My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 880: Late night snacks are still delicious from China

The trend of spicy crayfish has continued to rise since 2016, and crayfish has surpassed night street barbecue to become the No. 1 late-night snack in China, which shows how much people love it. Although crayfish does not have much meat, its flavor is extremely rich, and it is precisely because of its strong taste that it is a good partner for beer!

Shanghai, Crayfish Street is quite lively at night. Standing on the street, you can hear the sounds of people banging and drinking. With street food, it is normal to be noisy. Because this is the real taste of life. As for those sitting elegantly on the Huangpu River, eating Western food and holding glasses of red wine, Zhang Pingan feels that it is really not as good as a place with such a strong smell of fireworks.

Zhang Ping'an walked along the street looking at the shop signs. At the door of every crayfish shop there was a receptionist greeting customers, "Sir, how many of you, why don't you eat here? Our taste is definitely the best~~" he said while giving a thumbs up.

After returning from Tokyo, Zhang Pingan was dressed very casually. His top was a white casual shirt with the cuffs rolled up twice. His bottom was a pair of nine-point casual pants, a pair of canvas shoes, and a leather backpack on his back. These outfits were chosen and arranged by Sika for him. It seems to be an extremely casual dress, but the price is extremely expensive. However, the LOGO printed on the clothes is very small. Shirts and other clothing are not as exaggerated as printed T-shirts. You must know that the logo printed on the T-shirt seems to be afraid that others will not know it. You wear it like a luxury item.

Zhang Ping'an, who was dressed in casual clothes, was in a good mood while walking in the bustling night market. He chose a business that seemed to be the hottest. Because many people who love eating crayfish are ‘crayfish gourmets’, everyone on this street has probably been eaten once, so whichever shop has the hottest business will definitely have the best taste.

The waiter at the door of the store looked at Zhang Ping'an who was approaching. He immediately stepped forward and greeted: "Brother, how many are there?"

Zhang Ping'an pressed the brim of his hat, stretched out his finger and made a sign of 'one': "One person, is it convenient?" Because eating alone requires occupying another person's table, at this most popular prime night snack spot, the boss Maybe I feel a little dissatisfied.

Hearing that Zhang Ping'an was alone, the waiter said: "One person? Sir, do you want to pack?"

Zhang Ping'an looked towards the hall and found that there were indeed some large tables left inside. Due to the recent implementation of environmental protection policies in Shanghai, late-night snacks in the past two years are no longer allowed to occupy the street sidewalks, and all diners must dine inside.

Zhang Ping'an said: "Can't we dine in? Forget it, I'll find another restaurant."

The waiter said, "Why not? I'll set up a small table for you right away." Then the waiter led Zhang Ping'an toward the store. He found a corner and said, "Sir, I'll arrange it for you." What do you think of it here?”

Zhang Ping'an looked at the four-person table and said, "Should I sit there? It's too..."

Because there are no people waiting in line at this time. If Zhang Pingan is refused a meal at this time, how long will it take for someone to come? Zhang Ping'an saw that their business was the best, and he felt that their food was the best. In fact, the businesses on this street are all similar, it just depends on whose luck is better. It's possible that the people who come to their home today are repeat customers who have eaten at their home before. The popularity is rising at the moment, which attracts people who come here for the first time to flock to their home.

Especially when having late night snacks, it seems that everyone likes to go to places where people gather.

Everyone subconsciously thinks that whichever restaurant has the most people will definitely have the best food. In fact, lobsters are all very similar in that they all taste very heavy. As long as you add more seasonings, make it more spicy and fragrant, and add two more spoons of MSG, it will be delicious.

Zhang Pingan asked to sit at a table for four. The waiter nodded and said, "Okay! Just sit there. What do you want?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "One spicy, one garlic, one eel slice with pickled pepper, um, let's have some edamame to go with the wine, and a bottle of ice-cold beer. I'll order after I drink it, so as not to freeze in a while."

Zhang Ping'an ordered enough for two or three people by himself, so the waiter had no complaints about him sitting at a table for four. He smiled and said, "Okay, brother, sit down first and I'll get you some edamame and beer!"

After Zhang Pingan sat down, he began to look around at the diners dining in the store. The store was pretty good, with about ten tables. There are mostly male and female diners, and there are only two tables for all men, plus three tables for Zhang Ping'an.

Spicy crayfish, women seem to like it more? There are a lot of salarymen on this street who come to have dinner after work. Zhang Pingan has seen a lot of them anyway. When Zhang Pingan was looking around at the diners, there were also some diners who were curiously looking at this person who came alone. Crayfish eaters. At this time, the cuffs of Zhang Pingan's shirt were rolled up twice, so the 'Patek Philippe' on his hand was particularly conspicuous.

