My Entertainment Circle

Chapter 972 Red Velvet (Part 1)

Chapter 981 Red Velvet (Part 1)

Zhang Ping'an feels that S.M is really a bit "cutting leeks" this time. Of course, Zhang Ping'an also understands that the management company's financial investment in a regular album will be larger. However, it is just bigger. If the investment is twice as big as the last mini album "WHY", then Ping An will never believe it.

In fact, the main cost of an album, whether it is a regular album or a mini album, is the photography part.

JYP once publicly revealed on a show that the investment for an album is about 500 million won. That works out to about three million Chinese dollars, because a 'MV' involves renting a venue, setting up a stage, renting equipment, hiring a director, costumes, props, makeup, accessories, hiring professionals, etc., etc. They are all quite expensive.

On, an UP owner tried to create a MV with a very small scene and a single scene, which cost 210,000 Huaxia coins.

This shows how expensive it is to produce a 'MV'. If it involves special effects... well, everyone knows that 'special effects' is a bottomless pit. Today's 'MV' involves special effects production to some extent, so Park Jin Young only publicly said during the 'Gayo Festival' when he collaborated with Yoo Jae Suk that the production cost of an album is about 500 million won. This is not an exaggeration!

When the planner said, "Taeyeon's regular album has a huge investment," Zhang Ping'an also admitted that it is the first regular album after all. Their company invests a lot of money in production, which also shows that they put their heart into production.

Zhang Ping'an thinks it's normal for you to produce two versions of a regular album, a regular version and a deluxe version. The deluxe version actually only has two or three more songs, and of course the photo style embedded in the album is increased compared to the regular version.

But what do you mean by four versions of one album? To put it bluntly, it’s just about making money by cutting leeks. Take advantage of fans’ collecting psychology and sell more albums.

So after hearing the four versions, Zhang Ping'an showed no mercy at all and even said directly in front of Taeyeon that their company was 'cutting off the fans'. This approach is really a bit unethical. If I have to put it in the most straightforward terms, it is that I am crazy about money.

When Zhang Ping'an finished complaining, the marketing department also said: "The main reason is that Taeyeon really invested a lot in this regular album, so we think we can make four versions. Two for the regular version and two for the deluxe version. indivual."

Zhang Pingan smiled and gave it up and said: "Okay, it's okay to fool some fans with these words. You told me that the investment is huge, so you need to make a few more versions for distribution? What a joke, forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you, Anyway, this is your company’s business.”

S.M treats fans like leeks,

This kind of thing doesn't happen in a day or two. Besides, isn't the entertainment market like this? All fans are like leeks waiting to be harvested. Otherwise, how can the idol's management company make money by doing this?

Of course Taeyeon understood that Zhang Pingan's words were actually meant for her. After all, the company is cutting off her fans, but the company manages the distribution scale of the album, which is something she cannot interfere with.

Taeyeon could only smile and say to Zhang Pingan: "Why did you remember it today?"

Zhang Ping'an talked about his plans for today: "I'm going to meet a chef at noon, and I have to ask him for some things. How about you, why don't we go over for a meal at noon?"

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Okay, but isn't it still early?"

Zhang Ping'an raised his hand and looked at his watch, then said with a smile: "Okay, I won't disturb your meeting. I'll go for a walk first, and I'll pick you up before lunch?"

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Okay. By the way, Hong Beibei is practicing today. Why don't you go down and take a look?"

When Zhang Ping'an heard that Hong Beibei was also practicing in the company today, he thought about it. It seemed that they would release a song after the New Year, which seemed to be the song "Rookie".

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I'll go down and have a look. I still owe them a variety show. There has been no movement for so long. Let me give them an explanation in person today, right?"

After leaving Taeyeon's conference room, Zhang Ping'an did not rush to Hong Beibei's practice room. Instead, he went to the lobby on the first floor and bought five ice creams. Ice cream is sold all year round, and there are many people eating it, just like in the Ice City in China.

In fact, the winter in the north is completely different from the winter in the south. The temperature in the north is very low in winter, but everyone has heating in their home. If you are indoors in the north, it is really not cold at all. You can wear autumn pajamas to survive the outdoor weather of minus ten to minus ten degrees. Sometimes I still have a fever at home, so it’s normal to eat ice cream.

However, it is different when you are in the south. There is no such thing as indoor heating in southern cities. So when it’s cold in the south, it’s really cold, and the way most families in the south keep out the cold is to wear more clothes and resist!

