My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 423 Here Comes Another Li Zhien (Part 1)

In the VIP room, Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien were drinking coffee and eating pastries. On the table in front of them was a shopping guide book specially customized for next spring and summer fashion by the 'VIP room', which contained the fashion shows of major brands. released products.

And Li Zhien flipped through the shopping guide manuals unintentionally, because she had no intention of buying any of the products in them.

Because all of her commercial performances are sponsored by clothing, and after the Spring Festival, she will immediately start filming a TV series. The costumes in the TV series are even more sponsored, and her role this time is to play the role of a ‘big star’. With Li Zhien's reputation, well-known designer brands must be rushing to sponsor her...

While watching Li Zhien flipping through the shopping guide booklet carelessly, the minister standing next to him smiled gently and said: "Ms. Li, don't you have a style you like? The clothes in this year's Chanel Spring and Summer Show are quite good. For example, this one. ."

Just when the minister recommended it to Li Zhien, Zhien gently touched Zhang Pingan with his leg, indicating that he didn't want it at all.

After receiving the hint, Zhang Ping'an helped Li Zhien and said to the minister: "No need to recommend it to her, she doesn't need it for the time being. She will start filming the TV series as soon as the New Year is over. During the filming period, she has no time to wear private clothes, etc. The filming of her TV series is about to start again, so even if she buys the clothes now, she won’t be able to wear them, and when she has time to wear them, the styles will be out of date.”

The minister listened to Zhang Ping'an's explanation, and she smiled and nodded: "Mr. Zhang, what do you have in mind?"

Zhang Pingan took the watch shopping guide and pointed at a Richard Mille watch and said, "Um, do you have '056-2' here?"

"Yes." Because even if the department store doesn't have it, they will try their best to find it for Zhang Pingan, even if it is a limited edition.

"OK, then I want this. By the way, do you have the Adidas shopping guide?"

"I'll ask someone to get it, please wait." The person in charge of the VIP was also very surprised about Zhang Pingan's personal hobbies. This limited edition watch is worth up to 2 billion Korean won, but he likes to wear Adidas?

Li Zhien took a look at the shopping guide for the watch that Zhang Ping'an saw, because it didn't write the price, just the model number and some photos of the watch. Li Zhien looked at this all-plastic watch case and said, "Oppa likes this watch?"

"Well, I prefer their watches, and all the watches in my house are from it. This watch looks very young! What, do you want to give it to me as a Christmas gift?"

Li Zhien nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give it to you if you like it."

Zhang Pingan laughed immediately, and then said jokingly: "Did you see the minister's surprised expression? You can't give this watch away, it's too expensive."

"How much?" Li Zhien raised his head and asked the minister. The minister smiled and said, "One dollar short, two billion won."

One dollar difference? The smallest denomination in the Korean Won is a ten-yuan coin. The "one dollar difference" that sounds nice is actually two billion!

Li Zhien's eyes widened after hearing the price, and he turned to look at Zhang Pingan. Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "This watch is limited to ten pieces worldwide. I bought it for two billion now. Its price will only increase in value in the future. This can be regarded as an investment."

Then Zhang Ping'an turned to the following pages of women's watches, and he said in surprise: "Oh? Ke Lai Tianyin. Margot (Little Daisy) series? Please wrap this one for me too."


The VIP minister personally sent Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien away. She shook her head in confusion and returned to the office.

Because Zhang Pingan bought two watches worth 2.3 billion won, but only bought Adidas clothes worth several hundred thousand won? Compared to clothing, the watch he purchased was really more of an investment than a way to show off his luxury.

After the two drove away from the department store, Zhang Pingan parked the vehicle on the side of the road.

He didn't expect that New World Department Store really had a limited edition of ten watches? However, New World said they need to give them a day to get it. As for where they went to find this watch, Zhang Ping'an didn't know. But he could guess that it was Tokyo tune! Because Japanese people love watches more than Koreans, basically limited edition watches will definitely appear in Tokyo!

After parking the car, Zhang Pingan took out a basic "Clover" sweatshirt. This kind of clothing can be said to be the worst. Zhang Pingan handed it to Li Zhien with a smile: "You will never be caught wearing this with me. 'Couple style'. If the media says we are wearing 'couple style' when wearing this style, then I have too many couples."

"Hahaha~~" Li Zhien covered his mouth and burst into laughter. This is Adidas' most basic sweatshirt. In this weather, there are probably a hundred, if not a thousand, people wearing this type of clothing on the streets, and there is no distinction between men and women.

