My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 426: Young Time, Tokyo

In the blink of an eye, in December, the temperature in Seoul dropped so much that even talking on the streets would make you breathe out hot breath. Girls' Generation set off to Tokyo for rehearsal. Tomorrow will be the first time that Girls' Generation will perform as a group in Japan's largest stadium for a concert. At this time, each of them wore winter clothes and walked at Incheon Airport, reflecting their airport fashion.

Everyone in Girls' Generation who got off the car has been baptized by flash lights, and they are all used to the flash lights on the other side of the road, and they also know how to use the opposite lens to take the most beautiful photos of themselves, and Pani is the airport The best in fashion. Although the weather was very cold, she did not choose jeans, but shorts.

Shorts, boots, and a thick jacket are both fashionable and individual. It can be said that when they were walking through the airport as girls, everyone was very troubled. Sika is also dressed very beautifully, wearing tight white casual pants, high heels, a close-fitting bottoming sweater, a parka outside, and of course her brand's flagship sunglasses. They really put a lot of effort into being just a few minutes' walk from the airport.

Only Zhang Ping'an doesn't pay much attention to airport fashion. He wears a winter flight jacket with a hooded sweatshirt inside, a pair of light-colored jeans and a pair of long johns. Rather than being fashionable, he chose warmth more pragmatically. However, Zhang Pingan did not choose to go through the airport gate with Girls' Generation. He entered the airport lobby from the underground garage.

When Girls' Generation gathered to check in, Pani asked Sika in a low voice: "Where's Zhang Ping'an? Didn't he say he would go there together today? Why didn't he see anyone else? Did he not choose to fly with us?"

Sika shook his head with a gentle smile and said, "He left earlier than me. He said he would take a taxi and wait for us in the terminal."

After she discovered the affair between Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien, Sika recently spent more time with Zhang Pingan, and she would go back to Zhang Pingan's home after practice every day. She really wanted to know the real Zhang Pingan, but Zhang Pingan's attitude towards her was always one of accommodation, humility, gentleness and consideration.

He did everything a boyfriend should do to the best of his ability, so well that Sika couldn't find any faults with him. Even if she occasionally wanted to stimulate him by cheating, or even lost her temper and wanted to have a quarrel with him for no reason... But even if she was unreasonable, Zhang Pingan chose to give in and be tolerant. It was like she was punched in the cotton. His tolerance and accommodation made Sika very depressed. She wanted to understand, but she couldn't.

So one night after the two were intimate, Sika asked in his arms, what kind of him is the real him? Sika's words made Zhang Pingan look confused.

Later, Zhang Pingan finally heard Sika talk about it. Why did she ask herself this? Just because she felt that Taeyeon and Pani knew him better than she did. So she began to suspect that the Zhang Pingan she knew was not the real him!

Hearing this, Zhang Ping'an laughed so much that he pouted on the bed. Sika was indeed so stupid and cute.

After Zhang Pingan burst into laughter, he hugged Sika tightly and said to her: "The me in front of you is the real me. Because you are my girlfriend, taking care of you and accommodating you are all my actions. What a boyfriend should do. But that doesn’t mean you don’t understand me. Let me put it this way, if you talk about the same thing to different people, you may not express it in the same way. Because I have different ways of expressing myself, let’s guess who is the real me, so it’s okay to face you.

Even when facing Taeyeon and others, I always show the real me. "

After this day, Sika no longer struggled with any issues she didn't understand, and even Li Zhien's questions were selectively ignored. Perhaps as Pani said, she chose to develop her side business in her free time, so she shouldn't complain about Zhang Ping'an's carelessness. Men's philandering and women's philandering may both be caused by loneliness.

She made him feel lonely when she was in love. Who should blame her? Blame Zhang Pingan for being dishonest? Or is it because she shouldn’t run her own side business in her free time? Maybe even if Sika doesn't run her own side business, she still can't let Zhang Pingan belong to her alone. So how can you blame a single person for this emotional problem?

So in the end, Sika decided to just go on like that. After all, we shouldn’t think about what the final outcome will be like now? Because there were so many people around her, she couldn't imagine what the ending would be like?


After arriving in Tokyo, Zhang Pingan did not choose to leave with them in the car that came to pick them up. He chose to take the tram to the city alone.

Girls' Generation was sitting on the bus, Xiuying smiled and said to Sika next to her: "This Zhang Ping'an... we asked him to take the bus with us, he is still not willing?"

