solo album, traveled together this time to shoot the MV for Taeyeon.

S.M's official response also officially kicked off the promotion of Taeyeon's solo album!

Taeyeon is going to make a solo debut. Taeyeon is going to make a solo debut. This has made countless fans who had not received any news in advance become excited and very much looking forward to it. Because Girls' Generation's singing period has just ended, Taeyeon immediately announced her solo plan and has already gone overseas to shoot.

Fans who are familiar with Korean album production know that song MVs are usually shot half a month or at most twenty days before the album is released. It means that Taeyeon has quietly prepared all the preparations for her solo album, and all that is left is to wait for the release after filming the MV.

Judging by the time, it will be released in mid-September or early October at most. Therefore, fans are very looking forward to Taeyeon's official solo album, which is about to be released this time.

Because over the years, Taeyeon has participated in some OSTs that she sang alone from time to time, and Taeyeon has proven her ability as a vocalist with OSTs. Coupled with her personal popularity, this has become a double combination of strength and popularity. This is one of the reasons why fans are looking forward to it! !


In anticipation of fans, Zhang Pingan got on the plane with Taeyeon and others, but because Zhang Pingan was traveling alone in first class, he was the only one on this journey. Taeyeon was sitting in business class, and the seat next to her was her mother.

After the plane took off smoothly, Taeyeon and her daughter started chatting. After all, it takes more than ten hours to fly to the southern hemisphere. If you don't find something to talk about along the way, will you just stare at the white clouds outside the window in a daze? Or watch some of those corny movies shown on airplanes? Or maybe just cover your head and fall asleep?

Taeyeon's mother couldn't help but asked Taeyeon: "Your brother said that Zhang Ping'an is from China? And he comes from a rich second-generation family?"

Taeyeon nodded in response: "Well, he is Chinese, but his accent doesn't sound like a foreigner at all to you, right? He has only been in Korea for five years, and he speaks Korean really well.


Taeyeon did not talk about Zhang Pingan's family problems, because even they were shocked when they heard about Zhang Pingan's family background. You must know that it is an investment company that can be ranked among the best in the world. Such a company can be described as 'rich' in two words. And it's not just some valuation, nor is it the market value on the stock market, it's real money, and it's cash flow.

Moreover, during the Spring Festival this year, Taeyeon went to Zhang Pingan's home. She personally experienced the wealth of Zhang Pingan's home, which was beyond her imagination.

Taeyeon's mother asked reluctantly: "By the way, what does Zhang Pingan's family do?"

Taeyeon looked at her mother depressedly and said, "Why do you ask? This is the privacy of other people's families."

"I'm just asking around. They all say that the second generation of rich families are not easy to get along with." Taeyeon's mother said these things because she felt that there must be something different between her daughter and Zhang Ping'an. Although the two of them tried their best to hide it in front of everyone.

But as a mother, how could she possibly not understand her daughter? Whether it was the expressions on their faces when they were talking while waiting at the airport, or the secret glances they made from time to time, she saw it all. It's just that Taeyeon didn't show it at this time, but Taeyeon's mother also understood why her daughter didn't show it. After all, Zhang Ping'an just broke up with her teammates.

What was the reason for the breakup? As a mother, she was too embarrassed to ask more questions.

But when she saw Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan hiding their feelings at this time, she had a strange feeling in her heart. Could it be that Zhang Pingan and Sika broke up because of her daughter?

When her mother talked about Zhang Ping'an's family, Taeyeon responded: "Lao Ma, have you watched too many TV series?"

Taeyeon's mother's eyes widened and she immediately said, "I'm not talking nonsense. Your brother said that most children in China are only children. Zhang Pingan is also an only child, right? Only children are very favored."

Taeyeon immediately spoke kindly to Zhang Pingan: "How can he be favored? You really watch too many TV dramas. Because Zhang Pingan is an only child, he was sent overseas to study in high school. Let him survive independently. Moreover, it can be said that he did not ask for help from his family in the career he created in South Korea. Of course, he couldn't help even if he was so far away. "

Taeyeon continued: "Actually, it's clear if you look at our country. People with slightly wealthier families will send their children overseas. Not only to learn knowledge, but also to let them learn to be independent, instead of blindly living in the country. The spoiled children who appear in TV dramas are actually quite rare.”

Are there those second-generation cheaters? Yes, there definitely are. Let alone the rich second generation who cheat their parents, even ordinary people also cheat their parents. Those various ‘routine loans’ that appear on campus. You know it's a trap, but you take out a loan out of vanity? In the end, letting the family take the blame is not a lie.

Taeyeon's mother listened to her daughter's words, and she became even more sure that there must be something between Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan.

So she asked: "How is Zhang Pingan? Aren't we going to get along with him next? I need to know something about his temper, right?"

Taeyeon thought for a moment and responded: "He has a very gentle and kind-hearted temper. He doesn't have any bad habits. Even in the more than a year since I've known him, I haven't heard him say a single curse word. You know , Boys here in Korea have the habit of using swear words as a catch-phrase, but he doesn’t. The staff who have worked with him all think that Zhang Pingan is a very good person.”

Taeyeon's mother leaned towards her and said in a very small voice: "So from a personal level, what do you think of him?"

Taeyeon was startled by her mother. She immediately turned her head away and looked at her mother in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

Seeing her daughter's current state, Taeyeon's mother was 100% sure, so she smiled and said, "I'm just asking, why are you so excited? How did you meet in the first place?"

Taeyeon said: "It was by chance that I went to dinner with Pani and met him in the restaurant. At that time, he had just entered the Korean entertainment industry, and he and his company's people were also eating in the restaurant, and the artists from his company were from the music industry. Junior, he came to say hello to Pani, and we have known each other since then. Later, we met several times and gradually became familiar with each other. At first, his and Pani's personalities were quite compatible. With Pani’s relationship, we meet more often.”

Taeyeon's mother then asked: "Then his career is in Korea. Will he live in Korea in the future?"

Taeyeon shook her head and responded: "I don't know about that. His career is not just in Korea, but also in China and Japan. So I don't know where he will live in the future."

Taeyeon's mother inquired again: "Hearing you talk like this, won't he take over his family business in the future?"

"He didn't have this plan himself, and..." At this point, Taeyeon turned to look at her mother. Seeing the clarity in her mother's eyes, she was slightly startled. Because Taeyeon felt that her mother had discovered something, she pretended to be calm and said: "He has his own career, and it is developing well. He can't tell what will happen in the future."

"Well, from what you said, he is not a bad person and his family is not bad." After saying this, Taeyeon's mother finally adjusted her body back to her seat, sitting comfortably, and then she said : "Since everything is good, why did you break up with Sika?"

Taeyeon responded to her mother: "We members rarely ask each other about feelings."

Taeyeon's mother smiled and nodded and said, "That's right, you don't need a dog-headed military adviser to fall in love. If you don't do it right, you'll make yourself a mess."

Taeyeon's mother inquired a lot about Zhang Pingan on the plane. From his personal life, to his family, to his character and temperament, etc. She now has a preliminary understanding of Zhang Pingan, but the details will have to wait for further contact after the plane lands.

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