My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 927 The hot discussion after the broadcast of

Two days later, Zhang Pingan finished the shooting of the third episode and returned to Yanjing. He and Tiffany rested in the hotel for a night the next day. In the morning, Zhang Pingan went to the editing department again. After watching them edit the "homework" for several hours, he and Tiffany took the flight departing in the afternoon to Shanghai. For this cooperative program, the rest of the shooting was handed over to the scene.

He accompanied the program crew to shoot three episodes. Zhang Pingan taught the Korean shooting mode to the TV crew. For the rest of the shooting, they just had to copy Zhang Pingan's mode. Of course, facing different guests, different tasks were required, and Zhang Pingan told the program crew about his ideas. They also specially prepared a "creative group" for this matter, which was actually the "program writer" in Korea.

The TV station learned well, so Zhang Pingan could leave Yanjing with confidence.

In Shanghai, the weather at the end of September entered the autumn rainy season. It was showery on the day of landing in Shanghai. From the temperature of "37" in Yanjing, it was found that the temperature here became comfortable when landing in Shanghai.

The temperature in Shanghai is 28 degrees. After more than two hours of flight, they immediately felt the temperature difference of nearly ten degrees when they landed.

The fastest way for the two to go home was the maglev train. After getting off the maglev, Pani looked at Zhang Pingan beside her with a smile on her face: "The temperature in Shanghai is so comfortable. If I had known that the temperature here is so comfortable, I should have come here earlier."

Zhang Pingan sneered and said, "Hehe~ Today, the south begins to enter the autumn rainy season. When I looked at the weather forecast yesterday, it still showed 35 degrees. Is there an umbrella in the box?" At this time, the two were standing at the exit of the maglev. Because the rainfall outside was moderate, Zhang Pingan asked Pani.

Faced with the inquiry, Pani said to Zhang Pingan: "Don't take it. I put the umbrella in the laundry. I didn't wash the underwear I changed yesterday and put it on the top." Open the box in the street and let everyone around see the underwear? This is definitely impossible. So this rain can only be wet.

Zhang Pingan said helplessly: "Okay, I'll call Didi." Zhang Pingan took out his mobile phone and called a car, and then the two did not go out of the station door to wait for the arrival of the car.

Pani looked at the foggy sky outside. The amount of rain made everyone on the street hold an umbrella. Then Pani suddenly said, "It's almost October. By the way, should we go out to play?" Zhang Pingan immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I don't plan to go far away for at least the next ten days. Not to mention that it will rain every day in Shanghai, and the National Day of China starting in October... The flow of people is no worse than the Spring Festival you see, unless you want to go out to see people!" Hearing that Zhang Pingan had no plans to go out to play, Pani said a little depressed, "It means we will stay at home next time? I still I want to go out for a walk." Zhang Pingan said, "We can go shopping. As long as we don't go to crowded places, such as the Bund. Last Spring Festival, when we went to Yu Garden, did you see the scary crowd? The crowd during the National Day is exactly the same as that time, with so many people!" "Hey, I thought I could go around for a few days." After coming to China from Los Angeles, Pani waited for Zhang Pingan for a week, and waited for him to hand over his work. When she was thinking about enjoying the first trip that belonged to her and him, she didn't expect that the next one was China's National Day. For a seven-day holiday, don't think about visiting famous attractions in China. Even the neighboring countries are not allowed to visit any famous attractions because of China's Golden Week. Listening to Pani's regret, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "It's definitely not possible for you to want me to take you to play in China. However, it's not bad to go to Korea during the National Day holiday." Because the relationship between the two sides has been very tense recently, the travel agency in China has stopped the travel groups to Korea. Some tourists may still go to Seoul during the National Day holiday, but without a large number of group tourists, Myeongdong basically does not see the lively Chinese tourists during the National Day holiday. At this time, Tokyo and Bangkok must be crowded, but South Korea has become a "travel cold spot" during the upcoming holiday.

Hearing about going to South Korea, Panny rolled her eyes: "Forget it, I won't go anywhere during the National Day. Let's talk about it after the National Day. Aren't you busy shooting during this period and haven't had much rest? Then rest at home."


After landing in Shanghai that day, Zhang Pingan and Panny had a hairy crab feast in Shanghai, and then Shanghai officially entered the rainy season. It has been raining heavily since the end of September, and it was still raining in Shanghai until the beginning of the National Day. Rain can't stop the Chinese people's enthusiasm for travel. Zhang Pingan and Panny looked at the Bund on the other side of the bank with a telescope on the balcony of their home on the National Day. Each umbrella is like a flower blooming in the rain, which is unique. The only pity is that the tourists who arrived in Shanghai in the rain were not so happy.