They met Zhang Pingan at the cafe in Incheon Airport, and they took the same flight into Japan. But after getting off the plane, Zhang Pingan picked up his luggage and left alone. Although they all persuaded Zhang Pingan to take a car with them, Zhang Pingan still refused. The bus that came to pick him up was a bus, and there was enough room for Zhang Ping'an.

Sika responded with a smile: "He found it troublesome. I asked him before on the plane if he wanted to come with us? He said he didn't want to annoy the fans."

Yuli, who was sitting in the front seat, turned around and leaned on the back of the chair to join the conversation: "Zhang Ping'an and you are in love. Fans are already hating you. If you two still show off your affection in a high-profile manner at the airport, you will probably be criticized. Are you scolding him to death? I heard that Sika’s fans leave messages on his Huaxia scarf every day to scold him.”

Sika nodded and said, "So he would rather take the tram by himself than take the bus with us."

Yuli asked: "Where is the hotel? Does he stay in the same hotel as us?"

As for where Zhang Pingan lives? Sika didn't ask, because she knew very well that Zhang Ping'an would never stay in a hotel when he came to Tokyo. He had a room here. And there's...

Sika did not answer, but Xiuying responded: "Doesn't he have a house in Tokyo? How can he stay in a hotel with us? His house was even featured on a Japanese show."

"So powerful?" Yuli said in surprise.

And Sika immediately said: "His house in Tokyo is sold."

"Sold? Why?" Yuli said in confusion.

Sika explained: "He said he had less and less time in Tokyo, so he sold it. Because Japan has to pay a large amount of property tax every year. The more expensive the house, the more it will be paid. Anyway, All taxes, management fees, etc. must be worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year. He said that the real estate in Tokyo will not increase much in the future, so he sold it."

sold? Of course, these were deceptive words spoken by Sika. Moreover, Zhang Pingan's family situation doesn't care about taxes and management fees at all.

Yuli nodded and said, "Well, it turns out that buying a house in Japan has to pay hundreds of millions in real estate tax every year... Indeed, he doesn't have much time in Japan, so he can live there with the 100 million won in tax saved per year. It’s enough for a high-end hotel.”

Xiuying also nodded and said: "It's just... I think it's more convenient to stay in a hotel than at home. You can ask for the quilt to be changed every day, and the room will be cleaned by a fixed person every day."

While they were talking about Zhang Pingan, he had already taken the tram to the city.

After arriving in the city, Zhang Pingan took out his phone and called Sayuri: "Are you at home?"

Sayuri responded: "Here, you told me you were coming today. I will definitely be waiting for you at home. You can come directly."

Zhang Ping'an wanted to drive away the car at Sayuli's place, but it had been parked at her place for a long time.

Soon Zhang Pingan came to Sayuri's home. This was Zhang Pingan's first official visit after moving. He saw that her home had become particularly feminine under the decoration of her own hands. Those lovely accessories had been filled with Looking at the whole family, Zhang Pingan smiled and shook his head and said: "Nordic style, shouldn't it be refreshing? What are you talking about?"

Zhang Pingan casually picked up a plush doll that was half a person tall. Sayuri hugged the doll with a smile and said, "Don't you think it's cute? Hehe~~ My fun now during my break is to add some decorations to this home."

As he spoke, Zhang Ping'an took out a Hermès box from his backpack, and he knew at a glance that he had just bought it: "I'm sorry to trouble you this time. I don't know what to give you. I think winter is coming. I bought you a scarf, plain color, no obvious logo.”

Sayuri looked at the box that had not yet been packed, and said with a smile: "Don't you even wrap the gift? Isn't it too perfunctory?"

This time it was Zhang Pingan's turn to say impatiently: "Packaging? Do you and I still need fake packaging? Okay, let's see if you like it?"

Sayuri opened the box. The off-white scarf had no special pattern logo. There was only a 'Hermès' logo on the head of the scarf.

She picked up the scarf and wrapped it around her neck: "Does it look good?"

"It looks good, it looks good. Let's go change clothes. We went out for lunch and I haven't eaten yet."

After a while, Sayuri changed clothes and came out. The long coat that Japanese girls love most is worn with a dress underneath. Zhang Pingan shrugged and said, "It's really anti-freeze..." Before he could finish his words, his cell phone made a message sound.

Sika sent a message. They arrived at the hotel and asked him if he wanted to go over and have dinner together.

Zhang Pingan replied: "You are busy rehearsing, so I won't come over. I'm waiting to see your wonderful SNSD performance tomorrow. Take a good rest today to recharge!"

Their rehearsal tasks are very heavy. Even if they saw the stage structure diagram when they were in Korea, they still need to step on the stage to feel it clearly.

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