The two men and two women at the table next to him stared at Zhang Pingan's wrist: "This watch seems to be from Patek Philippe, right?"

One of the men said: "You don't have to look to see that it's fake. Would someone wearing a Patek Philippe come here to eat crayfish? They must be eating lobster in a five-star hotel. What kind of crayfish are you eating?"

One of the women asked curiously: "Is this watch expensive?"

The man who insisted that it was a 'fake watch' said: "If this watch is real, then based on the shape, we know that it starts at one million, and it is too far away from us, and I can't see the specific model. And Patek Philippe This brand is too far away from me on weekdays. I really don’t dare to pay attention to it, and I don’t know how many Rolex models it has!”

Another man said: "For those of us who like watches in China, I know Zhang Ping'an. The cheapest one he wears costs 300,000 yuan. On weekdays, it costs 5 million or 10 million. This is a suite on your hand.”

One of the women said: "Did you see that this man is wearing a pair of shoes that cost several thousand yuan? They are white shoes."

The man who said the watch was a fake felt a little bit sour, and he said disdainfully: "Now this 'little bee' is worn by celebrities, it's just like the coconut shoes, and there are so many of them on Taobao now. Can you tell the truth from the lies at such a distance?"

Zhang Pingan is dressed quite neatly, and the white casual shirt is very clean, so it gives people an indescribable sense of refreshing. Even though he was sitting far away now, in the eyes of the two women, he didn't feel like someone wearing fake clothes. This was an indescribable overall feeling.

Because in the eyes of their women, after Zhang Pingan sat down and briefly glanced around, he sat there pouring wine, eating edamame and waiting for the crayfish to be served. Anyway, Zhang Pingan gave them the impression that An indescribable sense of leisure makes people feel very relaxed.


Zhang Ping'an didn't know that some diners were talking about him. He was peeling edamame beans, drinking wine, and playing with his mobile phone. He opened his WeChat, then took a photo of edamame and beer and distributed it to his circle of friends. "Crayfish is the most authentic late-night snack! The grilled chicken skewers in Tokyo at night and the fried chicken in Seoul are not as good as crayfish." lobster!"

After sending it to Zhang Pingan's circle of friends, someone quickly liked it and left a message: "Where's the crayfish? Why do I only see beer and edamame?"

Fat Di also left a message on Zhang Pingan's WeChat: "You have gone too far. You are poisoning late at night. Don't you know that this is the most difficult time for us women?" Zhang Pingan smiled and replied after reading Fat Di's message: " It’s okay, just tell me your hotel and I’ll order takeout for you. Spicy crayfish and beer are the right way to start the night!”

The principal looked at WeChat for some reason at this moment. He did not leave a message, but directly sent a WeChat message: "Are you in Shanghai? Are you coming to sing?"

Zhang Pingan replied: "I just sat down. Even if I sing, I have to wait until I finish eating. Where are you? Who are you?"

Xiaoxiao also left a message: "I'm drooling after watching it. I'm going to eat lobster with the little fat guy after a while."

miss: "Don't talk about food at night, Brother An, we women have a hard time losing weight."

Zhang Pingan sent a message to the principal, and he quickly replied: "King of karaoke, let's have some fun with some kids in the live broadcast circle."

Zhang Pingan replied: "Forget it, you can play slowly here and have a meal together tomorrow." "Okay, then the day after tomorrow, I have something to do tomorrow."

After replying to the principal's message, Zhang Pingan looked at Fatty and left another message: "I'm in Shanghai. I'm currently filming "Beautiful Li Huizhen", my first female lead!"

Zhang Pingan directly used WeChat to send her: "Oh, since we are filming, I won't ask you to add extra meals. You can send the filming location tomorrow morning and I will come to visit."

Pang Di said: "OK. By the way, "Three Lives Three Worlds" will start filming next month? I will be involved in the costume drama immediately after it ends next month. I am exhausted. I haven't even had a day since the beginning of this year. Rest."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and replied: "Stop complaining. Others have never had the chance to be as busy as you. Which hotel are you staying in?"

"Jun Yue, are you coming over tonight? My visit may end in the early morning."

Zhang Pingan replied: "Forget it, I will delay your rest again by coming here. (Shy)"

Fatty smiled and replied with a (beating) picture, and the chat between the two temporarily ended here. Because one portion of crayfish was already served in front of Zhang Pingan, he picked up his phone, stood up, and took another photo. People in the circle of friends said before that they didn't see the 'crayfish', so he would make up for it now, especially during this late-night snack time, Zhang Pingan started to poison...

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