My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 839 He who has a broad mind wins the world!

Araki Yuko sat opposite Zhang Pingan with her legs crossed and her head in a bun. She looked at Zhang Pingan infatuatedly. The tenderness revealed in her eyes made people very comfortable. Although Zhang Ping'an looked at the night outside the window, he also looked at her quiet tenderness with his peripheral vision. When she doesn't smile, Araki Yuko's appearance is delicate, and when her smile blooms, she is sunny.

And she has an indescribable fascination and gratitude for Zhang Pingan. Yuko Araki feels that all her good luck was given to her by Zhang Pingan. Because he stood behind her, she didn't have any worries in life. It was also because there was no pressure in life that she could behave as she pleased at work instead of being nervous after getting a job. Did it go well?

Just because she has more calmness, her daily performance is more stable and natural, which is why she can participate in big shows like 'TGC'. Although she cannot compare with Emma, ​​Mai Shiraishi and others in terms of fame, her natural and calm performance will surely become a highlight of this exhibition.

At this time, Zhang Pingan took the last sip of beer and raised his head to toast. He was drunk in the beautiful night of Tokyo and the beauty of Yuko Araki. At this time, he turned to look at Araki Yuko. She immediately showed her smile, and then slowly put down the unfinished beer in her hand: "Are you going to take a shower?"

"Yeah. I'm going to take a shower. You have to go to the venue early tomorrow morning for a fitting. It's rehearsal. Let's go to bed early." Zhang Pingan said and started dragging his jacket and jeans, while Araki Yuko smiled and said He was sorting...

Zhang Ping'an went to the bathroom, and after a while Araki Yuko, who had tidied her clothes, also walked in, and then naturally enjoyed the bath time for the two of them with him. Fortunately, this house is relatively good, and the bathtub in the bathroom is Not the small one. It is full-body size, so Araki Yuko can sit in Zhang Pingan's arms.

There is always a hint of romance in the night, and there are some initiatives from Araki Yuko... Japanese women are very gentle and... ahem.


Early the next morning, Zhang Pingan was still awakened by his biological clock. When he opened his eyes, Yuko Araki next to him was still sleeping soundly, and she was sleeping with him in her arms. Zhang Pingan couldn't help but push her away gently, but when he pushed Yuko Araki away... Then she woke up.

The first thing Araki Yuko said when she woke up was: "I'm sorry, I didn't get up to make breakfast for you. What time was it?"

When Yuko Araki was about to get up and make breakfast, Zhang Pingan reached out to carry her back to the bed, touched her flat belly and said: "It's okay, it's still early, it's only half past seven. I'm going out After exercising for a while, you can go back to sleep. I’ll buy some bread from the convenience store when I come back.”

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, she said apologetically: "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, you can rest. You have to go to the venue later." After saying that, Zhang Pingan got out of bed and went to wash up. But Araki Yuko was indeed a little tired, so she continued to sleep.

Zhang Ping'an found the sportswear she kept at home, put it on and went out for a jog around the community. When he returned home after the exercise, Araki Yuko had already gotten up and had made coffee waiting for Zhang Ping'an to return.

After taking a shower, Zhang Pingan and Araki Yuko sat at the dining table and ate breakfast. She made omelettes with bread and coffee.

Eating breakfast,

Zhang Pingan said: "I won't be back tonight. You have to work officially tomorrow. You need to have a good rest today."

"Yeah." Araki Yuko never asked, where would Zhang Ping'an go if he didn't come back? After all, she... is not his only one in Japan, this is something she knows very well. And tomorrow's 'show' is indeed very important. You will definitely perform better if you stand on the show stage with a good rest.

The two had a simple breakfast, and Araki Yuko rushed to the show. She drove there by herself, because the company does not provide cars for Japanese artists. Basically, artists drive themselves or take the subway or take a taxi when traveling in Tokyo. Unless you are going to a local performance and there are a lot of people like No Tuan, the company will provide transportation. Also, when models go to places for shooting, the magazine will provide transportation. Otherwise, they usually have to go to the designated location by themselves.

Of course, she couldn't go to the venue in a Ferrari. She drove the 'Big G' herself. After all, that car was much more comfortable than the Ferrari. When leaving, she said she would give the Ferrari to Zhang Pingan, but Zhang Pingan waved her hand and said no. Because he was the one he made an appointment with to buy a car together today! As for what kind of car to buy, you still need to look at it. If you want to go out and play in the wild, something more spacious will be fine...

After Araki Yuko left, Zhang Pingan picked up his mobile phone and looked at the entertainment trends in South Korea, mainly based on the changes in "PD101" during this period, and the discussion on the broadcast of the TV series "Descendants of the Sun". In particular, the response of the TV series in China is Zhang Pingan's main concern, because Zhang Pingan has not received payment from China yet.

