My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 874 Hawaii (Part 3)

After approaching the hotel, Zhang Pingan and Sika sat on the beach. Zhang Pingan took off his sun protection clothes and spread them on the beach. Because Sika was wearing shorts, it would be easy for the sand to penetrate them if they were not careful. He had to put it in his pants... so Zhang Pingan sat down with his coat spread out. After dinner, there were still many couples sitting on the beach talking sweetly.

When Zhang Pingan talked about the first time he met Xiao Jingjing, two years passed in the blink of an eye. Sometimes when you look back at 'time', you will find that it is passing by so fast without even realizing it, because sometimes you will find that you haven't done anything yet. How come a year has passed?

It may also be because there are endless things to do when you get up every day. Just like Sika, it's either the brand's work or the team's work. Things are arranged very compactly day after day, so you don’t feel the passage of time even when you are busy.

Zhang Ping'an still remembers that Taeyeon recalled that they were so busy after Girls' Generation in '2010' that when you opened your eyes, you were about to go on stage and start performing. After getting off the stage, you returned to the car and started to sleep again. And it was a repetitive life like this every day for three or four consecutive years! Gradually, they all felt like they had forgotten time. When the host asked, how old are you this year, they girls still had to think about it before they could answer.

At this time, Zhang Ping'an said, "We've known each other for two years." Sika nodded along with his words and said, "Yes, two years have passed without knowing it. These two years have really gone by too fast. So. Looking back now, during the time when we were in an open relationship, we really spent too little time together.”

Zhang Pingan smiled and put his arm around Sika's waist, while Sika leaned on Zhang Pingan's shoulder. At this time, Zhang Pingan said softly: "There is nothing you can do about it. In the first two years, your brand has just started, and many things need to be handled by you as a representative. What about contacting factories and finding material supplies? Shang, you have to discuss these in person.”

Sika responded: "Looking back now, it was really stupid to do everything by myself."

When the brand had Zhang Ping'an's capital injection and the company's framework began to be slowly established, Sika really did everything himself. Processing plants and material suppliers were all found by her personally. After all, in the early days of the brand, Sika was really concerned about his side business. Because she had just started designing at that time, she hoped that the clothes she made would be made of good materials and in a good processing factory.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and responded: "How can this be called stupid? Isn't this how companies all start? Bosses have a hard time waiting for the brand to develop, and after everything is sorted out, in fact, looking back Then I realized that things that were originally very simple were complicated by myself. Well, to describe it in one sentence: You were just starting out in the industry.”

Now Sika's brand has different fabric suppliers, and the materials and colors sent there have fixed numbers. After they finished the design, they told the other party what the model number was, and asked Bian to send some fabrics. Then the designers of their company began to order the boards. After the prototypes were completed, they could be sent to the factory for OEM. In the past, Sika had just entered the industry and didn't know much about it. It was also the first time she was talking about cooperation, so she did many things herself.

Sika smiled and said: "Hahaha, yes, I was just a newbie in the industry at the beginning, and I couldn't even recognize the fabrics. Now, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge. You know wool, how to distinguish it How many kinds?"

Zhang Pingan knows,

Wool is graded, and this is just a preliminary division. Wool is not only divided into grades, but also into countries. The softness of wool in different countries is also different. It’s like ‘cowhide’ or calfskin from the Alps, and then some calfskin...

Zhang Pingan couldn't understand it anyway. He immediately shook his head and said, "How do I know this? I'm not a clothes maker."

"Hehe. I heard you say before that things should be left to people who know how to do it. Now I feel very much. Yes, it is most correct to leave professional things to professionals."

"That's for sure. Don't others who study that major know better than you, a layman? We only need to understand a basic foundation. I remember who told me, do you know what kind of people are best deceived from?"

Sika shook his head, and Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Layers talk about the things in the industry and make nonsense. Those lay investors who don't understand are confused when they hear it. They feel that they are so high-minded, and then The money is coming! Just like the Tesla boss said, I specialize in building private rockets and satellites. When foreigners heard about it, they were so excited that they started investing in Tesla. When Boss Silla got really rich, he hired a group of scientists to research and launch private satellites. Now that he has stopped building rockets, he switched to electric vehicles. You can build cars, you can even build rockets, why can’t you build electric cars? So everyone is investing money in Tesla, and now electric cars are coming out! This guy is awesome, he just has a mouth. There are rockets, electric cars, and money.”