Li Zhien happily took over the dress: "Thank you Oppa, I will wear it well and send you photos when the time comes." Because of this dress, she really felt free to wear it.

Then Zhang Pingan handed the watch to Li Zhien: "Christmas, I know you will be very busy, so I gave you a Christmas gift in advance. Although it is a month early, I still want to say 'Merry Christmas'. "

"Thank you Oppa, I will cherish it." Li Zhien refused without politeness. She smiled and accepted the Christmas gift Zhang Pingan gave her in advance, a watch.

The meaning on the watch is very interesting, because when you press the button at two o'clock, the words "He loves me", "He loves me a little bit", "He loves me very much", "He loves me madly" or "He doesn't love me" will appear. I'. This watch is more like a game, and the petals of the small daisy in the center of the dial will disappear or grow one every hour.

This is a very exquisite women's watch. Li Zhien, who doesn't like watches that much, thinks this watch is very beautiful. In addition, Zhang Pingan gave it to her, so she felt sweet after accepting the watch. Incomparable.

The value of the watch is secondary to her, because she is a super rich woman!

Zhang Ping'an took the watch out of the watch box and put it on Li Zhien. The joyful expression on Li Zhien's face brightened when he accepted the watch. After putting the watch on her wrist, she leaned over and kissed Zhang Ping'an on the cheek, and said again: "I will cherish it."

"As long as you like it, let's go. We'd better go back and stroll around the Jiejiantuan Road. We can grab something for lunch there. Shall we go home and make dinner ourselves?"

The two returned to Itaewon again. This time they did not hang out, but chose to sit and chat leisurely in a cafe. Many customers who came in to buy coffee were surprised to see Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien sitting together, and then their photos spread on SNS.

Just as the two were chatting about music, his cell phone rang. After Zhang Pingan answered the phone, he spoke in fluent Japanese: "Sayuri-chan, why did you remember to call me?"

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Sayuri was a little confused: "Isn't it right? You don't know? I went to Mai to get your car purchase contract yesterday, and I will help you pick up the car today."

Sayuri said she was going to pick up the car? This confused Zhang Pingan: "You? Don't you have a driver's license? How can you get it for me?"

"I don't, my brother-in-law does."

"Brother-in-law? You still have a brother-in-law? Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm troubling you anyway."

"Where did you park the car? If Shiraishi Mai is not at home, I can't enter your apartment."

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "Stop...just park it at your place. I'll pick it up when I come to Japan next month. Don't you have any schedule today?"

Sayuri said: "No. I currently only have two days of fixed group filming a week, and I spend the rest of the time at home."

"It's okay, I'll be fine if I get there this year. I'll treat you to dinner when I come to Tokyo. Thank you, and thank you brother-in-law."

"Well, go ahead and get busy, I'll pick up the car."

After listening to Zhang Pingan hang up the phone, Li Zhien said with a smile: "Every time I see Oppa using Japanese so skillfully, I feel amazing. I also learned Japanese, but it's not very good."

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I will accompany you every time you go to Japan, so you don't need to know everything, otherwise I will look like a failure."


Just when Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien were sitting and chatting in Itaewon, Sika saw a photo of the two together. The comments on the Internet couldn't tell whether the two were dating? Or are they just meeting as friends?

When Sika looked at the photos of Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien, she smiled bitterly and shook her head, because she came to the practice room this morning, and all the members had arrived, but only Taeyeon, the captain, was late?

Sika casually asked Pani, who was in the same dormitory, why Taeyeon hasn't come yet? She even joked, ‘Did Taeyeon go out on a date last night? ’

Perhaps Sika's expression looked playful and smiling at that time, but only she knew that there was no joke in the question, but a disguised question.

And Pani's answer made Sika feel a little embarrassed.

Because Pani said: "Taeyeon's mother came to Seoul yesterday, and her family was going on a trip today, and she couldn't leave, so she had to spend the night with her family in the hotel. She called in the morning, and she I have to take them to the airport, so she will be late for practice.”

It took Sika a long time to realize that Taeyeon went to spend time with her family last night, but she spent the whole night at home thinking about it, just because she mistakenly thought that Taeyeon went on a date with Zhang Pingan.

But Zhang Pingan didn't go home last night? So where did he go all night?

Zhang Pingan's whereabouts were a mystery last night. She knew that she had seen photos of him and Li Zhien together in the afternoon. After thinking that the two of them had been photographed in Busan, Sika roughly guessed that he must have something different with Li Zhien. A well-known emotional story! !

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