On the first day of the National Day, the two stayed at home and ordered takeout to spend the National Day. Because the rain was really heavy, Tiffany didn't even feel like going out for shopping. On the second day of the National Day, Shanghai was still in the rain and fog, but the rain was much lighter than on the National Day. The misty Jiangnan has a different style. Zhang Pingan and Tiffany went out for a walk on the second day of the National Day, because the breath of autumn stood out after the rainy season.

The National Day holiday was spent in the boring rainy season. There was no way it would rain every day during the National Day holiday. Even if it didn't rain in the morning, it would rain in the afternoon. So the two could only stay at home. The lively atmosphere of the National Day was over, and the rhythm of work returned again.

During the first week of work after the National Day holiday, the Chinese began to live an orderly life, and on this day, "Escape" was released in Japan. The strong appeal of Yui Aragaki made the ratings of the show break ten in the first week of its release.

Although the TV series used the clichéd "contract marriage", it was a very peculiar contract, employment. This drama directly faced the cruelest side of contemporary Japanese women in the workplace. In the play, Yui Aragaki played the leading female role. As a graduate student with a high degree of education, she still couldn't get a formal job. This topic resonated with a lot of women.

Moreover, the TV series even used a funny way to imitate the style of "Passionate Continent". Of course, this was communicated with the crew and the program team in advance and was allowed.

Realistic, funny, and novel themes, the first day of broadcast, word of mouth exploded. And there is also the super cute 'Gakki dance', which instantly became a hot search in Japan as the TV series was broadcast. Yui Aragaki danced, which is so rare.

The first week of this drama became a TV series with a lot of online topics. Yui in the TV series and in the dance at the end of the film made countless netizens call her cute.

On this day, Zhang Pingan and Tiffany watched the 'Korean subtitles' of this TV series at home, and Zhang Pingan asked with a smile: "How is it? I invested in this drama."

Tiffany pouted and responded to Zhang Pingan: "I just think the heroine in the drama: Yui Aragaki is super cute!"

Zhang Pingan logged into Yahoo Japan and read some messages from Japanese netizens to Tiffany: "Gakki is Yui's nickname. Gakki's dance is so cute."

"Hey, the problem of women's difficulty in finding a job has finally been revealed in a humorous way by a TV series. We women just want to get a formal contract job, not a temporary job!"

"Women, after graduating from college, just want to get a formal contract job, not a temporary job!" Employment is always a very serious problem! "

"Isn't Yui Aragaki so cute?"

"I am looking forward to the second episode. I want to know how the two get along after the contract marriage."

"Hey, I also want to find a husband who employs me."

"If I am half as cute as Yui, can I also find a husband who employs me? It's really too difficult to find a job."

"If you are not a graduate of a prestigious university, it is really difficult for women to find a job."

"Famous universities do not necessarily lead to ideal workplaces."

Tiffany was sitting next to Zhang Pingan and was a little speechless when listening to what Zhang Pingan read, but she did not say anything to stop Zhang Pingan from reading the praise of the TV series there.

Tiffany is very concerned about Yui Aragaki in the TV series, because those very ordinary clothes still can't cover up Yui Aragaki's beauty. Yui with short hair is really very distinctive when she smiles. In fact, even Tiffany thinks Yui Aragaki is a very beautiful woman in her heart.

Tiffany looked at Zhang Pingan who was holding an iPad and said, "By the way, Yui is not much different in real life from in the TV series, right? Because in the TV series, her makeup is relatively light and looks very natural."

Zhang Pingan turned his head and looked at Tiffany. He didn't know how Tiffany figured it out and asked about Yui Aragaki? But, he didn't care. Anyway, he just didn't reveal anything too "deep", so he responded, "If we just talk about her appearance, it's not much different from her dress in the TV series. No one wears heavy makeup in private, right? You and Taeyeon are also very refreshing in private."

In the show "Taidi Xu", Tiffany showed her completely bare face, and her bare face was also very good, worthy of her spending in the dermatology department. Tiffany, who doesn't wear eyeliner when she doesn't go out on weekdays, actually has a more pure feeling. For example, at home at this time, she is wearing a very loose dress-style pajamas, with her hair tied into a bun, refreshing "bare face".

"Men should like pure and healing girls like Yui Aragaki, right?"

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "No, men only like beautiful women. No matter what type she is, men only care about whether she is pretty or not!"

"Hahaha~~ You are really honest. How about this, you choose a 'TOP10' in the Korean entertainment industry?"

Zhang Pingan turned his head and looked at Tiffany and said: "Choosing? That's a child's game. In the eyes of adults, it's... I want them all!!"

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