My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 830 Mixing soup is the most enjoyable moment for men

For lunch, Japanese fusion cuisine, Zhang Pingan and Yui did not go to the restaurant to eat, but asked for room service. The dining table was placed in the courtyard, and the hotel used parasols to block the noon sun for the two of them. The March sea breeze passed through the hall and came to the courtyard. The warmth of the sun is taken away by the gentle sea breeze, making everything just right.

The two of them sat in the quiet courtyard and looked at the beautiful and exquisite dishes in front of them. This was a feast for the eyes. After the food is served, the senses are the first factor. The beauty of the food in front of you is reflected in the presentation alone. Yui cut the beef in front of her and looked at the bright red color inside and the juices bursting from the beef. She smiled and said, "It feels delicious just by looking at it."

She did not eagerly put the first piece of beef into her mouth. Instead, she spread a special sauce on the surface of the beef, pierced it with a fork and fed it to Zhang Ping'an. Zhang Ping'an smiled and bit off the beef from her fork, smiling softly: "Hmm~~delicious~~!!"

Seeing Zhang Ping'an's smile, Yui also smiled of her own. In such a quiet and quiet natural environment, Yui's mood was also greatly affected by the blue sky and the smell of the woods here. Even if she just sat in the hotel room and looked at the vast sea and blue sky, she felt comfortable and clear. . This is the charm of nature...

Food, beautiful scenery, and the company of your loved ones, this is the most beautiful holiday. Yui felt that this lunch was much more delicious when she was eating it.

After tasting Yui's beef, Zhang Ping'an also fed Yui a piece of his lobster. Yui smiled sweetly and bit off Zhang Ping'an's feed. I used to watch TV dramas and thought that such mutual feeding between lovers was so disgusting to the extreme. But today Yui realized that this was not a disgusting thing, but an expression of love. Because of love, she is willing to share all the good things around her with him.

After lunch, the two of them did not stay in the room, but strolled slowly along the trails in the forest next to the hotel. The sun shines through the dappled jungle, and he is admiring the natural beauty beside him. A simple walk in the afternoon is also a comfortable pastime.

After taking a walk to eat, the two returned to the hotel room for a lunch break. After waking up, the two sat on the terrace of the room and stared at the outdoor scenery in a daze, the sound of seagulls in the distance, the birdsong in the jungle, and the vague Hearing the whistle of the ship returning in the evening...the scene in front of the two of them was extremely gentle. Yui tilted her head and leaned on Zhang Pingan's shoulder: "It's so good to be with you."

Under the setting sun, Zhang Ping'an reached out and took Yui's hand. The two were facing the sea, and Yui was leaning on him. The picture was simply beautiful~~!

Holding Yui's hand, Zhang Pingan interlocked with hers and said softly: "Being with you is the greatest luck in my life."

Looking at the sun setting at the junction of the sea and the sky in the distance, and Zhang Ping'an's most tender words, the smile on Yui's lips was one of happiness.

Zhang Ping'an said: "The housekeeper said earlier that next to the hotel is the 'Kumano Kodo', where there are five pilgrimage trails to choose from. If we want to go into the forest tomorrow, we can contact the housekeeper to arrange a tour guide. Ise Jingu, you definitely don't Did you go there? There are quite a lot of tourists there.”

Yui nodded and said: "There are indeed many tourists going to Ise Shrine every day. However, I have only heard of the name of Ise Shrine, but I have never been there."

Ise Jingu Shrine, one of the ten most forbidden temples in the world, is rebuilt every twenty years. This sense of mystery often attracts countless tourists. Of course, tourists will definitely not be able to visit the real Ise Jingu Shrine.

It was the palace used during the succession. Of course, there is also a place for tourists to visit, but it is not the actual Ise Jingu Shrine.

In fact, for Yui, there are many scenic spots in Japan that she has never been to. feels like everyone in China knows about Shaolin Temple, but how many people have actually been to Shaolin Temple? Even though it’s famous, that doesn’t mean everyone has been there.

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "It is said that the eight-foot magatama, the grass sword, and the eight-foot mirror are in the Ise Shrine. I wonder if they are true or false? The royal family has never taken them out to see. "

Yui raised her eyebrows cutely and said, "I don't know, anyway, it's written like this in the textbook. These so-called artifacts... appear more in comics than in textbooks."

Yui's words made Zhang Ping'an couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha~~!"


For dinner, Zhang Pingan and Yui still didn't go to the restaurant. A ‘BBQ’ set meal for two people. The hotel placed an oven in the courtyard, and dishes ranging from meat to seafood, as well as seasonings, etc. were delivered. Zhang Pingan and Yui just need to put the food in the oven to bake it.