After Zhang Pingan bought the ice cream, he calmly entered the office building under the envious eyes of a group of fans. Countless fans saw that the security guard standing at the door had no intention of stopping Zhang Pingan. He easily entered through the electric glass door. Then disappeared from everyone's sight.

A fan sitting in the lobby drinking coffee asked, "Why is Zhang Pingan here again today?"

"I don't find it strange at all now that he appeared in S.M. Someone has analyzed that there are three places where you can most easily see Zhang Pingan. The first is Sangam-dong TV station, the second is S.M., and the third is LOEN where Lee Ji-eun belongs."

"Hahaha, that's true. But I also heard that there is only one thing that Zhang Ping'an can do to S.M."

"Taeyeon is going to release an album." When a fan said this, many people present laughed. Every time Zhang Pingan appears in S.M and is seen, S.M will inevitably announce the news of Taeyeon’s solo ‘return’ before long. Many fans jokingly said that Zhang Ping'an was a 'leaker'.

Zhang Ping'an never cared about the fans' jokes on him. He carried the ice cream to Hong Beibei's practice room. When he opened the first soundproof door, 'rookie.rookie' had already reached his ears. By the time he opened it, At the second door, the melody of their album's title song was completely exposed to Zhang Pingan's ears.

While practicing, Hong Beibei saw Zhang Ping'an coming in from the mirror, and her obvious dance movements gradually became sluggish. Because their manager was not in the practice room, Zhang Pingan was not from their company after all. There is still a risk that their dance practice, including the music being played, will be leaked.

Seeing the hesitation of the five of them, Zhang Ping'an raised his hand and gestured to them, 'turn twice', which meant that they were allowed to continue.

After seeing Zhang Pingan's actions, they did not immediately turn off the music, but continued dancing. Zhang Pingan walked to the rest area naturally, sat on the sofa and watched their practice from a distance. It was so cold outside that they did not turn on the heater in the practice room. At this time, they were either wearing long-sleeved T-shirts or short-sleeved T-shirts.

Their practice ended two minutes later, and the maknae went to turn off the looping music. And they also came towards the rest area. The movements of the song "Rookie" changed very quickly, so they were all out of breath after practicing. The sweat on Seulgi's forehead made some of her hair stick to her forehead, which was very cute.

I have to say that S.M is very well-founded in choosing artists. The five of them are practicing without makeup today, but their makeup is not very different.

Zhang Ping'an handed S.M's shopping bag to them: "I bought you ice cream."

Bae Zhuhyun reached out and took the ice cream and said with a smile: "Thank you, PD."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Eat some ice cream and rest for a while. Put on your clothes. It's easy to catch a cold due to the alternation of hot and cold."

The clothes they put on the rest area were all long down jackets. Wearing these clothes might make them feel a little hot. Seulgi smiled and said to Zhang Pingan: "I just danced a lap, and it's still relatively hot now." , I’ll put it on later.”

Zhang Pingan smiled and took out two tissues from the side and handed them to Seulgi: "Wipe off the sweat first."

Pei Zhuxuan smiled and took the tissue and wiped Seulqi's forehead. Zhang Pingan sat casually with the five people from Hong Beibei. When they were eating ice cream, Zhang Pingan said: "Look at the results of your practice. , the album will be released early next year, right?”

Bae Zhuhyun nodded and said: "Well, this comeback is planned for early next year, but we have not been notified of the specific release time."

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "It's really exciting at the beginning of next year. I now know that the albums that will be released early next year include Bae Suzy's SOLO, Lee Ji-eun's album, Taeyeon's, and yours."

Hearing that the people Zhang Pingan said were all music overlords, or the extremely popular national first love, Bae Zhuhyun was a little surprised and said: "Early next year, will there be so many people releasing albums? And IU seniors are also going to release an album. ?”

As artists from S.M. Company, they will definitely arrange to release their albums at a staggered time with Taeyeon. If they missed Taeyeon and bumped into another music overlord, Li Zhien, then it would be impossible for them to steal one from Li Zhien.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Well, it's early next year, but I'll ask Zhien another day for the specific release time. At that time, when you look at the timing of the release, it's best to stagger her. I don't think you can Taking the first place from Lee Ji-eun. Last time at the "No Choice Gayo Festival", G-Dragon and Yoo Jae-seok's combination had good results at the beginning, but within a day, Lee Ji-eun took over the first place. It can be seen that Li Zhien’s performance in music charts belongs to this..."

Zhang Pingan said that at the end, he had to give a thumbs up!

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