My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 844: Is this being forgiven?

The food and drinks before the sushi are beautifully prepared, and they go well with the Dassai sake. Today, all the adults had a glass of sake and drank it with Zhang Pingan. Zhang Ping'an looked at Xuexuan beside him and said with a smile: "Didn't you shoot a mobile phone commercial not long ago?"

The commercial was shot by Seolhyun at the beach, and she was wearing a super-fitting swimsuit that showed off her figure to the fullest in an instant. Because of this mobile phone advertisement at the beach, Seolhyun's figure was once again praised by the media. Zhang Ping'an has also seen that advertisement. In that advertisement, Xuexi's figure was so dazzling that even women felt envious.

Not too skinny, not too strong, everything is appropriate. There was a time when Seolhyun was called by netizens to have the 'most powerful body' in the idol world. Many of her fans were obsessed with her figure, but she only belonged to Zhang Pingan, so netizens The more fun there is, the happier he is as the man behind the scenes.

Although it is impossible to talk about the matter between him and Seolhyun outside, it is quite exciting to be able to have it directly. This is like a unique collection. Everyone is talking about how beautiful and amazing this collection is, and Zhang Pingan, the owner behind the scenes, is also very happy when playing with the collection.

Seolhyun smiled and nodded and said: "Well, after the telecom endorsement you arranged for me with OPPA, many of my ads have the same feel..." Seolhyun's ads are really similar, and advertising companies want to make the most of them. Seolhyun's figure advantage gives them the advantage of attracting customers.

Zhang Ping'an remembers that it was a certain jeans brand and asked Seolhyun to imitate the "turning sideways" look from Telecom... And Seolhyun's tight hips were wrapped in super-fitting jeans, that's beautiful! ! So in that store, the jeans that Seolhyun endorsed and wore were selling particularly well.

The teammates sitting next to him listened to Seolhyun's words and could only show infinite envy. Yes, after Zhang Pingan recommended this advertisement to Seolhyun, she became one of the artists with the most endorsements in the past two years. How much money has Seolhyun earned in less than two years with this advertisement? , they all have a balance in their hearts.

You must know that AOA also owns personal itineraries, so what else can you do except envy? Seolhyun is now eating the group's profits, and she also has super rich personal profits, which will more or less create a feeling of imbalance in their hearts.

Zhang Ping'an said to Xuexuan: "As long as you can get the advertising invitation, as for the manufacturers' requirements, let them do it."

Yes, as long as you pay, you can pose in whatever pose the manufacturer wants. After all, Seolhyun is an idol, so posing can be considered a professional.

"Well, that's what I think too." Just then, the phone in Seolhyun's pocket made the unique sound of a 'kakao' letter. Zhang Pingan did not go to see the news about Seolhyun, but turned to look at Cao'e. In Zhang Pingan's memory, it seemed that Cao'e would quit the group as soon as the album is released early next year.

So Zhang Pingan said to Cao'e: "I have watched a lot of your programs recently and I find them very interesting. Especially when you said in the program that you used to be the sales champion of insurance? Is this true?"

Regarding her former job as an insurance agent, she said this herself on the show. And when she was working in insurance, her monthly salary started at 5 million won, because she could win the sales championship almost every month. At that time, the host also said that starting from 5 million yuan was at the ministerial level in some large companies.

Cao'e smiled at Zhang Ping'an and responded: "Well, insurance people have to be thick-skinned."

"The same goes for being an artist." Zhang Pingan smiled and said to Cao'e: "Because as an artist, no matter how good you are, people will scold you. There is only one Liu Jae Suk in Korea, and there can only be one. So idols... No matter what achievements you achieve, there are still people who can't stand it, and what an artist has to do is not to impress them and make them like him, but to ignore them completely, because he read the message. It’s you who suffers!”

Of course, Zhang Pingan knew very well that Cao'e could not change her heart just because of her words. She was particularly concerned about how some people viewed her on the Internet, which caused them to worry about gains and losses. When they saw those spam messages, they even thought about whether those messages would affect the fans who already liked them? After all, there are a group of infinite black people on the Internet, black people with no brains, just for the sake of being black, even for no reason.