Under the setting sun, the two of them were eating delicious barbecue in the courtyard. They grilled it themselves, which added a sense of wildness. Oysters and scallops are grilled with garlic. This is a Chinese-style grilling method. Zhang Pingan specially found the garlic sauce made in the kitchen.

Yui said with a smile: "I had it grilled this way last time in Shanghai. I thought it was much more delicious. The flavor of garlic penetrated into the seafood... paired with the sweetness of soy sauce, it was perfect~~!! "

Yui gave a thumbs up at the end. Japanese people mainly eat fresh seafood. Even scallops can be made into sashimi. Of course, there are also oysters that are directly dipped in sauce after steaming, or the traditional way of eating oysters raw. The Chinese-style garlic flavor is rare in Japanese cuisine. So this kind of grilling method left a deep impression on Yui.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and put a piece of scallop that was almost ready into Yui's dinner plate, and then gently asked: "Be careful with the scallops."

Yui nodded with a bright smile, blew on it, and ate the scallop meat mixed with garlic sauce. The delicious seafood juice and the flavor of minced garlic are combined, paired with the right amount of scallop meat. While eating, Yui breathed out because her mouth was burned, and at the same time she gave a thumbs up to Zhang Pingan: "It's delicious~~!"

Looking at Yui's smile, Zhang Ping'an also felt satisfied. Barbecue, sake...this dinner was as the sun set, and the sky was filled with stars.

After the final beef test, Zhang Pingan roasted some mushrooms, and the accumulated delicacies became dinner for the two of them. With the charcoal fire in the oven, the two of them sat in the courtyard under the stars and ate dinner.

Yui leaned on the back of her chair contentedly and looked up at the sky. She smiled and said, "It's really beautiful here. I like this place very much."

Zhang Ping'an also followed Yui's example and looked up at the stars in the sky, but what he said was: "The beauty here is because of your presence. For me, in the beautiful scenery, it would be fine without your company." Overshadowed!”

Such sweet words from time to time really make Yui feel like she is surrounded by happiness.

Under such a quiet night sky, Zhang Ping'an next to her always makes the tenderness in Yui's heart radiate. At this time, she suddenly said: "I want to get married at the age of thirty."

Although Zhang Ping'an was a little nervous when he heard Yui's words, he didn't know whether it was because he was still concerned about coming from South Korea or what. But the agile Zhang Ping'an quickly responded to Yui: "Okay, I'll just wait for the day you turn thirty!"

Who knows if Yui's sudden words were a test, but Zhang Pingan agreed without any hesitation. Because Yui is thirty years old and still has two years left. Now Zhang Pingan feels that his stall is bad enough, so he doesn't care if it gets worse!

Especially women are more emotional at night, so Zhang Pingan always followed her when he spoke. Anyway, it’s just love words, how to make the other person happy, just say it. No matter whether those promises can be fulfilled in the end, at least there must be no hesitation now.

In fact, what women often say out of the blue is just a matter of course, or maybe a kind of temptation. All they want is the answer to this moment, as for the ‘future’, it’s too far away!

Men, on the other hand, think more 'far away'. In fact, this consideration is a sign of seriousness, but in the eyes of women, as long as you don't respond immediately, they will guess whether you haven't thought about being serious.

Little do they know that men only consider it because they are serious!

Listening to Zhang Pingan's response, Yui lowered her head. She looked at Zhang Pingan with a smile and made a scissor hand gesture: "There are still two years."

"Two years is too long. I expected you to sign for 'two months'!"

Zhang Ping'an learned a lot about the scumbag's way of speaking from the Internet a long time ago. So his words will always please people.

After hearing this, Yui also smiled sweetly: "Hehe~~"

After dinner, the two sat in the courtyard and rested for more than half an hour. However, the two of them returned to the room and opened the valve of the open-air hot spring. The warm spring water poured into the hot spring and gradually overflowed. Zhang Pingan and Yui entered the hot spring naked together.

Mixing soup, this is the happiest moment for a man. Especially when Yui was sitting in Zhang Ping'an's arms in the pond, and his hand gently rested on Yui's shoulder, and the palm of his hand naturally dropped just right on Yui's chest.

Although Yui does not have a broad mind, she still has her own sweetness. The stars in the night sky, the sea in the distance, and the open-air hot spring under the eaves, this is a truly beautiful moment!

The night here is very quiet. Listening to the sound of the hot spring water, the two of them feel extremely tender because they are close to each other and feeling each other.

The clouds in the night sky cover the moon, preventing it from peeking... and the sweetness between the two begins.

It's late at night, all the doors are closed, and the curtains are drawn. In the room, Yui Aragaki is nestled on Zhang Ping'an's chest and talking about tomorrow's trip. She plans to go to the forest trail after breakfast. Zhang Ping'an went around the nearby Ise City and came back after eating something in the city. Although the food in the hotel was exquisite, Yui wanted to change to a family-style taste...

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