My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 44 National Treasure Live Broadcast?

Zhang Pingan and Yin Suwan came to the hotel together. After entering the hotel, Zhang Pingan went to the lobby of the hotel to check out. Yin Suwan looked at Zhang Pingan and said, "Did you stay in the hotel yesterday?"

Zhang Ping'an has always said that he would like to live in a hotel, but his home is so close, but he lives in a hotel? This... seems to be... something is wrong?

"No, I stayed at home yesterday. Didn't you just say you would come over last night? So I went back at night. If you didn't come, I might not go back to live. The house here is the same as Seoul. No, so it's much more convenient to choose to stay in a hotel. Let's go, go to the cafe and have something to eat first, I haven't had breakfast yet."

After completing the formalities, the two walked into the coffee shop, and the manager and accountant who were waiting in the coffee shop saw that Zhang Pingan came with a woman. They were stunned for two seconds and then laughed: "Zhang Ping'an Boss, your girlfriend?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and admitted this relationship: "Well, Yin Suwan is Korean. Don't worry about her, she can't speak Chinese or English." Zhang Pingan then introduced to Yin Suwan: "This is the manager of the company. ..this is the company's finance.."

After Yin Suwan and the two shook hands, everyone sat together, and Zhang Pingan took the cafe menu and ordered sandwiches and salads.

At this time, the manager took out the printed physical photos of the office space and said: "Here are the physical photos of several office buildings I selected. I checked the surrounding environment and traffic conditions, and the rent is higher than that in the central area." It's much cheaper, we'll wait for you to make a decision. Also, the company's business scope..." The manager put a stack of sorted materials in front of Zhang Ping'an: "I wrote the business scope with reference to the Douyu platform. The name of the company, as well as the registered capital... and the legal representative."

Zhang Pingan first pointed to a business building that looked good and said: "Choose this place. I read that it is not far from the subway station, and it will be much more convenient for employees to go to work in the future. You can discuss the rent here." , we pay in one lump sum, one year or two years are acceptable. The registered capital is 20 million, and 10 million will be used as a start-up in the early stage. As for the legal person... how about you, the manager, as the legal person?"

The registered capital is different from the start-up capital. The registered capital can be withdrawn after completing the procedures. As for the legal representative, everyone understands this. Anyway, the boss will never take responsibility for the legal person, otherwise the boss will bear legal responsibility if there is a problem with the company.

When he heard the word 'legal person', the manager Wang Feng was really embarrassed. He looked embarrassed and didn't know how to refuse.

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "The legal person also puts you under a little pressure, which will make you not violate the bottom line of the law when making any decisions in the future. I believe that you are carrying the position of legal person representative, and you will have stricter management A good company's system. Also, your annual salary can be doubled."

Wang Feng's current annual salary is 500,000, double that to 1 million! Absolutely gold-collar treatment, but the risks and responsibilities for the one million yuan are too great. So 'money' is not so easy to get!

If an old fritter like the chief financial officer had to choose, he would rather give up this job than accept the position of legal representative. Because any passer-by would know what "legal representative" means.

Wang Feng frowned and never let go, because the position of this legal person is really scary. Seeing his silence, Zhang Pingan said: "After you become a legal person, I can set up a supervision department. If you don't want to bear legal responsibility, then you have to manage the company well. I don't want the company to be in a mess Disturbing, I need a clean company environment."

Supervision, this is a department that can bear part of the legal risks for legal persons, and this can be regarded as Zhang Ping'an's last concession.

Many people get dizzy when they hear that the annual salary is one million.

But the legal person is really not that simple. If the platform is suspected of money laundering in the future, the legal person will be responsible!

The chief financial officer was silent and didn't say a word, because if he spoke, the legal person position might fall on him, and he wasn't that stupid. I haven't figured out what form the company will take in the future. How about a legal person? Does anyone know if it is a person who is specially used to bear legal responsibility?

The waiter came over with coffee from Zhang Ping'an and Yin Suwan, and Wang Feng also made up his mind at this time: "Okay, I accept this position, but after the company is established, a supervision department must be formed."

"Supervisor, I will leave this matter to you. After the company's office location is confirmed, I will also hand over the company's recruitment to you! You will temporarily act as HR's position. recently found a funny fish anchor , inquire about the form of the contract, we will improve it."

Wang Feng nodded and said, "Okay, the most important thing now is to register. What will our company be called in the future?"

"I thought about it for a while and called it: ZOO Live (Zoo). The viewers who came to watch the live broadcast felt like they came to the zoo to see animals. Watch!" Zhang Pingan smiled and said the name he came up with.