While Zhang Ping'an and Cao'e beside him were chatting about some topics about a strong heart, Seolhyun, who was watching the 'kakao' message on her cell phone, frowned tightly. The person who came here with the information is that Seolhyun and I were filming together when we appeared on a show some time ago. During the filming, the two had a good chat, so Seolhyun exchanged contact information with him.

Because he showed his strong music production ability in the program "Show.Me" last year, he has also become a celebrity with the popular element of hiphop. And Seolhyun just wanted to make friends after exchanging her number with him. After all, it's not bad to know such a popular person.

What if there might be some musical collaboration in the future? Such as inviting songs and so on. After all, he is a very powerful music producer. Seolhyun really just wants to make friends, but as the number of times recently has increased, the care, thoughtfulness, etc. are all shown in the messages. These are all expressions of goodwill...

There has never been a clear statement that he wanted to be with her, but who knew that today, when Zhang Pingan was sitting next to her, he sent a confession message. This shocked Seolhyun who read the message. The message read: "Seolhyun, after recent contact, I feel that I like you very much, so please give me a chance and let's date." ’

After Seolhyun saw the news, her heart tightened, and she immediately deleted all chat messages with him. Her actions were seen by Shen Huijing, who was sitting next to her. Shen Huijing said half-jokingly: "What? Is it some shameful news? Why did you delete all the chat records?"

Yes, Shen Huijing said this in a half-joking way, but the remaining half was her intention to tell Zhang Ping'an. Zhang Pingan treats Xuexuan well, which is envied by all of them... If Xuexuan loses Zhang Pingan's love, will there be another Xuexuan in their team next time?

However, after Seolhyun heard what Shin Hye Jung said, she immediately looked a little flustered and said, "How can I have any shameful news? Don't talk nonsense."

After all, Zhang Pingan was sitting next to him, and Zhang Pingan wanted a private room, so everyone's conversation could be heard quite clearly. Shen Huijing said these words without any worries, and it was obvious that Zhang Pingan heard them. In addition, Shen Huijing was not spreading rumors. What she said was true. She indeed deleted some messages that Zhang Pingan could not see... It felt like she had been caught.

When the news came in, Zhang Pingan didn't pay too much attention to it. Who doesn't have two or three friends outside the team? So Zhang Pingan also wanted to leave enough personal space for Seol Hyun, because he has never been the kind of person who is so overbearing that he has to report to her even when making friends.

But as Shen Huijing's words rang out, Zhang Pingan's performance caught everyone's attention. He frowned slightly, and then quickly hid his displeasure, but said with a very hypocritical smile: "It's normal, everyone has some secrets that they don't want others to know, right? Shen Huijing, don't you think so? Are there no secrets?"

Shen Huijing immediately shook her head and said: "What secret can I have? I also want to create my own secret, but there is no chance!"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "There is no need to deliberately create secrets, because they always exist in the heart. For example, if someone really hates so-and-so, and I am really dissatisfied with so-and-so, but I can't say these words in person, and then pretend Flattery, even flattering, these are all secrets. Just like me, I also have a lot of secrets. For example, people on the Internet are always asking about my family background, and some netizens even analyze that Taeyeon and I are in love at one moment, and then another. "Lee Ji-eun and I are in love, isn't it rumored that I am in love with Japan's top actress Yui Aragaki? And these things that cannot be said are all secrets."

Under Zhang Pingan's "secret" argument, Jimin followed Zhang Pingan's words and said in a confused manner: "Then who are you in love with?"

Zhang Ping'an looked at Shin Jimin who was curiously wide-eyed next to him and said: "Me, I am in love with someone you all know. This 'knowing' means that you all know the name of that person, not necessarily you." A very familiar person. I know you are wondering if Seolhyun and I are in love?"

When Zhang Pingan said the name 'Seolhyun', maknae Kim Chanmi said: "This is impossible. Seolhyun lives with me and Hyejeong. She stays in the dormitory after work every day and takes breaks." Being in the dormitory, I know this very well.”

Because they all know that Seolhyun is a bit clingy. Whether she is after get off work or taking a break, Kim Seolhyun will spend time with the two people in the same dormitory. Even when she comes back from get off work, she will go to their room to get tired of it. I won't go out to take a shower until a while later. Therefore, Kim Chan-mi, who lives in the same dormitory as Seol-hyun, has never seen Seol-hyun go out on a date, because Seol-hyun has never gone out alone in private time...

If you don't go out, how can you talk about falling in love?

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