My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 920 Pani’s plan (Part 2)

Pani's sister felt that Huang Meiying was particularly strange today. Although Pani would give some gifts to her sister from time to time in the past, after all, Pani's job is definitely much more lucrative than the average working woman's sister. Yes, so it is normal for Pani to give some clothes to her sister in daily life. However, the clothes I gave away before were not luxury brands.

Today, what Pani gave to her sister were all luxury goods. You must know that clothing...if it is a 'formal dress', it can be worn for several more seasons. But today, all the clothes Pani gave her were fashionable clothes. They will all be outdated by this time next year.

It’s not that you can no longer wear outdated fashions, but that these clothes are too expensive because next year other colors and styles will become popular. This expensive piece of clothing feels too uneconomical to keep in the closet, but if word spreads that it feels outdated, it would be a pity to leave it alone. After all, women are very sensitive to ‘fashion’. Everyone wants to keep up with the trend. Of course, trend does not mean it must be an expensive brand!

However, the two sets of autumn clothes that Pani bought for her sister today were all luxury goods. She would have understood if it was just one or two pieces, but today they were all, so Pani's sister felt that something was very wrong with her. Although Pani has one or two billion won (one or two million U.S. dollars) in one year as a girl, it seems to be a lot of money. But you can’t afford to spend every luxury item like this, right?

Of course, because Pani's income is pretty good, Pani's sister doesn't think she will accept being 'supported' by others. After all, her income allows her to live a more comfortable life, and there is no problem at all. Well, so does Xiaoshe. no problem.

Pani looked at the gaze cast by her sister and said with a smile: "Zhang Pingan took me to make some investments recently and the results are pretty good. As I told you, Zhang Pingan's family is 'PA Investment'."

Pani's sister nodded and said: "Of course I know about P.A Investment. There is also a branch of their company on Wall Street. They are a very powerful group of Chinese investors. However, their company is involved in large-scale investment projects. You have so little money. How can you get in? Zhang Ping'an brought you?"

Pani nodded and said: "It can be regarded as special care for us. Anyway, he participated in some investments with my and Taeyeon's funds. So far, the income is pretty good."

Listening to Pani's words, her sister also said the same thing as Zhang Pingan: "Investment is not 100% profitable. You may make money today, but maybe you will lose money tomorrow?"

"You know, I don't plan to indulge in investing. Besides, I can't invest with this little money, right? I'm quite satisfied with the status quo." Pani did not tell her sister that Zhang Pingan had made enough money for them to live happily for a lifetime. funds. One hundred million U.S. dollars. As long as she doesn't go to Las Vegas to participate in high-end gambling, it doesn't matter if she lives a little extravagantly.

Pani's sister nodded and said: "Well, Zhang Pingan can help you make money because his family is engaged in investment. Their investment circle is much better informed than those outside our circle. So he can make money. , does not mean that we can also make money. You, don’t think about investing yourself just because he made money with you this time.”

Pani responded: "I'm not that stupid. From the beginning, Zhang Ping'an gave me and Taeyeon a very clear explanation. So this time he helped us make money, just to earn some pocket money. Overall It’s okay, with hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra income.”

"As long as you know, I'm just worried that you'll be addicted to investing. I've worked in New York for so many years,

There are too many people jumping off buildings after seeing bankruptcy. "

Pani smiled: "Don't worry. Even if I don't become an idol anymore, it would be pretty good to use my 'Girls' Generation' name to open a cafe in Korea."

This is true, even if Girls’ Generation went their separate ways after the tenth anniversary. In the hearts of fans, she is still Pani as a girl. If she really opens her own cafe, there will still be a lot of fans willing to spend money there.


The two sisters had dinner together. Pani did not follow her sister to the house she rented to rest. Instead, the two sisters came to the hotel together. The two sisters soaked comfortably in the bathtub, and at the same time prepared champagne to enjoy the New York night.

Pani took a sip of champagne and said, "It's been a long time since we two sisters enjoyed a night together."

Pani's sister smiled and reached out to touch the back of Pani's head, just like she did when she was a child. She smiled and said, "Since you went to Korea, we rarely take baths together like we did when we were children." After Ni's mother left, as an older sister, she took on the responsibilities of a mother, including taking care of Pani.