"PD101" eliminated another group of trainees through voting after the live performance. There are not many trainees left, and the final 'votes' are still subject to change. Zhang Pingan is very clear about this. The topic brought by this program is still very hot, and currently it is mainly focused on the appearance battle between Zheng Caiyan and Zhou Xiaoqiong. I really can’t tell who is more beautiful, Zhang Pingan thinks they are both beautiful!

After the TV series "Descendants" was broadcast in China, the topic of scarves continued to burn. Some time ago, the audience who had to be members to watch stopped making trouble because the copyright introduction of the TV series did indeed give Zhang Ping'an a lot of money. , and Zhang Pingan, as an investor in the TV series, accepted it with peace of mind. After all, the public also understands that if the TV series is also broadcast for free in China, then Zhang Pingan will not get any income.

Of course, these were all done by Internet trolls hired by the agency. After all, so many netizens at that time felt that TV series were broadcast for free in South Korea, but back in China, you had to be a member to watch them. This was not forcing viewers to become members. ? The end result of the navy is to take the trend on the Internet. Zhang Ping'an can get advertising revenue if it is broadcast for free in South Korea. If it is broadcast for free in China, can he get advertising fees? If he can't get it, then what's the point of investing in a TV series? ?

After netizens expressed their understanding, no one made any fuss. After all, the TV series was attractive enough, and everyone also recharged their membership and started watching the TV series. Recently, Song Joong-ki has gained a large wave of Chinese fans due to the effect of the TV series!

Seeing that his career in Korea was quite good, Zhang Pingan also laughed, and he was waiting to meet Luo Yingshi in Lijiang in April to shoot "New Journey to the West"!

Then Zhang Pingan looked at the message on 'Line' and saw a message from Mai Shiraishi. She knew he had come to Tokyo when she came home last night and saw how clean the house was. However, Zhang Pingan, who did not return last night, asked her to leave a message. It was full of longing and worries about the car accident.

Yui, there is no news, because she is not a particularly clingy person, so Zhang Pingan did not go back last night, and she did not send any news. Yui just asked if he was okay in the afternoon, and Zhang Pingan said that he was okay.

Putting away the coffee cup, Zhang Pingan sat on the sofa and basked in the morning sun. At the same time, Zhang Pingan sent a message to the 'Racecourse Tongju' in the chat software: "Are you up?"

After a while, Miss Fumika from the racecourse replied: "I'm up, and I'm getting ready for breakfast."

Zhang Pingan replied: "Well, let's meet early. Is it convenient for you?"

"Okay, I don't have anything planned today."

Zhang Pingan replied: "Okay, how about we meet at the Starbucks of Tsutaya Bookstore in Daikanyama in an hour and a half?"

Zhang Pingan thought that an hour and a half was enough for her to take transportation and put on makeup.

"Okay, we'll see you then."

After making an appointment to meet with the 'big-minded' Miss Fumika of the racecourse, Zhang Pingan also thought that he would go to his house over there to dress himself up. After all, the clothes he left here were the ones he wore yesterday. This is a meeting with netizens. Zhang Pingan has to make himself handsome no matter what.


In about an hour, Zhang Ping'an sat at Tsutaya Bookstore. The books here exuded a special fragrance. Even if the book opened in the morning, there were still some people coming to sit and enjoy the morning.

Zhang Pingan did not pick up a book in the bookstore, but ordered a cup of coffee and sat there in a daze. The quiet surroundings in the bookstore are very suitable for daze, but it will not make people feel lonely. The trendy bookstore design has attracted countless people who come to Japan to check in. Of course, those who check in will not check in so early.

Just when Zhang Pingan was in a daze, the message sound of his mobile phone 'Line' rang. When he picked up the phone to look at it, Fumika Bachang, who was standing a little further away, had been looking for Zhang Pingan until she saw a The man in casual clothes took out his mobile phone. She only saw his back, but the back gave her a good feeling.

Zhang Pingan was wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and a casual jacket today. There is also a watch exposed on the wrist of Zhang Pingan holding the mobile phone in his left hand...

Zhang Ping'an looked at the message that said 'I have arrived. 'After a few words, he turned around and began to search in Starbucks. Soon, Fumica in the racecourse came into Zhang Ping'an's eyes. She was wearing a close-fitting sweater with a coat on the outside. The buttons were unbuttoned, and Zhang Ping'an could clearly see it from a distance.

Zhang Ping'an muttered in his heart: "It is indeed 'E'!"

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