Wang Feng said: "This...isn't it good, isn't it indirectly describing the anchor as an animal?"

Zhang Pingan plagiarized brazenly: "Then it's Panda, Panda, the national treasure of China, I hope the anchor can become the national treasure in the hearts of all viewers!!"

At this moment, even the chief financial officer began to speak: "Panda, that's a good name."

"Okay, that's the name!" Wang Feng said. Zhang Pingan could only say 'I'm sorry' to the principal in his heart.

"Let's go here today. You go through the rental procedures. After negotiating the final price, I will transfer the money to Lao Liu, and the registration information will be sent up for review as soon as possible."

"Okay, then we'll get to work first."

"Well, I have to meet a lot of anchors today."

The manager and the accountant left, leaving Zhang Pingan and Yin Suwan sitting in the cafe having breakfast. During the whole process, Yin Suwan didn't know what they were talking about, anyway, she just sat quietly and looked at Zhang Ping'an who was working.

She finally understood why everyone said that a serious man is the most handsome. Of course, it might be in the eyes of the beholder?

Yin Suwan didn't know what was wrong with her right now, she even felt that the sandwich in her mouth would make her feel sweet?

Perhaps this is the initial symptom of love, everything about him makes people feel sweet.

Yin Suwan looked at Zhang Ping'an with a silly smile and said, "oppa, we'll have breakfast later, after we go back and put down our luggage, you can go to the department store with me. Aren't you going to see your mother tonight? I want to go shopping A nice outfit."

Seeing the parents, she definitely needs to dress up, and the clothes she brought didn't seem to satisfy her, so she decided to make an impromptu purchase.

"Okay. There is a large shopping mall behind the house. Let's go, go back and put it..." Just as Zhang Ping'an was about to get up, his phone rang again. He looked at the caller ID and "smiled" and answered the phone.

Xiaoxiao on the other end of the phone called Zhang Ping'an affectionately: "Brother An, did you disturb your work?"

"No, I'm planning to go home and get the computer. The contract is in the computer. Um~~~ If you are free for a while, come to the IFC."

"Okay, then we will call you when we arrive at the IFC?"

"Well. Let's call when we arrive." After hanging up Xiaoxiao's phone, Zhang Pingan got up. On the way to the parking lot, Yin Suwan asked Zhang Pingan: "Do you have two phone calls?"

"That's right. There are so many things going on recently, I definitely need a Huaxia number, and it's very troublesome for Huaxia mobile phones to make overseas calls. Do you want my Huaxia number? xxx..." Zhang Pingan read the country code of Huaxia and himself mobile phone number.

Yin Suwan shook her head and said, "Forget it, I'll just remember your Korean number. You won't change your number, will you?"

"Why do I have nothing to change my number? Even if I change my number, I have to tell you, right? Let's go, I will sign a contract with Huaxia's anchor in a while, and I am a retired LOL professional player."

Yin Suwan knows that this game is currently very popular on the live broadcast platform, coupled with the identity of a professional player, it will definitely attract a lot of popular traffic when it starts broadcasting.

Yin Suwan nodded and said, "Professional players become anchors after retiring. It will definitely attract traffic."

"Sure, this game is so popular now, the attention of professional players has also followed the game, and the tide has risen."

The two chatted about the anchor along the way, and soon arrived at Zhang Ping'an's home. It was the first time for Yin Suwan to feel the majesty of the security system of the Huaxia community. She called the three gates exaggerated, especially the elevator hall that also needs palm prints to open, which made her speechless.

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "The security here is tight, so many celebrities choose to buy houses here."

Yin Suwan followed Zhang Ping'an to the rest area in front of his house, looked at the two elevators and one entrance door, and said in surprise, "One household, two elevators?"

"No, we have a high floor. There are two families on the first floor, and there are five elevators in total. One is dedicated to the nanny. Go out that door and you will be the nanny elevator."

"Isn't that door a safe passage?"

"Yeah, from there is the safe passage and the elevator for nanny. There are two elevators on my side, and two elevators next door. Let's not talk about these, go in and put your luggage."

Yin Suwan entered Zhang Ping'an's home, maybe Seoul has already surprised her enough, so when facing the minimalist style, she feels clean and tidy, and there is no big impact on the design. Only the scenery of Huangpu River and the Bund facing directly from the floor-to-ceiling windows surprised her.

"Oppa, can you directly see the night on the Bund from here at night?"

"Yes, but most of the people who enjoy the scenery look at this side from the Bund. Because there are more high-rise buildings here, and each building has a special lighting effect designed outside. After dinner at night, I will Let me take you to the Bund for a stroll. Oh, the cloakroom is in the bedroom, so go and put your luggage."

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