Pani nodded, picked up the wine glass and clinked it with her sister. When the glass made a clinking sound, Pani and her sister both laughed. Only the two sisters can understand the smile at this time, right? Pani tasted the champagne again: "I plan to go to China in two days."

Pani's sister said with a smile: "China is the hottest place in the world now. Hey... I also want to go to China if I have the chance." Then Pani's sister said: "What kind of person is Zhang Pingan? Today we Let’s have a good chat, shall we?”

Pani responded to his sister with a smile: "In my eyes, he is a very ordinary person. What I mean is that his lifestyle is very ordinary, but his ability at work is very good. After all, he has created many outstanding achievements." program and was successful in Korea.”

After all, he is the person that his sister likes, so as a sister, of course she has to inquire about Zhang Pingan's character: "How does he treat people? Doesn't he have any bad habits?"

"He is very gentle to people, and he rarely swears. Even in private, you can hardly hear him say swearing. His personality is like a calm lake, and nothing seems to be too big in front of him. Waves. Sometimes when news about him appears, we all feel that the media has bad intentions. According to ordinary people's ethics, we would scold the media behind his back, right? But he rarely does this. I remember it happened. Once when the news was ugly, he was very angry. He just showed a frown and I was helping him scold the media, but he smiled and said, "Save your energy, scold here, the media will listen." No. Solving the problem is the key.'"

Pani's sister said with a smile: "Many successful people are very good at cultivating Qi. I didn't expect that young people like Zhang Pingan would have such good cultivation? People from top families are different."

When listening to his sister's praise of Zhang Ping'an, Pani immediately laughed: "Well-behaved? Hahaha, I don't think so. Although he doesn't directly curse, but he says some hurtful words, it's really annoying. of!"

Pani's sister smiled and said: "You have to vent your dissatisfaction in your own way, right? Although words are very damaging, they are much better than those who are grumpy. The advanced version after the grumpy people's words become dirty" said Maybe he threw something or even hit someone.”

Pani smiled and said: "Do something? That's not possible. I have known him for more than two years, and I have never seen him get angry once. Usually he just bickers and makes you mad to death. That kind of thing, but in the end he would give in, so we all felt very comfortable having personal contact with him.”

When Sister Pani heard her talking about Zhang Pingan, she smiled tenderly, because she felt her sister's love for Zhang Pingan. She turned around and said, "Then what does he mean now? You have been together for so long, as long as you Not even 'Mu' understands the meaning. What does he think?"

Pani responded: "I don't know, I haven't talked thoroughly. Now we get along very easily. Of course, we have definitely not done anything 'exceeding' now."

Pani's sister said: "It means that there is care and love between you? But nothing happened between you? Is this what you mean?"

Pani nodded and said, "Well, we care about each other, but we didn't do anything beyond the scope of friendship."

Listening to her sister's description, Sister Pani said: "Such a man is a bit difficult to deal with. Is it really what the news said that he married a Japanese female star?"

Pani smiled and said to her sister: "I can 100% guarantee that it is a scandal and the marriage definitely did not happen. Because I have been to his house and met her parents."

"Ouch, I don't understand. Could it be that he just wants to be friends with you? That shouldn't be the case. Didn't you say you have feelings for each other?"

"I don't know. Maybe I need to have a thorough chat with him one day?"


Night in New York, morning in Asia. After Zhang Pingan led his team to shoot two episodes of the program, he edited it into a finished film, and then added some subtitles to the variety show based on the style of Luo Yingshi's program team. On this day, after Zhang Pingan and the TV network channel watched the finished film together, everyone felt that Zhang Pingan's editing was very interesting.

The people on the program team were quite satisfied with the first two episodes. After coming out of the viewing room, the director said: "Director Zhang, there will be nearly a week of rest time. How will you arrange it here?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "I have to go to Tokyo in the afternoon. The TV series I invested in has been launched there for nearly a month. As an investor, I have not even gone to watch it."

The director smiled and said: "Is it the TV series in which Yui Aragaki is the heroine? I remember that not long ago, there was news about you and Yui Aragaki."

"Maybe there were some misunderstandings in the publicity. Anyway, the media likes to make things up. It would be great if I could marry a top Japanese actress."

"There are so many Chinese actresses, why don't you consider Chinese ones?"

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