When listening to Zhang Pingan's interpretation of 'Tesla', Sika laughed so hard that he was out of breath: "Hahaha~~ You are so funny. This is the first time I have heard of Tesla being interpreted like this."

Sika burst into laughter, but Zhang Ping'an said seriously: "What I said is the truth. When Tesla's boss talked about building rockets, he really used his mouth to attract investment. Later, the same was true for electric cars, because the rockets were successful. , so everyone believes that he can do it. Seriously, if I can get tens of billions of dollars, I can also build electric cars.”

Sika rolled her eyes and said, "I can do it with tens of billions of dollars!"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Yes, that's the truth. Leave professional things to professionals, and those who cheat money should just be responsible for cheating money outside. Especially in the recent period, Bitcoin has risen sharply. Various online currencies have emerged. Those who have not caught up with Bitcoin should now pay attention to other online currencies. I think one day, they will all become "coin throwers" who do not understand investment and are just playing around. ? It’s okay, there are many high-rise buildings now, we will see how many people jump from them.”

Listening to what Zhang Ping'an said was so scary that he even jumped off the building, Sika said: "Well... no, Bitcoin continues to rise rapidly, and the recent news keeps broadcasting."

"People, if you are very greedy, something will happen. One Bitcoin costs ten thousand US dollars. If it were placed in front of you, would you like ten thousand US dollars or one Bitcoin?"

Sika said without hesitation: "Me? Of course I want a dollar knife. I don't even know what to do with Bitcoin."

"Its biggest role is for investment. If you ask me, it is a stock that trades 24 hours a day. Although many countries have recognized the existence of 'it', it is because financial investors have joined this feast. . And the people who died this time were people who didn’t know what Bitcoin was for. They usually only heard people around them saying that Bitcoin was so profitable. People who understand are not particularly greedy. Only those who don’t understand. You will foolishly dream of becoming a billionaire with Bitcoin! But you don’t know that real billionaires are waiting for you people to take advantage of you.”

When Sika heard Zhang Pingan's words, she said in horror: "Has your family invested?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "It is understood that my family's investment company is involved. And I also invested a little, not much. You don't want to invest. You just do business honestly. Those who get rich have nothing to do with you. !”

Sika responded: "Absolutely! It's pretty good if I make my own clothes."

After chatting about something else, Sika continued, "Oppa, in the past two years, do you think I am not a very competent girlfriend?"

Zhang Ping'an didn't know why Sika suddenly brought up this issue. He could only answer lightly: "I think love is about being more understanding and tolerant. Others are so incompetent. Incompetent statement. I think love is a very simple thing. If I want to be with you, then we will be together. If we really feel that being together is meaningless, then there is no need to force each other to be together, right? "

Sika got up from Zhang Pingan's shoulder at this time. She turned her head and looked at Zhang Pingan's profile and said, "What about you? Do you think we are still together under compulsion?"

"Of course not. Okay, it's almost time to go back and rest. Tomorrow, we will go to other places to play." Zhang Ping'an really didn't dare to continue chatting with Sika in depth, because if this happened between him and her, If the story continues, quarrels are inevitable. If not done well, this trip will be like a farewell.

And Sika also felt Zhang Pingan's reluctance to talk. As Zhang Pingan said, he only chose to separate when he really felt there was no need to be together. But Sika doesn't think it's meaningless for the two of them to be together. At least, Zhang Pingan refused Taeyeon's trip to the United States this time, but came out with her. Then Sika felt that the relationship between the two had not come to an end, at least...she felt that she could not tell Zhang Pingan that A word of separation.

Because she owes him so much!

After Zhang Ping'an and Zhang Pingan stood up from the beach, he reached out and patted Sika's butt, even though she didn't touch any sand.

Zhang Pingan took Sika's hand and said, "Let's go. Tomorrow is the real start of the journey. Today is adjustment."

"Are you planning to go jet skiing with Little Crystal tomorrow? And then you want to leave me in the hotel?"

"No way? I must be taking you with me!!"

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